Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 make friends (with)

    (to start a friendly relationship; to become friends with someone: The child tried to make friends with the dog.) fazer amizade

    English-Portuguese dictionary > make friends (with)

  • 2 make friends (with)

    (to start a friendly relationship; to become friends with someone: The child tried to make friends with the dog.) fazer amizade

    English-Portuguese dictionary > make friends (with)

  • 3 make friends (with)

    (to start a friendly relationship; to become friends with someone: The child tried to make friends with the dog.) fazer amizade

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > make friends (with)

  • 4 make friends (with)

    (to start a friendly relationship; to become friends with someone: The child tried to make friends with the dog.) fazer amizade

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > make friends (with)

  • 5 you must make friends with them

    you must make friends with them
    você precisa fazer amizade com eles.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > you must make friends with them

  • 6 make it up

    1) (to become friends again after a quarrel: It's time you two made it up (with each other).) fazer as pazes
    2) (to give compensation or make amends for something: I'm sorry - I'll make it up to you somehow.) compensar

    English-Portuguese dictionary > make it up

  • 7 make it up

    1) (to become friends again after a quarrel: It's time you two made it up (with each other).) reconciliar-se
    2) (to give compensation or make amends for something: I'm sorry - I'll make it up to you somehow.) compensar

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > make it up

  • 8 make up

    1) (to invent: He made up the whole story.) inventar
    2) (to compose or be part(s) of: The group was made up of doctors and lawyers.) constituir(-se)
    3) (to complete: We need one more player - will you make up the number(s)?) completar
    4) (to apply cosmetics to (the face): I don't like to see women making up (their faces) in public.) maquilhar(-se)
    5) (to become friends again (after a quarrel etc): They've finally made up (their disagreement).) fazer as pazes

    English-Portuguese dictionary > make up

  • 9 make up

    1) (to invent: He made up the whole story.) inventar
    2) (to compose or be part(s) of: The group was made up of doctors and lawyers.) compor
    3) (to complete: We need one more player - will you make up the number(s)?) inteirar
    4) (to apply cosmetics to (the face): I don't like to see women making up (their faces) in public.) maquiar(-se)
    5) (to become friends again (after a quarrel etc): They've finally made up (their disagreement).) reconciliar-se

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > make up

  • 10 friend

    1) (someone who knows and likes another person very well: He is my best friend.) amigo
    2) (a person who acts in a friendly and generous way to people etc he or she does not know: a friend to animals.) amigo
    - friendly
    - friendship
    - make friends with
    - make friends
    * * *
    [frend] n amigo: a) conhecido, colega, companheiro. b) favorecedor, protetor, fautor. c) aliado, partidário, simpatizante. • vt ajudar, favorecer. a friend in need um amigo necessitado. a scout is a friend to all um escoteiro é amigo de todos. bosom friend amigo do peito. close friend amigo íntimo. he is a friend of/ to someone ele é amigo de. I am friends with her eu tenho amizade com ela. my learned friend Jur meu (estimado) colega. you have made a friend você conquistou um amigo. you must make friends with them você precisa fazer amizade com eles.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > friend

  • 11 friend

    1) (someone who knows and likes another person very well: He is my best friend.) amigo
    2) (a person who acts in a friendly and generous way to people etc he or she does not know: a friend to animals.) amigo
    - friendly - friendship - make friends with - make friends

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > friend

  • 12 friendly

    adjective (kind and willing to make friends: She is very friendly to everybody.) amigável
    * * *
    [fr'endli] n Brit coll amistoso (jogo, partida). • adj 1 amigável, amável, amigo, afável, benévolo, cordial, afetuoso. 2 amistoso, amical. 3 em boas relações, aliado, não hostil. 4 conciliador. 5 favorável, propício, conveniente, oportuno. 6 serviçal. • adv amigavelmente, com amizade, amavelmente. a friendly turn ato de amizade, rasgo de amigo. they are on friendly terms eles mantêm relações amigáveis.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > friendly

