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  • 1 shoot

    [ʃu:t] 1. past tense, past participle - shot; verb
    1) ((often with at) to send or fire (bullets, arrows etc) from a gun, bow etc: The enemy were shooting at us; He shot an arrow through the air.) strieľať, vystreliť
    2) (to hit or kill with a bullet, arrow etc: He went out to shoot pigeons; He was sentenced to be shot at dawn.) zastreliť
    3) (to direct swiftly and suddenly: She shot them an angry glance.) vrhnúť
    4) (to move swiftly: He shot out of the room; The pain shot up his leg; The force of the explosion shot him across the room.) vybehnúť; bodať; hodiť
    5) (to take (usually moving) photographs (for a film): That film was shot in Spain; We will start shooting next week.) filmovať
    6) (to kick or hit at a goal in order to try to score.) vystreliť
    7) (to kill (game birds etc) for sport.) zastreliť
    2. noun
    (a new growth on a plant: The deer were eating the young shoots on the trees.) výhonok
    - shoot down
    - shoot rapids
    - shoot up
    * * *
    • vrh
    • vrazit
    • vrhnút
    • vstrelit
    • vodopád
    • viest
    • vsypat
    • veslársky rytmus
    • vyhodit kotvu
    • vybiehat
    • vyrážat
    • vziat
    • vykryštalizovat
    • výhonok
    • výhon
    • vystrelit
    • vypúštat
    • vyvriet
    • vyrást
    • vyhodit
    • vypluvat
    • vypustenie
    • vyrazit
    • vyvracat
    • vyhánat
    • vyhodit do vzduchu
    • vziat si za ciel
    • záber
    • vytrysknút
    • vypucat
    • vyrazenie
    • výstrel
    • vycerpat
    • vyrazit vpred
    • vyhánanie výhonkov
    • zamerat sa
    • zastrelit
    • zastrcit
    • zasunút
    • zhoblovat
    • zahrat
    • žilkovat
    • zafarbit
    • zamerat
    • znicit
    • zložit výstrelom
    • zmerat výšku
    • sfarbit
    • snažit sa
    • skupina strelcov
    • snímat
    • šmyk
    • šot
    • skazit
    • rýchle prihrat
    • rýchlo šmýkat po zemi
    • skupina lovcov
    • sklzný žlab
    • smetisko
    • spotrebovat
    • strieknut
    • spustit
    • striekat
    • strelba
    • spôsobit bolest
    • strielat na kôš
    • súboj v strelbe
    • strielat
    • strelba z luku
    • strielanie
    • strielat na bránku
    • sypat
    • spôsobit detonáciu
    • súkat
    • spustit na vodu
    • tu a tam pokryt
    • urobit záber
    • tocit(film)
    • tvoriaci sa kryštál
    • tocit
    • trafit sa
    • premiestnit
    • priviest k výbuchu
    • prehodit
    • pretkávat
    • preletiet
    • priechod
    • prestrelit
    • príval
    • prehadzovat
    • filmovat
    • fungovat
    • fotografovat
    • dorazit
    • doniest
    • dostrelit
    • hádzat kockou
    • hon
    • kanonáda
    • klást
    • katapultovat
    • hodit
    • íst
    • byt vrhnutý
    • bodnutie
    • bodanie
    • bodat
    • bystrina
    • chodbicka
    • delostrelba
    • dávat injekciu
    • cvrngnút
    • dobývat odstrelom
    • rana
    • rozbit
    • rozstrielat
    • puciace výsady
    • rozkladat sa
    • prudký pohyb
    • prudko sa pohybovat
    • rozhodenie
    • revír
    • ratolest
    • prudko prehnat dopredu
    • rozbúrat
    • rútit sa
    • pestovat lukostrelbu
    • písat
    • podfarbit
    • perej
    • padat
    • pestovat lovecký šport
    • pohybovat sa
    • pokropit
    • polovnícka družina
    • popravit zastrelením
    • polovnícky revír
    • právo lovu
    • pokazit
    • letiet dopredu
    • lov
    • letiet
    • lovit
    • kužel svetla
    • kryštalizovat
    • lovecký úlovok
    • lúc
    • melírovat
    • mihnút sa
    • nahadzovat
    • nával
    • nasypat
    • násypný žlab
    • nastrelit
    • natácat
    • nechat odpadnút
    • odnož
    • ockovat
    • odstrelit
    • odhodit
    • odpálit
    • odpálenie

