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  • 1 makes

    • dělá

    English-Czech dictionary > makes

  • 2 absence makes the heart grow fonder

    • střídmost dělá srdce nežnější

    English-Czech dictionary > absence makes the heart grow fonder

  • 3 all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy

    • nepracuj příliš dlouho

    English-Czech dictionary > all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy

  • 4 make

    [meik] 1. past tense, past participle - made; verb
    1) (to create, form or produce: God made the Earth; She makes all her own clothes; He made it out of paper; to make a muddle/mess of the job; to make lunch/coffee; We made an arrangement/agreement/deal/bargain.) (s)tvořit; (u)dělat; sjednat
    2) (to compel, force or cause (a person or thing to do something): They made her do it; He made me laugh.) přimět
    3) (to cause to be: I made it clear; You've made me very unhappy.) učinit
    4) (to gain or earn: He makes $100 a week; to make a profit.) vydělat; dosáhnout
    5) ((of numbers etc) to add up to; to amount to: 2 and 2 make(s) 4.) činit, dělat
    6) (to become, turn into, or be: He'll make an excellent teacher.) být, stát se
    7) (to estimate as: I make the total 483.) ocenit (na)
    8) (to appoint, or choose, as: He was made manager.) ustanovit
    9) (used with many nouns to give a similar meaning to that of the verb from which the noun is formed: He made several attempts (= attempted several times); They made a left turn (= turned left); He made (= offered) a suggestion/proposal; Have you any comments to make?) učinit
    2. noun
    (a (usually manufacturer's) brand: What make is your new car?) značka
    - making
    - make-believe
    - make-over
    - makeshift
    - make-up
    - have the makings of
    - in the making
    - make a/one's bed
    - make believe
    - make do
    - make for
    - make it
    - make it up
    - make something of something
    - make of something
    - make something of
    - make of
    - make out
    - make over
    - make up
    - make up for
    - make up one's mind
    - make up to
    * * *
    • učinit
    • ušít
    • udělat
    • vytvářet
    • vyrábět
    • vyrobit
    • vytvořit
    • zhotovit
    • přinutit
    • realizovat
    • provést
    • make/made/made
    • dělat
    • činit

    English-Czech dictionary > make

  • 5 booby trap

    1) (a bomb hidden in an object which explodes when it is touched.) nastražená výbušnina/bomba
    2) (a simple trap that makes you fall or makes something fall on you etc.) nástraha

    English-Czech dictionary > booby trap

  • 6 account

    1) (an arrangement by which a person keeps his money in a bank: I have (opened) an account with the local bank.) účet, konto
    2) (a statement of money owing: Send me an account.) účet
    3) (a description or explanation (of something that has happened): a full account of his holiday.) popis, zpráva; vysvětlení
    4) (an arrangement by which a person makes a regular (eg monthly) payment instead of paying at the time of buying: I have an account at Smiths.) splátkový účet
    5) ((usually in plural) a record of money received and spent: You must keep your accounts in order; ( also adjective) an account book.) účty; účetní
    - accountant
    - account for
    - on account of
    - on my/his etc account
    - on my/his account
    - on no account
    - take something into account
    - take into account
    - take account of something
    - take account of
    * * *
    • účtovat
    • účet
    • výčet
    • vyúčtování
    • vyúčtovat
    • zúčtovat
    • počítání
    • konto

    English-Czech dictionary > account

  • 7 adhesion

    [əd'hi:ʒən] 1. noun
    (the act or quality of adhering (to).) lpění, oddanost
    2. noun
    (a substance which makes things stick: The tiles would not stick as he was using the wrong adhesive.) lepidlo
    * * *
    • přilnavost
    • srůst
    • adheze

    English-Czech dictionary > adhesion

  • 8 amenity

    plural - amenities; noun
    (something that makes life more pleasant or convenient: This part of town has a lot of amenities - good shops, parks etc.) půvab, pohodlí, dobré vybavení
    * * *
    • vybavení

    English-Czech dictionary > amenity

  • 9 and

    [ənd, ænd]
    1) (joining two statements, pieces of information etc: I opened the door and went inside; The hat was blue and red; a mother and child.) a
    2) (in addition to: 2 and 2 makes 4.) a, plus
    3) (as a result of which: Try hard and you will succeed.) a
    4) (used instead of `to' with a verb: Do try and come!)
    * * *
    • i
    • a

    English-Czech dictionary > and

  • 10 anorexia

    ((also anorexia nervosa [-ne:(r)'vousə]) an abnormal fear of being fat that makes people, especially girls and young women, starve themselves: She suffers from anorexia and refuses to eat.) anorexie
    - anorectic
    * * *
    • chorobné nechutenství
    • anorexie

