1 lower aliphatic alcohols
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > lower aliphatic alcohols
2 lower aliphatic alcohols
Химия: низшие алифатические спиртыУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > lower aliphatic alcohols
3 lower aliphatic alcohols
English-Russian dictionary of chemistre > lower aliphatic alcohols
4 lower
1. a от 1 I2. a низшийthe lower ranks of life, the lower walks of life — низшие слои общества
3. a недавний4. a геол. нижний, более ранний5. v спускать; опускать6. v опускаться, падать7. v снижать; уменьшать8. v снижаться, уменьшатьсяoil will lower in price — нефть подешевеет, нефть снизится в цене
9. v понижать10. v уменьшать высоту, делать нижеmuch lower — гораздо более низкий; гораздо ниже
11. v ослаблять12. v унижать13. v разг. проглотить, съестьСинонимический ряд:1. cheaper (adj.) cheaper; more inexpensive; more low-cost; more low-priced; more popular; more reasonable; more uncostly; more undear2. coarser (adj.) coarser; crasser; cruder; grosser; more incult; more inelegant; more uncouth; more uncultivated; more uncultured; more unrefined; more vulgar; rawer; rougher; ruder3. deeper (adj.) deeper; lower; more bass; more low-pitched4. inferior (adj.) beneath; demeaning; inferior; less; lesser; low; nether; subjacent; under5. meaner (adj.) baser; filthier; fouler; meaner; more abhorrent; more contemptible; more despicable; more detestable; more disgusting; more loathsome; more low-down; more obnoxious; more odious; more reprehensible; more repugnant; more servile; more sordid; more squalid; nastier; rottener; shabbier; sorrier; uglier; viler; wretcheder6. more downcast (adj.) bluer; droopier; duller; gloomier; more chapfallen; more crestfallen; more dejected; more depressed; more disconsolate; more dispirited; more doleful; more down; more downcast; more downhearted; more down-in-the-mouth; more downthrown; more heartsick; more heartsore; more heavy-hearted; more hipped; more low-spirited; more melancholic; more melancholy; more mopey; more saddened; more soul-sick; more spiritless; more sunk; more woebegone; sadder; unhappier; worse7. more ignoble (adj.) humbler; lowlier; more baseborn; more ignoble; more lowborn; more plebeian; more unennobled; more unwashed8. more subaverage (adj.) more subaverage; more subnormal9. more unwell (adj.) more ailing; more indisposed; more off-color; more offish; more poorly; more underly; more unwell; sicklier10. poorer (adj.) flatter; more beggared; more broke; more destitute; more fortuneless; more impecunious; more impoverished; more indigent; more necessitous; more penurious; more poverty-stricken; more stone-broke; more strapped; more unprosperous; needier; poorer; stonier11. small (adj.) more inferior; more lesser; more minor; more minor-league; more secondary; more under; petty; small12. smaller (adj.) more hushed; more low-key; more subdued; quieter; smaller; softer13. depreciate (verb) cheapen; decry; depreciate; devalorize; devaluate; devalue; downgrade; mark down; underprize; underrate; undervalue; write down; write off14. depress (verb) couch; demit; depress; droop; let down; plunge; sink; submerge; take down15. fall (verb) descend; drop; fall16. glower (verb) darken; frown; gloom; glower; scowl; threaten17. humble (verb) abase; bemean; cast down; debase; degrade; demean; disgrace; humble; humiliate18. modulate (verb) modulate; muffle; subdue19. reduce (verb) chop; clip; crop; curtail; cut; cut back; cut down; decrease; diminish; lessen; lop; prune; reduce; shave; shear; slash; trim20. soften (verb) pare; quiet down; soften; turn down21. downward (other) below; down; downward; downwards; to the floor; to the groundАнтонимический ряд:amplify; brighten; elevate; exalt; heighten; higher; hoist; honour; increase; raise; superior -
5 graded alcohols
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