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  • 121 go with

    1) (to be sold with, be part of etc: The carpets will go with the house.) følge med; høre sammen med
    2) (to look etc well with: The carpet goes with the wallpaper.) passe sammen med
    * * *
    1) (to be sold with, be part of etc: The carpets will go with the house.) følge med; høre sammen med
    2) (to look etc well with: The carpet goes with the wallpaper.) passe sammen med

    English-Danish dictionary > go with

  • 122 hate

    [heit] 1. verb
    (to dislike very much: I hate them for their cruelty to my father; I hate getting up in the morning.) hade
    2. noun
    1) (great dislike: a look of hate.) had
    2) (something disliked: Getting up in the morning is one of my pet (= particular) hates.) aversion
    - hatefully
    - hatefulness
    - hatred
    * * *
    [heit] 1. verb
    (to dislike very much: I hate them for their cruelty to my father; I hate getting up in the morning.) hade
    2. noun
    1) (great dislike: a look of hate.) had
    2) (something disliked: Getting up in the morning is one of my pet (= particular) hates.) aversion
    - hatefully
    - hatefulness
    - hatred

    English-Danish dictionary > hate

  • 123 hatred

    noun (great dislike: There was a look of hatred in his eyes; I have a deep-seated hatred of liars.) had
    * * *
    noun (great dislike: There was a look of hatred in his eyes; I have a deep-seated hatred of liars.) had

    English-Danish dictionary > hatred

  • 124 haughty

    (very proud: a haughty look; a haughty young woman.) hoven
    - haughtiness
    * * *
    (very proud: a haughty look; a haughty young woman.) hoven
    - haughtiness

    English-Danish dictionary > haughty

  • 125 haunt

    [ho:nt] 1. verb
    1) ((of a ghost) to inhabit: A ghost is said to haunt this house.) hjemsøge
    2) ((of an unpleasant memory) to keep coming back into the mind of: Her look of misery haunts me.) forfølge; hjemsøge
    3) (to visit very often: He haunts that café.) hjemsøge
    2. noun
    (a place one often visits: This is one of my favourite haunts.) hjemsted
    * * *
    [ho:nt] 1. verb
    1) ((of a ghost) to inhabit: A ghost is said to haunt this house.) hjemsøge
    2) ((of an unpleasant memory) to keep coming back into the mind of: Her look of misery haunts me.) forfølge; hjemsøge
    3) (to visit very often: He haunts that café.) hjemsøge
    2. noun
    (a place one often visits: This is one of my favourite haunts.) hjemsted

    English-Danish dictionary > haunt

  • 126 hide

    I 1. past tense - hid; verb
    (to put (a person, thing etc) in a place where it cannot be seen or easily found: I'll hide the children's presents; You hide, and I'll come and look for you; She hid from her father; He tries to hide his feelings.) gemme; skjule
    2. noun
    (a small concealed hut etc from which birds etc can be watched, photographed etc.) skjul
    - hide-and-seek
    - hide-out
    II noun
    (the skin of an animal: He makes coats out of animal hides; cow-hide.) skind; hud
    * * *
    I 1. past tense - hid; verb
    (to put (a person, thing etc) in a place where it cannot be seen or easily found: I'll hide the children's presents; You hide, and I'll come and look for you; She hid from her father; He tries to hide his feelings.) gemme; skjule
    2. noun
    (a small concealed hut etc from which birds etc can be watched, photographed etc.) skjul
    - hide-and-seek
    - hide-out
    II noun
    (the skin of an animal: He makes coats out of animal hides; cow-hide.) skind; hud

