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  • 41 fraternity

    n. broderskap; union; studentförening (i USA); vänskaplighet; broderlighet
    * * *
    plural - fraternities; noun
    1) (a company of people who regard each other as equals, eg monks.) brödraskap
    2) (a company of people with the same interest, job etc: the banking fraternity.) samfund, förening, gille
    3) ((American) a society of male students in various universities.) studentförening

    English-Swedish dictionary > fraternity

  • 42 gander

    n. gåskarl; titt (slang)
    * * *
    (a male goose.) gåskarl

    English-Swedish dictionary > gander

  • 43 groom

    n. brudgum; stalldräng, hästskötare
    v. vårda; sköta om (oftast angående hästar); rykta (oftast angående hästar)
    * * *
    [ɡru:m] 1. noun
    1) (a person who looks after horses: a groom at the stables.) stalldräng
    2) (a bridegroom, male partner of the bride.) brudgum
    2. verb
    1) (to clean, brush etc a horse's coat: The horses were groomed for the horse show.) rykta
    2) (to prepare for some task, purpose etc: She's being groomed as a possible successor to our head of department.) träna, förbereda, trimma

    English-Swedish dictionary > groom

  • 44 hero

    n. hjälte
    * * *
    ['hiərəu] 1. plural - heroes; noun
    1) (a man or boy admired (by many people) for his brave deeds: The boy was regarded as a hero for saving his friend's life.) hjälte, hjältinna
    2) (the chief male person in a story, play etc: The hero of this book is a young American boy called Tom Sawyer.) huvudperson, hjälte, hjältinna
    - heroically
    - heroism
    - hero-worship
    2. verb
    (to show such admiration for (someone): The boy hero-worshipped the footballer.) dyrka som en hjälte, se upp till ngn som till en hjälte

    English-Swedish dictionary > hero

  • 45 jackass

    n. åsna; fårskalle, dummerjöns
    * * *
    1) (a male ass.) åsnehingst
    2) (a stupid person: the silly jackass!) åsna, dumskalle

    English-Swedish dictionary > jackass

  • 46 king

    n. King (namn; Martin Luther, viktig afro-amerikansk ledare i USA)
    * * *
    1) (a male ruler of a nation, who inherits his position by right of birth: He became king when his father died; King Charles III.) kung
    2) (the playing-card with the picture of a king: I have two cards - the ten of spades and the king of diamonds.) kung
    3) (the most important piece in chess.) kung
    - kingly
    - kingliness
    - kingfisher
    - king-sized
    - king-size

    English-Swedish dictionary > king

  • 47 lion

    n. lejon; modig person; berömdhet, celebritet
    * * *
    feminine - lioness; noun
    (a type of large, flesh-eating animal of the cat family, the male of which has a long, coarse mane.) lejon, lejoninna

    English-Swedish dictionary > lion

  • 48 mane

    n. man, hårman
    * * *
    (the long hair on the back of the neck of a horse, lion etc: The male of the lion has a mane.) man

    English-Swedish dictionary > mane

  • 49 manhood

    n. manlighet; mannaålder; mod; människonatur; alla män
    * * *
    1) ((of a male) the state of being adult, physically (and mentally) mature etc: He died before he reached manhood.) mannaålder
    2) (manly qualities: He took her refusal to marry him as an insult to his manhood.) manlighet, mandom

    English-Swedish dictionary > manhood

  • 50 manservant

    n. betjänt
    * * *
    plural - menservants; noun (a male servant (especially one employed as a valet): He has only one manservant.) betjänt

    English-Swedish dictionary > manservant

  • 51 masculine

    adj. av manligt kön; manlig, maskulin; stark, kraftfull
    n. maskulin form (inom grammatik)
    * * *
    1) (of the male sex: masculine qualities.) manlig, maskulin
    2) (in certain languages, of one of usually two or three genders of nouns etc: Is the French word for `door' masculine or feminine?) maskulin

    English-Swedish dictionary > masculine

  • 52 master

    adj. huvuds-; ledar-; mästar-, mäster-
    n. herre; härskare; lärare, rektor; arbetsgivare; konstnär; mästare; (ärande smeknamn till) ung son i familj
    v. behärska; bemästra; sätta sig in i, lära sig
    * * *
    1. feminine - mistress; noun
    1) (a person or thing that commands or controls: I'm master in this house!) husbonde, husfader, herre
    2) (an owner (of a slave, dog etc): The dog ran to its master.) husse
    3) (a male teacher: the Maths master.) lärare, magister
    4) (the commander of a merchant ship: the ship's master.) kapten, befälhavare
    5) (a person very skilled in an art, science etc: He's a real master at painting.) mästare
    6) ((with capital) a polite title for a boy, in writing or in speaking: Master John Smith.) unge herr
    2. adjective
    ((of a person in a job) fully qualified, skilled and experienced: a master builder/mariner/plumber.) mästerlig, mästar-, mäster-
    3. verb
    1) (to overcome (an opponent, handicap etc): She has mastered her fear of heights.) övervinna, övermanna, få bukt med
    2) (to become skilful in: I don't think I'll ever master arithmetic.) [] behärska
    - masterfully
    - masterfulness
    - masterly
    - masterliness
    - mastery
    - master key
    - mastermind
    4. verb
    (to plan (such a scheme): Who masterminded the robbery?) vara hjärnan bakom, leda
    - master stroke
    - master switch
    - master of ceremonies

