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  • 41 ἰσῶν

    make equal: fut part act masc voc sg
    make equal: fut part act neut nom /voc /acc sg
    make equal: fut part act masc nom sg (attic epic ionic)
    make equal: pres part act masc voc sg (doric aeolic)
    make equal: pres part act neut nom /voc /acc sg (doric aeolic)
    make equal: pres part act masc nom sg
    make equal: pres inf act (doric)

    Morphologia Graeca > ἰσῶν

  • 42 ισώμεθα

    make equal: fut ind mid 1st pl
    ἰ̱σώμεθα, ἰσόω
    make equal: imperf ind mp 1st pl (doric aeolic)
    make equal: pres subj mp 1st pl
    make equal: pres ind mp 1st pl (doric aeolic)
    ἰ̱σώμεθα, ἰσόω
    make equal: plup ind mp 1st pl
    ἰ̱σώμεθα, ἰσόω
    make equal: perf ind mp 1st pl
    make equal: imperf ind mp 1st pl (doric aeolic)

    Morphologia Graeca > ισώμεθα

  • 43 ἰσώμεθα

    make equal: fut ind mid 1st pl
    ἰ̱σώμεθα, ἰσόω
    make equal: imperf ind mp 1st pl (doric aeolic)
    make equal: pres subj mp 1st pl
    make equal: pres ind mp 1st pl (doric aeolic)
    ἰ̱σώμεθα, ἰσόω
    make equal: plup ind mp 1st pl
    ἰ̱σώμεθα, ἰσόω
    make equal: perf ind mp 1st pl
    make equal: imperf ind mp 1st pl (doric aeolic)

    Morphologia Graeca > ἰσώμεθα

  • 44 ausgleichen

    (unreg., trennb., hat -ge-)
    I v/t
    1. (Unterschiedliches) balance; (Gegensätze) cancel; (Unebenheiten, Unterschiede) level out; (Mangel, Verlust) compensate (for), make up for, outweigh; (Fehler) make good; (Nachteiliges) offset; (Meinungsverschiedenheiten, Konflikte) reconcile, settle, smooth over; (Spannungen) ease; ausgleichende Gerechtigkeit poetic justice
    2. WIRTS. (Konten) balance, settle; (Rechnung, Schulden) settle, pay
    II v/i
    1. SPORT equalize, Am. even the score
    2. (vermitteln) mediate, act as a mediator
    III v/refl (Gegensätze) cancel (out); (Unterschiede) even out; heute zahle ich, morgen du - das gleicht sich aus I’ll pay today, you can tomorrow - it balances ( oder evens) out
    * * *
    to counterbalance; to balance; to compensate; to square; to redeem; to level out; to settle; to equalize; to even out; to even up; to offset;
    sich ausgleichen
    to balance
    * * *
    aus|glei|chen sep
    1. vt
    Ungleichheit, Unterschiede to even out; Unebenheit to level out; Konto to balance; Schulden to settle; Verlust, Fehler to make good; Mangel to compensate for; Meinungsverschiedenheiten, Konflikte to reconcile

    etw durch etw áúsgleichen — to compensate for sth with sth/by doing sth

    áúsgleichende Gerechtigkeit — poetic justice

    auch ausgeglichen
    2. vi
    1) (SPORT) to equalize

    zum 1:1 áúsgleichen — to equalize the score at 1 all (Brit), to even up the score to 1 all (US)

    2) (= vermitteln) to act as a mediator

    áúsgleichendes Wesen — conciliatory manner

    3. vr
    to balance out; (Einnahmen und Ausgaben) to balance

    das gleicht sich wieder ausit balances itself out

    das gleicht sich dadurch aus, dass... — it's balanced out by the fact that...

