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  • 1 Lyn

    Сокращение: Lynx (Рысь)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Lyn

  • 2 Lyn

    1) ж. ім'я Лін (зменш. від Linda, Lynda)
    2) ч. ім'я Лін (зменш. від Llewellyn, Llewelyn)

    English-Ukrainian dictionary > Lyn

  • 3 lyncean

    [l'insiən] adj que tem vista aguda e penetrante.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > lyncean

  • 4 lightning

    lyn {n}

    English-Danish mini dictionary > lightning

  • 5 flash

    flæʃ 1. noun
    1) (a quick showing of a bright light: a flash of lightning.) lyn(glimt), lysstråle, blink, blits(lys)
    2) (a moment; a very short time: He was with her in a flash.) glimt, øyeblikk, nå
    3) (a flashlight.) lommelykt
    4) ((often newsflash) a brief news report sent by radio, television etc: Did you hear the flash about the king's death?) ekstra nyhetssending
    2. verb
    1) ((of a light) to (cause to) shine quickly: He flashed a torch.) glimte, lyne, lyse (med)
    2) ((usually with by or past) to pass quickly: The days flashed by; The cars flashed past.) suse/fare forbi
    3) (to show; to display: He flashed a card and was allowed to pass.) vise i et glimt, vise lynrapt
    - flashy
    - flashily
    - flashlight
    subst. \/flæʃ\/
    1) (lys)glimt, (lys)stråle, lyn, blink
    2) ( militærvesen) munningsflamme
    3) ( fotografi) blitz(lys)
    4) (fra fyr, signallampe e.l.) lysblink
    5) ( overført) glimt, oppblussing, oppflamming, anfall, innfall, utbrudd
    6) overflateglans, billig juggel
    7) kort nyhetsmelding
    8) ( film) glimt, (svært) kort scene
    9) vannmasse (som slippes løs for å løfte båt av grunne i dam eller sluse)
    10) reservoar
    11) ( teknikk) grat, skjegg (på senkesmiestykke)
    12) (spesielt amer., hverdagslig) lommelykt
    13) ( militærvesen) uniformsmerke
    by flashes glimtvis, i glimt
    flash in the pan blaff, kortvarig suksess, kort oppbluss (av energi e.l.)
    person med kortvarig suksess, en som luften fort går ut av, impulsiv person
    flash of lightning lyn(glimt)
    flash of wit vittig innfall
    in a flash på et blunk, på et øyeblikk, lynraskt, som et lyn
    verb \/flæʃ\/
    1) lyse, glimte, lyse opp, blinke, lyne, gnistre, flamme
    2) ( overført) lyne, funkle, skyte lyn
    3) fly som et lyn, suse av gårde, fosse frem
    4) ( hverdagslig) briljere (med), vise (frem), vifte med, skryte
    5) ( slang) blotte seg (vise kjønnsorgan)
    6) sende (lynraskt), telegrafere
    7) ( overført) sende plutselig, sende raskt
    8) ( film) vise i et glimt
    9) skylle, spyle
    10) løfte båt (av grunn)
    flash a roof tekke et tak
    flash a smile at somebody sende et strålende smil til noen
    flash back kaste tilbake, gi ekko
    flash by suse forbi
    flash it about flotte seg, slå på stortromma
    flash up\/out flamme opp, bruse opp
    flash over ( elektronikk) slå over
    flash power brenne av krutt
    flash upon somebody eller flash into one's mind plutselig innse noe, fare gjennom en
    adj. \/flæʃ\/
    1) forloren, billig og prangende, overpyntet
    2) smart, (litt for) moteriktig
    3) uekte, falsk
    4) ( foranstilt) tyve-, forbryter-, loffer-, røver-

