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  • 1 malsana curiosidad

    Испанско-русский универсальный словарь > malsana curiosidad

  • 2 curiosidad malsana

    morbid curiosity.

    Spanish-English dictionary > curiosidad malsana

  • 3 enfermizo

    1 sickly, unhealthy, infirm, lank.
    2 ailing.
    * * *
    1 sickly, unhealthy
    2 figurado morbid, unhealthy
    * * *
    ADJ [persona] sickly; [mente] morbid; [pasión] morbid, unhealthy
    * * *
    - za adjetivo unhealthy, sickly

    de aspecto enfermizo — unhealthy-looking, sickly-looking

    * * *
    = unhealthy, sickly, debilitating, nesh, poor health.
    Ex. I would venture to guess that he would have characterized these suggestions as the eructation of unhealthy souls'.
    Ex. In this novel, the plot involves two lovers who seek to take advantage of a sickly heiress.
    Ex. It is argued that years of 'making do' with inadequate resources has had a debilitating effect upon the ability of senior SLIS staff to formulate effective long term plans.
    Ex. Usually, half of us would sleep on the ground outside and the other half would go for the nesh option of sleeping in a tent or hut.
    Ex. Much of his later life he lived in reclusion, loneliness, poor health, and despair.
    * * *
    - za adjetivo unhealthy, sickly

    de aspecto enfermizo — unhealthy-looking, sickly-looking

    * * *
    = unhealthy, sickly, debilitating, nesh, poor health.

    Ex: I would venture to guess that he would have characterized these suggestions as the eructation of unhealthy souls'.

    Ex: In this novel, the plot involves two lovers who seek to take advantage of a sickly heiress.
    Ex: It is argued that years of 'making do' with inadequate resources has had a debilitating effect upon the ability of senior SLIS staff to formulate effective long term plans.
    Ex: Usually, half of us would sleep on the ground outside and the other half would go for the nesh option of sleeping in a tent or hut.
    Ex: Much of his later life he lived in reclusion, loneliness, poor health, and despair.

    * * *
    1 ‹persona› unhealthy, sickly
    una mujer de aspecto enfermizo an unhealthy-looking o a sickly-looking woman
    2 ‹pasión/curiosidad› unhealthy
    * * *

    ◊ -za adjetivo

    unhealthy, sickly;
    de aspecto enfermizo unhealthy-looking
    enfermizo,-a adjetivo unhealthy, sickly

    ' enfermizo' also found in these entries:
    - delicado
    - enfermiza
    - malsana
    - malsano
    - enclenque
    - infirm
    - sickly
    - unhealthy
    * * *
    enfermizo, -a adj
    1. [persona] sickly
    2. [interés, pasión, curiosidad] unhealthy
    * * *
    adj unhealthy
    * * *
    enfermizo, -za adj
    : sickly
    * * *
    enfermizo adj sickly [comp. sicklier; superl. sickliest]

    Spanish-English dictionary > enfermizo

  • 4 malsano

    1 unwholesome, morbid.
    2 unhealthy, unsanitary, insalubrious, unwholesome.
    * * *
    1 (ambiente, vida) unhealthy; (curiosidad) morbid, unhealthy; (mente) sick
    * * *
    1) [clima] unhealthy
    2) (=perverso) [curiosidad, fascinación] morbid; [mente] sick, morbid
    * * *
    - na adjetivo <clima/lugar> unhealthy; < lectura> unhealthy, unwholesome; < influencia> bad, unhealthy
    * * *
    = unhealthy, unwholesome, insalubrious.
    Ex. I would venture to guess that he would have characterized these suggestions as the eructation of unhealthy souls'.
    Ex. The text raises the possibility that there might be something unwholesome in the Buddhist obsession with hell.
    Ex. Specific actions are those which are intended to reinforce the fight against specific medical conditions related to insalubrious living.
    * * *
    - na adjetivo <clima/lugar> unhealthy; < lectura> unhealthy, unwholesome; < influencia> bad, unhealthy
    * * *
    = unhealthy, unwholesome, insalubrious.

    Ex: I would venture to guess that he would have characterized these suggestions as the eructation of unhealthy souls'.

    Ex: The text raises the possibility that there might be something unwholesome in the Buddhist obsession with hell.
    Ex: Specific actions are those which are intended to reinforce the fight against specific medical conditions related to insalubrious living.

    * * *
    malsano -na
    1 ‹clima/lugar› unhealthy
    2 ‹lectura› unhealthy, unwholesome; ‹influencia› bad, unhealthy
    * * *

    ◊ -na adjetivo ‹clima/lugar unhealthy;

    influencia bad, unhealthy
    malsano,-a adjetivo
    1 (insano) unhealthy: los efluvios malsanos del pantano, the foul stench emanating from the swamp
    2 (enfermizo) siente un odio malsano hacia ella, he has a sick hatred for her
    ' malsano' also found in these entries:
    - perverse
    - sick
    - unhealthy
    - insanitary
    * * *
    malsano, -a adj
    1. [para la salud] unhealthy
    2. [enfermizo] unhealthy, unwholesome;
    un interés malsano por controlar a la gente an unhealthy desire to control people
    * * *
    adj unhealthy
    * * *
    malsano, -na adj
    : unhealthy

    Spanish-English dictionary > malsano

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