21 material
1) материал; вещество2) ткань, материал3) мн. ч. детали ( для обработки)•to calibrate a material — (точно) определять свойства материала-
ablative material
abrasive material
absorbent material
acceptor material
acoustical material
acoustic material
active laser material
active material
adding material
advanced material
air-equivalent material
air-wall material
amorphous magnetic material
anisotropic material
anodic material
antiferroelectric material
antiferromagnetic material
antifriction material
antihalation material
antirot material
antislip material
antisun material
asbestos-cement material
atmospheric reentry material
attached foreign material
backfilling material
backfill material
backing material
barrier material
base material
basic material
batch material
bed material
bimetallic conductor material
binding material
bituminous material
black-and-white material
blanket material
bonding material
borrow material
bottoming material
bred material
breeder material
brittle material
bubble material
building material
bulk material
bulk semiconductor material
burden material
carbon electrical material
carrier material
case material
cast stone material
caved material
cementing material
ceramic foam material
ceramic material
charge material
charging material
clad dielectric material
clad material
coal-tar raw material
coating material
coherent material
cohesionless material
cohesive material
coiled material
cold-charged material
color material
combustible material
combustion materials
compact material
composite material
compounding material
concrete materials
conducting material
conductor material
constant bandgap material
constructional material
contact conductor material
core material
corrosion-resistance material
cover material
covering material
crib material
crucible material
crystalline material
cushioning material
damping material
degenerative semiconductor material
diamagnetic material
dielectric material
difficult-to-cut material
diffusion transfer material
direct bandgap material
discrete material
disordered material
dolomite-based material
dopant material
doping material
dredged material
ductile material
dye bleach material
earthy raw materials
elastic material
electret material
electric contact material
electric insulating material
electrochromic material
electrode material
electroluminescent material
electronic-grade material
electronic material
electrooptical material
electrooptic material
electrostrictive material
electrotechnical material
ENG/EFP tape material
engineering material
epitaxial material
evaporated material
evaporation material
excavated material
excessive uncut material
expanded material
explosive material
extraneous material
extraterrestrial material
extrinsic material
fabric-filled molding material
facing material
feed material
ferrimagnetic material
ferroelectric material
ferromagnetic material
ferrous material
fertile material
fettling material
fiber glass material
fiber-filled molding material
fiber-forming material
fiber-reinforced material
fibrous material
filling material
finished material
finishing material
fireclay material
fired material
fireproof material
fire-resistant material
fissile material
fissionable material
fission material
flammable material
float material
fluxing material
foam material
foam-type refractory material
food raw material
foreign material
foundation material
frost-resistant material
fuel material
fungicidal packaging material
gaseous fissionable material
gasket material
glass-bonded reinforced dielectric material
glass-bonded dielectric material
glass-ceramic material
glass-fiber material
glass-forming material
graded bandgap material
granular material
greasy material
grinding material
gunned material
half-finished material
hard material
hard-magnetic material
hard-to-machine material
heat-insulating material
heat-resistant material
heat-resisting conductor material
heat-resisting material
heat-softenable material
heat-transfer material
high-alloy material
high-coercivity material
high-conductivity material
high-definition material
high-expansion material
high-performance material
high-resistivity material
high-resolution material
high-Z material
honeycombed material
honeycomb material
host material
hot material
hydraulic insulating material
hydrocarbon material
hyperconductor material
ideal granular material
imaging material
incombustible material
inedible raw material
inedible material
inert material
inflammable material
in-process material
insulating material
intergranular material
intermediate material
intrinsic material
isotropic material
jointing material
joint-sealing material
laminated material
large-gap material
laser material
lasing material
library material
light-sensitive material
linearly elastic material
lining material
liquid fissionable material
loading material
loose material
lossy material
lost circulation material
low-bandgap material
low-gap material
low-coercitivity material
low-expansion material
low-loss material
low-mobility photovoltaic material
low-resistivity material
lump material
magnetic material
magnetically hard material
magnetically soft material
magnetodielectric material
magnetooptic material
magnetostrictive material
man-made material
materials of construction
metallic conductor material
metallic material
mine-run material
minus material
molding material
monocrystalline material
multicorrugating material
multilayer conductor material
multilayer material
narrow-bandgap material
natural material
negative electron affinity material
negative material
negative-image material
nonabrasive material
noncoherent material
noncombustible material
nonconductivity material
nonfired material
nonflammable material
nonfood raw material
nonmagnetic material
nonretentive material
nonsilver material
nonterrestrial material
n-type material
nuclear material
oil-resistant material
optical material
oversize material
oxide-metal material
packaging material
packing material
paintwork material
paramagnetic material
parent material
patching material
pavement material
paving material
phosphor material
photochromic material
photoconductive material
photographic material
photoresponsive material
photosensitive material
phototropic material
photovoltaic material
piezoelectric material
plastic material
polycrystalline material
poromeric material
positive electron affinity material
positive material
positive-image material
preformed material
pressure sensitive material
prestrained material
p-type material
pulp-making material
pyroelectric material
ramming material
random material
rapid-access photographic material
raw material
receiving material
recording material
recycled material
reference nuclear materials
refractory conductor material
refractory material
reject material
rejected material
resistance material
resistive material
retentive material
returned fissile material
reversal material
road-building material
roll material
roll-compacted powder material
rooting material
rough material
rubber-cord material
rubber-like material
rubber-reinforced material
rubbery material
sandwiched material
scrap material
sealing material
secondary hardening material
secondary raw materials
self-adhesive material
self-developing material
semiconducting material
semiconductive material
semisolid bituminous materials
sensitive material
sheet material
shielding material
silicate concrete material
silverless material
sintered material
sintered metal-powder material
slagging material
slip-cast material
soft material
soft-magnetic material
solar energy storage material
solid bituminous material
solid fissionable material
solid-foamed material
solvent-resistant material
sound-absorbing material
sound-insulating material
space-manufactured material
spalling-resistant material
special fissionable material
square-loop material
standard nuclear materials
starting material
stealth material
stemming material
stowing material
structural material
superconducting material
superconductive material
superrefractory material
surface-active material
surface-inactive material
tamping material
tar-dolomite material
tar-stabilized dolomite material
temperature sensitive material
termination material
textured material
thermographic material
thermomagnetic material
thermosetting material
thermost material
timber-based material
tool material
tree-length material
two-gap material
two-valley material
ultrarefractory material
unclad dielectric material
undersize material
upholstery material
vaporproof material
vesicular material
video material
vitrocrystalline material
wall-building material
washing material
waste material
waterproofing material
web material
weighting material
widebandgap material
widegap material
wood raw material
work material -
22 zone
2) диапазон3) матем. шаровой пояс4) интервал ( ствола скважины)6) зонировать•-
abnormally pressured zone
abutment zone
acceptance zone
accumulation zone
active combustion zone
active zone
adhesion zone
aerodrome controlled zone
affected zone
allowable zone
