1 major defect
основной дефект
существенная неисправность
[Л.Г.Суменко. Англо-русский словарь по информационным технологиям. М.: ГП ЦНИИС, 2003.]Тематики
серьёзная неисправность
существенная неисправность
[ http://slovarionline.ru/anglo_russkiy_slovar_neftegazovoy_promyishlennosti/]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > major defect
2 major defect
English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > major defect
3 major defect
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > major defect
4 major defect
5 major defect
6 major defect
2. серьёзная неисправность, существенная неисправность
* * *
2) серьёзная неисправность, существенная неисправность* * *Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > major defect
7 major defect
1) Техника: значительный дефект (изделия)2) Автомобильный термин: серьёзный дефект3) Металлургия: недопустимый дефект5) Полимеры: грубый порок -
8 major defect
9 major defect
10 major defect
English-Russian dictionary of modern telecommunications > major defect
11 major defect
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > major defect
12 major defect
основной дефект; серьезная неисправность; существенный дефект -
13 major defect
English-Russian dictionary of leather and footwear industry > major defect
14 major defect
1. основной дефект2. серьёзная [существенная] неисправностьThe English-Russian dictionary on reliability and quality control > major defect
15 major defect
English-Russian dictionary on textile and sewing industry > major defect
16 defect
1. порок; дефект; неисправность2. повреждение
* * *
1. дефект; недостаток; порок; изъян; несовершенство || дефектный2. неисправность; повреждение || неисправный; повреждённый3. недостаток, нехватка
* * *
1) дефект; недостаток; порок; изъян; несовершенство || дефектный2) неисправность; повреждение || неисправный; повреждённый3) недостаток, нехватка•free from defect — бездефектный;
defects per hundred units — число дефектов на сто изделий;
defects per unit — число дефектов на изделие;
to correct defects — устранять дефекты;
- allowable defectsto overcome defects — устранять дефекты;
- assembling defect
- assembly defect
- birth defect
- casting defect
- chronic defect
- condemnable defect
- controllable defect
- crack-like defect
- critical defect
- debugged defect
- deep-level defect
- design defect
- deterioration defect
- dimensional defect
- discovered defect
- dynamic defect
- eliminable defect
- embryonic defect
- equivalent defects
- external defect
- fabrication defect
- fatal defect
- fault defect
- fundamental defect
- gross defect
- hidden defect
- identifiable defect
- inadvertent defect
- incidental defect
- incipient defect
- independent defects
- indistinguishable defects
- induced defect
- inherent defect
- inherited defect
- in-process defect
- in-service defect
- internal defect
- intrinsic defect
- invisible defect
- killing defect
- latent defect
- leading defect
- local defect
- macroscopic defect
- major defect
- man-made defect
- manufacturing defect
- material defect
- mechanical defect
- minor defect
- multiple defects
- natural defect
- nonfunctional defect
- noninspectable defect
- nonmeasurable defect
- nonoperational defect
- nonrepairable defect
- nonsignificant defect
- observed defect
- obvious defect
- open defect
- operational defect
- operator controllable defect
- physical defect
- point defect
- potential defect
- pouring defect
- primary defect
- process-induced defect
- processing defect
- proven defect
- random defect
- reliability defect
- removable defect
- repairable defect
- revealed defect
- rolling defect
- secondary defect
- serious defect
- service defect
- shape defect
- shrinkage defect
- significant defect
- simulated defect
- source defect
- special defect
- sporadic defect
- spot defect
- spurious defect
- stratified defect
- structural defect
- surface defect
- technological defect
- tolerance limit defect
- true defect
- typical defect
- unrepairable defect
- visible defect
- visual defect
- volume defect
- welding defect
- weldment defect
- workmanship defect
- zero defects* * * -
17 defect
1) порок; дефект; несовершенство2) фаут ( порок древесины)3) неисправность; повреждение•-
angular defect
antiside defect
aperture defect
assembly defect
black-spot defect
bulk defect
critical defect
crystalline defect
deep-level defects
dimensional defect
distorted stitches knitting defect
drop stitches knitting defect
electron-irradiation defects
fabric defect
fabric holes knitting defect
fatal defect
grown-in defect
haze defect
hillock-type defect
horizontal streaks knitting defect
image defect
impurity defect
internal defects
interstitial defect
intrinsic defect
latent defect
lattice defect
line defect
machine barre knitting defect
major defect
mass defect
migrating lattice defect
minor defect
needle lines knitting defect
off-patterned knitting defect
opaque defect
oxide defect
part-through-the-wall defect
pipe defect
point defect
press-off knitting defect
primary defect
radiation-induced defect