    English-Slovak dictionary > shoot

  • 2 screw

    [skru:] 1. noun
    1) (a type of nail that is driven into something by a firm twisting action: I need four strong screws for fixing the cupboard to the wall.) skrutka
    2) (an action of twisting a screw etc: He tightened it by giving it another screw.) otočenie skrutky
    2. verb
    1) (to fix, or be fixed, with a screw or screws: He screwed the handle to the door; The handle screws on with these screws.) (za)skrutkovať
    2) (to fix or remove, or be fixed or removed, with a twisting movement: Make sure that the hook is fully screwed in; He screwed off the lid.) (za / od)skrutkovať
    3) ((slang, vulgar) to fuck; to have sex (with).) súložiť
    4) ((slang) to cheat or take advantage of: They screwed you - these are not real diamonds.) oklamať, podviesť
    - be/get screwed
    - have a screw loose
    - put the screws on
    - screw up
    - screw up one's courage
    * * *
    • utahovanie skrutky
    • vreteno
    • vrtula
    • utahaný kôn
    • vrtula lietadla
    • utlacovat
    • vrtulový
    • vôl (slang.)
    • vystavit tlaku
    • vymackat
    • vytlacit
    • vycicat
    • vývrtka
    • vytlácat
    • vyklopit
    • za mak
    • vydriduch
    • vysolit
    • vypadnút
    • vyžmýkat
    • zatocit
    • zaskrutkovanie
    • závitok
    • zaskrutkovat
    • závitovka
    • zmiznút
    • zovriet skrutkou
    • zotriet
    • skrivenie
    • skrutkový závit
    • špirála
    • skrútenie
    • šetrit
    • skrutkovica
    • skrutkovat
    • škrtit
    • skrutka
    • stiahnut skrutkou
    • sprdnút
    • strážnik
    • súložit
    • tocená lopta
    • tocit sa
    • tlak
    • tlacit
    • priskrutkovat
    • pritahovat
    • pritiahnut strunu
    • pripevnit skrutkou
    • privriet oko
    • falš (šport.)
    • herka
    • gáža
    • falšovaná lopta (šport.)
    • driet
    • hlupák (slang.)
    • klúc
    • hnat
    • hnat vrtulou
    • byt lakomý
    • bachár
    • otocit vretenom
    • otácat sa
    • plat
    • otocenie skrutkou
    • pokrútenie
    • pohánaný vrtulou
    • policajt
    • pohybovat sa skrutkou
    • povolit strunu
    • lodná skrutka
    • krútit sa
    • kúsok
    • kovboj
    • krútenie
    • lakomec
    • mackat
    • lod pohánaná skrutkou
    • mucit palcovnicou
    • mzda
    • naladit
    • nerád zaplatit
    • naskrutkovat
    • odstredit
    • oklamat
    • okradnút

    English-Slovak dictionary > screw

  • 3 fence

    I 1. [fens] noun
    (a line of wooden or metal posts joined by wood, wire etc to stop people, animals etc moving on to or off a piece of land: The garden was surrounded by a wooden fence.) plot
    2. verb
    (to enclose (an area of land) with a fence eg to prevent people, animals etc from getting in: We fenced off the field.) ohradiť
    II [fens] verb
    1) (to fight with (blunted) swords as a sport.) šermovať
    2) (to avoid answering questions: He fenced with me for half an hour before I got the truth.) vykrúcať sa
    * * *
    • vytácat sa
    • vyhýbat sa priamej odpove
    • zápasit
    • zavriet do ohrady
    • šermovat
    • šerm
    • šermiarske umenie
    • šermiarsky šport
    • šermovanie
    • preskocit prekážku
    • priehrada
    • prekážka
    • predávat kradnutý tovar (
    • prechovávac kradnutého tov
    • prechovávac (ukradnutého)
    • hájit
    • hradba
    • bariéra
    • chránit plotom
    • chránit
    • otácat sa
    • plot
    • oplotenie
    • oplotit
    • opravit plot
    • postavit plot
    • pravítko
    • poskytnút ochranu
    • obohnat plotom
    • ohrada
    • ohradit
    • obratne uhýbat
    • odsunút
    • odrazit
    • obratne odpovedat na otáz
    • obchodovat s kradnutým

