1 аппарат для полёта на Луну
Astronautics: lunar craft, lunar vehicle, moon vehicleУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > аппарат для полёта на Луну
2 лунник
2) Biology: ox-eyed oreo (Allocyttus), warty dory (Allocyttus verrucosus)3) Botanical term: honesty (Lunaria), honesty (Lutioria), moonwort, satinpod (Lunaria)4) Russian: lunik5) Aviation medicine: lunar craft6) Makarov: moon-bound rocket -
3 лунный космический аппарат
Aviation medicine: lunar craftУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > лунный космический аппарат
4 аппарат для посадки на Луну
1) General subject: lunary lander2) Engineering: moon lander3) Astronautics: lunar lander4) Aviation medicine: lunar landing craft, lunar-landing vehicleУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > аппарат для посадки на Луну
5 небольшой летательный аппарат для доставки людей с Луны
Astronautics: lunar bug, lunar excursion craft, lunar excursion vehicleУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > небольшой летательный аппарат для доставки людей с Луны
6 исследовательский летательный аппарат для посадки на Луну
Astronautics: lunar landing research craftУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > исследовательский летательный аппарат для посадки на Луну
7 корабль
1) General subject: argosy, ark, bark, barque, boat, keel, prore, prow, roadster, sail (sail ho! - виден корабль!), ship, vessel, waggon, wagon, wallflower, starship (подразумевается "космический", "звездный" - но для межгалактических перелетов; \<i\>"Space... the Final Frontier. These are the voyages of the \<b\>starship\</b\> Enterprise... - Космос. "Последний рубеж". Это п)3) Poetical language: castle4) Military: VTOL support ship, campsite (обычно эсминец), can (обычно эсминец)6) Construction: pace7) Religion: sanctuary8) Architecture: nave, nave (в церковном здании базиликального типа - отделённое столбами или колоннами продольное помещение)9) Jargon: bucket (средство передвижения), tub (средство передвижения)10) Astronautics: vehicle11) Makarov: lunar orbiter (c орбиты)
См. также в других словарях:
Lunar orbit rendezvous — (LOR) was the method used by the Apollo missions for human spaceflight to the Moon. In an LOR mission a main spacecraft and a smaller lunar module travel together into lunar orbit (orbit around the Moon). The lunar module then independently… … Wikipedia
Craft Lake City — Founder(s) Angela H. Brown Headquarters Salt Lake City, UT Website http://www.craftlakecity.com Craft Lake City is an annual ou … Wikipedia
Lunar Rescue — Infobox VG title=Lunar Rescue caption= developer = Taito publisher = Taito, Alligata, Program One, Lyversoft distributor= designer= version= released = 1979 (Arcade) platforms= Arcade, Acorn Electron, BBC Micro, Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum, PC, PS2 … Wikipedia
Lunar Orbiter program — The Lunar Orbiter program was a series of five unmanned Lunar orbiter missions launched by the United States in 1966 through 1967 with the purpose of mapping the lunar surface before the Apollo landings. All five missions were successful, and 99… … Wikipedia
LUNAR-A — Infobox Spacecraft Name = LUNAR A Caption = LUNAR A spacecraft, artist s impression Organization = JAXA Major Contractors = Mission Type = Orbiter, penetrator Flyby Of = Satellite Of = Moon Orbital Insertion Date = Launch = cancelled Launch… … Wikipedia
Lunar Lander (arcade game) — Infobox VG title = Lunar Lander caption = Screenshot of Lunar Lander in play developer = Atari Inc. publisher = Atari Inc. designer = release = 1979 genre = Vehicle Simulation modes = Single player cabinet = Upright arcade system = display =… … Wikipedia
Lunar Roving Vehicle — This article is about the Apollo rovers. For the Soviet robotic rovers, see Lunokhod program. For the planned Chinese robotic rover, see Chang e 3. The Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV) or lunar rover was a battery powered four wheeled rover used on the … Wikipedia
Lunar Prospector — LunarOrbiter Name=Lunar Prospector Organization=NASA Contractors=Discovery Program MissionType=Planetary Science LaunchDate=January 7, 1998 at 02:28:44 UTC LaunchVehicle=Athena II MissionHighlight=Entered lunar orbit January 11, 1998, 10:28 UTC… … Wikipedia
Lunar soil — Moondust redirects here. For the Commodore 64 video game, see Moondust (video game). For the Psychoactive drug, see Phencyclidine. Bootprint on lunar soil … Wikipedia
Lunar Landing Research Vehicle — infobox Aircraft name = Lunar Landing Research Vehicle (LLRV) type = Experimental VTOL aircraft manufacturer = Bell Aerosystems caption = The Lunar Landing Research Vehicle (LLRV) designer = first flight = 30 October 1964 introduced = retired =… … Wikipedia
Lunar orbit — In astronomy, lunar orbit (also known as a Selenocentric orbit) refers to the orbit of an object around the Moon.As used in the space program, this refers not to the orbit of the Moon about the Earth, but to orbits by various manned or unmanned… … Wikipedia