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  • 1 run

    s projecció
    Def. del Termcat: Cadascuna de les emissions d'un espot o pel·lícula publicitària.
    s correguda
    Esports: Beisbol
    Def. del Termcat: Punt que aconsegueix un jugador atacant quan recorre en sentit contrari a les agulles del rellotge les tres bases del camp interior i arriba a la base de meta sense ser eliminat, cosa que constitueix l'objectiu final de tota acció ofensiva.
    Formes desestimades: carrera; cursa
    s correguda d'impuls
    Esports: Gimnàstica
    Def. del Termcat: Correguda que es fa per prendre embranzida abans de la batuda, des d'una distància no superior a 25 m per a l'entrada al cavall de salts, i a 6 m per a l'entrada a les paral·leles asimètriques i a la barra d'equilibri.
    Formes desestimades: carrera d'impuls; cursa d'impuls
    run|runs|ran|running|run about|run across|run after|run away|run down|run into|run off|run on|run out|run out of|run over|run through|run up|run up against s carrera, correguda, corredissa | curs, marxa, direcció | sèrie, ratxa | viatge, excursió | distància, trajecte, recorregut | classe, tipus, corrent | llibertat de moviments, lliure accès
    v córrer | estendre's, arribar, assolir | passar | fluir, rajar | fondre's | supurar | durar, mantenir-se | representar-se ininterrompudament | seguir, ser vigent |presentar-se
    in the long run a la llarga
    run about anar amunt i avall
    run across trobar inesperadament
    run after perseguir
    run away fugir
    run down criticar | atropellar | aturar-se | quedar-se sense corda
    run into trobar per casualitat, xocar, tenir problemes
    ru off marxar, tocar el dos
    run on allargar-se el temps
    run out (of) acabar-se, exhaurir-se, caducar
    run over atropellar | vessar
    run through travessar | assajar
    run up acumular
    run up against tenir problemes

    English-Catalan dictionary > run

См. также в других словарях:

  • long-run — UK US adjective [before noun] ► continuing to exist or have an effect for a long period of time: long run growth/inflation/potential »Spending on public services helps long run economic growth. »Consumer confidence is well above its long run… …   Financial and business terms

  • long run — (n.) also long run, ultimate outcome, 1620s, from LONG (Cf. long) (adj.) + RUN (Cf. run) (n.), on notion of when events have run their course. As an adjective from 1804 …   Etymology dictionary

  • long-run — adj. 1. relating to or extending over a relatively long time; as, the long run significance of the elections. Syn: long term. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • long-run — [lôŋ′run′] adj. extending over a long time …   English World dictionary

  • Long-run — In economic models, the long run time frame assumes no fixed factors of production. Firms can enter or leave the marketplace, and the cost (and availability) of land, labor, raw materials, and capital goods can be assumed to vary. In contrast, in …   Wikipedia

  • long run — A period of time in which all costs are variable; longer than one year. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * long run UK US noun [S] (also long term) ► a long period of time: »We are optimistic about the long term. a long run of sth »There are… …   Financial and business terms

  • Long Run — A period of time in which all factors of production and costs are variable. In the long run, firms are able to adjust all costs, whereas in the short run firms are only able to influence prices through adjustments made to production levels.… …   Investment dictionary

  • long-run — /lawng run , long /, adj. happening or presented over a long period of time or having a long course of performances: a long run hit play. [1900 05] * * * …   Universalium

  • long run — n. long range outlook in, over the long run * * * [ lɒŋrʌn] over the long run [ long range outlook ] in …   Combinatory dictionary

  • long run — noun a period of time sufficient for factors to work themselves out in the long run we will win in the long run we will all be dead he performed well over the long haul • Syn: ↑long haul • Hypernyms: ↑time period, ↑perio …   Useful english dictionary

  • long run — noun Date: 1627 a relatively long period of time usually used in the phrase in the long run • long run adjective …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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