    English-Norwegian dictionary > flash

  • 6 lightning

    (a flash of electricity between clouds or from a cloud to earth during a storm, usually followed by thunder: The house was struck by lightning.) lyn
    subst. \/ˈlaɪtnɪŋ\/
    lightning never strikes twice in the same place lynet slår aldri ned to ganger på samme sted
    lightning strike uvarslet streik
    lightning visit lynvisitt
    like greased lightning som et oljet lyn
    summer (heat) lightning forklaring: flatelyn uten torden
    adj. \/ˈlaɪtnɪŋ\/
    1) lynende
    2) lyn-

    English-Norwegian dictionary > lightning

  • 7 thunderbolt

    1) (a flash of lightning immediately followed by thunder.) lyn, tordenslag
    2) (a sudden great surprise: Her arrival was a complete thunderbolt.) (som) lyn fra klar himmel
    subst. \/ˈθʌndəbəʊlt \/
    lyn, lynstråle, lynnedslag (også overført)
    like a thunderbolt som et lynnedslag

    English-Norwegian dictionary > thunderbolt

  • 8 bolt

    boult 1. noun
    1) (a bar to fasten a door etc: We have a bolt as well as a lock on the door.) slå
    2) (a round bar of metal, often with a screw thread for a nut: nuts and bolts.) mutter
    3) (a flash of lightning.) lyn
    4) (a roll (of cloth): a bolt of silk.) rull
    2. verb
    1) (to fasten with a bolt: He bolted the door.) bolte, skyve slåen for døra
    2) (to swallow hastily: The child bolted her food.) hive i seg
    3) (to go away very fast: The horse bolted in terror.) løpe av gårde, løpe løpsk
    - bolt-upright
    - boltupright
    - a bolt from the blue
    subst. \/bəʊlt\/
    1) bolt, nagle, (stor) spiker, (stor) skrue
    2) (lås)slå, rigel, sluttstykke (i skytevåpen)
    3) armbrøstpil (med bred spiss), bolt
    4) lynstråle
    5) stoffrull, tøybunt, tapetrull
    6) sluking, svelging
    7) (amer.) politisk avhopp
    bolt upright stiv som en pinne, rett opp og ned
    draw (back) the bolt skyve slåen fra
    have shot one's (last) bolt ( hverdagslig) ha tatt tatt ut de siste kreftene, ha brukt alle ressurser
    make a bolt for springe mot, styrte av gårde til
    make a bolt for it rømme, stikke av
    shoot one's bolt ( hverdagslig) gjøre alt man kan, ikke spare på kruttet
    verb \/bəʊlt\/
    1) fare (i vei), skjene, løpe løpsk, pile av gårde
    2) ( hverdagslig) stikke, rømme
    3) låse, låses, stenge(s) med slå
    4) feste med bolter, bolte
    5) (amer.) hoppe av (fra politisk parti)
    6) ( om planter) bråmodne, bli forvokst, gå i frø\/stokk
    7) ( hverdagslig) svelge (uten å tygge), hive i seg, sluke
    verb \/bəʊlt\/ eller boult
    1) ( om mel) sikte, rense
    2) undersøke nøye

    English-Norwegian dictionary > bolt

  • 9 bomb

    bom 1. noun
    (a hollow case containing explosives etc: The enemy dropped a bomb on the factory and blew it up.) bombe
    2. verb
    1) (to drop bombs on: London was bombed several times.) bombe
    2) (to fail miserably: The play bombed on the first night.) mislykkes, bli fiasko
    - bombshell
    subst. \/bɒm\/
    1) bombe
    2) (amer. fotball) langpasning
    3) (austr., slang) vrak, rusthaug, forklaring: nedslitt bil som er lappet sammen og trimmet
    4) ( slang) formue
    det kostet en formue \/ det kostet flesk
    5) ( slang) brøler, tabbe
    the bomb atombomben, den endelige bomben
    go (down) like a bomb eller be a bomb ( hverdagslig) være en kjempesuksess, være en fulltreffer
    go like a bomb ( hverdagslig) gå som et lyn\/skudd
    look like a bomb's hit it (hverdagslig, om sted) se ut som et bombenedslag
    verb \/bɒm\/
    1) bombe, bombardere, kaste bomber (på), slippe bomber (over)
    2) gå i baret, gjøre fiasko
    bomb along\/down komme løpende, kjøre fort
    bombed (out of one's mind) sørpe full, døddrukken, pære full
    bomb out bombe ut
    ( slang) gå i baret, gjøre fiasko (amer., EDB, hverdagslig) gå ned, kræsje, bryte sammen
    bomb up forklaring: laste bomber i et fly

