1 lowpass filter
Англо-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > lowpass filter
2 lowpass filter
Высокочастотная электроника: фильтр низких частот (ФНЧ) -
3 lowpass filter
English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications > lowpass filter
4 lowpass-filter attenuation response
характеристика затухания фильтра нижних частотБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > lowpass-filter attenuation response
5 lowpass-filter attenuation response
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > lowpass-filter attenuation response
6 lowpass-filter attenuation response
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > lowpass-filter attenuation response
7 voltage jump is suppressed by a lowpass filter
English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications > voltage jump is suppressed by a lowpass filter
8 low-pass filter
= lowpass filter; = low passфильтр [пропускания] нижних частот, ФНЧ, низкочастотный фильтрфильтр, позволяющий подавить высокочастотные составляющие сигнала. В КГА используется для устранения шумов изображенияАнгло-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > low-pass filter
1) Техника: leach-precipitation-float process2) Оптика: low-pass filter3) Политика: Libertarian Party of Florida4) Телевидение: lov pass filter5) Физиология: Low Power Field6) Вычислительная техника: League for Programming Freedom, League for Programming Freedom (organization)7) Иммунология: lymphocytosis-promoting factor9) Полимеры: large particle furnace10) Макаров: leach-precipitation-float (process)11) Безопасность: low pass filter12) Каспий: load proportionality factor13) Высокочастотная электроника: lowpass filter -
10 response
1) реакция ( на воздействие); срабатывание ( устройства), ответ; отклик; выходной сигнал2) характеристика; зависимость•-
adjacent-channel response
amplitude-frequency response
aperture response
audio response
automatic-gain-control response
background response
bandpass response
baseband-frequency response
baseband response
biological response
color response
control response
counting response
delayed response
dependent time-lag response
diffuse-field response
Dirak response
dose-rate response
double-hump response
dynamic response
earphone response
electrochemical response
electrode response
excitation response
excitation system response
exciter response
false response
fast response
fatigue response
finite duration impulse response
finite impulse response
flat response
forced response
fracture response
free-field response
frequency response
group-delay response
hardening response
harmonic spectral response
highpass-filter attenuation response
image response
impulse response of film
impulse response
infinite duration impulse response
infinite impulse response
inhibitor response
junction spectral response
lead response
lowpass-filter attenuation response
neutron response
octane number response
organism response
partial response
peak response
phase response
photocurrent spectral response
photomaterial response
plastic response
poor frequency response
pulse response
quick response
radar response
rapid response
real-time response
receiving response
relative spectral response
sine-wave response
skirt response
slow response
speaker pressure-frequency response
spectral response
spurious response
square-wave response
stable response
steady-state response
step response
structural response
throttle response
time response
transient response
unit-impulse response
unit-step response
unsolicited response
voice response
waveform response
zero-input response -
Сокращение: ideal lowpass filter -
1) Техника: low pressure flooder2) Сокращение: lowpass filter -
13 section
1) секция; отрезок; звено4) раздел (напр. книги) || разбивать на разделы5) срез || изготавливать срез ( для микроскопических исследований)•- absorption cross section
- acoustic cross section
- antenna section
- apparent cross section
- back-scattering cross section
- bend section
- bistatic cross section
- brass section
- bridged T-section
- broadside cross section
- building-out section
- capture cross section
- carrier-line section
- collision cross section
- conic section
- control section
- corner section
- Coulomb cross section
- cross section
- cruciform waveguide section
- data control section
- destructive collision cross section
- echoing cross section
- effective cross section
- effective waveguide section
- electron-capture cross section
- electron multiplier section
- end-fire radar cross section
- evanescent section
- filter section
- flexible section
- forward-scattering cross section
- half-wave section
- highpass T-section
- hole-capture cross section
- ionization cross section
- L-section
- lowpass T-section
- matching section
- measuring waveguide section
- molecular absorption cross section
- monostatic cross section
- normalized cross section
- phasing section
- pi-section