    * * *
    1) (to undo the effect of a disadvantage etc: The love the child received from his grandmother compensated for the cruelty of his parents.) compensate
    2) (to make equal: If Jane would do some of Mary's typing, that would even the work out.) even out
    3) (to make equal: John did better in the maths exam than Jim and that evened up their marks.) even up
    4) (to make equal: Smith's goal evened the score.) even
    5) (to make or become equal: Our team were winning by one goal - but the other side soon equalized.) equalize
    6) (to make or become equal: Our team were winning by one goal - but the other side soon equalized.) equalise
    * * *
    I. vt
    etw [durch etw akk] \ausgleichen
    1. (glattstellen) to balance [or square] sth [with sth]
    Schulden [durch etw akk] \ausgleichen to settle debts [with sth]
    2. (korrigieren) to balance sth [with sth] sep
    die Unebenheiten eines Fußbodens \ausgleichen to even out a floor
    3. (wettmachen) to compensate for [or make good] sth [with sth/by doing sth]
    4. (ausbalancieren) to reconcile sth [with sth]
    II. vi
    [zum 1:1] \ausgleichen to equalize [the score at 1 all], to tie the score
    2. (vermitteln) to prove [or be] conciliatory; Mensch to act as a mediator
    III. vr
    sich akk [durch etw akk] \ausgleichen to balance out [as a result of sth]
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges transitives Verb even out < irregularities>; ease < tensions>; reconcile <differences of opinion, contradictions>; settle < conflict>; redress < injustice>; compensate for < damage>; equalize, balance <forces, values>; make up for, compensate for <misfortune, lack>
    unregelmäßiges reflexives Verb (sich nivellieren) balance out; (sich aufheben) cancel each other out

    das gleicht sich wieder ausone thing makes up for the other

    unregelmäßiges intransitives Verb (Sport) equalize

    zum 3:3 ausgleichen — level the score[s] at three all

    * * *
    ausgleichen (irr, trennb, hat -ge-)
    A. v/t
    1. (Unterschiedliches) balance; (Gegensätze) cancel; (Unebenheiten, Unterschiede) level out; (Mangel, Verlust) compensate (for), make up for, outweigh; (Fehler) make good; (Nachteiliges) offset; (Meinungsverschiedenheiten, Konflikte) reconcile, settle, smooth over; (Spannungen) ease;
    2. WIRTSCH (Konten) balance, settle; (Rechnung, Schulden) settle, pay
    B. v/i
    1. SPORT equalize, US even thescore
    2. (vermitteln) mediate, act as a mediator
    C. v/r (Gegensätze) cancel (out); (Unterschiede) even out;
    heute zahle ich, morgen du - das gleicht sich aus I’ll pay today, you can tomorrow – it balances ( oder evens) out
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges transitives Verb even out < irregularities>; ease < tensions>; reconcile <differences of opinion, contradictions>; settle < conflict>; redress < injustice>; compensate for < damage>; equalize, balance <forces, values>; make up for, compensate for <misfortune, lack>
    unregelmäßiges reflexives Verb (sich nivellieren) balance out; (sich aufheben) cancel each other out
    unregelmäßiges intransitives Verb (Sport) equalize

    zum 3:3 ausgleichen — level the score[s] at three all

    * * *
    (Sport) v.
    to draw level expr. v.
    to balance v.
    to compensate v.
    to even out v.
    to level v.
    to square v.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > ausgleichen

  • 45 gleichmachen

    v/t (trennb., hat -ge-) make equal (+ Dat to), equalize (+ Dat with); (einebnen) level (with oder to); (vereinheitlichen) standardize; pej. reduce to the same level, rob of its ( oder their) individuality; dem Erdboden gleichmachen raze to the ground; jemanden / etw. einer Sache gleichmachen turn s.o. / s.th. into s.th.; der Tod macht alle gleich death is the great level(l)er ( oder equalizer)
    * * *
    vt sep
    to make the same, to level out
    * * *
    (to make equal: His goal levelled the scores of the two teams.) level
    * * *
    etw/alles \gleichmachen to make sth/everything the same
    * * *
    transitives Verb make equal; s. auch Erdboden
    * * *
    gleichmachen v/t (trennb, hat -ge-) make equal (+dat to), equalize (+dat with); (einebnen) level (with oder to); (vereinheitlichen) standardize; pej reduce to the same level, rob of its ( oder their) individuality;
    dem Erdboden gleichmachen raze to the ground;
    jemanden/etwas einer Sache gleichmachen turn sb/sth into sth;
    der Tod macht alle gleich death is the great level(l)er ( oder equalizer)
    * * *
    transitives Verb make equal; s. auch Erdboden
    * * *
    to equalise (UK) v.
    to equalize (US) v.
    to level v.
    to make equal expr.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > gleichmachen