    English-Norwegian dictionary > bomb

  • 10 streak

    stri:k 1. noun
    1) (a long, irregular mark or stripe: There was a streak of blood on her cheek; a streak of lightning.) stripe, strek
    2) (a trace of some quality in a person's character etc: She has a streak of selfishness.) trekk, anstrøk
    2. verb
    1) (to mark with streaks: Her dark hair was streaked with grey; The child's face was streaked with tears.) stripe, bli stripet
    2) (to move very fast: The runner streaked round the racetrack.) suse, stryke
    subst. \/striːk\/
    1) strime, stripe, rand, strek
    2) åre, rand
    3) drag, trekk, innslag, anstrøk
    4) periode med hell
    5) ( hverdagslig) forklaring: det å springe naken på offentlige steder for å vekke oppsikt
    have a streak of (good) luck ha flaks, ha hellet med seg
    hit a winning streak eller be on a winning streak ri på en bølge av medgang
    streak of light lysstrime, lyssstripe
    talk a blue streak (amer., hverdagslig) prate som en foss, prate svært fort eller svært mye
    once he got started, he talked a blue streak
    når han først kom i gang, pratet han som en foss
    verb \/striːk\/
    1) stripe, danne striper, danne strimer, gjøre strimet, gjøre stripet
    2) åre, gjøre randet
    3) ( om hår) stripe
    4) streke, lage streker
    5) ( hverdagslig) fare, suse
    6) ( hverdagslig) forklaring: springe naken på offentlige steder for å vekke oppsikt
    streak off stikke av, stryke av gårde

    English-Norwegian dictionary > streak

  • 11 a bolt from the blue

    (a sudden, unexpected happening: His resignation was a bolt from the blue.) lyn fra en klar himmel
    * * *
    (a sudden, unexpected happening: His resignation was a bolt from the blue.) lyn fra en klar himmel

    English-Danish dictionary > a bolt from the blue

  • 12 bolt

    [boult] 1. noun
    1) (a bar to fasten a door etc: We have a bolt as well as a lock on the door.) slå
    2) (a round bar of metal, often with a screw thread for a nut: nuts and bolts.) nagle
    3) (a flash of lightning.) lyn
    4) (a roll (of cloth): a bolt of silk.) rulle
    2. verb
    1) (to fasten with a bolt: He bolted the door.) bolte; skyde slåen for
    2) (to swallow hastily: The child bolted her food.) sluge
    3) (to go away very fast: The horse bolted in terror.) styrte afsted
    - bolt-upright
    - boltupright
    - a bolt from the blue
    * * *
    [boult] 1. noun
    1) (a bar to fasten a door etc: We have a bolt as well as a lock on the door.) slå
    2) (a round bar of metal, often with a screw thread for a nut: nuts and bolts.) nagle
    3) (a flash of lightning.) lyn
    4) (a roll (of cloth): a bolt of silk.) rulle
    2. verb
    1) (to fasten with a bolt: He bolted the door.) bolte; skyde slåen for
    2) (to swallow hastily: The child bolted her food.) sluge
    3) (to go away very fast: The horse bolted in terror.) styrte afsted
    - bolt-upright
    - boltupright
    - a bolt from the blue

