1 loyal opposition
пол. лояльная оппозиция (оппозиция, лояльно относящаяся к действующей власти)Syn: -
2 loyal opposition
3 the loyal opposition
Общая лексика: лояльная оппозиция -
4 Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition
брит. оппозиционная партия в парламентеPolitics english-russian dictionary > Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition
5 opposition
1. nпротиводействие; сопротивление; оппозиция; возражениеto be adamant in one's opposition to smth — быть непреклонным в своих возражениях против чего-л.
to be in opposition to smth — быть / находиться в оппозиции к чему-л.
to drop one's opposition to smth — отказываться от своих возражений против чего-л.
to encounter strong opposition on the part of smth — встречать сильное сопротивление со стороны кого-л.
to express opposition against / to smth — выражать свое отрицательное отношение к чему-л.
to face opposition — сталкиваться с оппозицией / сопротивлением
to live up in opposition — находиться в оппозиции; выступать против (чего-л.)
to provoke the opposition into street demonstrations — провоцировать оппозицию на проведение уличных демонстраций
to reaffirm one's opposition to smth — подтверждать свои возражения против чего-л.
to register one's opposition to smth — демонстрировать свое противодействие чему-л.
to reverse one's opposition to smth — отказываться от своих возражений против чего-л.
to run into opposition from smb — сталкиваться с сопротивлением с чьей-л. стороны
to soften one's opposition to smth — уменьшать свое сопротивление чему-л.
- blanket oppositionto state one's opposition to smth — заявлять о своей оппозиции чему-л.
- Centre-Right opposition
- chronically splintered opposition
- conservative opposition
- crushing of opposition
- die-hard opposition
- external opposition
- fragmented opposition
- grass-roots opposition
- growing body of opposition
- hard-line opposition
- Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition
- implacable opposition
- in the teeth of heavy opposition
- inner-party opposition
- internal opposition
- intractable opposition
- leader of the opposition
- left-wing opposition
- mighty boost for the opposition
- militant opposition
- moderate opposition
- mounting opposition
- nonconfrontationist opposition
- official opposition
- opposition could come to a head
- opposition crumbled
- opposition fractures
- opposition from smb
- opposition had won by 12 percent
- opposition in exile
- opposition is fading
- opposition is fragmented
- opposition is regrouping
- opposition to the government troops is in its third day
- opposition was very divided
- organized opposition
- parliamentary opposition
- party opposition
- political opposition
- potent opposition
- realignment of the opposition
- religious opposition
- resolute opposition
- splintering of the opposition
- stiff opposition
- stronghold of opposition
- the project ran into heavy opposition
- token opposition
- united opposition
- unyielding opposition
- vigorous opposition
- violent opposition
- vociferous opposition
- widespread opposition
- workers' opposition 2. a, = oppositional -
6 opposition
7 moderate opposition
пол. умеренная оппозиция (оппозиция, готовая к поддержке власти и достижению с ней соглашений)Syn:See: -
8 the Opposition
[,ɔpə'zɪʃən]оппози́ция (обыкн. главная оппозиционная партия в парламенте [ Parliament]; обязательный элемент двухпартийной системы буржуазного парламентаризма, позволяющей ведущим политическим партиям периодически сменять друг друга у власти; см. тж. Shadow cabinet, Leader of the Opposition)офиц. Her /His/ Majesty's Loyal OppositionEnglish-Russian Great Britain dictionary (Великобритания. Лингвострановедческий словарь) > the Opposition
9 supporter
nсторонник; приверженецto cause alarm among one's own supporters — вызывать тревогу среди своих сторонников
- anti-apartheid supporterto exhort one's supporters to do smth — призывать своих сторонников сделать что-л.
- core supporter
- erstwhile supporter
- government supporter
- hard-line supporter
- keen supporter
- Labor supporter
- longtime supporter
- loyal supporter
- opposition supporter
- outspoken supporter
- peace supporter
- political supporter
- pro-government supporter
- staunch supporter
- strong supporter
См. также в других словарях:
Loyal opposition — is the concept that one can be opposed to the actions of the government or ruling party of the day without being opposed to the constitution of the political system.In the United Kingdom and many other Commonwealth countries the leader of the… … Wikipedia
loyal opposition — noun : a minority party especially in a legislative body whose opposition to the party in power is constructive, responsible, and bounded by loyalty to fundamental interests and principles a well fortified minority will tend to improve …… … Useful english dictionary
Her Majesty's Most Loyal Opposition (United Kingdom) — United Kingdom This article is part of the series: Politics and government of the United Kingdom … Wikipedia
Her Majesty's loyal opposition — The term Her Majesty s loyal opposition can mean: * Official Opposition (Australia) * Official Opposition (Canada) * Official Opposition (UK) … Wikipedia
Opposition officielle (canada) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Opposition officielle. Canada Cet article fait part … Wikipédia en Français
Opposition — may mean or refer to: Opposition (planets), a term describing the position of a celestial body Opposition (chess), a term describing the position of the kings relative to each other Opposition proceeding, an administrative process available under … Wikipedia
opposition — noun 1 disagreeing with sth/trying to change sth ADJECTIVE ▪ bitter, considerable, determined, fierce, serious, stiff, strong, vehement ▪ violent … Collocations dictionary
Opposition (Australia) — Australia This article is part of a series about the Politics and government of Australia … Wikipedia
Opposition officielle (Canada) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Opposition officielle. Canada Cet article fait p … Wikipédia en Français
Opposition (parliamentary) — For other uses, see Opposition (disambiguation). Parliamentary opposition is a form of political opposition to a designated government, particularly in a Westminster based parliamentary system. Note that this article uses the term government as… … Wikipedia
Opposition (Malaysia) — Leader of the Opposition of Malaysia Ketua Pembangkang Incumbent Anwar Ibrahim since … Wikipedia