1 machacado
= crushed, mashed.Ex. Red clay tennis courts are made of natural clay or crushed red brick.Ex. It can be made from any mashed starchy vegetable and used as an accompaniment for a meat or fish entree.* * *= crushed, mashed.Ex: Red clay tennis courts are made of natural clay or crushed red brick.
Ex: It can be made from any mashed starchy vegetable and used as an accompaniment for a meat or fish entree. -
2 machacar
v.1 to crush.Ella machaca las semillas She crushes the seeds.2 to bone up on(informal) (estudiar). (peninsular Spanish)3 to go on and on (informal) (insistir).4 to repeat over and over, to insist on, to drive into the ground, to repeat.Ella machaca sus razones She repeats over and over her reasons.5 to insist in harping on a subject.Ella machaca siempre She insists in harping on a subject always.* * *1 (triturar) to crush4 familiar (estudiar) to swot up on, US grind away at5 familiar (insistir en) to harp on about, go on about1 (estudiar) to swot up, cram, US grind\machacársela tabú to wank, US jerk offpor mí como si se la machaca tabú I couldn't give a toss* * *1. VT1) (=triturar) to crush2) * (=aniquilar) [+ contrincante] to thrash; [en discusión] to crush, flatten3) [+ precio] to slash4) * [+ lección, asignatura] to swot (up) *5) Esp * (=insistir sobre) to go on about6) (Baloncesto) * to dunk, slam dunk2. VI *1) Esp (=insistir) to go on¡no machaques! — don't go on so!, stop harping on about it!
hierro 1)machacar con o sobre algo — to go on about sth
2) (=empollar) to swot *3.See:* * *1.verbo transitivo1)b) (fam) < contrincante> to thrash (colloq)c) (fam) ( pegar) to beat... to a pulpd) < precios> to slash2) (Esp fam)a) ( repetír)machacar un tema — to go on o harp on about a subject (colloq)
b) ( estudiar) to bone up on (colloq)2.machacar via) (fam) ( insistir)machacar con or sobre algo — to go on o harp on about something (colloq)
b) (fam) ( para un examen) to cram (colloq)3.machacarse v pron (fam) < dedo> to crush* * *= bust, batter, squash, crush, clobber, steamroller, pound, lick, mash, blow away.Ex. 'That new project he's been busting himself and everyone else over is way behind schedule and Peterson is getting fed up'.Ex. But the early cylinder machines worked less accurately than the platens, tending to slur the impression and batter the type.Ex. The article has the title 'Reorganizing organizations and information: how knowledge technologies squash heirarchy and alter the role of information'.Ex. The article is entitled 'Dinosaurs to crush flies: computer catalogues, classification and other barriers to library use'.Ex. Clobbering the rich with taxes doesn't help anyone.Ex. When push comes to shove, it seems that short-term economic interests steamroller scientific arguments.Ex. A rotary machine invented in Holland in the late seventeenth century did not pound but minced the rags into pulp with revolving knives.Ex. They got licked by a bunch of little, ill-armed peasant guerillas.Ex. But scooping out the baked potatoes' flesh, mashing it with other ingredients, and then baking them again takes some extra time.Ex. If they do muster up the courage to participate, they have learned what it is like to lose: they describe it as being 'slaughtered,' ' blown away,' or 'shredded'.----* machacar los tipos = batter + type.* machacársela = jerk + Reflexivo + off, wank.* machacar un idea = squash + idea.* * *1.verbo transitivo1)b) (fam) < contrincante> to thrash (colloq)c) (fam) ( pegar) to beat... to a pulpd) < precios> to slash2) (Esp fam)a) ( repetír)machacar un tema — to go on o harp on about a subject (colloq)
b) ( estudiar) to bone up on (colloq)2.machacar via) (fam) ( insistir)machacar con or sobre algo — to go on o harp on about something (colloq)
b) (fam) ( para un examen) to cram (colloq)3.machacarse v pron (fam) < dedo> to crush* * *= bust, batter, squash, crush, clobber, steamroller, pound, lick, mash, blow away.Ex: 'That new project he's been busting himself and everyone else over is way behind schedule and Peterson is getting fed up'.
