1 long-term memory
= LTMв нейронных сетях - память, хранящая данные длительное времяAnt:Англо-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > long-term memory
2 long-term memory
долговременная память; долговременное запоминающее устройство -
3 long-term memory
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > long-term memory
4 long term memory
5 long-term memory
6 long-term memory
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > long-term memory
7 long-term memory
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > long-term memory
8 long-term memory
долговременная память; память о материале, который был интегрирован в общие знания индивида.* * *долговременная память; память о материале, который был интегрирован в общие знания индивида. -
9 long-term memory
1) Биология: долговременная память2) Медицина: долговременная память3) Техника: долговременное внешнее запоминающее устройство4) Психология: долгосрочная память, долговременная память (человека, ЭВМ)5) Вычислительная техника: долговременное запоминающее устройство6) Автоматика: долговременное ЗУ7) Робототехника: ДЗУ8) Макаров: долговременное (внешнее) ЗУ -
10 long-term memory
долговременная памятьАнгло-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > long-term memory
11 long-term memory
12 long-term memory
мед.фраз. долговременный память -
13 long-term memory
14 long-term memory
15 long-term memory
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > long-term memory
16 long-term memory
English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > long-term memory
17 long-term memory
долговременная память, долговременное запоминающее устройствоEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > long-term memory
18 long-term memory
19 long-term memory
долговременная память, долговременное ЗУ, ДЗУ
20 long-term memory
долговременная памятьEnglish-Russian dictionary of technical terms > long-term memory
См. также в других словарях:
Long-term memory — (LTM) is memory that can last as little as a few days or as long as decades. It differs structurally and functionally from working memory or short term memory, which ostensibly stores items for only around 20 seconds. Biologically, short term… … Wikipedia
long-term memory — noun uncount the part of your memory that remembers things that happened a long time ago … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Long-term memory — A system for permanently storing, managing, and retrieving information for later use. Items of information stored as long term memory may be available for a lifetime. Long term memory is in contrast to short term memory (as I recall). * * * long… … Medical dictionary
long-term memory — noun your general store of remembered information • Syn: ↑LTM • Hypernyms: ↑memory, ↑remembering • Hyponyms: ↑episodic memory, ↑personal memory, ↑semantic memory, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
long-term memory — /lɒŋ tɜm ˈmɛmri/ (say long term memree) noun the part of the memory which stores experience on a long term basis. Compare short term memory …
long-term memory — information stored in the brain and retrievable over a long period of time, often over the entire life span of the individual (contrasted with short term memory). [1965 70] * * * … Universalium
long-term memory — memory of things that occurred a long time ago … English contemporary dictionary
long-term memory — UK / US noun [uncountable] the part of your memory that remembers things that happened a long time ago … English dictionary
Long-term potentiation — (LTP) is a persistent increase in synaptic strength following high frequency stimulation of a chemical synapse. Studies of LTP are often carried out in slices of the hippocampus, an important organ for learning and memory. In such studies,… … Wikipedia
long-term potentiation — n a long lasting strengthening of the response of a postsynaptic nerve cell to stimulation across the synapse that occurs with repeated stimulation and is thought to be related to learning and long term memory abbr. LTP * * * a change in efficacy … Medical dictionary
long-term — long′ term adj. 1) covering or involving a relatively long period of time: long term memory[/ex] 2) maturing after a relatively long period of time: a long term bond[/ex] 3) bus (of a capital gain or loss) derived from the sale or exchange of an… … From formal English to slang