    English-Danish dictionary > bolt

  • 13 crash

    [kræʃ] 1. noun
    1) (a noise as of heavy things breaking or falling on something hard: I heard a crash, and looked round to see that he'd dropped all the plates.) brag
    2) (a collision: There was a crash involving three cars.) sammenstød; kollision
    3) (a failure of a business etc: the Wall Street crash.) krak
    4) (a sudden failure of a computer: A computer crash is very costly.)
    2. verb
    1) (to (cause to) fall with a loud noise: The glass crashed to the floor.) smadre; styrte; brage
    2) (to drive or be driven violently (against, into): He crashed (his car); His car crashed into a wall.) støde ind; smadre
    3) ((of aircraft) to land or be landed in such a way as to be damaged or destroyed: His plane crashed in the mountains.) styrte ned
    4) ((of a business) to fail.) krakke
    5) (to force one's way noisily (through, into): He crashed through the undergrowth.) brage; styrte
    6) ((of a computer) to stop working suddenly: If the computer crashes, we may lose all our files.)
    3. adjective
    (rapid and concentrated: a crash course in computer technology.) lyn-
    - crash-land
    * * *
    [kræʃ] 1. noun
    1) (a noise as of heavy things breaking or falling on something hard: I heard a crash, and looked round to see that he'd dropped all the plates.) brag
    2) (a collision: There was a crash involving three cars.) sammenstød; kollision
    3) (a failure of a business etc: the Wall Street crash.) krak
    4) (a sudden failure of a computer: A computer crash is very costly.)
    2. verb
    1) (to (cause to) fall with a loud noise: The glass crashed to the floor.) smadre; styrte; brage
    2) (to drive or be driven violently (against, into): He crashed (his car); His car crashed into a wall.) støde ind; smadre
    3) ((of aircraft) to land or be landed in such a way as to be damaged or destroyed: His plane crashed in the mountains.) styrte ned
    4) ((of a business) to fail.) krakke
    5) (to force one's way noisily (through, into): He crashed through the undergrowth.) brage; styrte
    6) ((of a computer) to stop working suddenly: If the computer crashes, we may lose all our files.)
    3. adjective
    (rapid and concentrated: a crash course in computer technology.) lyn-
    - crash-land

    English-Danish dictionary > crash

  • 14 double-quick

    adjective, adverb (very quick(ly): Get here double-quick / in double-quick time!) lynhurtigt; lyn-
    * * *
    adjective, adverb (very quick(ly): Get here double-quick / in double-quick time!) lynhurtigt; lyn-

    English-Danish dictionary > double-quick

  • 15 lightning

    (a flash of electricity between clouds or from a cloud to earth during a storm, usually followed by thunder: The house was struck by lightning.) lyn
    * * *
    (a flash of electricity between clouds or from a cloud to earth during a storm, usually followed by thunder: The house was struck by lightning.) lyn

    English-Danish dictionary > lightning

  • 16 quick

    [kwik] 1. adjective
    1) (done, said, finished etc in a short time: a quick trip into town.) hurtig
    2) (moving, or able to move, with speed: He's a very quick walker; I made a grab at the dog, but it was too quick for me.) hurtig
    3) (doing something, able to do something, or done, without delay; prompt; lively: He is always quick to help; a quick answer; He's very quick at arithmetic.) hurtig; rap
    2. adverb
    (quickly: quick-frozen food.) hurtigt; rapt; lyn-
    - quicken
    - quickness
    - quicklime
    - quicksands
    - quicksilver
    - quick-tempered
    - quick-witted
    - quick-wittedly
    - quick-wittedness
    * * *
    [kwik] 1. adjective
    1) (done, said, finished etc in a short time: a quick trip into town.) hurtig
    2) (moving, or able to move, with speed: He's a very quick walker; I made a grab at the dog, but it was too quick for me.) hurtig
    3) (doing something, able to do something, or done, without delay; prompt; lively: He is always quick to help; a quick answer; He's very quick at arithmetic.) hurtig; rap
    2. adverb
    (quickly: quick-frozen food.) hurtigt; rapt; lyn-
    - quicken
    - quickness
    - quicklime
    - quicksands
    - quicksilver
    - quick-tempered
    - quick-witted
    - quick-wittedly
    - quick-wittedness

