1 long-distance communication
English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > long-distance communication
2 long-distance communication
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > long-distance communication
3 long-distance communication
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > long-distance communication
4 long-distance communication
Англо-русский технический словарь > long-distance communication
5 long distance communication
Техника: дальняя связьУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > long distance communication
6 long-distance communication
1) Военный термин: дальняя связь2) Техника: дистанционная связь, междугородная связь4) Бытовая техника: международная связьУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > long-distance communication
7 long-distance communication
English-Russian military dictionary > long-distance communication
8 long-distance communication
English-Russian dictionary of modern telecommunications > long-distance communication
9 long-distance communication
English-Russian household appliances > long-distance communication
10 long-distance communication
English-Russian dictionary on household appliances > long-distance communication
11 long-distance communication
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > long-distance communication
12 long-distance communication
междугородное сообщение; междугородные перевозки; междугородная телефонная связьEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > long-distance communication
13 long-distance communication
English-Russian scientific dictionary > long-distance communication
14 long-distance communication
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > long-distance communication
15 long-distance communication
English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications > long-distance communication
16 long distance communication network
1) Радио: сеть дальней связи2) Телефония: сеть междугородных линийУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > long distance communication network
17 long distance communication system
Атомная энергия: система дальней связиУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > long distance communication system
18 long-distance communication cable
Общая лексика: кабель дальней связиУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > long-distance communication cable
19 long-distance communication components
Телекоммуникации: средства дальней радиосвязиУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > long-distance communication components
20 long-distance communication system
Телекоммуникации: система дальней связиУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > long-distance communication system
См. также в других словарях:
long-distance communication — tolimasis ryšys statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. long distance communication; trunk communication vok. Fernverkehr, m; Weitverbindung, f rus. relė su ašiniu inkaru, f pranc. liaison à grande distance, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Long-distance relationship — A long distance relationship is typically an intimate relationship that takes place when the partners are separated by a considerable distance.Online dating and the internet have greatly expanded the opportunities to meet partners from other… … Wikipedia
long-distance — I. adjective Date: 1884 1. of or relating to telephone communication with a distant point especially outside a specified area 2. a. situated a long distance away b. going or covering a long distance < long distance roads > < a long distance… … New Collegiate Dictionary
long-distance — 1) ADJ: ADJ n Long distance is used to describe travel between places that are far apart. Trains are reliable, cheap and best for long distance journeys. ...the first long distance sea voyages made by Portuguese navigators at the end of the 15th… … English dictionary
long distance — adj. of or relating to telephone communication between places that are far apart, telephone call that is made out of the local calling area; located a long distance away; covering a long distance; that happens between places that are far apart;… … English contemporary dictionary
long distance — noun Date: 1904 1. communication by long distance telephone 2. a telephone operator or exchange that gives long distance connections … New Collegiate Dictionary
SBC Long Distance — Infobox Company company name = SBC Long Distance, LLC company company type = Holding of AT T foundation = 1996 location = San Antonio, Texas, USA industry = Telecommunications dba = AT T Long Distance homepage =… … Wikipedia
long-line — ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ adjective : of or relating to long distance communication or transportation long line telephone workers long line trains long line trucking … Useful english dictionary
Communication with submarines — is difficult because radio waves do not travel well through thick electrical conductors like salt water. The obvious solution is to surface and raise an antenna above the water, then use ordinary radio transmissions. Early submarines had to… … Wikipedia
Communication Moon Relay — For the moon bounce children s entertainment inflatable, see moonwalk (bounce house). Sailors on board the USS Hancock (CV 19) spelling out Moon Relay. This picture was transmitted via moon bounce as part of the official Navy… … Wikipedia
Communication in small groups — is interpersonal communication within groups of between 3 and 20 individuals.[1] This generally takes place in a context that mixes interpersonal interactions with social clustering. Contents 1 Group communication 1.1 Linear phase model … Wikipedia