    English-Swedish dictionary > master

  • 53 Mister

    n. herr
    * * *
    ((abbreviated to Mr when written) a polite title given to a male adult, either in writing or in speech: Good morning, Mr Smith; Ask Mr Jones.) herr[]

    English-Swedish dictionary > Mister

  • 54 model

    adj. idealisk, exemplarisk
    n. modell, mönster, förebild; fotomodell; mannekäng; avbild; ideal
    v. designa, formgiva; visa (kläder); arbeta som modell
    * * *
    ['modl] 1. noun
    1) (a copy or representation of something usually on a much smaller scale: a model of the Taj Mahal; ( also adjective) a model aeroplane.) modell
    2) (a particular type or design of something, eg a car, that is manufactured in large numbers: Our car is a 1999 model.) modell
    3) (a person who wears clothes etc so that possible buyers can see them being worn: He has a job as a male fashion model.) fotomodell, mannekäng
    4) (a person who is painted, sculpted, photographed etc by an artist, photographer etc: I work as an artist's model.) modell
    5) (something that can be used to copy from.) modell
    6) (a person or thing which is an excellent example: She is a model of politeness; ( also adjective) model behaviour.) mönster, förebild
    2. verb
    1) (to wear (clothes etc) to show them to possible buyers: They model (underwear) for a living.) vara (arbeta som) fotomodell (mannekäng) för
    2) (to work or pose as a model for an artist, photographer etc: She models at the local art school.) vara (arbeta som) []modell för
    3) (to make models (of things or people): to model (the heads of famous people) in clay.) avbilda
    4) (to form (something) into a (particular) shape: She modelled the clay into the shape of a penguin; She models herself on her older sister.) modellera, försöka efterlikna, ta efter

    English-Swedish dictionary > model

  • 55 monk

    n. munk
    * * *
    (a member of a male religious group, who lives in a monastery, away from the rest of society.) munk

    English-Swedish dictionary > monk

  • 56 neuter

    adj. neutral; planlös; könlös
    n. neutrum (inom grammatik); kastrerat djur; officer
    v. kastrera
    * * *
    1) (in certain languages, of the gender which is neither masculine nor feminine: a neuter noun.) neutral, neutrum-
    2) (without sex: Worker bees are neuter, being neither male nor female.) könlös

    English-Swedish dictionary > neuter

  • 57 nipple

    n. bröstvårta
    * * *
    1) (the darker, pointed part of a woman's breast from which a baby sucks milk; the equivalent part of a male breast.) bröstvårta
    2) ((American) the rubber mouth-piece of a baby's feeding-bottle; a teat.) napp

    English-Swedish dictionary > nipple

  • 58 pansy

    n. fikus, bög; penseР'Т' (blomma)
    * * *
    1) (- plural pansies - noun a kind of small flower.) pensé
    2) ((slang) a male homosexual.) fikus

    English-Swedish dictionary > pansy

  • 59 parent

    n. förälder; far; mor
    * * *
    1) (one of the two persons etc (one male and one female) who are jointly the cause of one's birth.) förälder
    2) (a person with the legal position of a mother or father eg by adoption.) målsman
    - parental
    - parenthood

    English-Swedish dictionary > parent

  • 60 patriarch

    n. patriark; hemmets överhuvud
    * * *
    1) (the male head of a family or tribe.) patriark
    2) (especially in the Eastern Orthodox Church, a high-ranking bishop.) patriark

    English-Swedish dictionary > patriarch

См. также в других словарях:

  • mâle — mâle …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • mâle — [ mal ] n. et adj. • masle, mascleXIIe; lat. masculus I ♦ N. m. 1 ♦ Individu appartenant au sexe doué du pouvoir de fécondation ⇒ chromosome. Le mâle et la femelle. Le mâle dans l espèce humaine. ⇒ homme. Nom donné aux mâles dans certaines… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Malé — Malé …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Malé — Vista aérea de Malé …   Wikipedia Español

  • Male — Male, a. [F. m[^a]le, OF. masle, mascle, fr. L. masculus male, masculine, dim. of mas a male; possibly akin to E. man. Cf. {Masculine}, {Marry}, v. t.] 1. Of or pertaining to the sex that begets or procreates young, or (in a wider sense) to the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Male — bezeichnet: Malé, die Hauptstadt der Malediven Malé (Insel), Insel, auf der sich die Hauptstadt befindet Malè, eine Gemeinde in der italienischen Provinz Trentino Male (Sizilien), kleiner Fluss auf Sizilien, mündet etwa 3 km westlich von Milazzo… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • male — adj Male, masculine, manly, manlike, mannish, manful, virile are comparable when meaning of, characteristic of, or like a male, especially of the human species. Male (opposed to female) applies to animals and plants as well as to human beings and …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Malè — Malè …   Wikipedia Español

  • male — male, masculine, manly 1. Both male and masculine entered the language from Old French in the 14c and rapidly took on distinct roles. Male is used as an adjective and noun, contrasting with the unrelated word female, to designate the sex of… …   Modern English usage

  • Malé — (dhivehi: މާލެ), es la capital de la República de Maldivas. La ciudad esta localizada en la isla de Malé, en el atolón de Malé. Una base de hidroaviones y un fondeadero de barcos están localizados en la isla. Malé es el centro del comercio de… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • male — [māl] adj. [ME < OFr male, masle < L masculus < mas (gen. maris), a male, man] 1. designating or of the sex that fertilizes the ovum of the female and begets offspring: biological symbol, ♂: cf. FEMALE 2. of, characteristic of, or… …   English World dictionary

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