    English-Danish dictionary > quick

  • 17 thunderbolt

    1) (a flash of lightning immediately followed by thunder.) lynnedslag
    2) (a sudden great surprise: Her arrival was a complete thunderbolt.) et lyn fra en klar himmel
    * * *
    1) (a flash of lightning immediately followed by thunder.) lynnedslag
    2) (a sudden great surprise: Her arrival was a complete thunderbolt.) et lyn fra en klar himmel

    English-Danish dictionary > thunderbolt

  • 18 Springsteen, R. G.

       Nacido en Tacoma, Washington, empieza como ayudante de direccion en los albores del cine sonoro, y a mediados de la decada de los 40 se convierte en un director que, con el tiempo, resultara ser muy prolifico y razonablemente vulgar. Cuando empieza a dirigir, el western de serie B y las estrellas asociadas a el se encuentran ya en franca decadencia, por lo que cabe decir que Springsteen es uno de los ultimos en trabajar con estrellas del tipo Bill Elliott o Allan Lane. Esta en activo hasta bien entrados los anos 60, dirigiendo sobre todo westerns, pero tambien thrillers, algunas comedias e incluso varios mu sicales, lo que no conlleva, en su caso, la realizacion de proyectos mas ambiciosos. En todo caso, no es facil encontrar una pelicula de Springsteen que desagrade intensamente. La mayor parte de su actividad profesional la ejerce para Republic, con o sin el concurso del productor Gordon Kay.
        Marshal of Laredo. 1945. 56 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Republic. Bill Elliott, Peggy Stewart, Bob Blake.
        Colorado Pioneers. 1945. 57 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Republic. Bill Elliott, Bob Blake, Alice Fleming.
        Wagon Wheels Westward. 1945. 56 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Republic. Bill Elliott, Linda Stirling, Bob Blake.
        California Gold Rush. 1946. 51 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Republic. Bill Elliott, Peggy Stewart, Bob Blake.
        Home on the Range. 1946. 55 minutos. Magnacolor. Republic. Monte Hale, Adrian Booth, Bob Blake.
        Sun Valley Cyclone. 1946. 56 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Republic. Bill Elliott, Bob Blake, Alice Fleming.
        The Man from Rainbow Valley. 1946. 56 minutos. Magnacolor. Republic. Monte Hale, Adrian Booth, Jo Ann Marlowe.
        Conquest of Cheyenne. 1946. 55 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Republic. Bill Elliott, Peggy Stewart, Bob Blake.
        Sheriff of Redwood Valley. 1946. 54 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Republic. Bill Elliott, Peggy Stewart, Bob Blake.
        Santa Fe Uprising. 1946. 55 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Republic. Allan Lane, Bob Blake, Martha Wentworth.
        Stagecoach to Denver. 1946. 56 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Republic. Allan Lane, Bob Blake, Martha Wentworth, Peggy Stewart.
        Vigilantes of Boomtown. 1947. 56 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Republic. Allan Lane, Bob Blake, Martha Wentworth, Peggy Stewart.
        Homesteaders of Paradise Valley. 1947. 59 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Republic. Allan Lane, Bob Blake, Martha Wentworth, Ann E. Todd.
        Oregon Trail Scouts. 1947. 58 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Republic. Allan Lane, Bob Blake, Martha Wentworth.
        The Rustlers of Devil’s Canyon. 1947. 58 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Re pu blic. Allan Lane, Bob Blake, Martha Wentworth, Peggy Stewart.
        Marshal of Cripple Creek. 1947. 58 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Republic. Allan Lane, Bob Blake, Martha Wentworth.
        Along the Oregon Trail. 1947. 64 minutos. Trucolor. Republic. Monte Hale, Adrian Booth, Max Terhune, Clayton Moore.
