1 lusophone countries
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > lusophone countries
2 lusophone countries
общ. португалоязычные [португалоговорящие\] страны (общее название стран, в которых официальным языком является португальский: Португалия, Ангола, Бразилия, Кабо-Верде, Гвинея-Бисау, Мозамбик, Сан-Томе и Принсипи)See: -
3 Angola
сущ.общ. Ангола (республика; столица — Луанда; государственный язык португальский; национальная валюта — кванза)See:kwanza, Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents, Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa, Southern African Development Community, African Union, Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, developing countries, least developed countries, less developed countries, lower middle-income countries, severely indebted, Sub-Saharan Africa, lusophone countries, IDA country -
4 Guinea-Bissau
сущ.общ. Гвинея-Бисау (республика; столица — Бисау; государственные языки португальский и креольский; национальная валюта — франк КФА BCEAO, до 1997 г. — песо Гвинеи-Бисау)See:CFA franc BCEAO, CFA franc, Guinea-Bissau peso, West African Economic and Monetary Union, Central Bank of West African States, Economic Community of West African States, African Union, developing countries, least developed countries, less developed countries, low-income countries, severely indebted, Heavily Indebted Poor Countries, IDA country, Sub-Saharan Africa, lusophone countries -
5 Mozambique
сущ.общ. Мозамбик (республика; столица — Мапуту; государственный язык португальский, национальная валюта — метикал)See:metical, Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents, Commonwealth of Nations, Southern African Development Community, African Union, Bank of Mozambique, developing countries, least developed countries, less developed countries, less indebted, low-income countries, Heavily Indebted Poor Countries, IDA country, Sub-Saharan Africa, lusophone countries -
6 Sao Tome and Principe
общ. Сан-Томе и Принсипи (республика; столица — Сан-Томе; государственный язык португальский; национальная валюта — добра)See: -
7 sequential moves
т. игр последовательные ходы (ситуация, когда игроки принимают решения последовательно)Ant:metical, Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents, Commonwealth of Nations, Southern African Development Community, African Union, Bank of Mozambique, developing countries, least developed countries, less developed countries, less indebted, low-income countries, Heavily Indebted Poor Countries, IDA country, Sub-Saharan Africa, lusophone countries -
8 Cape Verde
сокр. CV общ. Кабо-Верде (республика; столица — Прая; государственный язык португальский, национальная валюта — эскудо Кабо-Верде)Syn:See: -
9 Brazil
сущ.общ. Бразилия (республика; столица — Бразилиа; государственный язык португальский; национальная валюта — бразильский реал)See:real II а), cruzado, cruzeiro, cruzeiro real, Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions, Group of Eleven, Group of Twenty, Latin American Free Trade Association, Latin American Integration Association, Latin American Economic System, Organization of American States, Cairns Group, Mercosur, Central Bank of Brazil, developing countries, less developed countries, newly industrializing country, lower middle-income countries, severely indebted, Big Emerging Markets, Southern Cone, lusophone countries, Brady Plan -
10 Portugal
сущ.общ. Португалия (республика; столица — Лиссабон; государственный язык португальский; валюта — евро, до 2002 г. в качестве национальной валюты использовалось португальское эскудо)See:euro, Portuguese escudo, European Patent Convention, Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents, Schengen Agreement, Wassenaar Arrangement, European Union, European Monetary Union, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Australia Group, European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization, Visa Waiver Program, Bank of Portugal, eurozone, developed countries, advanced economies, high-income countries, lusophone countries
См. также в других словарях:
Lusophone music — refers to the music sung in Portuguese or in its many dialects and creoles.Portugal and its former colonies are linked musicallyFact|date=April 2008 by the shared influence of fado, a bluesy form of music derived from itinerants in Lisbon. In… … Wikipedia
Lusophone — A Lusophone (or lusophone) is someone who speaks the Portuguese language natively or by adoption. As an adjective, it means Portuguese speaking . The word itself is derived from the name of the ancient Roman province of Lusitania, which covered… … Wikipedia
lusophone — UK [ˈluːsəˌfəʊn] US [ˈlusəˌfoʊn] adjective formal speaking Portuguese as the main language Thesaurus: relating to countries or regions of the worldhyponym … Useful english dictionary
Community of Portuguese Language Countries — Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa Community of Portuguese Language Countries … Wikipedia
Portuguese-speaking African countries — Países Africanos de Língua Oficial Portuguesa (PALOP) Official languages Portuguese Established 1996 Member states 5+1 … Wikipedia
Romance-speaking African countries — Latin Africa, historically those countries in North Africa, from Morocco to Egypt, which were part of the Roman Empire. Some exclude Egypt, as there the dominant language of administration and business was Greek rather than Latin. The region… … Wikipedia
Flag of the Community of Portuguese Language Countries — The flag of the Community of Portuguese Language Countries (or flag of the CPLP ) represents the intergovernmental organization for friendship among Lusophone (Portuguese speaking) nations where Portuguese is an official language. The Portuguese… … Wikipedia
Portuguese language — Portuguese português Pronunciation [purtuˈɣeʃ] (EP) [poʁtuˈges][1] (BP) [poɾtu … Wikipedia
Foreign relations of Macau — As a special administrative region (SAR) of the People s Republic of China (PRC), Macau s diplomatic relations and defense are the responsibility of the Central People s Government of the PRC. Except diplomatic relations and defence, nonetheless … Wikipedia
western Africa, history of — Introduction history of the region from the 11th century to the present. A reasonable body of sources for the writing of western African history begins to be available about AD 1000. Three centuries earlier, the Arabs (Arab) had… … Universalium
Comunidade do Escutismo Lusófono — Community of Lusophone Scouting … Wikipedia