  • 13 friendly

    adjective (kind and willing to make friends: She is very friendly to everybody.) amigável

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > friendly

  • 14 certain

    ['sə:tn] 1. adjective
    1) (true or without doubt: It's certain that the world is round.) certo
    2) (sure: I'm certain he'll come; He is certain to forget; Being late is a certain way of losing one's job.) seguro
    3) (one or some, not definitely named: certain doctors; a certain Mrs Smith; (also pronoun) certain of his friends.) certo
    4) (slight; some: a certain hostility in his manner; a certain amount.) certo
    2. interjection
    (of course: `May I borrow your typewriter?' `Certainly!'; `Certainly not!') certamente
    - for certain
    - make certain
    * * *
    [s'ə:tən] n número ou quantidade indeterminada. • adj 1 certo, seguro. 2 claro, evidente, positivo, indubitável, incontestável, verdadeiro. 3 exato. 4 convencido. 5 infalível. 6. determinado. 7 um, algum, qualquer. a lady of a certain age uma senhora de idade não definida. for certain por certo, com certeza, sem dúvida. I know for certain / tenho certeza absoluta. I feel certain estou certo, não tenho dúvida. the fact is certain o fato é certo. to a certain extent, to a certain degree até um certo ponto. to make certain certificar-se, ter certeza.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > certain

  • 15 alert

    [ə'lə:t] 1. adjective
    1) (quick-thinking: She's very old but still very alert.) vivo
    2) ((with to) watchful and aware: You must be alert to danger.) alerta
    2. noun
    (a signal to be ready for action.) alarme
    3. verb
    (to make (someone) alert; to warn: The sound of gunfire alerted us to our danger.) alertar
    - alertness
    - on the alert
    * * *
    [əl'ə:t] n 1 alerta, alarme. 2 sinal de prontidão. • vt alertar, alarmar, prevenir. he alerted his friends against danger / ele alertou os seus amigos sobre o perigo. • adj 1 atento, vigilante, alerta, cauteloso. 2 vivo, ativo, ágil, ligeiro. to be on the alert estar de prontidão ou vigilante, precaver-se.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > alert