  • 46 ισώσει

    making equal: fem nom /voc /acc dual (attic epic)
    ἰσώσεϊ, ἴσωσις
    making equal: fem dat sg (epic)
    making equal: fem dat sg (attic ionic)
    make equal: aor subj act 3rd sg (epic)
    make equal: fut ind mid 2nd sg
    make equal: fut ind act 3rd sg
    ἰ̱σώσει, ἰσόω
    make equal: futperf ind mp 2nd sg
    ἰ̱σώσει, ἰσόω
    make equal: futperf ind act 3rd sg

    Morphologia Graeca > ισώσει

  • 47 ἰσώσει

    making equal: fem nom /voc /acc dual (attic epic)
    ἰσώσεϊ, ἴσωσις
    making equal: fem dat sg (epic)
    making equal: fem dat sg (attic ionic)
    make equal: aor subj act 3rd sg (epic)
    make equal: fut ind mid 2nd sg
    make equal: fut ind act 3rd sg
    ἰ̱σώσει, ἰσόω
    make equal: futperf ind mp 2nd sg
    ἰ̱σώσει, ἰσόω
    make equal: futperf ind act 3rd sg

    Morphologia Graeca > ἰσώσει

  • 48 ισώση

    ἰσώσηι, ἴσωσις
    making equal: fem dat sg (epic)
    make equal: fut part act fem dat sg (attic epic ionic)
    make equal: aor subj mid 2nd sg
    make equal: aor subj act 3rd sg
    make equal: fut ind mid 2nd sg
    ἰ̱σώσῃ, ἰσόω
    make equal: futperf ind mp 2nd sg
    ἰ̱σώσῃ, ἰσόω
    make equal: futperf ind mid 2nd sg

    Morphologia Graeca > ισώση

  • 49 ἰσώσῃ

    ἰσώσηι, ἴσωσις
    making equal: fem dat sg (epic)
    make equal: fut part act fem dat sg (attic epic ionic)
    make equal: aor subj mid 2nd sg
    make equal: aor subj act 3rd sg
    make equal: fut ind mid 2nd sg
    ἰ̱σώσῃ, ἰσόω
    make equal: futperf ind mp 2nd sg
    ἰ̱σώσῃ, ἰσόω
    make equal: futperf ind mid 2nd sg

    Morphologia Graeca > ἰσώσῃ

  • 50 επανισώσεις

    making equal: fem nom /voc pl (attic epic)
    making equal: fem nom /acc pl (attic)
    make equal: aor subj act 2nd sg (epic)
    make equal: fut ind act 2nd sg
    make equal: aor subj act 2nd sg (epic)
    make equal: fut ind act 2nd sg
    ἐπανῑσώσεις, ἐπανισόω
    make equal: futperf ind act 2nd sg

    Morphologia Graeca > επανισώσεις

  • 51 ἐπανισώσεις

    making equal: fem nom /voc pl (attic epic)
    making equal: fem nom /acc pl (attic)
    make equal: aor subj act 2nd sg (epic)
    make equal: fut ind act 2nd sg
    make equal: aor subj act 2nd sg (epic)
    make equal: fut ind act 2nd sg
    ἐπανῑσώσεις, ἐπανισόω
    make equal: futperf ind act 2nd sg