        Under Colorado Skies. 1947. 65 minutos. Trucolor. Republic. Monte Hale, Adrian Booth, Paul Hurst.
        Son of God’s Country. 1948. 60 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Republic. Monte Hale, Pamela Blake, Paul Hurst.
        Sundown in Santa Fe. 1948. 60 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Republic. Allan Lane, Eddy Waller, Jean Dean.
        Renegades of Sonora. 1948. 60 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Republic. Allan Lane, Eddy Waller.
        Sheriff of Wichita. 1949. 60 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Republic. Allan Lane, Eddy Waller, Lyn Wilde.
        Death Valley Gunfighter. 1949. 60 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Republic. Allan Lane, Eddy Waller, Gail Davis.
        Hellfire. 1949. 90 minutos. Trucolor. Republic. Bill Elliott, Marie Windsor, Forrest Tucker.
        Navajo Trail Raiders. 1949. 60 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Republic. Allan Lane, Eddy Waller, Barbara Bestar.
        Singing Guns. 1950. 91 minutos. Trucolor. Republic. Vaughn Monroe, Ella Raines, Walter Brennan.
        The Arizona Cowboy. 1950. 67 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Republic. Rex Allen, Gordon Jones, Teala Loring.
        Hills of Oklahoma. 1950. 67 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Republic. Rex Allen, Fuzzy Knight, Elizabeth Fraser.
        Covered Wagon Raid. 1950. 60 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Republic. Allan Lane, Eddy Waller, Lyn Thomas.
        Frisco Tornado. 1950. 60 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Republic. Allan Lane, Eddy Waller, Martha Hyer.
        Honeychile. 1951. 90 minutos. Trucolor. Republic. Judy Canova, Eddie Foy, Jr., Alan Hale.
        Oklahoma Annie. 1952. 90 minutos. Trucolor. Republic. Judy Canova, John Russell, Grant Withers.
        Toughest Man in Arizona. 1952. 90 minutos. Trucolor. Republic. Vaughn Monroe, Joan Leslie, Victor Jory.
        A Perilous Journey. 1953. 90 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Republic. Vera Ralston, Scott Brady, David Brian, Hope Emerson.
        Cole Younger, Gunfighter. 1958. 78 minutos. Color DeLuxe. CinemaScope. Allied. Frank Lovejoy, James Best, Jan Merlin, Abby Dalton.
        King of the Wild Stallions. 1959. 76 minutos. Color DeLuxe. CinemaScope. Allied. George Montgomery, Dianne Brewster, Emile Meyer.
        Showdown. 1963. 79 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Gordon Kay Produc tions/ Universal. Audie Murphy, Charles Drake, Kathleen Crowley.
        He Rides Tall. 1964. 84 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Gordon Kay Produc - tions/Universal. Tony Young, Dan Duryea, Jo Morrow.
        Bullet for a Badman. 1964. 80 minutos. Eastmancolor. Gordon Kay Pro - ductions/Universal. Audie Murphy, Darren McGavin, Ruta Lee.
        Taggart. 1965. 85 minutos. Technicolor. Gordon Kay Productions/Uni versal. Tony Young, Dan Duryea, Elsa Cardenas.
        Black Spurs (Espuelas negras). 1965. 81 minutos. Technicolor. Techni scope. Paramount. Rory Calhoun, Linda Darnell, Terry Moore, Scott Brady.
        Apache Uprising (Rebelion apache). 1966. 90 minutos. Technicolor. Techniscope. Paramount. Rory Calhoun, Corinne Calvet, Gene Evans, Richard Arlen.
        Johnny Reno (Johnny Reno). 1966. 83 minutos. Technicolor. Techniscope. Paramount. Dana Andrews, Jane Russell, Tom Drake, Lyle Bettger, John Agar.
        Waco (Waco). 1966. 85 minutos. Technicolor. Techniscope. Paramount. Howard Keel, Jane Russell, Brian Donlevy, Terry Moore, Wendell Corey.
        Red Tomahakw (Tomate rojo). 1967. 82 minutos. Pathecolor. Paramount. Howard Keel, Joan Caulfield, Broderick Crawford, Scott Brady.
        Hostile Guns (pistolas hostiles). 1967. 91 minutos. Technicolor. Pa ra mount. George Montgomery, Yvonne De Carlo, Tab Hunte.