    English-Slovak dictionary > fence

  • 4 return

    [rə'tə:n] 1. verb
    1) (to come or go back: He returns home tomorrow; He returned to London from Paris yesterday; The pain has returned.) vrátiť sa
    2) (to give, send, put etc (something) back where it came from: He returned the book to its shelf; Don't forget to return the books you borrowed.) vrátiť, doručiť, priniesť
    3) (I'll return to this topic in a minute.) vrátiť sa
    4) (to do (something) which has been done to oneself: She hit him and he returned the blow; He said how nice it was to see her again, and she returned the compliment.) odplatiť
    5) ((of voters) to elect (someone) to Parliament.) zvoliť
    6) ((of a jury) to give (a verdict): The jury returned a verdict of not guilty.) vyhlásiť
    7) ((in tennis etc) to hit (a ball) back to one's opponent: She returned his serve.) vrátiť
    2. noun
    1) (the act of returning: On our return, we found the house had been burgled; ( also adjective) a return journey.) návrat; spiatočný
    2) (especially in United Kingdom, a round-trip ticket, a return ticket: Do you want a single or a return?) spiatočný lístok
    - return match
    - return ticket
    - by return of post
    - by return
    - in return for
    - in return
    - many happy returns of the day
    - many happy returns
    * * *
    • vrátenie
    • vrátit
    • volit
    • vedlajší
    • vrát sa
    • vrátit sa
    • výsledok
    • vynášat
    • výkaz
    • vyniest
    • výnos
    • výplata
    • výkaz zdanitelného majetk
    • zákrut
    • žliabok
    • záhyb
    • zápis
    • zisk
    • zoznam
    • zmenit sa
    • zvolit
    • spät
    • spiatocný
    • spiatocný lístok
    • spätné vedenie
    • spätný
    • správa
    • stojka
    • storno
    • týkajúci sa návratu
    • urcený termín
    • priznanie farby v kartách
    • predklz
    • premenit sa
    • priznanie k dani
    • predložit
    • presústružit
    • priniest zisk
    • prilahlý
    • prinášat
    • hlásenie
    • dávat
    • recidíva
    • return (šport.)
    • protokol
    • podávat správu
    • poskytovat
    • navrátit
    • navrátenie
    • návrat
    • navrátit sa
    • odplatit
    • odvetný
    • odbocenie steny
    • obnovenie
    • ohlas
    • obracat sa
    • odpovedat
    • odvetit
    • opätovný záchvat
    • odozva
    • opätovný príznak
    • opätovat
    • ohyb
    • odkopnutie
    • obnova
    • odsek v šerme
    • odplata
    • odsek
    • odpálenie
    • niest
    • odpoved
    • odmena

    English-Slovak dictionary > return

  • 5 star

    1. noun
    1) (the fixed bodies in the sky, which are really distant suns: The Sun is a star, and the Earth is one of its planets.) hviezda
    2) (any of the bodies in the sky appearing as points of light: The sky was full of stars.) hviezda
    3) (an object, shape or figure with a number of pointed rays, usually five or six, often used as a means of marking quality etc: The teacher stuck a gold star on the child's neat exercise book; a four-star hotel.) hviezdička
    4) (a leading actor or actress or other well-known performer eg in sport etc: a film/television star; a football star; ( also adjective) She has had many star rôles in films.) hviezda; hlavný
    2. verb
    1) (to play a leading role in a play, film etc: She has starred in two recent films.) hrať hlavnú úlohu
    2) ((of a film etc) to have (a certain actor etc) as its leading performer: The film starred Elvis Presley.) uviesť v hlavnej úlohe
    - starry
    - starfish
    - starlight
    - starlit
    - star turn
    - see stars
    - thank one's lucky stars
    * * *
    • vystúpit v hlavnej úlohe
    • filmová hviezda
    • hviezdicka
    • hviezda
    • oznacit hviezdickou
    • ozdobit hviezdou

    English-Slovak dictionary > star

  • 6 clip

    I 1. [klip] past tense, past participle - clipped; verb
    1) (to cut (foliage, an animal's hair etc) with scissors or shears: The shepherd clipped the sheep; The hedge was clipped.)
    2) (to strike sharply: She clipped him over the ear.)
    2. noun
    1) (an act of clipping.) strihanie
    2) (a sharp blow: a clip on the ear.) facka
    3) (a short piece of film: a video clip.) klip, krátky záber (z filmu)
    - clipping II 1. [klip] past tense, past participle - clipped; verb
    (to fasten with a clip: Clip these papers together.)
    2. noun
    (something for holding things together or in position: a paper-clip; a hair-clip; bicycle-clips (= round pieces of metal etc for holding the bottom of trouser legs close to the leg).) sponka, spinka
    * * *
    • zopnút
    • skoba
    • svorka
    • sponka
    • klipsna (šport.)