    Morphologia Graeca > ἐπανισώσεις

  • 52 'πίσω

    ἀ̱πίσω, ἀπισόω
    make equal: imperf ind act 3rd sg (doric aeolic)
    ἀπίσω, ἀπισόω
    make equal: pres imperat act 2nd sg (doric aeolic)
    ἀπί̱σω, ἀπισόω
    make equal: imperf ind act 3rd sg (doric aeolic)
    ἀπίσω, ἀπισόω
    make equal: pres imperat act 2nd sg (doric aeolic)
    ἀπίσω, ἀπισόω
    make equal: imperf ind act 3rd sg (doric aeolic)
    ἀπίσω, ἀπισόω
    make equal: imperf ind act 3rd sg (doric aeolic)
    ἐπίσω, ἔπισος
    masc /fem /neut nom /voc /acc dual
    ἐπίσω, ἔπισος
    masc /fem /neut gen sg (doric aeolic)
    ἐπίσω, ἐφίζω
    set upon: aor subj act 1st sg (ionic)
    ἐπί̱σω, πιπίσκω
    give to drink: aor ind mid 2nd sg

    Morphologia Graeca > 'πίσω

  • 53 ίσων

    equal: fem gen pl
    equal: masc /neut gen pl
    ἴ̱σων, ἴσος
    equal: fem gen pl (epic)
    ἴ̱σων, ἴσος
    equal: masc /neut gen pl (epic)
    ἴ̱σων, ἰσόω
    make equal: imperf ind act 3rd pl (doric aeolic)
    ἴ̱σων, ἰσόω
    make equal: imperf ind act 1st sg (doric aeolic)
    make equal: imperf ind act 3rd pl (doric aeolic)
    make equal: imperf ind act 1st sg (doric aeolic)

    Morphologia Graeca > ίσων

  • 54 ἴσων

    equal: fem gen pl
    equal: masc /neut gen pl
    ἴ̱σων, ἴσος
    equal: fem gen pl (epic)
    ἴ̱σων, ἴσος
    equal: masc /neut gen pl (epic)
    ἴ̱σων, ἰσόω
    make equal: imperf ind act 3rd pl (doric aeolic)
    ἴ̱σων, ἰσόω
    make equal: imperf ind act 1st sg (doric aeolic)
    make equal: imperf ind act 3rd pl (doric aeolic)
    make equal: imperf ind act 1st sg (doric aeolic)

    Morphologia Graeca > ἴσων

  • 55 απισοί

    make equal: pres ind mp 2nd sg
    make equal: pres opt act 3rd sg
    make equal: pres ind act 3rd sg
    make equal: pres ind mp 2nd sg
    make equal: pres opt act 3rd sg
    make equal: pres ind act 3rd sg

    Morphologia Graeca > απισοί

  • 56 ἀπισοῖ

    make equal: pres ind mp 2nd sg
    make equal: pres opt act 3rd sg
    make equal: pres ind act 3rd sg
    make equal: pres ind mp 2nd sg
    make equal: pres opt act 3rd sg
    make equal: pres ind act 3rd sg

    Morphologia Graeca > ἀπισοῖ

  • 57 απισούν

    make equal: pres part act masc voc sg
    make equal: pres part act neut nom /voc /acc sg
    make equal: pres inf act (epic doric)
    make equal: pres part act masc voc sg
    make equal: pres part act neut nom /voc /acc sg
    make equal: pres inf act (epic doric)

    Morphologia Graeca > απισούν

  • 58 ἀπισοῦν

    make equal: pres part act masc voc sg
    make equal: pres part act neut nom /voc /acc sg
    make equal: pres inf act (epic doric)
    make equal: pres part act masc voc sg
    make equal: pres part act neut nom /voc /acc sg
    make equal: pres inf act (epic doric)