anacoustic zone
annealing zone
annual zone
approach zone
arc zone
arid zone
auroral zone
backflow zone
backwater zone
bisignal zone
blanking zone
blind zone
boundary zone of capillary
brittle zone
broadcasting zone
buffer zone
burning zone
catabolic zone
channel-hole zone
chill zone
chromatographic zone
cold zone
columnar zone
combustion zone
commutation zone
compression zone
compressive stress zone
conjugate zone
conservation zone
constraint zone
contact zone
control zone
controlled combustion zone
cooling zone
core boiling zone
core zone
crack-tip plastic zone
crooked hole zone
danger zone
dead zone
density transition zone
deposited-metal zone
diffused zone
dig-in zone
disengaging zone
display zone
doped zone
drift zone
ecological zone
emergency planning zones
entry zone
equalizing zone
equiaxed zone
equiphase zone
evaporation zone
far-field zone
far zone
fast cooling zone
feeding zone
filling zone
fining zone
firing zone
floating zone
float zone
flooding zone
flood zone
flushed zone
fluxed zone
forbidden zone
fractured zone
fracture zone
Fraunhofer zone
free zone
Freshel zone
frontal zone
frost zone
furnace zone
fusion zone
gas cutoff zone
gas-bearing zone
glass-forming zone
glide zone
grain-refined zone
hardened zone
hearth soaking zone
heat-affected zone
heat-control zone
heat-exchange zone
high-pressure zone
high-sanitary restriction zone
hot zone
humid zone
hunting zone
induction zone
inert zone
injected zone
interlocked zone
intertidal zone
intrinsic zone
invaded zone
knocking zone
life zone
littoral zone
lock-in zone
lost circulation zone
low-pressure zone
low-temperature carbonization zone
mass-transfer zone
maturing zone
measuring zone
melting zone
metal batch zone
molten zone
native zone
near-field zone
near zone
near-shore zone
neutral zone
numbering zone
offshore zone
oil-bearing zone
oligosaprobic zone
operating zone
ore zone
outer zone
overpressured zone
overwash zone
oxidation zone
perforated zone
photic zone
phreatic zone
pickling zone
points zone
preheating zone
preheat zone
pressure zone
producing zone
protection zone
quiet zone
radiant heat zone
radiation zone
reaction zone
recirculation mixing zone
reducing zone
refined zone
refining zone
refrigerated zone
regenerative zone
rejection zone
ridged-ice zone
rim zone
rinsing zone
ruptured zone
safety zone
search zone
secondary cooling zone
seismic zone
semiarid zone
servicing zone
settling zone
shadow zone
shunting zone
silent zone
skin zone
skip zone
sliding zone
slip zone
soaking zone
softening zone
soil-water zone
space-charge zone
sparkless commutation zone
spherical zone
splash zone
spray zone
stagnant zone
stick zone
suction zone
surf zone
switching zone
tar-bonded zone
tensile stress zone
tension zone
thermal buffer zone
thermal mixing zone
thief zone
tidal zone
time zone
time/current zone
tool zone
transition zone
troublesome zone
trouble zone
twilight zone
unaffected zone
uncertainty zone
uncontaminated zone
vapor zone
wall turbulent zone
water zone
water-bearing zone
wave zone
wearing zone
weathering zone
well bottom zone
well influence zone
wet zone
working zone
workpiece zone
zero signal zone
zone of maximum heat release
zone of protection
zone of silence
zone of slippage on the delivery side
zone of suspended water
zone of vision -
23 control
1) управление; регулирование; регулировка || управлять; регулировать; задавать2) контроль; проверка || контролировать; проверять3) орган управления; орган регулировки, регулятор; орган настройки4) устройство управления; блок управления6) рукоятка или рычаг управления7) профилактические мероприятия, надзор•"operation is under control" — всё предусмотрено для нормальной работы;to gain control — вчт. получать управление:to go out of control — становиться неуправляемым;to operate ( to handle) the flight controls — оперировать органами управления полётом;to pass control — вчт. передавать управление;to return control — вчт. возвращать управление;to take over control — брать управление на себя;to transfer control — вчт. передавать управление-
cascaded control-
cathode control-
CO/O2 combustion control-
communications control-
computer control-
contactor-type control-
continuous-path control-
course gage control-
current-mode control-
dispatcher control-
focusing control-
holding control-
horizontal-frequency control-
hue range control-
long-distance control-
managerial control-
microprogramming control-
numerical program control-
on-off action control-
position-based control-
slide control-
step-by-step control-
time-pattern control -
1) Военный термин: Heat Escape Lessening Position, Heat Escape Lessening Posture, Helicopter Emergency Lifesaving Program, Howitzer Extended Life Program, high-energy laser program, high-energy laser, pulse, howitzer life extension program2) Техника: Health and Energy Learning Project, High-Energy Physics Lab, Highway Emergency Locating Plan, Hughes emergency locator pack, helicopter electronic landing path, high-energy leadless package, highly extendable language processor, hybrid electronic light-weight package3) Религия: Haitian Episcopal Learning Programs, Healing Earth Loving People, Healing Energizing Loving Power, Health Education For Longevity And Peace, Health Education Love And Purpose, Heavenly Entrepreneur Leverage Planning, Help Evangelize Lost People, House Emergency Love And Peace4) Юридический термин: Handgun Epidemic Lowering Plan, Health Environment Law For People, Helping Early Leavers Program5) Сокращение: Howitzer Extended Life Program (USA)6) Университет: Higher Education For Learning Problems, Higher Education Leadership Project, Higher Education Learning Program7) Физика: High Energy Laser Propagation8) Физиология: Healthy Eating Living Plan, Homeostasis Eating For Life Plan9) Транспорт: Heavy Vehicle Electronic License Plate10) Экология: Hydrologic Evaluation Of Landfill Performance, Hydrology For Environment Life And People12) Деловая лексика: Help Empower Local Partnerships13) Образование: Health Education And Leadership Program, Health Education And Literacy Program, Health Education For Lay People, Health Education Leadership Project, Health Education Library For People, Health Enhancement Lifestyle Program, Heartland English Language Project, Heaton Effective Listening Programme, Help Early Leavers Programme, Help Educate Learning People, Help Entertain Learn Play, Higher Education Learning Programme, Home Education League Of Parents, Human Early Learning Partnership15) НАСДАК: Helpmate Robotics, Inc.16) Общественная организация: Handicapped Equestrian Learning Program -
25 help
1) Военный термин: Heat Escape Lessening Position, Heat Escape Lessening Posture, Helicopter Emergency Lifesaving Program, Howitzer Extended Life Program, high-energy laser program, high-energy laser, pulse, howitzer life extension program2) Техника: Health and Energy Learning Project, High-Energy Physics Lab, Highway Emergency Locating Plan, Hughes emergency locator pack, helicopter electronic landing path, high-energy leadless package, highly extendable language processor, hybrid electronic light-weight package3) Религия: Haitian Episcopal Learning Programs, Healing Earth Loving People, Healing Energizing Loving Power, Health Education For Longevity And Peace, Health Education Love And Purpose, Heavenly Entrepreneur Leverage Planning, Help Evangelize Lost People, House Emergency Love And Peace4) Юридический термин: Handgun Epidemic Lowering Plan, Health Environment Law For People, Helping Early Leavers Program5) Сокращение: Howitzer Extended Life Program (USA)6) Университет: Higher Education For Learning Problems, Higher Education Leadership Project, Higher Education Learning Program7) Физика: High Energy Laser Propagation8) Физиология: Healthy Eating Living Plan, Homeostasis Eating For Life Plan9) Транспорт: Heavy Vehicle Electronic License Plate10) Экология: Hydrologic Evaluation Of Landfill Performance, Hydrology For Environment Life And People12) Деловая лексика: Help Empower Local Partnerships13) Образование: Health Education And Leadership Program, Health Education And Literacy Program, Health Education For Lay People, Health Education Leadership Project, Health Education Library For People, Health Enhancement Lifestyle Program, Heartland English Language Project, Heaton Effective Listening Programme, Help Early Leavers Programme, Help Educate Learning People, Help Entertain Learn Play, Higher Education Learning Programme, Home Education League Of Parents, Human Early Learning Partnership15) НАСДАК: Helpmate Robotics, Inc.16) Общественная организация: Handicapped Equestrian Learning Program -
26 engine
двигатель; мотор; машинаbuzz up an engine — жарг. запускать двигатель
clean the engine — прогазовывать [прочищать] двигатель (кратковременной даней газа)
engine of bypass ratio 10: 1 — двигатель с коэффициентом [степенью] двухконтурности 10:1
flight discarded jet engine — реактивный двигатель, отработавший лётный ресурс
kick the engine over — разг. запускать двигатель