    English-Czech dictionary > anorexia

  • 11 approach

    [ə'prəu ] 1. verb
    (to come near (to): The car approached (the traffic lights) at top speed; Christmas is approaching.) přiblížit se (k)
    2. noun
    1) (the act of coming near: The boys ran off at the approach of a policeman.) příchod
    2) (a road, path etc leading to a place: All the approaches to the village were blocked by fallen rock.) přístup
    3) (an attempt to obtain or attract a person's help, interest etc: They have made an approach to the government for help; That fellow makes approaches to (= he tries to become friendly with) every woman he meets.) pokus (o sblížení, získání něčeho)
    - approaching
    * * *
    • postup
    • pojetí
    • přístup
    • přistoupit
    • přistupovat
    • přiblížit se k
    • přikročit
    • příchod
    • přiblížení
    • obrátit se na
    • koncepce
    • cesta
    • blížení
    • blížit se

    English-Czech dictionary > approach

  • 12 arbitrator

    noun (a person who makes a judgement in a dispute etc.) rozhodčí
    * * *
    • rozhodčí
    • arbitr

    English-Czech dictionary > arbitrator

  • 13 authority

    plural - authorities; noun
    1) (the power or right to do something: He gave me authority to act on his behalf.) pravomoc
    2) (a person who is an expert, or a book that can be referred to, on a particular subject: He is an authority on Roman history.) odborník
    3) ((usually in plural) the person or people who have power in an administration etc: The authorities would not allow public meetings.) úřady
    4) (a natural quality in a person which makes him able to control and influence people: a man of authority.) autorita
    - authoritative
    * * *
    • úřad
    • pravomoc
    • pověření
    • oprávnění
    • autorita

    English-Czech dictionary > authority

  • 14 bee

    1) (a four-winged insect that makes honey.) včela
    2) ((especially American) a meeting for combined work and enjoyment: a knitting bee.) kroužek
    - beeswax
    - a bee in one's bonnet
    - make a bee-line for
    * * *
    • včela

    English-Czech dictionary > bee

  • 15 blacksmith

    noun (a person who makes and repairs by hand things made of iron: The blacksmith made a new shoe for the horse.) kovář
    * * *
    • kovář

    English-Czech dictionary > blacksmith

  • 16 breathless

    adjective (having difficulty in breathing normally: His asthma makes him breathless; He was breathless after climbing the hill.) udýchaný
    * * *
    • udýchaný
    • neživý

    English-Czech dictionary > breathless

  • 17 bronchitis

    (inflammation of the air passages in the lungs, causing difficulty in breathing: Wet weather makes his bronchitis worse.) zánět průdušek
    * * *
    • bronchitida

    English-Czech dictionary > bronchitis

  • 18 businessman

    feminine - businesswoman; noun (a person who makes a living from some form of trade or commerce, not from one of the professions.) obchodník, podnikatel
    * * *
    • podnikatel
    • obchodník

    English-Czech dictionary > businessman

  • 19 camouflage

    1. noun
    (something, eg protective colouring, that makes an animal, person, building etc difficult for enemies to see against the background: The tiger's stripes are an effective camouflage in the jungle; The soldiers wound leaves and twigs round their helmets as camouflage.) maskování
    2. verb
    (to conceal with camouflage.) (za)maskovat
    * * *
    • kamufláž
    • maskování
    • maskovat

    English-Czech dictionary > camouflage

  • 20 carbon paper

    (a type of paper coated with carbon etc which makes a copy when placed between the sheets being written or typed.) kopírák
    * * *
    • uhelný papír

    English-Czech dictionary > carbon paper

См. также в других словарях:

  • Makes — * Makes und beikere Fisch. (Jüd. deutsch.) Schläge und faule Fische, d.h. doppelte Strafe …   Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon

  • Makes — Forêt des Makes La forêt des Makes est une forêt domaniale des Hauts de l Ouest de l île de La Réunion, département d outre mer français et région ultrapériphérique de l Union européenne dans le sud ouest de l océan Indien. Au nord est, sa partie …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Makes Me Wonder — Single by Maroon 5 from the album It Won t Be Soon Before Long …   Wikipedia

  • Makes the Whole World Kin — Author O. Henry Country  United States Language …   Wikipedia

  • Makes Me Wonder — Single par Maroon 5 extrait de l’album It Won t Be Soon Before Long Sortie 2007 Durée 3:31 Genre Pop Rock, funk rock, synthpop Format …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Makes Me Wanna Die — «Makes Me Wanna Die» Сингл Tricky из альбома Pre Millennium Tension Выпущен 21 апреля …   Википедия

  • Makes Me Wonder — «Makes Me Wonder» 200px Sencillo de Maroon 5 del álbum It Won t Be Soon Before Long Lado B The Way I Was, Story Formato CD single, descarga digital Grabación 2006 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Makes No Sense at All — Single by Hüsker Dü from the album Flip Your Wig Released August 1985 Recorded March June 1985 Genre …   Wikipedia

  • Makes No Difference — «Makes No Difference» Сингл Sum 41 из альбома Half Hour of Power Выпущен 2000 Формат CD …   Википедия

  • Makes Me Wonder — «Makes Me Wonder» Сингл Maroon 5 из альбома It Won t Be Soon Before Long Выпущен 27 марта, 2007 Формат CD Жанр фанк рок Композитор …   Википедия

  • Makes Me Happy — Single by Drake Bell from the album It s Only Time Releas …   Wikipedia

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