    English-Spanish dictionary of western films > Springsteen, R. G.

  • 19 LAM

    1) Компьютерная техника: Local Area Multicomputer, Local Area Multiprocessor, line access module
    2) Медицина: Lactational Amenorrhoea Method
    4) Телекоммуникации: Lobe Attachment Unit (Token Ring)
    5) Сокращение: Land Attack Missile, Laser Aiming Module, Lock Assembly Machine (robotic machine that operates on software integrated circuits that sends and receives data from the computer to a signal controller interface (to make Arrow locks)), Long Aerial Mine, Master of Liberal Arts, laminate, lymphangioleiomyomatosis
    6) Физиология: Laminectomy
    7) Вычислительная техника: lobe access module, Local Area Multicomputer (Parallel Computing)
    8) Фирменный знак: Lyn Ashley Music
    9) Океанография: Limited Area Model
    11) Расширение файла: Streaming audio metafile (Netscape Media Player)
    12) Должность: Land Air Mech
    13) Чат: Leave A Message
    14) NYSE. Latin American Investment Fund, Inc.

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > LAM

  • 20 LKCA

    Фирменный знак: Lyn Knight Currency Auctions

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > LKCA

См. также в других словарях:

  • Lyn — may refer to:In television and film:* Euros Lyn, Welsh director for television * Lyn Ashley, Australian actress who worked in the United Kingdom on television during the 1960s * Lyn Brown (journalist), African American anchorwoman * Lyn… …   Wikipedia

  • Lyn-Z — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Lindsey Ann Ballato Información personal Nombre real Lindsey Ann Ballato …   Wikipedia Español

  • LYN — steht für: Flughafen Lyon Bron, französischer Flughafen (IATA Code) Kyrgyzstan (Fluggesellschaft), kirgisische Fluggesellschaft (ICAO Code) Lyn steht für: Lynx (Sternbild) Lyn Oslo, ein norwegischer Sportverein Lyn ist der Nachname folgender… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • lyn — sb., et, lyn, ene, i sms. lyn , fx lynangreb, lynnedslag …   Dansk ordbog

  • Lyn — Lyn, n. A waterfall. See {Lin}. [Scot.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Lyn Me — es un personaje de ficción de La guerra de las galaxias. Se trata de una bailarina Twilek que poseía un par de lekku. Pertenecía al coro de la Banda de Max Reebo, al igual que Rystáll y Greeata. Trabajó un tiempo en el palacio en Tatooine de… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Lyn — m, f 1 (m.) Welsh: short form of LLEWELLYN. 2 (f.) English: variant of LYNN (SEE Lynn) …   First names dictionary

  • Lyn — Lyn, Lynn, Lynna, Lynne englische Kurzform von → Lina, → Linda und → Carolyn. In Deutschland zunehmend populär …   Deutsch namen

  • lyn|ce|an — «lihn SEE uhn», adjective. like a lynx; keen or sharp sighted. ╂[< Latin lyncēus (< Greek lýnkeios < lýnx lynx) + English an] …   Useful english dictionary

  • LYN — V yes 1 Yamaguchi sarcoma viral related oncogene homolog, also known as LYN, is a human gene. PBB Summary section title = summary text = Lyn is a member of the Src family of protein tyrosine kinases, which is mainly expressed in hematopoietic… …   Wikipedia

  • lyn — brook·lyn·ese; brook·lyn·ite; eng·lyn; home·lyn; lyn; lyn·ce·an; lyn·cine; mas·ke·lyn·ite; po·lyn·ya; pseu·do·lyn·chia; ros·lyn; crom·o·lyn; brook·lyn; lyn·chet; po·lyn·ia; …   English syllables

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