    English-Danish dictionary > hide

  • 127 hood

    1) (a usually loose covering for the whole head, often attached to a coat, cloak etc: The monk pulled his hood over his head.) hætte
    2) (a folding cover on a car, pram etc: Put the hood of the pram up - the baby is getting wet.) kaleche
    3) ((American) the bonnet of a car: He raised the hood to look at the engine.) motorhjelm
    4) (a fold of cloth representing a hood, worn by university graduates over their gowns on ceremonial occasions: The professors and lecturers all wore their gowns and hoods for the graduation ceremony.) pyntehætte
    * * *
    1) (a usually loose covering for the whole head, often attached to a coat, cloak etc: The monk pulled his hood over his head.) hætte
    2) (a folding cover on a car, pram etc: Put the hood of the pram up - the baby is getting wet.) kaleche
    3) ((American) the bonnet of a car: He raised the hood to look at the engine.) motorhjelm
    4) (a fold of cloth representing a hood, worn by university graduates over their gowns on ceremonial occasions: The professors and lecturers all wore their gowns and hoods for the graduation ceremony.) pyntehætte

    English-Danish dictionary > hood

  • 128 housekeeper

    noun (a person, usually a woman, who is paid to look after the management of a house.) husholderske
    * * *
    noun (a person, usually a woman, who is paid to look after the management of a house.) husholderske

    English-Danish dictionary > housekeeper

См. также в других словарях:

  • look — look …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • look — /look/, v.i. 1. to turn one s eyes toward something or in some direction in order to see: He looked toward the western horizon and saw the returning planes. 2. to glance or gaze in a manner specified: to look questioningly at a person. 3. to use… …   Universalium

  • Look — (l[oo^]k), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Looked}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Looking}.] [OE. loken, AS. l[=o]cian; akin to G. lugen, OHG. luog[=e]n.] 1. To direct the eyes for the purpose of seeing something; to direct the eyes toward an object; to observe with the …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • look — ► VERB 1) direct one s gaze in a specified direction. 2) have an outlook in a specified direction. 3) have the appearance or give the impression of being. ► NOUN 1) an act of looking. 2) an expression of a feeling or thought by looking at someone …   English terms dictionary

  • look — [look] vi. [ME loken < OE locian, akin to OS lōkōn, OHG luogēn (Ger dial. lugen), to spy after, look for] 1. to make use of the sense of sight; see 2. a) to direct one s eyes in order to see b) to direct one s attention mentally upon something …   English World dictionary

  • Look — ist ein Begriff/Wort aus der englischen Sprache, das sowohl als Verb als auch Hauptwort vielfältige Bedeutung haben kann: als Anglizismus, wird Look vor allem als Synonym im Sinne von Aussehen bzw. Stil verwendet, z. B.: Afro Look, wilde… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • look — [ luk ] n. m. • 1977; mot angl. « aspect, allure » ♦ Anglic. Aspect physique (style vestimentaire, coiffure...) volontairement étudié, caractéristique d une mode. Il a un drôle de look. ⇒ allure, genre. Un look d enfer. Changer de look. ♢ Image… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Look-in — was a long running children s magazine centered around ITV s television programmes in the UK, and subtitled The Junior TV Times . It ran from January 9, 1971 to 12 March 1994 [ [http://www.geocities.com/juniortvtimes2006/94No10/1994 no10 pg01… …   Wikipedia

  • look — 1. non standard uses. There are various idiomatic uses of look that are confined to particular parts of the English speaking world and are not part of standard English: for example look you as a way of attracting attention, found in Shakespeare • …   Modern English usage

  • LOOK — LOOK, established in Nevers, France in 1951, was originally a ski equipment manufacturer. The company produced bindings both under its own name and under other brands such as Rossignol and Dynastar. The partnership with Rossignol (which later… …   Wikipedia

  • Look — [lʊk], der; s, s: (besonders in Bezug auf Mode) bestimmter Stil: einen sportlichen Look bevorzugen; einen neuen Look kreieren. Syn.: ↑ Aussehen, ↑ Note, ↑ Optik. Zus.: Astronautenlook, Gammellook, Safarilook, Schlabberlook, Trachtenlook. * * *… …   Universal-Lexikon

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