lunar module ascent engine — подъёмный двигатель лунного модуля [отсека]
monofuel rocket engine — ЖРД на однокомпонентном [унитарном] топливе
open the engine up — давать газ, увеличивать тягу или мощность двигателя
prepackaged liquid propellant engine — ЖРД на топливе длительного хранения; заранее снаряжаемый ЖРД
production(-standard, -type) engine — серийный двигатель, двигатель серийного образца [типа]
return and landing engine — ксм. двигатель для возвращения и посадки
reversed rocket engine — тормозной ракетный двигатель; ксм. тормозная двигательная установка
run up the engine — опробовать [«гонять»] двигатель
secure the engine — выключать [останавливать, глушить] двигатель
shut down the engine — выключать [останавливать, глушить] двигатель
shut off the engine — выключать [останавливать, глушить] двигатель
solid(-fuel, -grain) rocket engine — ракетный двигатель твёрдого топлива
turn the engine over — проворачивать [прокручивать] двигатель [вал двигателя]
27 time
1) время
2) времена
3) временной
4) година
5) раз
6) хронировать
7) хронометражный
8) хронометрировать
9) срок
10) период
11) отмечать время
12) времяобразный
13) пора
14) такт
15) продолжительность
16) измерять
17) отсчитывать
18) синхронизировать
19) момент
– a longer time
– access time
– after-glow time
– all the time
– allowed time
– alloying time
– application time
– arrival time
– at that time
– at the same time
– auxiliary time
– beat time
– blanking time
– blowing time
– booking time
– braking time
– build-up time
– burn-out time
– by this time
– capture time
– charging time
– check-out time
– circuit time
– circulation time
– civil time
– clearing time
– coherence time
– computing time
– connection time
– continuous time
– conversion time
– count up time
– countdown time
– counting time
– curing time
– current-rise time
– cut-off time
– cycle time
– damping time
– de-excitation time
– dead time
– debug time
– decay time
– delay time
– demand time
– departure time
– detection time
– discharge time
– distribution in time
– down time
– drift time
– dwell time
– ephemeris time
– equation of time
– equilibration time
– estimated time
– excitation time
– exposure time
– fall time
– filing time
– fixed time
– flashing time
– flight time
– for a long time
– for the first time
– for the second time
– gelatination time
– generation time
– good time
– heat time
– hold time
– holding time
– hunting time
– idle time
– improvement time
– in real time
– in time
– in-service time
– installation time
– instant time
– integration time
– interaction time
– keep time
– lag time
– lead time
– legal time
– life time
– load time
– local time
– locking time
– longitude in time
– lost time
– machine time
– machining time
– manual time
– molding time
– Moscow time
– most of the time
– negative time
– next time
– nitriding time
– non real time
– off-air time
– operate time
– operation time
– paid time
– passage time
– payment on time
– periodic time
– pertaining to time
– point in time
– port time
– predetermined time
– preparation time
– preset time
– processing time
– production time
– propagation time
– pull-in time
– pulse time
– pulse-delay time
– pump-down time
– pumping time
– quantization time
– reaction time
– read-out time
– readout time
– real time
– reclosing time
– recognition time
– recording time
– recovery time
– recurrence time
– relaxation time
– release time
– releasing time
– reset time
– resolving time
– response time
– resting time
– retention time
– retrace time
– retrieval time
– return time
– reverberation time
– ringing time
– rise time
– rolling time
– running time
– sampling time
– saving of time
– schedule time
– scheduled time
– screwdown time
– selection time
– separation in time
– settling time
– setup time
– sidereal time
– slew time
– slot time
– slowing-down time
– soaking time
– solar time
– splitting time
– stabilization time
– standard time
– starting time
– storage time
– survival time
– switching time
– teardown time
– time acceleration
– time average
– time averaging
– time behaviour
– time card
– time cargo
– time cell
– time check
– time coherence
– time compression
– time compressor
– time constant
– time correlation
– time delay
– time demodulation
– time dependence
– time derivative
– time diagram
– time dilatation
– time discriminator
– time diversity
– time division
– time effect
– time fuse
– time grading
– time history
– time in flight
– time in rolls
– time integral
– time interval
– time inversion
– time lag
– time lag of switching
– time line
– time magnifier
– time mark
– time marker
– time meter
– time modulation
– time multiplex
– time multiplexing
– time of circulation
– time of cure
– time of exposure
– time of flight
– time of operation
– time of propagation
– time of release
– time of response
– time of solution
– time off
– time on
– time per piece
– time quadrature
– time relay
– time release
– time resolution
– time response
– time sampling
– time scale
– time scaling
– time scanning
– time sequence
– time sharing
– time shift
– time signal
– time slicing
– time slot
– time span
– time spread
– time star
– time step-interval
– time to failure
– time to go
– time to rupture
– time variation
– time zone
– transient time
– transit time
– transition time
– trapping time
– travel time
– true time
– turn-off time
– turn-on time
– unit time
– universal time
– unoccupied time
– upsetting time
– valve-opening time
– viewing time
– waiting time
– warm-up time
– word time
– zero time
– zone time
crystal-controlled time marker — кварцованная временная метка
electric time locking — < railways> электрозамыкание временное
from time to time — временами, по временам
from time to time — временами, по временам
injection-and-transit time diode — инжекционно-пролетный диод
local apparent time — <astr.> время истинное местное
mean solar time — среднее солнечное время, <astr.> время солнечное истинное
non-radiative relaxation time — время бызызлучательной релаксации
one-pulse time delay — задержка импульса на один главный импульс, задержка импульса на один разряд
preparation and finishing-up time — <industr.> время подготовительно-заключительное
pulse rise time — время нарастания импульса, длительность фронта импульса
time and percussion fuse — <engin.> взрыватель комбинированного действия дистанционный
time domain spectroscopy — <opt.> спектроскопия временная
time interval system — < railways> разграничение поездов временем
time magnifying study — <engin.> лупа времени
28 time
1. время, продолжительность; период; срок || рассчитывать по времени; отмечать время; хронометрировать2. такт; темпtime of running in — время, требуемое на спуск бурового инструмента
wait on plastic time — время ожидания затвердевания пластмассы (при тампонировании скважины полимерами) (до получения прочности, равной 7 МПа)
— in unit time— rig time— set time
* * *
1. время; период; момент; срок; продолжительность2. наработкаmean time between complaints — среднее время между рекламациями; средняя наработка на рекламацию
time to repair completion — время до завершения ремонта;
— bad time
* * *
время; продолжительность; темп; такт
* * *
время, момент
* * *
1) время; период; момент; срок; продолжительность2) наработка•time at shot point — сейсм. вертикальное время;
time between defects — наработка между появлениями дефектов;
time between failures — наработка между отказами;
time between maintenance actions — наработка между операциями технического обслуживания;
time between overhauls — межремонтный срок службы; наработка между капитальными ремонтами;
time between repairs — межремонтный срок службы; наработка между ремонтами;
time between tests — время между испытаниями;
time on bottom — продолжительность нахождения инструмента в забое;
time on trip — время на спуско-подъёмные операции;
time since circulation — интервал времени между остановкой циркуляции бурового раствора и началом каротажа;
time since overhaul — наработка после капитального ремонта;
time to damage — наработка до повреждения;
time to failure — наработка до отказа;
time to first system failure — наработка до первого отказа системы;
time to locate a failure — время до обнаружения местонахождения неисправности;
time to repair — наработка до ремонта;
time to repair completion — время до завершения ремонта;
time to restore — наработка до восстановления;
- time of arrivaltime to system failure — наработка до отказа системы;
- time of ascend
- time of echo
- time of flight
- time of running-in
- time of service
- time of setting
- time transit
- active maintenance time
- active repair time
- active technician time
- actual casing cutting time
- actual drilling time
- administrative time
- alert time
- arrival time
- attendance time
- available time
- average time between maintenance
- average mooring time
- awaiting repair time
- bad time
- Barnaby time
- bedrock-reflection time
- bit time off-bottom
- bit time on-bottom
- bit run time
- boring time
- break time
- breakdown time
- casing-fluid decay time
- cement setting time
- cementing time