    English-Slovak dictionary > clip

  • 7 drive

    1. past tense - drove; verb
    1) (to control or guide (a car etc): Do you want to drive (the car), or shall I?) viesť auto
    2) (to take, bring etc in a car: My mother is driving me to the airport.) odviezť
    3) (to force or urge along: Two men and a dog were driving a herd of cattle across the road.) hnať
    4) (to hit hard: He drove a nail into the door; He drove a golf-ball from the tee.) zatĺcť; odpáliť
    5) (to cause to work by providing the necessary power: This mill is driven by water.) poháňať
    2. noun
    1) (a journey in a car, especially for pleasure: We decided to go for a drive.) jazda (autom)
    2) (a private road leading from a gate to a house etc: The drive is lined with trees.) príjazdová cesta
    3) (energy and enthusiasm: I think he has the drive needed for this job.) energia, elán
    4) (a special effort: We're having a drive to save electricity.) kampaň, akcia
    5) (in sport, a hard stroke (with a golf-club, a cricket bat etc).) úder
    6) ((computers) a disk drive.) mechanika (disku)
    - driver's license
    - drive-in
    - drive-through
    - driving licence
    - be driving at
    - drive off
    - drive on
    * * *
    • vozovka
    • vychádzka
    • zariadenie
    • jednotka
    • jazdit
    • hnat
    • jazda
    • budit
    • budenie
    • cesta
    • riadit (auto)
    • pohon
    • pohánat
    • mechanika
    • nápor
    • odíst

    English-Slovak dictionary > drive

  • 8 wrestle

    1) (to struggle physically (with someone), especially as a sport.) zápasiť
    2) (to struggle (with a problem etc): I've been wrestling with the office accounts.) zápasiť s, pasovať sa
    * * *
    • zápasit
    • zápas
    • preteky
    • pretekat
    • boj (šport.)

    English-Slovak dictionary > wrestle

  • 9 wrestler

    noun (a person who takes part in the sport of wrestling.) zápasník
    * * *
    • zápasník (šport.)

    English-Slovak dictionary > wrestler

  • 10 spin

    [spin] 1. present participle - spinning; verb
    1) (to (cause to) go round and round rapidly: She spun round in surprise; He spun the revolving door round and round.) (o)točiť (sa)
    2) (to form threads from (wool, cotton etc) by drawing out and twisting: The old woman was spinning (wool) in the corner of the room.) priasť
    2. noun
    1) (a whirling or turning motion: The patch of mud sent the car into a spin.) otáčanie, rotácia
    2) (a ride, especially on wheels: After lunch we went for a spin in my new car.) jazda
    - spin-drier
    - spin out
    * * *
    • vírenie
    • vírit sa
    • vrtenie
    • vyrazit
    • vývrtka (let.)
    • vystreknút
    • vyhodit
    • vytvorit
    • vyletiet
    • vytrysknút
    • žíhat
    • zvláknovat
    • splietat
    • skrucovat
    • snovat
    • spriadat
    • spravit vlákna
    • súkat
    • upriast
    • tocenie
    • tocit (sa)
    • tocit sa
    • priast
    • príst
    • frcat
    • falš (šport.)
    • dopriadat
    • hasit
    • hrat
    • púštat platnu
    • robit piruety
    • rútit sa
    • roztocit
    • padat
    • krútit
    • krúžit
    • lovit ryby
    • krútenie
    • motat sa
    • odvinút
    • odhodit

    English-Slovak dictionary > spin

  • 11 train

    I [trein] noun
    1) (a railway engine with its carriages and/or trucks: I caught the train to London.) vlak
    2) (a part of a long dress or robe that trails behind the wearer: The bride wore a dress with a train.) vlečka
    3) (a connected series: Then began a train of events which ended in disaster.) sled
    4) (a line of animals carrying people or baggage: a mule train; a baggage train.) rad; karavána
    II [trein] verb
    1) (to prepare, be prepared, or prepare oneself, through instruction, practice, exercise etc, for a sport, job, profession etc: I was trained as a teacher; The race-horse was trained by my uncle.) vyučiť; vycvičiť
    2) (to point or aim (a gun, telescope etc) in a particular direction: He trained the gun on/at the soldiers.) zamieriť
    3) (to make (a tree, plant etc) grow in a particular direction.) usmerniť rast, pestovať
    - trainee
    - trainer
    - training
    * * *
    • viest
    • vlecka
    • vlak
    • vychovat
    • vyškolit
    • vycvicit
    • zástup
    • zamierit
    • sled (pren.)
    • sled
    • školit
    • suita
    • sprievod
    • tiahnut
    • usmernovat rast
    • trénovat
    • predlžovat
    • precestovat vlakom
    • prispôsobit
    • preškolit
    • pretahovat
    • družina
    • drezírovat
    • karavána
    • beh (pren.)
    • chod (pren.)
    • cvicit
    • rad (pren.)
    • namierit