Ex: But the early cylinder machines worked less accurately than the platens, tending to slur the impression and batter the type.Ex: The article has the title 'Reorganizing organizations and information: how knowledge technologies squash heirarchy and alter the role of information'.Ex: The article is entitled 'Dinosaurs to crush flies: computer catalogues, classification and other barriers to library use'.Ex: Clobbering the rich with taxes doesn't help anyone.Ex: When push comes to shove, it seems that short-term economic interests steamroller scientific arguments.Ex: A rotary machine invented in Holland in the late seventeenth century did not pound but minced the rags into pulp with revolving knives.Ex: They got licked by a bunch of little, ill-armed peasant guerillas.Ex: But scooping out the baked potatoes' flesh, mashing it with other ingredients, and then baking them again takes some extra time.Ex: If they do muster up the courage to participate, they have learned what it is like to lose: they describe it as being 'slaughtered,' ' blown away,' or 'shredded'.* machacar los tipos = batter + type.* machacársela = jerk + Reflexivo + off, wank.* machacar un idea = squash + idea.* * *machacar [A2 ]vtA1 ‹ajo› to crush; ‹almendras› to grind, crush; ‹piedra› to crush, pound4 ‹precios› to slashB ( Esp)1 ( fam)(remachar): machácale bien lo que tiene que hacer make sure you drum into her what she has to dosiguen machacando los mismos puntos they're still going on about o harping on about the same points ( colloq)■ machacarvi1 ( fam)(insistir): machacar con or sobre algo to go on o harp on about sth ( colloq)1 ( fam); ‹dedo› to smash, crush2 ( Esp fam) ‹comida/bebida› to put away ( colloq), to polish off ( colloq); ‹trabajo› to polish off ( colloq); ‹dinero› to blow ( colloq)* * *
machacar ( conjugate machacar) verbo transitivo
‹ almendras› to grind, crush;
‹ piedra› to crush, pound
verbo intransitivo
I verbo transitivo
1 (a golpes) to crush: hay que machacar los ajos, you have to crush the garlic
2 fam (vencer, derrotar) to crush, thrash: nos machacaron en la final, they thrashed us in the final
3 fam (estudiar) to study hard: aún me quedan por machacar dos lecciones, I still have to swot up on two lessons
4 fam (agotar, cansar) to exhaust, wear out: este trabajo me machaca, this job wears me out
II verbo intransitivo
1 fam (estudiar) to cram, US grind
2 fam (insistir) to harp on, go on: siempre machaca sobre lo mismo, she's always going on about the same thing
' machacar' also found in these entries:
- dead
- dent
- labour
- lick
- pound
- grind
- hammer
* * *♦ vt1. [desmenuzar] to crushsigue machacando las mismas ideas she keeps on trotting out the same old ideas6. [en baloncesto] to dunk♦ vi2. [en baloncesto] to dunk* * *I v/t1 ( triturar) crush2 fig ( vencer) thrash3 en baloncesto dunkII v/i2 en baloncesto dunk* * *machacar {72} vt1) : to crush, to grind2) : to beat, to poundmachacar vi: to insist, to go on (about)* * *machacar vb1. (triturar) to crush2. (vencer) to thrash3. (insistir) to go over / to go on -
3 molido
adj.ground, milled, powdered, pounded.past part.past participle of spanish verb: moler.* * *► adjetivo\estar molido,-a familiar to be worn-out* * *ADJ1) [café, especias] ground2)estar molido — * (=cansado) to be shattered *
* * *I- da adjetivoa) (fam) ( agotado) bushed (AmE colloq), shattered (BrE colloq)b) (Andes fam) ( dolorido) stiffIImasculino (Chi fam) loose change* * *= grinding, ground, ground-up.Ex. A range of options are described including: microwaves; grinding; cutting; solvents; and drilling.Ex. For red ink the usual colour was ground vermilion (i.e. red mercuric sulphide).Ex. One of the oldest and best-known of these legendary love potions is Spanish fly, a powder made from ground-up beetles.----* café molido = ground coffee.* cristal molido = ground glass.* recién molido = freshly ground.* vidrio molido = ground glass.* * *I- da adjetivoa) (fam) ( agotado) bushed (AmE colloq), shattered (BrE colloq)b) (Andes fam) ( dolorido) stiffIImasculino (Chi fam) loose change* * *= grinding, ground, ground-up.Ex: A range of options are described including: microwaves; grinding; cutting; solvents; and drilling.