- changing time
- charging-up time
- circulation cycle time
- closed-in time
- composite delay time
- connection time
- coring time
- corrected travel time
- corrective maintenance time
- critical fault clearing time
- critical ray time
- cutting-in time
- datum-corrected time
- dead time
- delay technician time
- discharge time
- down time
- drainage time
- drilling time
- drilling time per bit
- drilling bit changing time
- effective repair time
- elapsed maintenance time
- end-to-end time
- engineering time
- equal travel time
- equipment repair time
- estimated time of repair
- estimated mean time to failure
- estimated repair time
- etching time
- expected time to first failure
- expected time to repair
- expected test time
- exponential failure time
- failed time
- failure time
- failure-detection time
- failure-free time
- failure-reaction time
- fault time
- fault-detection time
- fault-free time
- fault-inception time
- fill-up time
- filling time
- filtration time
- final cement setting time
- final setting time
- final test time
- first-arrival time
- first-break time
- first-event time
- fishing time
- flush time
- forward time
- general repair time
- geological time
- geometrical ray-path time
- geophone time
- ghost travel time
- gross drilling time
- guarantee time
- half-intercept time
- head-wave arrival time
- high-velocity time
- horizon time
- in-commission time
- infinite closed-in time
- infusion time
- initial setting time
- intercept time
- interfailure time
- interpolated time
- interrepair time
- interval time
- interval transit time
- jelling time
- lag time
- least travel time
- localization time
- lost time
- maintenance time
- makeup time
- malfunction repair time
- maximum repair time
- mean time
- mean time between complaints
- mean time between defects
- mean time between detectable failures
- mean time between malfunctions
- mean time between unscheduled removals
- mean time of repair
- mean time to crash
- mean time to diagnosis
- mean time to first failure
- mean time to isolate
- mean time to maintenance
- mean time to removal
- mean time to repair failures
- mean time to replacement
- mean time to restore
- mean time to return to service
- mean time to unscheduled removal
- mean corrective maintenance time
- mean diagnostic time
- mean maintenance time
- mean operating time
- mean repair time
- mean up time
- measured travel time
- median time to failure
- median maintenance time
- minimum time to repair
- mooring time
- moveout time
- moving time
- mud-path correction time
- net time on-bottom
- net drilling time
- nipple-down time
- nipple-up time
- nonactive maintenance time
- nonfailure operation time
- nonproductive rig time
- nonscheduled maintenance time
- normal arrival time
- observed travel time
- off-stream time
- oil field development time
- oil production time
- on-bottom time
- one-way time
- one-way travel time
- operating time
- operating time between failures
- operational use time
- out-of-commission time
- overall time
- overhaul time
- pipe abandoning time
- pipe recovery time
- pool formation time
- pressure build-up time
- pressure readjustment time
- preventive maintenance time
- production time
- productive time
- productive rig time
- propagation time
- proving time
- pulling-out time
- pulse time of arrival
- pumpability time
- pump-down time
- pumping time
- putting on production time
- raw time
- ray-path time
- readiness time
- ready time
- reciprocal time
- reciprocating time
- record time
- reflection arrival time
- reflection travel time
- refraction break time
- refraction travel time
- rejection operating time
- removal time
- repair time per failure
- repair-and-servicing time
- repair-delay time
- repair-to-repair time
- replacement time
- required time of operation
- residual time
- reversed time
- rig time
- rig-down time
- rig-up time
- round-trip time
- round-up time
- routine maintenance time
- running-in time
- sample deformation time
- scheduled engineering time
- scheduled operating time
- search time
- second-event time
- seismic interval time
- seismic record time
- service time
- service adequacy time
- servicing time
- setting time
- setting-up time
- setup time
- shooting time
- shot-hole time
- shot-to-receiver time
- shut-in time
- spending time
- standby time
- standby unattended time
- station time
- step-out time
- supplementary maintenance time
- surface-to-surface time
- survival time
- tank emptying time
- tear-down time
- technician delay time
- thickening time of cement
- total time on test
- total gaging time
- total maintenance time
- total path time
- total rig time
- total technician time
- transit time
- traveling time
- trip time
- troubleshooting time
- turnaround time
- turnover time
- two-way travel time
- unproductive time
- uphole time
- uphole-shooting time
- usable time
- vertical path time
- vertical travel time
- vibration time
- wait-before-repair time
- waiting-on-cement time
- waiting-on-plastic time
- water-break time
- wave arrival time
- wave transit time
- wave traveling time
- wavefront time
- wear-out time
- weathering time
- well building time
- well drilling time
- well shut-in time
- zero-offset arrival time
- zero-offset travel time
- zero-spread time* * *• момент -
29 feel
1. Iusually in the negative or interrogative a robot cannot feel робот ничего не чувствует; can animals feel ? обладают ли животные какими-л. чувствами?2. IIfeel in some manner feel deeply (instinctively, profoundly, genuinely, etc.) глубоко и т. д. чувствовать; feel at home чувствовать себя как дома /запросто, свободно/; feel at ease чувствовать себя свободно; I feel ill at ease in her presence в ее присутствии я чувствую себя неловко /скованно/3. IIIfeel smth.1) feel hunger (thirst, etc.) ощущать голод и т. д.; feel pain (a toothache, a sore throat, etc.) чувствовать /испытывать/ боль и т. д; feel the force of the wind (the cool breeze, a blow, etc.) почувствовать силу ветра и т. д. feel sorrow (anger, fear, pity, compunction, a sting of conscience, doubt, joy, delight, pleasure, want, etc.) испытывать горе и т. д.; feel smb.'s authority (smb.'s anger, one's own power, one's strength, one's disgrace, the effects of the accident, the need for a little exercise, the necessity of smth., the justice of his words, etc.) (почувствовать чей-л. авторитет и т. д.; did you feel the earthquake? вы почувствовали подземные толчки?2) feel music (poetry, the beauty of his poems, the force of an argument, etc.) хорошо понимать /чувствовать/ музыку и т. д.; feel a friend's death глубоко переживать смерть друга3) feel the child's forehead (the edge of a knife, this piece of silk, this cloth, etc.) (по)щупать ребенку лоб и т. д.; feel smb.'s pulse посчитать у кого-л. пульс; the blind recognize objects by feeling them слепые узнают предметы на ощупь; feel one's legs (one's hands, one's head, etc.) ощупать свой ноги и т. д.; feel one's way идти ощупью; just feel the weight of this! ты только попробуй, сколько это весит!4. IV1) feel smth. in some manner he doesn't feel the heat at all он совсем не страдает от жары; infants feel the cold very much маленькие дети очень чувствительны к холоду; feel smth. at some time he felt the full effect of the medicine much later действие /эффект от/ лекарства он ощутил значительно позже2) feel smth. in some manner feel one's misfortune keenly (her failure painfully, his loss severely, etc.) остро чувствовать /переживать/ свое несчастье и т. д; feel nothing intensely принимать все спокойно, ничего не принимать близко к сердцу; feel acutely the difficulty (the need of smth., the necessity of smth., etc.) остро осознавать /отчетливо понимать/ [возникшие] трудности и т. д.3) feel smth. in some manner feel one's head (one's legs, one's face, etc.) carefully (lightly, etc.) осторожно и т. д. ощупывать голову и т. д.5. V|| feel it one's duty to do smth. считать своим долгом что-л. сделать; feel it one's duty to speak frankly to him (to tell them all about it, to help her, to do so, etc.) считать своим долгом поговорить с ним откровенно и т. д.6. VIfeel smth., as having some quality feel it necessary (important, relevant, wise, etc.) to interfere (to tell them about it, to warn them, etc.) считать необходимым и т. д. вмешаться и т. д.7. VII1) feel smth., smb. do smth. feel the earth shake (the knife touch my skin, her arms clasp round me, smb. move in the kitchen, him stir, etc.) (по-) чувствовать, что /как/ земля задрожала и т. д., she felt her feet to be stone-cold она почувствовала, что у нее ноги холодные как лед2) feel smb., smth. to do smth. he felt himself to see that nothing was broken он ощупал себя, чтобы убедиться, что ничего не сломал; she felt the wall to find the switch она шарила по стене, чтобы нащупать выключатель8. VIIIfeel smb., smth. dome smth. feel her trembling.