    English-Slovak dictionary > train

  • 12 column

    1) (a stone or wooden pillar used to support or adorn a building: the carved columns in the temple.) stĺp
    2) (something similar in shape: a column of smoke.) stĺpec
    3) (a vertical row (of numbers): He added up the column (of figures) to find the answer.) stĺpec
    4) (a vertical section of a page of print: a newspaper column.) stĺpec
    5) (a section in a newspaper, often written regularly by a particular person: He writes a daily column about sport.) rubrika
    6) (a long file of soldiers marching in short rows: a column of infantry.) kolóna
    7) (a long line of vehicles etc, one behind the other.) kolóna
    * * *
    • stlpec
    • stlp
    • kolóna

    English-Slovak dictionary > column

  • 13 fan

    I 1. [fæn] noun
    1) (a flat instrument held in the hand and waved to direct a current of air across the face in hot weather: Ladies used to carry fans to keep themselves cool.) vejár
    2) (a mechanical instrument causing a current of air: He has had a fan fitted in the kitchen for extracting smells.) vetrák
    2. verb
    1) (to cool (as if) with a fan: She sat in the corner, fanning herself.) ovievať sa
    2) (to increase or strengthen (a fire) by directing air towards it with a fan etc: They fanned the fire until it burst into flames.) rozdúchavať
    II [fæn] noun
    (an enthusiastic admirer of a sport, hobby or well-known person: I'm a great fan of his; football fans; ( also adjective) fan mail/letters (= letters etc sent by admirers).) fanúšik
    * * *
    • vlnit sa
    • vetrák
    • vejár
    • vrtula (slang.)
    • ventilátor
    • vzbudit
    • skalný
    • udriet
    • trepotat sa
    • prehladat (slang.)
    • previevat (obilie)
    • dut
    • fúkat
    • fanúšik
    • cistiaci mlyncek
    • rozdúchat
    • ovievat
    • oživit
    • podnietit
    • list vrtule
    • krídlo (veterného mlyna)
    • lopatka
    • nadšený obdivovatel
    • nadšenec

    English-Slovak dictionary > fan

  • 14 surf

    [sə:f] 1. noun
    (the foam made as waves break on rocks or on the shore: The children were playing in the white surf.) príboj
    2. verb
    1) (to ride on a surfboard as a sport.) surfovať
    2) (to look for interesting sites on the Internet.) surfovať
    - surfing
    - surfboard
    * * *
    • príboj

    English-Slovak dictionary > surf

  • 15 penalty

    plural - penalties; noun
    1) (a punishment for doing wrong, breaking a contract etc: They did wrong and they will have to pay the penalty; The death penalty has been abolished in this country.) trest
    2) (in sport etc, a disadvantage etc that must be suffered for breaking the rules etc: The referee awarded the team a penalty; ( also adjective) a penalty kick) trestný bod; penalta; trestný

    English-Slovak dictionary > penalty

  • 16 coach

    [kəu ] 1. noun
    1) (a railway carriage: The last two coaches of the train were derailed.) vagón
    2) (a bus for tourists etc.) autokar
    3) (a trainer in athletics, sport etc: the tennis coach.) tréner
    4) (a private teacher: They employed a coach to help their son with his mathematics.) súkromný učiteľ, -ka
    5) (a four-wheeled horsedrawn vehicle.) koč
    2. verb
    (to prepare (a person) for an examination, contest etc: He coached his friend for the Latin exam.) pripraviť
    - coachman
    * * *
    • železnicný vagón
    • súkromný ucitel
    • tréner
    • trénovat
    • kociar
    • koc
    • kocík
    • autokar
    • autobus
    • osobný voz na železnici