  • 16 call

    [ko:l] 1. verb
    1) (to give a name to: My name is Alexander but I'm called Sandy by my friends) chamar.
    2) (to regard (something) as: I saw you turn that card over - I call that cheating.) chamar
    3) (to speak loudly (to someone) to attract attention etc: Call everyone over here; She called louder so as to get his attention.) chamar
    4) (to summon; to ask (someone) to come (by letter, telephone etc): They called him for an interview for the job; He called a doctor.) chamar
    5) (to make a visit: I shall call at your house this evening; You were out when I called.) visitar
    6) (to telephone: I'll call you at 6 p.m.) telefonar
    7) ((in card games) to bid.) apostar
    2. noun
    1) (an exclamation or shout: a call for help.) grito
    2) (the song of a bird: the call of a blackbird.) canto
    3) (a (usually short) visit: The teacher made a call on the boy's parents.) visita
    4) (the act of calling on the telephone: I've just had a call from the police.) chamada
    5) ((usually with the) attraction: the call of the sea.) apelo
    6) (a demand: There's less call for coachmen nowadays.) procura
    7) (a need or reason: You've no call to say such things!) razão
    - calling
    - call-box
    - call for
    - call off
    - call on
    - call up
    - give someone a call
    - give a call
    - on call
    * * *
    [kɔ:l] n 1 grito, clamor, brado, berro. 2 grito ou voz (de animais), pio, latido. 3 chamariz, reclamo, chama (para atrair aves). 4 convite, solicitação, intimação, pedido. 5 chamado, chamamento, apelo. 6 Eccl chamamento divino, vocação. she decided that she must answer the call and become a nun / ela decidiu que precisa responder ao chamado de Deus e tornar-se freira. 7 visita breve. 8 telefonema, ligação telefônica. there was a call for you / tinha uma ligação telefônica para você. 9 Brit Jur admissão ao foro como advogado. 10 Com a opção de compra, direito de resgate de dívida. • vt+vi 1 chamar(-se). 2 denominar, intitular, apelidar, dar o nome de. the month is called July after Julius Caesar / o mês chama-se julho em homenagem a Júlio César. 3 qualificar, classificar. I call that truly kind / acho isso realmente amável. 4 citar, mencionar. 5 nomear, designar. what do you call pencil in Portuguese? / que quer dizer pencil em português? 6 pedir para vir, mandar vir. 7 reclamar o pagamento de. 8 invocar, apelar para, recorrer a. 9 fazer a chamada de. 10 atrair (aves, com chamariz). 11 reclamar, exigir a presença de. 12 proclamar. the banns were called / foi feito o proclama, o casamento foi anunciado. 13 fazer entrar em discussão (caso no foro). 14 visitar, entrar de passagem. 15 telefonar, chamar ao telefone. 16 poker pagar para ver as cartas. 17 bridge fazer um lance. 18 baseball terminar o jogo (por causas acidentais). 19 soar para a chamada (corneta, etc.). 20 apregoar (mercadorias). 21 Jur admitir no foro como advogado. 22 Comp chamar o arquivo. 23 tirar a sorte com uma moeda para decidir quem começa um jogo. 24 Amer exigir pagamento imediato ou em uma data específica. an overseas call uma ligação telefônica internacional. a person-to-person phone call ligação telefônica de pessoa para pessoa. call it a day! coll vamos dar por encerrado! call-money, money at call empréstimo exigível a qualquer momento. call of nature Euphem necessidade de urinar ou defecar. call to arms convocação às armas. call to the bar admissão a advogado no foro. collect call ligação telefônica a cobrar. he calls a spade a spade ele dá nomes aos bois. I called the whole street coll percorri toda a rua de porta em porta. long-distance call chamada interurbana. on call pronto para atender, principalmente em casos de emergência. please call me tomorrow at six o’clock faça o favor de acordar-me amanhã às 6 horas. port of call porto de escala. postman’s call vinda do carteiro. roll call chamada de alunos, recrutas, etc. telephone call telefonema. the postman has called o carteiro esteve aqui. there is no call for não há procura para. there is no call for you to be rude / não há motivo para você ser tão rude. to be called upon to ser obrigado a (fazer alguma coisa). I was called upon to help / pediram-me que ajudasse. to be within call 1 estar perto de alguém, estar ao alcance da voz. 2 estar às ordens de alguém, estar à disposição. to call a halt fazer parar, opor-se a. to call a meeting convocar uma reunião. to call aside chamar à parte. to call a strike convocar trabalhadores para a greve. to call at 1 visitar, entrar ou visitar de passagem, vir ou comparecer. may I call at your house? / permite-me visitá-lo? 2 passar, fazer paragem em. the ship called at Liverpool / o navio aportou em Liverpool. 3 Naut tocar em, fazer escala por. to call attention to chamar a atenção para. may I call your attention to / permita-me chamar-lhe a atenção para. to call away 1 afastar, chamar de volta para. 2 desviar, distrair (a atenção). to call back 1 mandar voltar, chamar de volta, pedir que volte. 2 visitar novamente, telefonar novamente. 3 retornar um chamado telefônico. to call collect fazer um telefonema a cobrar. to call down 1 mandar descer, pedir que desça. 2 invocar. he called down curses upon me / ele invocou a ira do céu contra mim. 3 Amer coll ralhar, repreender. to call for 1 pedir os serviços de. 2 chamar à cena (atores). 3 pedir, requerer demandar, exigir. your criticism was not called for / ninguém pediu sua opinião. 4 perguntar por. 5 ir buscar alguém, mandar chamar alguém. to call forth 1 fazer surgir, trazer à tona, inspirar. to call in 1 mandar entrar, pedir que entre. 2 convocar, consultar, pedir conselho, auxílio a. 3 retirar, recolher (dinheiro de circulação). 4 sacar uma quantia, cobrar (dívidas). 5 visitar de passagem. to call in question 1 pôr em dúvida, duvidar. 2 chamar para exame, para argüição. to call into being criar, dar existência a. to call into play efetuar, fazer operar, realizar. to call it quits coll parar ou terminar uma relação. to call off 1 revogar, mandar voltar. 2 desviar, distrair. 3 dissuadir. 4 cancelar. to call on 1 invocar, apelar, recorrer. 2 pagar uma visita, visitar de passagem. I called on her at her house / visitei-a. 3 pedir explicações. 4 reclamar, exigir pagamento. to call one’s bluff desmascarar. she called his bluff and he admitted he was lying / ela o desmascarou e ele confessou que estava mentindo. to call one’s hand or trump mostrar o jogo. to call one’s own possuir, considerar como de sua propriedade. I have nothing to call my own / não possuo nada que possa chamar meu. to call out 1 gritar, berrar, vociferar. 2 desafiar, provocar (para um duelo). 3 chamar, fazer a chamada de, citar (para fazer algum serviço). 4 evocar. 5 Amer coll convidar para dançar. to call over ler (uma lista) em voz alta, fazer a chamada de. to call someone names descompor, xingar ou injuriar alguém, dizer palavras injuriosas a alguém. to call the roll fazer a chamada (de alunos, soldados, etc.). to call the shots coll ser responsável, mandar. to call to account pedir explicações, pedir contas. to call to mind trazer à lembrança, recordar-se. to call up 1 mandar subir. 2 evocar, trazer à lembrança, lembrar, recordar. 3 telefonar. 4 citar, intimar. 5 instigar fazer falar. 6 fazer entrar em ação ou discussão. 7 Comp instruir o computador para apresentar informação. 8 exigir pagamento de. to call upon 1 recorrer a, apelar para, rogar a. I called upon him for advice / fui pedir-lhe um conselho. 2 visitar, ir ver alguém. to give someone a call chamar, telefonar a alguém. to have first call ter prioridade. he has first call on his daughter’s time / ele tem prioridade no horário (tempo) da sua filha.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > call