- quarter-wave section
- radar cross section
- radar scattering cross section
- recombination cross section
- restriction section
- rhythm section
- scattering cross section
- slotted section
- squeezable section
- squeeze section
- T-section
- taper section
- tapered section
- target cross section
- target reflectivity cross section
- transition section
- transverse section
- twin-T section
- waveguide section
- π-section -
14 section
1) секция; отрезок; звено4) раздел (напр. книги) || разбивать на разделы5) срез || изготавливать срез ( для микроскопических исследований)•- absorption cross section
- acoustic cross section
- antenna section
- apparent cross section
- back-scattering cross section
- bend section
- bistatic cross section
- brass section
- bridged T-section
- broadside cross section
- building-out section
- capture cross section
- carrier-line section
- collision cross section
- conic section
- control section
- corner section
- Coulomb cross section
- cross section
- cruciform waveguide section
- data control section
- destructive collision cross section
- echoing cross section
- effective cross section
- effective waveguide section
- electron multiplier section
- electron-capture cross section
- end-fire radar cross section
- evanescent section
- filter section
- flexible section
- forward-scattering cross section
- half-wave section
- highpass T-section
- hole-capture cross section
- ionization cross section
- lowpass T-section
- L-section
- matching section
- measuring waveguide section
- molecular absorption cross section
- monostatic cross section
- normalized cross section
- phasing section
- pi-section
- quarter-wave section
- radar cross section
- radar scattering cross section
- recombination cross section
- restriction section
- rhythm section
- scattering cross section
- section of transmission line
- slotted section
- squeezable section
- squeeze section
- taper section
- tapered section
- target cross section
- target reflectivity cross section
- transition section
- transverse section
- T-section
- twin-T section
- waveguide sectionThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > section
См. также в других словарях:
Lowpass Filter — [engl.], Tiefpassfilter … Universal-Lexikon
Lowpass Filter — F/A/V A filter that attenuates frequencies above a specified frequency and allows those below that point to pass. WikiV A filter that attenuates frequencies above a specified frequency and allows those below that value to pass … Audio and video glossary
Lowpass — Als Tiefpass bezeichnet man in der Elektronik Filter, die Signalanteile mit Frequenzen unterhalb ihrer Grenzfrequenz annähernd ungeschwächt passieren lassen, Anteile mit höheren Frequenzen dagegen abschwächen. Entsprechende Filterfunktionen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
lowpass — 1. adjective An audio filter that discards higher frequencies while preserving lower ones. 2. noun A filter of this kind … Wiktionary
Prototype filter — Prototype filters are electronic filter designs that are used as a template to produce a modified filter design for a particular application. They are an example of a nondimensionalised design from which the desired filter can be scaled or… … Wikipedia
Low-pass filter — A low pass filter is a filter that passes low frequency signals but attenuates (reduces the amplitude of) signals with frequencies higher than the cutoff frequency. The actual amount of attenuation for each frequency varies from filter to filter … Wikipedia
Nonlinear filter — A nonlinear filter is a signal processing device whose output is not a linear function of its input. Terminology concerning the filtering problem may refer to the time domain (state space) showing of the signal or to the frequency domain… … Wikipedia
Anti-aliasing filter — An anti aliasing filter is a filter used before a signal sampler, to restrict the bandwidth of a signal to approximately satisfy the sampling theorem. Since the theorem states that unambiguous interpretation of the signal from its samples is… … Wikipedia
Sallen–Key filter — A Sallen–Key filter is a type of active filter, particularly valued for its simplicity. The circuit produces a 2 pole (12 dB/octave) lowpass or highpass response using two resistors, two capacitors and (usually) a unity gain buffer amplifier.… … Wikipedia
State variable filter — A state variable filter is a type of active filter. It consists of one or more integrators, connected in some feedback configuration. Any LTI system can be described as a state space model, with n state variables for an nth order system. A state… … Wikipedia
Polyphase quadrature filter — A polyphase quadrature filter, or PQF, is a filter bank which splits an input signal into a given number N (mostly a power of 2) of equidistant sub bands. These sub bands are subsampled by a factor of N, so they are critically sampled.This… … Wikipedia