(smth. crawling on my back, someone moving in the dark, himself falling, his hopes fading away, etc.) (по)чувствовать, что /как/ она дрожит и т. д.; feel winter coming предчувствовать наступление зимы; he felt an awful cad doing it делая это, он чувствовал себя подлецом9. Xfeel in some state feel hurt (a good deal embarrassed, very much moved, convinced, etc.) (почувствовать себя обиженным и т. д., обидеться и т. д.', feel relieved (grieved, assured, alarmed, frightened, depressed, etc.) почувствовать облегчение и т. д.; feel disposed to smb. чувствовать расположение к кому-л.; feel inclined to do smth. быть склонным сделать что-л.; the house is so large that one feels lost within it дом так велик, что в нем чувствуешь себя потерянным10. XI1) be felt in some manner the scarcity of public libraries is keenly felt остро ощущается недостаток публичных библиотек; the storm was felt severely on the coast последствия шторма тяжело сказались на всем побережье2) be felt to be in some state it was felt to be unwise (important, significant, etc.) считали, что это неразумно и т. д.11. XIII|| feel at liberty /free/ to do smth. быть вправе что-л. делать; I don't feel at liberty to tell you about it (to mention his name, to disclose his whereabouts, etc.) я не считаю себя вправе рассказать зам об этом и т. д.; I felt free to leave (to stay, etc.) я считал, что могу уйти и т. д.; feel in a position to do smth. считать себя в состоянии что-л. сделать; feel in a position to help (to lend smb. money, to speak to smb., etc.) считать, что в состоянии помочь и т. д.;12. XV1) feel young (ten years younger, old, free, pretty well, ill, foolish, mean, cheap, etc.) чувствовать себя молодым и т. д.; feel envious (anxious, nervous, etc.) завидовать /испытывать зависть/ и т. д.; I feel uneasy about him я о нем беспокоюсь; I feel cold (warm, hot, comfortable, sad, queer, lonely, etc.) мне холодно и т. д., I feel hungry (weary, angry, grateful, happy, ill, etc.) я голоден и т. д., feel proud of smth., smb. гордиться чем-л., кем-л.; feel indebted to him чувствовать себя обязанным ему; he is beginning to feel tipsy он начинает пьянеть; he feels sleepy его клонит ко сну; I feel sorry мне очень жаль; tow are you today? feel Feeling fine, thanks как вы себя чувствуете сегодня? feel Прекрасно, спасибо; my head feels funny feel may I lie down? у меня что-то с головой-можно я прилягу?; my foot feels better с ногой у меня стало лучше; do you know how it feels to lose an old friend вы знаете, что значит потерять старого друга?; he knows how it feels to be hungry (to be rich, to be poor, etc.) он знает, что такое быть голодным и т. д.2) feel ил possessing some quality the air feels cold /chilly/ в воздухе прохладно; the room feels hot (damp, etc.) в комнате жарко и т. д.; how cold your hand feels какая у вас холодная рука; the chair feels comfortable стул удобный; velvet (silk, this cloth, etc.) feels soft (smooth, rough, etc.) бархат мягкий и т. д. на ощупь; the load felt heavy to me груз показался мне тяжелым13. XVI1) feel for smb. feel for her (for all mankind, deeply for all who suffer, etc.) сочувствовать ей и т. д.; I really feel for him in his sorrow я искренне разделяю его горе; feel toward (s) /about/ smb., smth. feel kindly (sweetly, affectionately, maternally, etc.) towards smb. хорошо и т. д. относиться к кому-л.: I know how you feel toward him я знаю, как вы к нему относитесь; how do you feel about this? как sill к атому относитесь?; feel strongly about smb., smth. испытывать чувство неприязни к кому-л., чему-л.; I feel very strongly about women smoking я решительно против того, чтобы женщины курили; feel badly about smb., smth. плохо относиться к кому-л., чему-л.2) feel for /after/ smth. /in some place/ feel for one's purse (for a coin in one's pockets, after the handle, for a box of matches, for a weapon, for a knife, etc.) ощупью искать кошелек в кармане и т. д.; feel in (under, along, etc.) smth. feel in one's pockets (in her purse, in her handbag, in a drawer, etc.) рыться в карманах и т. д.; feel under tile chair with one's hand (with one's foot) шарить рукой (ногой) под стулом; he felt along the wall until he found the door он пробирался ощупью вдоль стены, пока не нащупал дверь14. XVIIIfeel oneself in some state feel oneself touched почувствовать себя растроганным; feel oneself slighted считать серя ущемленным; he felt himself called upon to help он считал, это обязан помочь; I don't feel quite myself this morning мне сегодня немножко не по себе; I feel quite myself again я снова чувствую себя хорошо, я опять в форме15. XIX11) feel like smth. feel like a cup of tea (like a glass of beer, like a drink, like a meal, like a movie, like a sail, etc.) быть не прочь выпить чашку чая и т. д, не возражать против чашки чая и т. д.; I don't feel like a walk just now мне сейчас не хочется идти гулять2) feel like smb. feel like a fool (like a cad, like a Midas, like oneself, etc.) чувствовать себя дураком и т. д., she hasn't been feeling like herself since the accident после катастрофы она никак не придет в себя; how does it feel like to be at home? ну как вам дома?, ну как вы себя чувствуете дома?3) feel like smth. this feels like wood (like glass, like wool, etc.) на ощупь это похоже на дерево и т. д.; her hands feel like velvet у нее руки мягкие как бархат; what does it feel like? на что это похоже (на ощупь)? ХIХ3 feel like doing smth. I feel like being alone (like singing, like crying like eating, like sleeping, etc.) мне хочется побыть одному и т. д.; do you feel like taking a walk? хотите прогуляться?; he doesn't feel like going out tonight ему сегодня не хочется выходить из дому; I don't feel like laughing мне [совсем] не смешно16. XXI11) feel smth. in smth. I feel a pain in my ear (in my leg, in the back, etc.) у меня болит ухо и т. д.; feel an interest in /towards/ smb., smth. интересоваться кем-л., чем-л.; feel smth. for smb. feel great friendship for smb. быть дружески расположенным к кому-л.; feel much pity for smb. жалеть кого-л., испытывать жалость к кому-л.; feel smth. at smth. I felt no joy at his return я не испытывал никакой радости по поводу его возвращения, я совершенно не радовался его возвращению2) feel one's may around (across, along, etc.) smth. feel one's way around the room (along the wall, across the hall, etc.) двигаться по комнате и т. д. ощупью; feel one's way with smth. feel one's way with a stick (with one's foot) нащупывать дорогу палкой (ногой)17. XXV1) feel that... (what..., as if..., etc.) he felt that he was cold (that you were right, that we should win, etc.) он чувствовал, что ему холодно и т. д.you shall feel what it is to be in my bad books ты еще почувствуешь, что значит потерять мое расположение; feel that it will be a clever move I that such a plan will he unwise, that I ought to say no more at present, that he has told the truth, hat this is not the right time to act, etc.) полагать считать/, что это будет умный ход и т. д., felt that there was going to be a disaster чувствовал, что разразится катастрофа; I feel as if my head were bursting (as if I had lost a father, as if I'm catching cold, etc.) у меня такое чувство, как будто у меня раскалывается голова и т. д., it feels as if it's going to be a nice day today сегодня, кажется, будет хороший день2) feel whether... if... / (how...) feel whether the water is warm enough пощупай /попробуй/, достаточно ли теплая вода; feel if there are any bones broken проверьте, не сломаны ли какие-нибудь кости; feel how sharp the edge of this knife is (how cold lay hands are, how fast his pulse is, etc.) пощупайте, какой острый нож и т. д. -
30 reflection
[rıʹflekʃ(ə)n] n1. отражениеthe reflection of light [of heat, of sound] - отражение света [тепла, звука]
a high crime rate is a reflection of an unstable society - высокий уровень преступности отражает неустойчивое состояние общества
2. 1) отражение, изображениеhis fame is but a pale reflection of that of his father - его слава лишь отблеск славы (его) отца
2) отблеск, отсветit is rather a glimmering reflection than a true and real light - это скорее тусклый отблеск, чем настоящий свет
3) точная копияher intonation is a reflection of that of her teacher - её интонация - точная копия интонации её преподавателя
3. размышление, раздумьеlost in reflection - погрузившись в раздумье /в свои мысли/
to do smth. without due /sufficient/ reflection - сделать что-л. не подумав хорошенько
on reflection - подумав; по зрелом размышлении
on reflection you will change your mind - подумав, вы измените своё решение
4. pl мысли; соображения, замечанияa collection of old saws, proverbs and reflections - собрание старинных поговорок, пословиц и изречений
reflections on the pleasure of being idle - шутл. думы о радостях праздности
5. порицание, осуждениеto cast a reflection upon smb. - порицать кого-л.
the book was suppressed as a reflection on the military regime - книга была запрещена за критику военного режима
6. тень, пятноI intended no reflection on your character - я не имел намерения бросить тень на вашу репутацию
how dare you cast reflections on my motives? - как вы смеете подвергать сомнению мои мотивы?