  • 17 contact

    ['kontækt] 1. noun
    1) (physical touch or nearness: Her hands came into contact with acid; Has she been in contact with measles?) contacto
    2) (communication: I've lost contact with all my old friends; We have succeeded in making (radio) contact with the ship; How can I get in contact with him?) contacto
    3) (a person with influence, knowledge etc which might be useful: I made several good contacts in London.) contacto
    4) ((a place where) a wire etc carrying electric current (may be attached): the contacts on the battery.) contacto
    5) (a person who has been near someone with an infectious disease: We must trace all known contacts of the cholera victim.) contacto
    6) (a person or thing that provides a means of communicating with someone: His radio is his only contact with the outside world.) contacto
    2. verb
    (to get in touch with in order to give or share information etc: I'll contact you by telephone.) contactar
    * * *
    [k'ɔntækt] n 1 contato (também Math, Electr), toque. 2 ligação, conexão. 3 relação, comunicação. • vt+vi 1 entrar ou pôr em contato com. 2 comunicar-se com. 3 tocar(-se). • adj Amer que envolve contato. angle of contact Geom ângulo de contato. in contact em contato. point of contact Math ponto de contato. to break contact romper o contato. to make contact with estabelecer contato com.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > contact

  • 18 contribution

    1) (the act of contributing.) contribuição
    2) (something contributed, especially money: Would you like to make a contribution to this charity?) contribuição
    * * *
    [kɔntribj'u:ʃən] n 1 contribuição, ato de contribuir ou de auxiliar, colaboração. he laid all his friends under contribution to compile his book / ele valeu-se de todos os seus amigos para compilar seu livro. 2 dádiva, subscrição, donativo, auxílio. 3 artigo escrito para jornal ou revista. 4 taxa, tributo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > contribution

