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  • 1 jaw

    1) (either of the two bones of the mouth in which the teeth are set: the upper/lower jaw; His jaw was broken in the fight.) čeľusť
    2) ((in plural) the mouth (especially of an animal): The crocodile's jaws opened wide.) tlama
    * * *
    • ústie
    • úzky východ
    • záchytná celust
    • žuvat
    • zverák
    • škrana
    • uhovorit
    • kecy
    • karhat (koho)
    • kázat (komu)
    • brada
    • celust
    • rozhovor
    • otravne vraviet
    • pokarhat
    • nadávat
    • napomínat
    • nudne hovorit

    English-Slovak dictionary > jaw

  • 2 sink

    [siŋk] 1. past tense - sank; verb
    1) (to (cause to) go down below the surface of water etc: The torpedo sank the battleship immediately; The ship sank in deep water.) potopiť (sa)
    2) (to go down or become lower (slowly): The sun sank slowly behind the hills; Her voice sank to a whisper.) (po)klesnúť, zoslabiť
    3) (to (cause to) go deeply (into something): The ink sank into the paper; He sank his teeth into an apple.) vsiaknuť; vnoriť
    4) ((of one's spirits etc) to become depressed or less hopeful: My heart sinks when I think of the difficulties ahead.) klesnúť
    5) (to invest (money): He sank all his savings in the business.) investovať
    2. noun
    (a kind of basin with a drain and a water supply connected to it: He washed the dishes in the sink.) kuchynská výlevka
    - be sunk
    - sink in
    * * *
    • vniknút
    • vpit sa
    • vstrebat
    • vrazit
    • vsiaknut
    • vysekat
    • vytiahnut
    • vypit
    • zaborit sa
    • vyvrtat
    • zabudnút
    • zabrdnut
    • výlevka
    • vytesat
    • zaplatit
    • zapadnút
    • zamlcat kartu
    • zapustit
    • zamlcat
    • zapriet
    • zanikat
    • závrt
    • zatajit
    • zapadat
    • zarazit do hlavy
    • zdolat
    • zahlbit sa
    • zrútit sa
    • znižovat
    • zrážac
    • zložit
    • zvažovat sa
    • zmiznút
    • znicit
    • znížit úroven
    • znížit sa
    • žumpa
    • zvesit hlavu
    • semenisko
    • solné jazero
    • sklánat sa
    • skrušit
    • splatit
    • slabnút
    • spustit
    • tajit
    • spodina
    • synchrón (film., slang.)
    • upadat
    • umierat
    • tonút
    • prepadlisko
    • premôct
    • prepadat sa
    • priehlbina
    • prepad
    • predbežne vyhlbená jama
    • presakovat
    • drez s výlevkou
    • ignorovat
    • kanál
    • investovat
    • jazierko
    • klesnút
    • klesnút pod obzor
    • hodit do seba
    • klesat
    • brloh
    • brodit sa
    • bahno spolocnosti
    • dolina
    • pobit
    • padnút
    • parenisko
    • opustit
    • padat ku dnu
    • potopit sa
    • potlácat
    • porazit
    • povolit
    • potlacit
    • poklesnút
    • položit
    • popriet
    • položit nižšie
    • ponorit sa
    • potápat sa
    • ponor
    • ponárat sa
    • pohrúžit
    • kondenzátor
    • likvidovat
    • miznút pod hladinou
    • mociar
    • malá priehlbina
    • nádoba na splašky
    • miznút
    • nechat klesnút
    • nechat stranou
    • nevšímat si
    • opadávat
    • odpadová jama
    • odpísat
    • obrátit do seba
    • odpadná jama
    • odpadová rúra
    • odrovnat

    English-Slovak dictionary > sink

  • 3 incisor

    noun (one of the four front cutting teeth in the upper or lower jaw.) rezák

    English-Slovak dictionary > incisor

См. также в других словарях:

  • lower — lower1 [lō′ər] adj. [compar. of LOW1] 1. in a place or on a level below another [lower lip] 2. inferior in rank, authority, or dignity [the lower classes] 3. less in quantity, degree, value, intensity, etc. 4 …   English World dictionary

  • teeth —    Any departure from the normal pattern in the way a baby cuts its first tooth could be significant. Teeth usually show through the lower gums first; If a child tooths first in the upper jaw, it is considered ominous of its dying in its infancy… …   A Dictionary of English folklore

  • Teeth cleaning twig — chew stick redirects here. For other uses, see Chewstick. A Teeth cleaning twig, twig toothbrush, bush toothbrush, tooth twig, chew stick, or chewing stick is a tool made from a twig from a tree with antimicrobial properties. Contents 1 Twigs… …   Wikipedia

  • teeth — I (Roget s IV) n. Syn. dentition, fangs, tusks; see tooth 1 . II (Roget s 3 Superthesaurus) n. molars, bicuspids, incisors, canines, *grinders, fangs, *pearly whites. WORD FIND • adolescence, last molars that erupt: wisdom teeth • baby or… …   English dictionary for students

  • Deciduous teeth — Baby teeth redirects here. For other uses, see Baby teeth (disambiguation). Deciduous teeth A six year old girl s deciduous teeth, which are beginning to fall out. Latin …   Wikipedia

  • cross-bite teeth — artificial posterior teeth designed to permit positioning of the modified buccal cusps of the upper teeth in the fossae of the lower teeth …   Medical dictionary

  • pharyngeal teeth — teeth on the pharyngeal bones. May be placed in a dorsal and ventral pair, as in most teleost fishes, or in laterally opposing pairs, one set on each side, as in Cyprinidae and Catostomidae. The upper pharyngeal teeth are located on a dentigerous …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • denticular teeth — teeth on the snout and lower jaw of male Lophiiformes used to attach to the female …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • mandibular labial teeth — teeth found just below the infraoral cusp or lamina and just above the lower margin of the disk in lampreys (Petromyzontidae) …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • Horse teeth — Horses teeth are often used to estimate the animal s age, hence the sayings long in the tooth and Don t look a gift horse in the mouth . Types of teeth At five years of age a horse has between 36 and 44 teeth. All horses have* Twelve premolars… …   Wikipedia

  • Elephants... Teeth Sinking Into Heart — Infobox Album | Name = Elephants... Teeth Sinking Into Heart Type = Album Artist = Rachael Yamagata Released = flagicon|US 2008 10 07 Recorded = Genre = Alternative rock, Blues Rock Length = 68:25 Label = Warner Bros. Records Producer = Mike… …   Wikipedia

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