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См. также в других словарях:

  • long in the tooth — phrasal : past one s best days : old as fighters go, he is a sere and yellowed leaf and long in the tooth Gilbert Millstein * * * long in the tooth Elderly, like a horse whose gums are receding with age • • • Main Entry: ↑tooth * * * long in the… …   Useful english dictionary

  • long in the tooth — to be very old. Don t you think she s a bit long in the tooth to be a romantic heroine? Etymology: based on the idea that teeth grow longer in some animals as they get older …   New idioms dictionary

  • To show the teeth — Tooth Tooth (t[=oo]th), n.; pl. {Teeth} (t[=e]th). [OE. toth,tooth, AS. t[=o][eth]; akin to OFries. t[=o]th, OS. & D. tand, OHG. zang, zan, G. zahn, Icel. t[ o]nn, Sw. & Dan. tand, Goth. tumpus, Lith. dantis, W. dant, L. dens, dentis, Gr. odoy s …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Pianos Become the Teeth — Жанры скримо пост рок пост хардкор Годы 2006 по сей день …   Википедия

  • In spite of the teeth — Tooth Tooth (t[=oo]th), n.; pl. {Teeth} (t[=e]th). [OE. toth,tooth, AS. t[=o][eth]; akin to OFries. t[=o]th, OS. & D. tand, OHG. zang, zan, G. zahn, Icel. t[ o]nn, Sw. & Dan. tand, Goth. tumpus, Lith. dantis, W. dant, L. dens, dentis, Gr. odoy s …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • In the teeth — Tooth Tooth (t[=oo]th), n.; pl. {Teeth} (t[=e]th). [OE. toth,tooth, AS. t[=o][eth]; akin to OFries. t[=o]th, OS. & D. tand, OHG. zang, zan, G. zahn, Icel. t[ o]nn, Sw. & Dan. tand, Goth. tumpus, Lith. dantis, W. dant, L. dens, dentis, Gr. odoy s …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • To cast in the teeth — Tooth Tooth (t[=oo]th), n.; pl. {Teeth} (t[=e]th). [OE. toth,tooth, AS. t[=o][eth]; akin to OFries. t[=o]th, OS. & D. tand, OHG. zang, zan, G. zahn, Icel. t[ o]nn, Sw. & Dan. tand, Goth. tumpus, Lith. dantis, W. dant, L. dens, dentis, Gr. odoy s …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • To the teeth — Tooth Tooth (t[=oo]th), n.; pl. {Teeth} (t[=e]th). [OE. toth,tooth, AS. t[=o][eth]; akin to OFries. t[=o]th, OS. & D. tand, OHG. zang, zan, G. zahn, Icel. t[ o]nn, Sw. & Dan. tand, Goth. tumpus, Lith. dantis, W. dant, L. dens, dentis, Gr. odoy s …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • The Angry Beavers — Tile card featuring Daggett (left) and Norbert (right) Beaver Genre Comedy Format Animated se …   Wikipedia

  • The Angry Beavers — Seriendaten Deutscher Titel: Die Biber Brüder Originaltitel: The Angry Beavers Produktionsland: USA Produktionsjahr(e): 1997–2001 Episodenlänge: etwa 22 Minuten Episodenanzahl …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • The World of Kong — The World of Kong: A Natural History of Skull Island is a 2005 encyclopedic book, made for the release of Peter Jackson s King Kong. The book tells all about King Kong s fictional world. It talks about everything on Skull Island, from the… …   Wikipedia

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