  • 19 corrupt

    1. verb
    (to make or become evil or bad: He was corrupted by the bad influence of two friends.) corromper
    2. adjective
    1) (bad or evil: The government is corrupt.) corrupto
    2) (impure: a corrupt form of English.) adulterado
    - corruptibility
    - corruption
    * * *
    [kər'∧pt] vt+vi 1 corromper(-se), perverter(-se), depravar(-se). 2 subornar, peitar. 3 adulterar, alterar, deturpar. 4 estragar-se, apodrecer. • adj 1 corrupto, depravado, pervertido. 2 desonesto, venal. 3 alterado, adulterado, deturpado. 4 estragado, podre, pútrido.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > corrupt

  • 20 play

    [plei] 1. verb
    1) (to amuse oneself: The child is playing in the garden; He is playing with his toys; The little girl wants to play with her friends.) brincar
    2) (to take part in (games etc): He plays football; He is playing in goal; Here's a pack of cards - who wants to play (with me)?; I'm playing golf with him this evening.) jogar
    3) (to act in a play etc; to act (a character): She's playing Lady Macbeth; The company is playing in London this week.) representar
    4) ((of a play etc) to be performed: `Oklahoma' is playing at the local theatre.) ser representado
    5) (to (be able to) perform on (a musical instrument): She plays the piano; Who was playing the piano this morning?; He plays (the oboe) in an orchestra.) tocar
    6) ((usually with on) to carry out or do (a trick): He played a trick on me.) pregar (partidas)
    7) ((usually with at) to compete against (someone) in a game etc: I'll play you at tennis.) jogar com
    8) ((of light) to pass with a flickering movement: The firelight played across the ceiling.) saltar
    9) (to direct (over or towards something): The firemen played their hoses over the burning house.) dirigir
    10) (to put down or produce (a playing-card) as part of a card game: He played the seven of hearts.) jogar
    2. noun
    1) (recreation; amusement: A person must have time for both work and play.) divertimento
    2) (an acted story; a drama: Shakespeare wrote many great plays.) peça
    3) (the playing of a game: At the start of today's play, England was leading India by fifteen runs.) jogo
    4) (freedom of movement (eg in part of a machine).) folga
    - playable
    - playful
    - playfully
    - playfulness
    - playboy
    - playground
    - playing-card
    - playing-field
    - playmate
    - playpen
    - playschool
    - plaything
    - playtime
    - playwright
    - at play
    - bring/come into play
    - child's play
    - in play
    - out of play
    - play at
    - play back
    - play down
    - play fair
    - play for time
    - play havoc with
    - play into someone's hands
    - play off
    - play off against
    - play on
    - play a
    - no part in
    - play safe
    - play the game
    - play up
    * * *
    [plei] n 1 jogo, partida, disputa. 2 divertimento, brincadeira. 3 folguedo, passatempo. 4 peça teatral ou cinematográfica. a play of Shaw (ou by Shaw) / uma peça de Shaw. 5 Mus execução, interpretação. 6 gracejo. 7 jogatina, modo de jogar. 8 Mech jogo, folga. 9 lance, jogada. 10 atividade, ação, movimento. • vt+vi 1 jogar, disputar. 2 brincar, folgar, divertir-se. 3 tocar (instrumentos musicais), executar. 4 agir, proceder. 5 vibrar, oscilar, tremular. 6 representar, desempenhar. 7 Mech jogar, ter folga. 8 pôr em movimento, movimentar, acionar. 9 bancar, fingir. 10 apostar. 11 imitar. at play em jogo. at the play no teatro. in full play em plena atividade. play in the gear folga no jogo da engrenagem. play of colours jogo de cores. said in play dito por brincadeira. they are played out eles estão esgotados. they play a losing game eles procedem sem chance de sucesso. they played the devil with him eles o maltratavam. to bring into play movimentar, acionar. to give free play to one’s abilities proporcionar ambiente em que alguém possa desenvolver livremente as suas aptidões. to hold in play manter alguém ocupado. to make a play for 1 tentar obter. 2 tentar seduzir. to play about comportar-se sem responsabilidade. to play along cooperar ou concordar com alguém. to play a part 1 ajudar alguém a fazer algo. 2 representar um papel. to play around coll namorar, flertar. to play at 1 participar (de um jogo). 2 brincar com. 3 fazer de conta. to play a trick on pregar uma peça em. to play ball coll cooperar. to play down depreciar, negligenciar. to play fair agir corretamente. to play false enganar, trair. to play first violin ter papel preponderante. to play foul proceder incorretamente. to play horse with coll 1 fazer gato e sapato de. 2 desarrumar, lançar em desordem. to play house brincar de casinha. to play into a person’s hands favorecer alguém. to play off 1 fazer, agir, praticar. 2 dar espetáculo, fazer cenas. 3 fingir. 4 concluir um jogo. to play on (ou upon) tocar de leve, roçar. to play on (ou upon) words fazer trocadilhos. to play out 1 acabar, terminar. 2 fatigar, cansar, exaurir. 3 perder a eficácia. to play politics intrigar, maquinar, tramar. to play safe agir com cautela. to play the field espalhar esforço, interesses, afeições em muitas coisas ao mesmo tempo. to play the fool bancar o bobo. to play the game observar as regras do jogo, agir corretamente. to play the gentleman bancar o cavalheiro. to play the market jogar na bolsa, especular. to play up 1 começar a música. 2 redobrar os esforços. 3 mostrar-se firme e forte perante uma crise ou emergência. 4 destacar, salientar, dar ênfase. 5 enganar, trapacear. 6 provocar. 7 comportar-se de forma a não cooperar. 8 dar problemas, doer. to play up to sl 1 contracenar. 2 apoiar. 3 adular, bajular. to play with 1 brincar com. 2 jogar contra. 3 fazer pouco de. 4 masturbar. to play with fire brincar com fogo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > play

