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  • 121 understand

    1. past tense, past participle - understood; verb
    1) (to see or know the meaning of (something): I can't understand his absence; Speak slowly to foreigners so that they'll understand you.) pochopiť, (po)rozumieť
    2) (to know (eg a person) thoroughly: She understands children/dogs.) rozumieť
    3) (to learn or realize (something), eg from information received: At first I didn't understand how ill she was; I understood that you were planning to leave today.) pochopiť
    - understanding 2. noun
    1) (the power of thinking clearly: a man of great understanding.) inteligencia
    2) (the ability to sympathize with another person's feelings: His kindness and understanding were a great comfort to her.) porozumenie
    3) (a (state of) informal agreement: The two men have come to / reached an understanding after their disagreement.) zhoda
    - make oneself understood
    - make understood
    * * *
    • uzatvárat
    • vediet
    • vidiet
    • vyznat sa
    • vyložit si
    • súdit
    • dozvedat sa
    • dozvediet sa
    • byt informovaný
    • domnievat sa
    • chápat to
    • chápat
    • rozumiet
    • pochopit to
    • ovládat
    • pocut
    • pochopit
    • porozumenie
    • poznat
    • mat ten dojem
    • nahliadnut
    • mlcky predpokladat
    • mat pochopenie
    • nazdávat sa

    English-Slovak dictionary > understand

  • 122 use

    I [ju:z] verb
    1) (to employ (something) for a purpose: What did you use to open the can?; Use your common sense!) používať
    2) (to consume: We're using far too much electricity.) spotrebovať
    - used
    - user
    - user-friendly
    - user guide
    - be used to something
    - be used to
    - used to
    II [ju:s]
    1) (the act of using or state of being used: The use of force to persuade workers to join a strike cannot be justified; This telephone number is for use in emergencies.) použitie
    2) (the/a purpose for which something may be used: This little knife has plenty of uses; I have no further use for these clothes.) použitie
    3) ((often in questions or with negatives) value or advantage: Is this coat (of) any use to you?; It's no use offering to help when it's too late.) úžitok, osoh
    4) (the power of using: She lost the use of her right arm as a result of the accident.) schopnosť používať
    5) (permission, or the right, to use: They let us have the use of their car while they were away.) používanie
    - usefulness
    - usefully
    - useless
    - be in use
    - out of use
    - come in useful
    - have no use for
    - it's no use
    - make good use of
    - make use of
    - put to good use
    - put to use
    * * *
    • úžitok
    • volný prístup
    • zachádzat
    • význam
    • využit
    • zabit
    • zmanipulovat
    • zneužit
    • zmysel
    • zvyklost
    • zvyk
    • schopnost používat
    • slúžit
    • spotrebovat
    • spracovat
    • stratit vládu
    • strávit
    • uplatnenie
    • úcel
    • upotrebenie
    • upotrebit
    • aplikácia
    • cena
    • chovat sa
    • ovládanie
    • opotrebovanie
    • pochopenie
    • pestovat
    • používat
    • právo na požívanie
    • použi
    • požívacie právo
    • používanie
    • použitie
    • použit
    • porozumenie
    • potrebovat
    • liturgia
    • mat prospech
    • mat použitie
    • obrad
    • obvyklá prax

    English-Slovak dictionary > use

  • 123 want

    [wont] 1. verb
    1) (to be interested in having or doing, or to wish to have or do (something); to desire: Do you want a cigarette?; She wants to know where he is; She wants to go home.) chcieť
    2) (to need: This wall wants a coat of paint.) potrebovať
    3) (to lack: This house wants none of the usual modern features but I do not like it; The people will want (= be poor) no longer.) mať nedostatok
    2. noun
    1) (something desired: The child has a long list of wants.) prianie, potreba
    2) (poverty: They have lived in want for many years.) núdza
    3) (a lack: There's no want of opportunities these days.) nedostatok
    - want ad
    - want for
    * * *
    • spotreba
    • bieda
    • chciet
    • chýbat
    • potreba
    • potrebovat
    • postrádat
    • mat nedostatok
    • musiet
    • nevyhnutnost
    • nedostatok
    • nemat
    • núdza

    English-Slovak dictionary > want

  • 124 will have

    • chce mat
    • chcete mat

    English-Slovak dictionary > will have

  • 125 be inclined to

    1) (to have a tendency to (do something): He is inclined to be a bit lazy.) mať sklon k
    2) (to have a slight desire to (do something): I am inclined to accept their invitation.) mať chuť

    English-Slovak dictionary > be inclined to

  • 126 dine on

    (to have for one's dinner: They dined on lobster and champagne.) mať na obed, mať na večeru

    English-Slovak dictionary > dine on

  • 127 Вы будете иметь успех

    Русско-словацкий разговорник > Вы будете иметь успех

  • 128 Дождь будет идти недолго

    Русско-словацкий разговорник > Дождь будет идти недолго

См. также в других словарях:

  • Mat Roy Thompson — Born Leroy Thompson February 8, 1874 Dunlap, Iowa Died June 8, 1962 Tacoma, Washington …   Wikipedia

  • Mat Zo — Background information Birth name Matan Zohar Also known as MRSA Born …   Wikipedia

  • mat — 1. (mat ) s. m. 1°   Terme de jeu d échecs. Échec et mat, ou, simplement, mat, coup qui, mettant le roi en échec, le réduit à ne pouvoir bouger sans se mettre en un nouvel échec, et qui fait gagner la partie. Voilà un beau mat. •   Enfin l… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Mat-Salleh-Rebellion — Mat Salleh Die Mat Salleh Rebellion bezeichnet eine Reihe größerer Unruhen in Nordborneo, dem heutigen Bundesstaat Sabah in Malaysia, zwischen 1894 und 1900. Der Anführer war Datu Paduka Muhammad Salleh, besser bekannt als Mat Salleh.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Mat Zo — Mat Zo.png Naissance 30 avril 1990 Pays d’origine London, England, United Kingdom Activité principale Musicien, DJ Genre musical Trance progressive …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Mat Kearney — Background information Born December 1, 1978 (1978 12 01) (age 32) Eugene, Oregon, United States …   Wikipedia

  • Mat Silver & Tony Burt — Background information Origin Germany New Zealand Genres …   Wikipedia

  • Mat (Russian profanity) — Mat (Russian: мат; матерщина / матерный язык) is the term for strong obscene profanity in Russian and some other Slavic language communities. Use of mat is censored in the media and use of mat in public constitutes a form of disorderly conduct,… …   Wikipedia

  • MAT-49 — Un MAT 49 expuesto. Tipo Subfusil automático País de origen …   Wikipedia Español

  • Mat — ist die Abkürzung für: Macedonian Airlines MAT, die nationale mazedonische Fluggesellschaft Maschinelle Autotransfusion, ein Verfahren der Bluttransfusion Mentales Aktivierungstraining, ein Gehirntraining, siehe Siegfried Lehrl Miller Analogies… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • MAT 49 — Présentation Pays & …   Wikipédia en Français

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