    English-Slovak dictionary > coach

  • 17 fancy

    ['fænsi] 1. plural - fancies; noun
    1) (a sudden (often unexpected) liking or desire: The child had many peculiar fancies.)
    2) (the power of the mind to imagine things: She had a tendency to indulge in flights of fancy.)
    3) (something imagined: He had a sudden fancy that he could see Spring approaching.)
    2. adjective
    (decorated; not plain: fancy cakes.) ozdobený
    3. verb
    1) (to like the idea of having or doing something: I fancy a cup of tea.) mať chuť (na)
    2) (to think or have a certain feeling or impression (that): I fancied (that) you were angry.) mať pocit, nazdávať sa
    3) (to have strong sexual interest in (a person): He fancies her a lot.) priťahovať
    - fancifully
    - fancy dress
    - take a fancy to
    - take one's fancy
    * * *
    • vrtošivý
    • úsudok
    • vrtoch
    • vkus
    • uverit (slepo)
    • vzorovaný
    • výplod fantázie
    • zalúbenie
    • záluba
    • zdobený
    • snívat
    • svojrázny
    • uskutocnený dokonalou tech
    • prízrak
    • prepychový
    • predstavit si
    • predstava
    • predstavivost
    • fantastický
    • fantázia
    • ilúzia
    • chovat
    • domnienka
    • chut
    • chciet
    • pestovatelia
    • pestovat
    • podivný
    • ozdobný
    • podivínsky
    • považovat za pravdepodob.
    • pomysliet si
    • luxusný
    • mat chut
    • mat dojem
    • nadšenci
    • módny
    • náklonnost
    • nápad
    • nezmyselný
    • oblúbený šport
    • obrazotvornost

    English-Slovak dictionary > fancy

  • 18 referee

    1) (a person who controls boxing, football etc matches, makes sure that the rules are not broken etc: The referee sent two of the players off the field.) rozhodca
    2) (a person who is willing to provide a note about one's character, ability etc, eg when one applies for new job.) ručiteľ
    * * *
    • sudcovat
    • sudca
    • expert
    • rozhodca
    • referent
    • rozhodca (šport.)
    • odborný znalec

    English-Slovak dictionary > referee

  • 19 turf

    [tə:f] 1. plural - turfs; noun
    1) (rough grass and the earth it grows out of: He walked across the springy turf.) trávnik
    2) ((a usually square piece of) grass and earth: We laid turf in our garden to make a lawn.) mačina; rašelina
    2. verb
    1) (to cover with turf(s): We are going to turf that part of the garden.) pokryť mačinou
    2) (to throw: We turfed him out of the house.) vyhodiť
    * * *
    • zelený trávnik
    • trávnik
    • dostihový svet
    • dostihy
    • dostihová dráha
    • dostihový šport
    • rýpat rašelinu
    • rašelina
    • pokrývat macinou
    • pokrývat
    • konské dostihy
    • obkladat macinou

    English-Slovak dictionary > turf

  • 20 hammer

    ['hæmə] 1. noun
    1) (a tool with a heavy usually metal head, used for driving nails into wood, breaking hard substances etc: a joiner's hammer.) kladivo
    2) (the part of a bell, piano, clock etc that hits against some other part, so making a noise.) kladivko
    3) (in sport, a metal ball on a long steel handle for throwing.) kladivo
    2. verb
    1) (to hit, beat, break etc (something) with a hammer: He hammered the nail into the wood.) zatĺcť kladivom
    2) (to teach a person (something) with difficulty, by repetition: Grammar was hammered into us at school.) vtĺkať
    - give someone a hammering
    - give a hammering
    - hammer home
    - hammer out
    * * *
    • tlct kladivom
    • kladivo
    • kladivko
    • búšit
    • kohútik pušky

    English-Slovak dictionary > hammer

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Sport in Scotland — Sport plays a central role in Scottish culture. The temperate, oceanic climate has played a key part in the evolution of Sport in Scotland, with all weather sports like football, rugby union and golf dominating the national sporting consciousness …   Wikipedia

  • Sport policies of the European Union — The European Union plays a minor and mostly indirect policy role in sport, because (a) sport is normally considered to be outside the competences conferred by the member states to the European Union and (b) sport is in general organised… …   Wikipedia

  • Sport in Cardiff — plays a very important role due to it being the capital city of Wales. It has its own teams in the mainstream football, rugby, cricket and ice hockey teams, and is also home to national stadiam of Wales.FootballCardiff has one main professional… …   Wikipedia

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  • Sport in Milton Keynes — covers a range of professional and amateur sport in the Borough of Milton Keynes. There are professional teams in football, ice hockey and basketball. Most other sports feature at amateur level.ArcheryThere are archery clubs in Newport Pagnell… …   Wikipedia

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