См. также в других словарях:

  • make friends — {v. phr.} To become friends; form a friendship. * /Mrs. Jones invited Bobby to her home to play with Don. She hoped that they would make friends with each other./ * /You can make friends with an elephant by giving him peanuts./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • make friends — {v. phr.} To become friends; form a friendship. * /Mrs. Jones invited Bobby to her home to play with Don. She hoped that they would make friends with each other./ * /You can make friends with an elephant by giving him peanuts./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • make friends — 1. To become friendly 2. To acquire friends • • • Main Entry: ↑make * * * make friends : to become someone s friend Sometimes it is hard for children to make new friends. often + …   Useful english dictionary

  • make friends — 1) to become friends make friends with: They made friends with the children next door. 2) to form friendships You ll make a lot of new friends at college …   English dictionary

  • make\ friends — v. phr. To become friends; form a friendship. Mrs. Jones invited Bobby to her home to play with Don. She hoped that they would make friends with each other. You can make friends with an elephant by giving him peanuts …   Словарь американских идиом

  • make friends — подружиться make friends with подружиться с made friends with подружился с …   English-Russian travelling dictionary

  • make friends — form friendships with people or animals She is shy and isn t able to make friends easily …   Idioms and examples

  • make friends (with somebody) — be/make ˈfriends (with sb) idiom to be/become a friend of sb • We ve been friends for years. • They had a quarrel, but they re friends again now. • Simon finds it hard to make friends with other children. Main entry: ↑f …   Useful english dictionary

  • make friends with — phrasal : to become friendly with : establish friendly relations with advised the child to make friends with as many of his classmates as possible compare make vt 24a …   Useful english dictionary

  • make friends — become friendly with, get connected to; make up, make peace …   English contemporary dictionary

  • make friends — act in a friendly way, become a friend of    Sally makes friends easily. People seem to like her …   English idioms

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