7. редк. отгибание8. радужность, переливчатость9. физиол. рефлексия -
31 method
1) метод; приём; способ2) методика3) технология4) система•- accelerated strength testing method-
benching method-
bullhead well control method-
electrical-surveying method-
electromagnetic surveying method-
long-wire transmitter method-
operational method-
rule of thumb method-
straight flange method of rolling beams-
symbolical method-
tee-test method-
testing method-
triangulation method-
value-iteration method -
32 motion
1) движение; перемещение2) механизм3) подача ( рабочего органа)•- 3-position head motion -
absolute motion
accelerated motion
air motion
alternate motion
angular motion
apparent motion
approach motion
ascending motion
atmospheric motion
autonomous spatial motion
axis motion
back-and-forth motion
backward motion
Brownian motion
cam motion
centrifugal motion
centripetal motion
centroidal motion
circular motion
collision-free motion
compliant motion
compound motion
conflicting motions
conservative motion
constrained motion
continuous motion
continuous path motion
controlled yawing motion
coordinated motion
coplanar motion
cross motion
cross-feed motion
cross-isobar motion
crowding motion
curvilinear motion
cutting motion
cyclonic motion
damped harmonic motion
decelerated motion
deproach motion
descending motion
differential motion
discontinuous motion
downslide motion
down-up motion
downward motion
driving motion
eccentric motion
eddying motion
eddy motion
end-to-end motion
engagement motion
exponential motion
fault motion
feed motion
flapping motion
flexural motion
force-controlled motion
forced motion
free motion
fretting motion
functional motion
functionally defined motion
galloping motion
Geneva motion
groundwater motion
gyroscopic motion
harmonic motion
heat motion
helical motion
hobbing motion
holding motion
image motion
impulsive motion
increasing motion
incremental motion
inertial motion
in-line motion
in-plane motion
interconnected motion
intermittent film motion
interrupted motion
irregular motion
irrotational motion
isobaric motion
jerking motion
jigging motion
jog motion
joint-interpolated motion
laminar motion
lateral motion
lever motion
lift motion
linear motion
longitudinal motion
lost motion
micro motion
nonautonomous spatial motion
nonstationary motion
nonsteady motion
nonuniform motion
offshore motion of sediments
omnidirectional motion
onshore motion of sediments
orbital motion
oscillatory motion
out-of-plane motion
pan motion
parallel motion
pendulum motion
perceptually controlled motion
periodic motion
perpetual motion
pivoting motion
plane motion
planetary motion
plunge motion
point-to-point motion
positive motion
prescribed motion
progressive motion
proper motion
quasi-geostrophic motion
quasi-periodic motion
rack motion
radial motion
random motion
rapid motion
rapid return motion
reciprocal motion
reciprocating motion
rectilinear motion
relative motion
restricted motion
resulting motion
retarded motion
return motion
reverse motion
rocking motion
rolling motion
rotary motion
rotational fluid motion
rotational motion
screw motion
selvage motion
sensor-based motion
shearing motion
shedding motion
shifting motion
shock motion
shogging motion
shuttle gate intermittent motion
sideward motion
sideways sliding motion
simple harmonic motion
sinusoidal motion
slide-roll motion
sliding motion
slipping motion
smooth motion
snake motion
spatial motion
spiral motion
spool modulating motion
stable motion
steady motion
step-by-step film motion
stick-slip motion
stop motion
stop on force motion
straight line motion
streamline motion
successive tool motion
sway motion
swinging motion
swirling motion
tapped motion
temperature motion
thermal motion
tilting motion
to-and-fro motion
tool motion
transient motion
translational motion
transverse motion
traverse motion
tropical cyclone turning motion
turbulent motion
undulatory motion
unequal motion
uniform motion
uniformly accelerated motion
uniformly retarded motion
unit-directional motion
unstable motion
unsteady motion
up-and-down motion
upslide motion
upward motion
variable motion
vibratory motion
vibroimpulsive motion
vortex motion
vortex-free motion
warp let-off motion
wasted motion
wave motion
wind-induced motion
wobbling motion
zero-point motion -
33 process
1) процесс2) (технологический) процесс; (технологическая) обработка3) технологический приём; способ4) технология5) режим; ход (процесса)6) обрабатывать, подвергать обработке7) подвергать анализу, анализировать•to design process — разрабатывать технологию-
acetone-acetylene process
acetylene process
Acheson process
acid Bessemer process
acid process
acid reclaiming process
acyclic process
Adapti investment casting process
additive process
adiabatic process
Aero case process
aerobic process
age-dependent process
air blast process
air-sand process
Alcan process
Al-Dip process
alfin process
alkali reclaiming process
alkaline process
Allis-Chalmers agglomeration reduction process
ALT process
aluminothermic process
anaerobic process
anamorphotic process
annealing-in-line process
anode process
anodic electrode process
AOD process
aqua-cast process
ARBED-ladle-treatment process
arc-air process
arc-remelting process
argon-oxygen-decarburization process
ASEA-SKF process
autoregressive process
averaging process
Azincourt process
azo coupling process
background process
bag process
BAP process
Barrow process
Basett process
basic Bessemer process
basic oxygen process
basic process
basic-arc process
batch process
biofiltration process
bipolar process
bipolar-FET process
bipolar-MOS process
BISRA degassing process
black-heart process
Blackodising process
blast-furnace process
Blaw-Knox process
bleaching process
Bochumer-Verein process
boiling process
bonding process
bottom-argon-process process
broadband random process
bromoil transfer process
bromoil process
bubble-column process
bubble-hearth process
buffer-slag process
Calmes process
Canadizing process
carbon mold process
carbon process
carbon-arc process
carbon-in-leach process
carbon-in-pulp process
carbothermic process
carbro process
carrier-gas degassing process
cascade process
cast shell process
catalytic DENO process
cathodic process
CC-CR process
CC-DR process
CC-HCR process
cementation process
cementation-in-pulp process
cementing process
centrifugal spinning process
cermet process
CESM process
CEVAM process
charge transfer process
chemical vapor deposition process
chemical-bonding process
Chenot process
china process
cine exposure process
cine process
CLC process
clean burn process
cloudburst process
CLU process
CMOS process
CNC process
CO2 silicate process
coal reduction process
coal to gas process
coal-gas-sumitomo process
coal-oxygen-injection process
COIN process
cold box process
cold doping process
cold process
cold scrap process
cold type process
collodion process
color process
concurrent processes
consteel process
consumable electrode vacuum arc melting process
contact process
continuous annealing process
continuous casting-cleaning rolling process
continuous casting-direct rolling process
continuous casting-hot charging and rolling process
continuous electroslag melting process
continuous metal cast process
continuous-on-line control process
continuous-time process
controlled pressure pouring process
controlled process
converter process
cooking process
coppering process
copying process
coupled cathodic-anodic process
cracking process
Creusot Loire Uddenholm process
critical process
cumulative process
cuprammonium process
curing process
CVD process
cyclic process
Cyclosteel process
Czochralski process
daguerre photographic process
dense-media process
Desco process
deterministic process
developing process
DH degassing process
diabatic process
diazo process
diffused planar process
diffusion process
diffusion transfer process
dip-forming process
direct iron process
direct process
direct reduction process
direct-sintering process
discrete-time process
discrete process
DLM process
Domnarvet process
Dored process
double-crucible process
double-epi process
doubling process
DR process
drop-molding process
dry adiabatic process
dry process
dry-blanch-dry process
duplex process
easy drawing process
EBM process
EBR process
EF-AOD process
electric furnace-argon oxygen decarburization process
electroarc process
electrocatalytic process
electrocolor process
electrodialysis reversal process
electroflux-remelting process
electromembrane process
electron-beam-melting process
electron-beam-refining process
electrophotoadhesive process
electrophotographic process
electroslag refining process
electroslag remelting process
electroslag remelt process
electrostatographic process
electrostream process
Elo-Vac process
elquench process
endothermic process
energy efficient process
entropy process
enzymatic process
EPIC process
epidemic process
epitaxial growth process
epitaxy growth process
ergodic process
ESR process
Estel process
etching process
exoergic process
exothermic process
extrusion-molded neck process
ferroprussiate process
Ferrox process
filming process
filtration-chlorination process
Finkl-Mohr process
FIOR process
first process
fixed-bed MTG process
flash steel direct reduction process
float process
float-and-sink process
float-zone process
flow process
fluid iron ore reduction process
fluid-bed MTG process
fluidized roasting process
fluid-sand process
FMC coke process
foaming process
foehn process
food-machinery and chemical coke process
foreground process
Foren process
FOS process
freeze concentration process
fuel-oxygen-scrap process
full-mold process
fusion-casting process
Futacuchi process
Gaussian process
Gero mold degassing process
Gero vacuum casting process
GGS process
girbitol process
gradual reduction process
growing process
growth process
gypsum-sulfuric acid process
Hall electrolytic process
Harris process
hazardous process
H-coal process
heat-transfer process
heavy-media process
hibernating process
HI-GAS process
high-frequency induction process
HIP process
H-iron process
Hoope process
hot isostatic pressing process
hot process
hot-metal process
hot-metal-and-scrap process
hot-type process
hydrogasification process
hydrotype process
HyL process
IC-DR process
image process
imbibition process
immiscible displacement process
implantation process
impurity doping process
in-bulk process
inchrome process
in-draw process
inductoslag-melting process
ingot casting direct rolling process
injection molding process
in-line process
Inred process
interpolation process
investment process
ion-implantation process
irreversible process
isentropic process
ISM process
isobaric process
isochoric process
isoenthalpic process
isoentropic process
isometric process
isoplanar process
isothermal process
iterative process
jet-expanding process
Kaldo process
katadyn process
Kawasaki-bottom-oxygen-process process
Kawasaki-Gas-Lime-Injection process
K-BOP process
KEK process
KG-LI process
kiln-reduction process
KIVCET cyclone smelting process
KIVCET process
knit-deknit process
koetherizing process
KR process
kraft process
lance bubbling equilibrium process
LBE process
LD-AB process
LD-AC process
LD-AOD process
LD-argon bottom process
LD-argon oxygen decarburization process
LD-CB process
LD-circle lance process