Ex: For red ink the usual colour was ground vermilion (i.e. red mercuric sulphide).Ex: One of the oldest and best-known of these legendary love potions is Spanish fly, a powder made from ground-up beetles.* café molido = ground coffee.* cristal molido = ground glass.* recién molido = freshly ground.* vidrio molido = ground glass.* * *estoy tan molido que casi no me puedo mover I'm so stiff I can hardly moveloose change* * *
Del verbo moler: ( conjugate moler)
molido es:
el participio
Multiple Entries:
moler ( conjugate moler) verbo transitivo ‹especias/café› to grind;
‹ trigo› to grind, mill;
‹ aceitunas› to crush;
‹ carne› to grind (AmE), to mince (BrE);
‹ plátano› (Chi, Méx) to mash;
molido -da adjetivo
moler verbo transitivo
1 (reducir a polvo) to grind
2 (hacer daño) esta silla me está moliendo la espalda, this chair is ruining my back
moler a alguien a palos, to beat sb to pulp
' molido' also found in these entries:
- moler
- ground
- bread
- chop
- tuckered out
* * *molido, -a adj1. [pulverizado] ground;[trigo] milled* * *adj fambushed fam* * *molido, -da adj1) machacado: ground, crushed2)estar molido : to be exhausted -
4 machaca
f.humdrum.f. & m.1 pain, bore. (peninsular Spanish)2 dogsbody.pres.indicat.3rd person singular (él/ella/ello) present indicative of spanish verb: machacar.* * ** * *1.SF (=aparato) crusher, pounder2.SMF * (=persona) nag, pest* * *a) ( aparato) crusher, pounderb) (Coc) traditional Mexican dish made with crushed dried meat fried with egg and onion* * *a) ( aparato) crusher, pounderb) (Coc) traditional Mexican dish made with crushed dried meat fried with egg and onion* * *1 (aparato) crusher, pounder2 ( Coc) traditional Mexican dish made with ground dried meat fried with egg and onion* * *♦ adj[pesado] boring;música machaca really annoying music♦ nmf1. [pesado] pain, boretrabaja de machaca en un almacén he works as a general dogsbody in a warehousemachaca2, machacado nm[plato] = Mexican dish of ground dried beef, onion, tomato, chilli and egg -
5 molida
adj.ground (machacado); fatigued; flogged.
См. также в других словарях:
machacado — machacado, a Participio adjetivo de «machacar». V. «metal machacado». * * * machacado. (Del part. de machacar). □ V. metal machacado … Enciclopedia Universal
machacado — (Del part. de machacar). ☛ V. metal machacado … Diccionario de la lengua española
Machacado con huevo — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Machacado con huevo, salsa picante y tortilla de harina de trigo El machacado con huevo o machaca con huevo: es un plato típico de la zona norte de México. Consiste de un preparado con carne seca de res desmenuzada,… … Wikipedia Español
Machacado con huevo — | text = This article lacks information on the of the subject matter. Please help [fullurl:FULLPAGENAME|action=edit improve this article] by providing evidence of notability for the listed notables . (This is only needed for those without… … Wikipedia
metal machacado — ► locución MINERÍA Oro o plata que suele hallarse en láminas delgadas entre las rocas de los filones … Enciclopedia Universal
machacar — Se conjuga como: sacar Infinitivo: Gerundio: Participio: machacar machacando machacado Indicativo presente imperfecto pretérito futuro condicional yo tú él, ella, Ud. nosotros vosotros ellos, ellas, Uds. machaco machacas machaca machacamos… … Wordreference Spanish Conjugations Dictionary
Tteok — Diversos gyeongdan, un tipo de tteok Nombre coreano … Wikipedia Español
Ciénega de Flores — Escudo … Wikipedia Español
Morteruelo — ► sustantivo masculino COCINA Guiso hecho con hígado de cerdo machacado y mezclado con especias y pan rallado. * * * morteruelo (dim. de «mortero») 1 m. *Guiso que se hace con hígado de cerdo machacado y mezclado con especias y pan rallado. 2… … Enciclopedia Universal
Manihot esculenta — Para la compañía discográfica de Argentina, véase Mandioca (sello). «Yuca» redirige aquí. Para otras acepciones, véase Yuca (desambiguación). Yuca o Mandioca … Wikipedia Español
Pasta — (Del bajo lat. pasta < gr. paste, harina mezclada con salsa.) ► sustantivo femenino 1 Masa blanca y moldeable compuesta de una materia sólida machacada o pulverizada mezclada con algún líquido: ■ hizo una pasta con cemento y agua. SINÓNIMO… … Enciclopedia Universal