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  • 1 copy

    ['kopi] v.,n. -vt 1. kopjoj. 2. imitioj. 3. kopjoj (në provim) /-n 1. kopje; fair/clean copy variant përfundimtar; rough copy variant i parë, dorë e parë (e një shkrimi). 2. kopje, ekzemplar (libri, reviste). 3. dorëshkrim (për shtyp). 4. lëndë, material (për një shkrim); the fall of the Cabinet will make good copy rënia e qeverisë dotë jetë material i mirë për gazetat
    copybook ['kopibuk] n., adj. -n. fletore bukurshkrimi /-adj 1. i rëndomtë, banal. 2. i shkëlqyer, model
    copyboy ['kopiboi] n. djalë shërbimi (në një redaksi)
    copycat ['kopikæt] n. zhrg. kopjues, imitues besnik
    copy editor ['kopi 'editë:(r)] n. sekretar kolegjiumi
    copyist ['kopist] n. kopist
    copy machine ['kopi më'shi:n] n. fotokopjuese
    copyreader ['kopiriidë:] n. korrektor-redaktor, verifikues
    copyright ['kopirait] n.,v. -n. e drejtë e autorit /-vt. siguroj të drejtën e autorit
    copy typist ['kopi 'taipist] n. daktilografist
    copywriter ['kopiraitë:] n. redaktor/shkrues reklamash
    * * *
    kopje; kopjoj

    English-Albanian dictionary > copy

  • 2 clean

    [kli:n] adj., adv.,v.,n. -adj 1. i pastër. 2. i papërdorur; a clean page faqe e pashkruar. 3. i panjollë (dokument). 4. pastërtore (mace). 5. i ndershëm, i papërlyer. 6. pa banalitete; keep it clean mos bëj shakara banale. 7. besnik, identik; a clean copy kopje besnike. 8. zhrg. i paarmatosur, pa armë në trup.
    make a clean breast of it pranoj fajin, zbrazem plotësisht
    -adv 1. krejt, fare; I clean forgot harrova fare. 2. pastër
    -v 1. pastroj (dhomën). 2. qëroj, pastroj (peshkun etj). 3. pastrohet; this room cleans easily kjo dhomë pastrohet lehtë
    -n. pastrim; give it a clean jepi një pastrim
    clean off [kli:nof] fshij, fik, shuaj (të shkruarat)
    clean out ['kli:naut] a) spastroj, boshatis; b) përlaj, qëroj, boshatis (një kuti me sheqerka); c) zhrg. lë pa një dysh
    cleanout ['kli:naut] n. pastrim me themel
    clean up a) pastroj, fshij; b) ndreq, rregulloj, ftilloj (punët); c) fig. përfundoj; d) zhrg. bëj para, fitoj;
    cleanup ['kli:nap] n 1. pastrim. 2. larje (fytyre etj). 3. fig., fet. pastrim shpirtëror. 4. gj.fol. fitim; make a good cleanup from a business nxjerr një fitim të mirë nga një punë
    clean-and-jerk ['kli:nënxhë:k] sport. shtytje (në ngritje peshash)
    clean-cut ['kli:nkat] adj 1. i spikatur (tipar). 2. i përcaktuar qartë; i saktë. 3. i mbajtur mire; a clean-cut young man një djalë krëk
    cleaner ['kli:në] n 1. pastruese; punëtor pastrimi. 2. heqës njollash, pastrues. 3. pajisje pastruese.
    take sb to the cleaner's zhrg. ia përlaj të gjitha (paratë), e lë pa një dysh
    clean-handed ['kli:nhændid] adj. i pastër, i papërlyer
    cleaning ['kli:ning] n., adj. -n. pastrim /-adj. pastrues; pastrimi
    cleaning fluid ['kli:ning'flu:id] n. heqës njollash
    cleaning lady ['kli:ning'leidi] n. pastruese
    cleaning woman ['kli:ning'wumën] n. pastruese
    clean-limbed ['kli:nlimd] adj. trupderdhur
    cleanliness ['kli:nlinis] n. pastërti, të mbajturit pastër
    clean-living ['kli:nliving] adj. i ndershëm
    cleanly ['kli:nli] adv., adj. - adv. pastër /-adj. pastërtor, i pastër
    cleanness ['kli:nnis] n. pastërti
    cleanse [klenz] vt 1. pastroj. 2. purifikoj, spastroj
    cleanser ['klenzë:] n. larës, detergjent
    clean-shaven ['kli:nsheivën] adj. i porsarruar, i rruar taze
    cleansing ['klænzing] n. pastrim, spastrim; ethnic cleansing spastrim etnik; cleansing department ndërmarrja komunale e pastrimit
    * * *
    i paster; pastroj

    English-Albanian dictionary > clean

См. также в других словарях:

  • make a copy of — duplicate, create a copy of …   English contemporary dictionary

  • copy — [käp′ē] n. pl. copies [ME copie, abundance, full transcript < OFr < ML copia, copious transcript < L copia, plenty: see COPIOUS] 1. a thing made just like another; imitation of an original; full reproduction or transcription 2. Now Rare… …   English World dictionary

  • Copy Control Information — (or CCI) is a two byte flag included in digital television streams that allows content owners to specify how content can be duplicated. Originally defined as part of the 5C copy protection specification devised by DTCP working group back in 1998 …   Wikipedia

  • Copy — Cop y, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Copied}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Copying}.] [Cf. F. copir, fr. LL. copiare. See {Copy}, n.] 1. To make a copy or copies of; to write; print, engrave, or paint after an original; to duplicate; to reproduce; to transcribe; as,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Copy — Cop y, v. i. 1. To make a copy or copies; to imitate. [1913 Webster] 2. To yield a duplicate or transcript; as, the letter did not copy well. [1913 Webster] Some . . . never fail, when they copy, to follow the bad as well as the good things.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • copy and paste — ► IT to make a copy of something on a computer screen and put it in a different place in a document or in a new document, file, or directory: »Copy and paste the text from the box into a word processor document. Main Entry: ↑copy …   Financial and business terms

  • copy — ► NOUN (pl. copies) 1) a thing made to be similar or identical to another. 2) a single specimen of a particular book, record, etc. 3) matter to be printed. 4) material for a newspaper or magazine article. ► VERB (copies, copied …   English terms dictionary

  • copy — I UK [ˈkɒpɪ] / US [ˈkɑpɪ] noun Word forms copy : singular copy plural copies *** 1) [countable] a document, computer file etc that is exactly like the original one copy of: Please enclose a copy of your birth certificate. Keep back up copies of… …   English dictionary

  • copy — ▪ I. copy cop‧y 1 [ˈkɒpi ǁ ˈkɑːpi] noun copies PLURALFORM 1. [countable] one of many documents, books, magazines, computer software packages etc that are all exactly the same: • We are offering a free copy of Windows98 with all new PCs. • The… …   Financial and business terms

  • copy — cop|y1 [ kapi ] noun *** 1. ) count a document, computer file, etc. that is exactly like the original one: copy of: Please enclose a copy of your birth certificate. Keep back up copies of all your Word files. make a copy (of something): I made… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • copy — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 document/work of art ADJECTIVE ▪ accurate, faithful, good ▪ cheap, crude, poor ▪ It was not the original painting, but a crude copy …   Collocations dictionary

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