LD-CL process
LD-combination blow process
LD-HC top and botton blowing process
LDK process
LD-Kawasaki-Gas process
LD-KG process
LD-OB process
LD-OTB process
LD-oxygen bottom process
LD-oxygen-top-bottom process
lift-off process
liquefaction process
liquid gas plug process
liquid-phase process
loop transfer process
lost core process
low-waste technological process
LSI process
LVR process
LVS process
Mannesmann powder process
mapping process
Markovian process
Markov process
masking process
matte fuming process
melting process
mercast process
Midland-Ross process
Midrex process
migration process
miscible displacement process
miscible plug process
mixed autoregressive-moving average process
moist adiabatic process
Molynutz process
monochrome process
monolithic process
MOS process
MOSFET process
motion-picture process
moving average process
narrowband random process
Neely process
negative-positive process
Nitemper process
no pickle process
nonflow process
non-Gaussian process
Nord-Fuvo process
Nu-iron process
OBM process
OG process
OLP converter process
one-way process
open-hearth process
orbitread process
ore process
Orthoflow cracking process
Orthoforming process
orthogonal increment process
oxidation process
oxide-isolated process
oxygen-blow process
oxygen-gas process
oxygen-lancing process
oxygen-steelmaking process
packaging process
pad-batch dyeing process
pad-dry dyeing process
pad-jig dyeing process
pad-roll dyeing process
pad-steam dyeing process
pad-steam vat-print process
PAMCO-hot-alloy process
parent process
PCR process
Perrin process
PHA process
phonon process
photoelectric process
photomechanical process
photovoltaic process
pig iron-scrap process
pig-and-ore process
pigment padding dying process
pigment padding process
pigment process
pinatype process
planar process
plasma etching process
plasma etch process
plasma process
plasma-arc process
Plasmamelt process
Plasmared process
plaster mold process
plastic wirecut process
polytropic process
powder silicon ribbon process
power-press process
prepolymer process
prepress processes
pressure-driven membrane process
primuline process
propane-acid process
pulsating mixing process
Purex process
pushbench process
Q-BOP process
QDT process
quality basic oxygen process process
quasi-independent processes
quick and direct tapping process
ram process
random process
rapid solidification plasma deposition process
rayon continuous process
receiving process
reclamator reclaiming process
recurrent process
redox process
reducing process
reduction-smelting process
relaxation process
repetitive process
reproduction process
reversal process
reversible process
RH process
RH-OB process
ribbon process
R-N direct-reduction process
roasting-sintering process
roast-leaching process
robot-controlled process
rongalit-potash process
rotor process
rustless process
sample process
schoop process
scrap-and-pig process
scrap-conditioning process
scrap-ore process
screen printed process
self-developing process
self-healing process
semibatch process
semiconductor process
sending process
Sendzimir coating process
sequential process
silicon-gate MOS process
silicon-gate process
silk-screen process
single-pumpdown process
SIP process
skein spinning process
Skinner multiple-hearth process
slag minimum process
slip-casting process
slow down process
SLPM process
SL-RN metallization process
SL-RN reduction process
solid source diffusion process
solution regrowth process
solvent extraction-electrowinning process
solvent plug process
SOS process
spin-draw-texturizing process
spinylock process
sponge iron process
spontaneous process
Stanal process
stationary random process
STB process
steady-flow process
steam-blow process
steelmaking process
Stelmor process
step and repeat process
stochastic process
stuffer box process
submerged arc process
subtractive process
suck-and-blow process
Sulf BT process
Sulfinuz process
Sumitomo-slag all recycling process
Sumitomo-top-bottom process
Sursulf process
system process
TBM process
T-die process
Technamation process
thermal DeNOx process
Therm-i-Vac process
Thermo-Flow process
thermoplastic process
Thomas process
Thorex process
three-color process
Thyssen-blast-metallurgy process
Tifran process
tightly coupled processes
time-varying process
trichromatic process
triplex process
Tropenas converter process
Tufftride process
Tufftride TF1 process
uncertain process
user process
vacuum arc remelting process
vacuum casting process
vacuum deoxidation process
vacuum induction refining process
vacuum stream-droplet process
vacuum-arc degassing process
vacuum-carbodeoxidation process
vacuum-carbonate process
vacuum-induction melting process
vacuum-melting process
vacuum-metallothermic process
vacuum-oxygen-decarburization process
VAD process
VAR process
VAW process
VHSIC process
vigom process
VIR process
viscose process
visual process
VLSI process
VOD process
waiting process
water gas process
waterfall process
wet process
white-heart process
Zinal process
zinc distilling process -
34 pulse
1) импульс || генерировать импульсы; работать в импульсном режиме; посылать импульсы2) пульсация || пульсировать•-
actuating pulse
advance pulse
basic pulse
bias pulse
bidirectional pulses
blackout pulse
blocking pulse
break pulse
brightening pulse
burst pulse
carry pulse
check pulse
chirp pulse
chopped pulse
clamp pulse
clear pulse
clock pulse
closing pulse
command signal pulse
composite 20T pulse
compressed pulse
current pulse
dark-current pulse
delayed pulse
dial pulse
digit pulse
disabling pulse
discharge pulse
drive pulse
echo pulse
electromagnetic pulse
electrostatic discharge electromagnetic pulse
enable pulse
engine reference pulse
equalizing pulse
erase pulse
error pulse
fast pulse
feed pulse
field blanking pulse
firing pulse
flat pulse
fluid pulse
frame blanking pulse
frame pulse
fruit pulse
gate pulse
Gaussian pulse
ghost pulse
half-sine pulse
heat pulse
identification pulse
ignition pulse
inhibit pulse
initiating pulse
input pulse
intensification pulse
interrogation pulse
inverted pulse
lighting pulse
light pulse
lightning electromagnetic pulse
line blanking pulse
line synchronization pulse
line sync pulse
lockout pulse
long pulse
lost pulse
make pulse
marker pulse
monitoring pulse
narrow pulse
negative pulse
noise pulse
nuclear electromagnetic pulse
omitted pulse
output pulse
photon pulse
pilot pulse
pip pulse
positive pulse
potential pulse
power pulse
pumping pulse
pump pulse
quenching pulse
quench pulse
radio-frequency pulse
radio pulse
reading pulse
read pulse
receiver disabling pulse
rectangular pulse
reply pulse
resetting pulse
reset pulse
residual pulse
sample pulse
sawtooth pulse
select pulse
selection pulse
setting pulse
set pulse
sharp pulse
shock pulse
short pulse
sine-squared pulse
slow pulse
spike pulse
spurious pulse
staggered pulse
starting pulse
start pulse
steep pulse
stopping pulse
stop pulse
stretched pulse
strobe pulse
stuffed pulse
suppression pulse
synchronizing pulse
sync pulse
test pulse
thermal pulse
timing pulse
triangular pulse
triggering pulse
trigger pulse
tripping pulse
unidirectional pulses
variable-duration pulses
video pulse
voltage pulse
wide pulse
write pulse -
35 detector
1) детектор
2) входный
3) выявитель
4) детекторный
5) обнаружитель
6) регистратор
7) уличитель
8) определитель
9) чувствительный элемент
10) детекторный приемник
11) детекторный прибор СВЧ
– activation detector
– approved gas detector
– carborundum detector
– chip detector
– combination-crystal detector
– correlation detector
– count detector
– crystal detector
– detector bar
– detector bar link
– detector diode
– detector head
– detector noise
– detector tube
– detector window
– electron-tube detector
– envelope detector
– error detector
– fast detector
– fault detector
– fire detector
– fission detector
– flame detector
– flaw detector
– galena detector
– gamma-ray detector
– gammaa detector
– grid detector
– halogen detector
– heat detector
– heterodyne detector
– high-speed detector
– impurity-activated detector
– infinite-impedance detector
– ionizing-radiation detector
– leak detector
– level detector
– light detector
– linear detector
– loss-of-flame detector
– metal detector
– missing-pulse detector
– neutron detector
– null detector
– overheat detector
– peak detector
– phase-sensitive detector
– photoemissive detector
– photographic detector
– photon detector
– photoparametric detector
– pulse-type detector
– push-pull detector
– quadrature detector
– quasi-peak detector
– radiation detector
– ratio detector
– recoil detector
– scintillation detector
– smoke detector
– sound detector
– square law detector
– square-law detector
– stress detector
– synchronous detector
– threshold detector
bulk photoconductive detector — объемно-фоторезисторный детектор
lost-circulation zone detector — <energ.> локатор зоны потерь циркуляции
magnetic-particle flaw detector — магнитно-порошковый дефектоскоп
maximum likelihood detector — детектор наиболее вероятной ошибки
resistance-type temperature detector — <tech.> термощуп
36 evaporation
1) выпаривание
2) испарение
3) испаряемость
– concentration by evaporation
– deposit by evaporation
– evaporation heat
– evaporation mask
– evaporation method
– evaporation rate
– evaporation surface
– evaporation technique
– evaporation test
– evaporation to dryness
– evaporation tower
– flash evaporation
– lost by evaporation
– vacuum evaporation
evapken the latex by evaporation — сгущать латекс выпариванием
rate of evaporation per surface — интенсивность парообразования
37 zone
1) зонировать
2) разыскировать
3) зона
4) область
5) пояс
6) опоясывать
7) разделять на зоны
8) полоса
9) полоска
10) поясной
11) зональный
12) зонный
13) участок
– bi-signal zone
– border zone
– boundary zone
– contour zone
– dead zone
– determinate zone
– equisignal zone
– far zone
– forbidden zone
– heat-affected zone
– holding zone
– indeterminate zone
– induction zone
– inert zone
– melting zone
– near zone
– pertaining to zone
– radiation zone
– spherical zone
– temperate zone
– time zone
– zone astrograph
– zone melting
– zone metering
– zone observation
– zone of one base
– zone of sphere
– zone smelting
– zone time
floating zone melting — <metal.> метод бестигельный, метод плавающей зоны
lost-circulation zone detector — <energ.> локатор зоны потерь циркуляции
zone position indicator — <tech.> индикатор зоны
38 alarm
тревога, аварийная сигнализация; сигнал тревоги, сирена, сигнальное устройство
* * *
сигнальное устройство; сигнальный прибор; механизм автоматической сигнализации
* * *
сигнал, предупредительный сигнал тревоги
* * *
1) сигнал тревоги; сигнал опасности2) сигнальное устройство; сигнальный прибор; механизм автоматической сигнализации•- fire alarm
- gas alarm
- high-pressure alarm
- lost circulation alarm
- malfunction alarm
- overflow alarm
- temperature alarm
- top stroke alarm* * *• сирена -
39 balance
I ['bæləns] n- quick balance- electric balance
- spring balance
- assay balance
- pan of balance
- balance of the tongul of a balance II ['bæləns] n1) равновесие, баланс, гармония, уравновешенность, самообладаниеHe was thrown off balance when she ran into him. — Когда она натолкнулась на него, он потерял равновесие. /Когда она натолкнулась на него, он не смог устоять на ногах.