radiation defect
saw blade defect
shape defect
snagged stitches knitting defect
spongy defect
spot defect
structural defect
substitutional defect
surface defect
vacancy defect
vertical lines knitting defect
welding defect
weldment defect
wiskering knitting defect -
18 defect
nдефект; изъян; неисправность
- alleged defect
- apparent defect
- claimed defect
- critical defect
- detected defect
- discovered defect
- established defect
- grave defect
- hereditary defect
- hidden defect
- incidental defect
- inherent defect
- initial defect
- internal defect
- invisible defect
- latent defect
- major defect
- manufacturing defect
- manufacturing works defect
- material defect
- minor defect
- natural defect
- obvious defect
- outer defect
- outside defect
- patent defect
- petty defect
- principal defect
- quality defect
- repairable defect
- serious defect
- slight defect
- small defect
- subsurface defect
- surface defect
- visible defect
- visual defect
- zero defects
- undetected defect
- defect in design
- defect in goods
- defect in material
- defect in packing
- without defects
- free from defects
- conceal a defect
- correct a defect
- detect a defect
- discover a defect
- eliminate a defect
- find a defect
- have defects
- make good a defect
- rectify a defect
- remedy a defect defect costsEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > defect
19 defect
1) дефект; неисправность2) повреждение•- incidental defect
- inside defect
- major defect
- manufacturing defect
- minor defect
- paintwork defect
- surface defect -
20 defect
1. дефект, порок, изъян; недостаток; брак; 2. неисправность; повреждение @fabric defects пороки ткани @filling defect порок по ширине ткани вследствие дефектного утка @loom defect 1. ткацкий брак; 2. разладка ткацкого станка @major defect грубый порок @packing defect 1. недостаток паковки; 2. неудовлетворительная упаковка @reed defect l. рассечка бёрдом; 2. дефект бёрда @stripy defect полосатость, зебристость (порок ткани или трикотажа) @warp defects пороки основы @warping defects 1. пороки ткани по основе; 2. дефекты сновки @weaving defect ткацкий брак @
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Major professional sports leagues of the United States and Canada — Major professional sports league, or simply major league, is the term used in Canada and the United States to refer to the highest professional division in any team sport. The term major league was first used in 1921 in reference to Major League… … Wikipedia
Major professional sports leagues in the United States and Canada — Major Leagues redirects here. For other meanings of Major League or Major Leagues see Major League (disambiguation). The major professional sports leagues, or simply major leagues, in the United States and Canada are the highest professional… … Wikipedia
defect — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ fundamental, major, obvious, serious, severe ▪ a fundamental defect in the product ▪ mild, minor … Collocations dictionary
defect — ▪ I. defect de‧fect 1 [dɪˈfekt,ˈdiːfekt] noun [countable] MANUFACTURING a fault in something that means it is not perfect: • They recalled the vehicles because of brake defects. • an effort to improve customer satisfaction and reduce product… … Financial and business terms
major — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun {{Roman}}II.{{/Roman}} adj. Major is used with these nouns: ↑accident, ↑accomplishment, ↑achievement, ↑acquisition, ↑addition, ↑adjustment, ↑advance, ↑advantage, ↑aim, ↑ … Collocations dictionary
Defect, atrial septal (ASD) — A hole in the septum, the wall, between the atria, the upper chambers of the heart. Commonly called an ASD. ASDs are a major class of congenital cardiac malformation … Medical dictionary
Welding defect — A welding defect is any flaw that compromises the usefulness of the finished weldment. According to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) welding defect causes are broken down into the following percentages: 41% poor process… … Wikipedia
The Defect of Birth (Illegitimacy) — The Defect of Birth † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Defect of Birth (ILLEGITIMACY) A canonical impediment to ordination. When used in this connection, the word illegitimate has, in canon law, a well defined meaning, which is: born… … Catholic encyclopedia
Neural tube defect — Classification and external resources ICD 10 Q00, Q01, Q05 … Wikipedia
Migraines associated with PFO heart defect — PFO, or patent foramen ovale, is a heart valve in humans that usually closes off at or shortly after birth. The valve’s function is to let the circulating blood bypass the lungs, which the body doesn t rely on until a newborn starts breathing air … Wikipedia
Atrial septal defect (ASD) — A hole in the septum, the wall, between the atria, the upper chambers of the heart. Commonly called an ASD. ASDs constitute a major class of heart formation abnormalities present at birth (congenital cardiac malformations). Normally, when clots… … Medical dictionary