    Morphologia Graeca > ἀπισοῦν

  • 59 απισώσεις

    equalization: fem nom /voc pl (attic epic)
    equalization: fem nom /acc pl (attic)
    make equal: aor subj act 2nd sg (epic)
    make equal: fut ind act 2nd sg
    ἀ̱πισώσεις, ἀπισόω
    make equal: futperf ind act 2nd sg (doric aeolic)
    make equal: aor subj act 2nd sg (epic)
    make equal: fut ind act 2nd sg
    ἀπῑσώσεις, ἀπισόω
    make equal: futperf ind act 2nd sg

    Morphologia Graeca > απισώσεις

  • 60 ἀπισώσεις

    equalization: fem nom /voc pl (attic epic)
    equalization: fem nom /acc pl (attic)
    make equal: aor subj act 2nd sg (epic)
    make equal: fut ind act 2nd sg
    ἀ̱πισώσεις, ἀπισόω
    make equal: futperf ind act 2nd sg (doric aeolic)
    make equal: aor subj act 2nd sg (epic)
    make equal: fut ind act 2nd sg
    ἀπῑσώσεις, ἀπισόω
    make equal: futperf ind act 2nd sg

    Morphologia Graeca > ἀπισώσεις

См. также в других словарях:

  • make equal — index compensate (counterbalance) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • equal — [ē′kwəl] adj. [ME < L aequalis, equal < aequus, level, even, flat] 1. of the same quantity, size, number, value, degree, intensity, quality, etc. 2. having the same rights, privileges, ability, rank, etc. 3. evenly proportioned; balanced or …   English World dictionary

  • Equal — E qual, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Equaled}or {Equalled}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Equaling} or {Equalling}.] 1. To be or become equal to; to have the same quantity, the same value, the same degree or rank, or the like, with; to be commen?urate with. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • equal — /ee kweuhl/, adj., n., v., equaled, equaling or (esp. Brit.) equalled, equalling. adj. 1. as great as; the same as (often fol. by to or with): The velocity of sound is not equal to that of light. 2. like or alike in quantity, degree, value, etc.; …   Universalium

  • equal — e•qual [[t]ˈi kwəl[/t]] adj. n. v. e•qualed, e•qual•ing (esp. brit.)e•qualled, e•qual•ling. 1) as great as; the same as (often fol. by to or with) 2) like or alike in quantity, degree, value, etc 3) of the same rank, ability, merit, etc.: two… …   From formal English to slang

  • equal — I. a. 1. Like, alike, tantamount, equivalent; of the same extent, measure, degree, or value, identical in quantity or value. 2. Of the same rank. 3. Uniform, even, regular, equable. 4. Impartial, unbiassed, equitable, fair, just, even handed. 5.… …   New dictionary of synonyms

  • Make-A-Million — is a card game created by Parker Brothers. It was copyrighted in 1934 and released to the public in 1935. The game was first released in Salem, Massachusetts, and then to New York City, San Francisco, Chicago, and Atlanta. The original game was… …   Wikipedia

  • Equal temperament — is a musical temperament, or a system of tuning in which every pair of adjacent notes has an identical frequency ratio. In equal temperament tunings an interval mdash; usually the octave mdash; is divided into a series of equal steps (equal… …   Wikipedia

  • Equal pay for women — is an issue regarding pay inequality between men and women. It is often introduced into domestic politics in many first world countries as an economic problem that needs governmental intervention via regulation. The Equal Remuneration Convention… …   Wikipedia

  • Equal — E qual, a. [L. aequalis, fr. aequus even, equal; akin to Skr. ?ka, and perh. to L. unus for older oinos one, E. one.] 1. Agreeing in quantity, size, quality, degree, value, etc.; having the same magnitude, the same value, the same degree, etc.;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Equal temperament — Equal E qual, a. [L. aequalis, fr. aequus even, equal; akin to Skr. ?ka, and perh. to L. unus for older oinos one, E. one.] 1. Agreeing in quantity, size, quality, degree, value, etc.; having the same magnitude, the same value, the same degree,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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