She was off her balance with anger. — Она была вне себя от негодования.
He kept his balance even at the most difficult moments. — Он не потерял самообладания даже в самые трудные минуты.
I lost my balance and fell down the stairs. — Я оступился/потерял равновесие и упал с лестницы.
An unexpected blow threw him off his balance. — Неожиданный удар сбил его с ног.
I think that on balance he is a useful man. — Учитывая все обстоятельства, я считаю его полезным человеком.
Alcohol causes lack of balance. — Под действием алкоголя человек теряет равновесие.
Even a trifle may turn the balance. — Даже мелочь/случайность может изменить положение.
After her illness her balance of mind was disturbed. — Болезнь подействовала на ее психику.
- stable balance- doubtful balance
- uncertain balance
- heat balance
- favourable balance
- unfavourable balance
- strategic balance
- balance of good and evil
- balance of probability
- balance of mind
- balance of colours
- on balance
- balance of nature
- balance of power
- man of unusual balance
- want of balance
- be a balance to smth, to smb
- maintain the balance of power
- keep one's balance
- lose one's balance
- be off one's balance
- be in the balance
- be in perfect balance
- hold the balance
- make out the balance
- strike the balance
- win a race with a nice balance in hand
- be off balance2) остатокHe spent the balance of his life in travel. — Последние годы своей жизни он посвятил путешествиям.
May I take the balance of my holiday before the end of September? — Разрешите мне взять остаток моего отпуска до конца сентября?
He gave the balance of his dinner to the dog. — Он отдал собаке остаток своего обеда.
- balance of his life- balances with foreign banks
- pay the balance3) баланс, остаток вклада, сальдо, сметаSee:My bank balance isn't very large any more. — У меня на счете в банке осталось очень немного.
- rough balance- trial balance
- sterling balances
- annual balance sheet
- one's bank balance
- balance sheet
- balance sheet profit
- cash balance in hand
- balance of goods and services
- balance of orders
- size of the balance in the account
- bring accounts to balance
- make up a balance sheet
- make up the balance
- overcome an adverse balance
- keep large cash balances in accounts at the bank
- settle a balance
- freeze bank balances
- bring accounts to a balance4) контрольIII ['bæləns] v1) балансировать, сохранять равновесие, быть в равновесии, уравновешивать (что-либо; что-либо чем-либо)The boy was balancing on the chair. — Мальчик качался/раскачивался на стуле.
One thing balances another. — Одно компенсирует другое.
I hope that the figures for income and costs balance out. — Я надеюсь, что данные по поступлениям и расходам придут в соответствие друг с другом.
Balanced herself half over the balcony-rail. — Она наполовину перевесилась через перила балкона.
- balance oneself- balance on a rope
- be mentally balanced
- balance disadvantage by smth
- balance out2) подводить итоги, подсчитывать баланс, подводить баланс- balance one's accounts- balance the accounts
- balance the budget
- accounts don't balance
- turn the balance -
40 matter at issue
((matter, point, etc.) at issue)предмет спора; нерешённый вопросCharley: "It's no good attempting to talk sense to you - you're hopeless." Janet: "Oddly enough I'm not, but we'd better leave it at that, I think, and get back to the point at issue." (N. Coward, ‘Peace in Our Time’, act I, sc. III) — Чарли: "Не стоит говорить вам о здравом смысле. Вы безнадежны." Жанет: "Как ни странно, но вы заблуждаетесь. И хватит об этом. Вернемся к предмету спора."
As you pointed out, I'm not the subject at issue. (I. Murdoch, ‘The Italian Girl’, ch. IX) — Вы правильно заметили, что речь идет не обо мне.
The real point at issue has long ago been lost sight of in the heat of controversy. — В пылу полемики все уже давно забыли, о чем идет спор.
См. также в других словарях:
lost heat — šilumos nuostoliai statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Šilumos kiekis, nuo aparato arba įrenginio patenkantis į aplinką. atitikmenys: angl. lost heat; waste heat vok. Abwärme, f rus. сбрасываемое тепло, n … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
lost heat — šilumos nuostoliai statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Šilumos praradimas per pastatų sienas, aparatų ir šilumokaičių paviršius. atitikmenys: angl. lost heat; waste heat vok. Abwärme, f rus. сбрасываемое тепло, n … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Heat transfer — is a discipline of thermal engineering that concerns the exchange of thermal energy from one physical system to another. Heat transfer is classified into various mechanisms, such as heat conduction, convection, thermal radiation, and phase change … Wikipedia
Heat recovery ventilation — (also known as a heat exchanger, air exchanger or air to air exchanger) is a ventilation system that employs a counter flow heat exchanger between the inbound and outbound air flow. HRV provide fresh air and improved climate control, while also… … Wikipedia
Heat treatment — is a method used to alter the physical, and sometimes chemical, properties of a material. The most common application is metallurgical. Heat treatments are also used in the manufacture of many other materials, such as glass. Heat treatment… … Wikipedia
Lost Odyssey — Обложка европейского издания Разработчик Mistwalker, feelplus Издатель Microsoft Game Studios … Википедия
Lost Acapulco — Datos generales Origen México Información artística … Wikipedia Español
Lost Odyssey — Desarrolladora(s) Mistwalker, Feelplus Distribuidora(s) Microsoft Diseñador(es) Hironobu Sakaguchi (Producción) Takehiko Inoue (Diseño pers … Wikipedia Español
Lost Channel, Parry Sound District, Ontario — Lost Channel is a ghost town in Parry Sound District, Ontario. It all started when Lauder, Spears and Howland of Toronto, began producing lumber under contract to the Schroeder Mills Timber Co., of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. In the spring of 1917,… … Wikipedia
lost-wax process — [lôst′waks′] n. a method of casting in which a wax form is encased in a heat resistant material, as clay, that is hardened and then heated to melt and drain away the wax, producing a mold into which molten material is poured: used in casting… … English World dictionary
Heat–Knicks rivalry — Miami Heat New York Knicks History Post Season Meetings 13–11 (NYK) 1997 Eastern Conference Semifinals Heat won, 4–3 1998 Eastern Conference First Round Knicks won, 3–2 1999 Eastern Confer … Wikipedia