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  • 1 tramp

    [træmp] 1. verb
    1) (to walk with heavy footsteps: He tramped up the stairs.) trampe
    2) (to walk usually for a long distance: She loves tramping over the hills.) vandre
    2. noun
    1) (a person with no fixed home or job, who travels around on foot and usually lives by begging: He gave his old coat to a tramp.) vagabond
    2) (a long walk.) vandretur
    3) (the sound of heavy footsteps.) trampen
    4) ((also tramp steamer) a small cargo-boat with no fixed route.) fragtdamper
    5) ((American) a prostitute or a woman who sleeps with a lot of men.) luder
    * * *
    [træmp] 1. verb
    1) (to walk with heavy footsteps: He tramped up the stairs.) trampe
    2) (to walk usually for a long distance: She loves tramping over the hills.) vandre
    2. noun
    1) (a person with no fixed home or job, who travels around on foot and usually lives by begging: He gave his old coat to a tramp.) vagabond
    2) (a long walk.) vandretur
    3) (the sound of heavy footsteps.) trampen
    4) ((also tramp steamer) a small cargo-boat with no fixed route.) fragtdamper
    5) ((American) a prostitute or a woman who sleeps with a lot of men.) luder

    English-Danish dictionary > tramp

  • 2 beam

    [bi:m] 1. noun
    1) (a long straight piece of wood, often used in ceilings.) bjælke
    2) (a ray of light etc: a beam of sunlight.) stråle
    3) (the greatest width of a ship or boat.) dæksbjælke
    2. verb
    1) (to smile broadly: She beamed with delight.) stråle
    2) (to send out (rays of light, radio waves etc): This transmitter beams radio waves all over the country.) sende; transmittere
    * * *
    [bi:m] 1. noun
    1) (a long straight piece of wood, often used in ceilings.) bjælke
    2) (a ray of light etc: a beam of sunlight.) stråle
    3) (the greatest width of a ship or boat.) dæksbjælke
    2. verb
    1) (to smile broadly: She beamed with delight.) stråle
    2) (to send out (rays of light, radio waves etc): This transmitter beams radio waves all over the country.) sende; transmittere

    English-Danish dictionary > beam

  • 3 cape

    I [keip] noun
    (a long, loose, sleeveless outer garment hanging from the shoulders and fastening at the neck: a waterproof cycling cape.) kappe
    II [keip] noun
    (a headland sticking out into the sea: The fishing-boat rounded the cape; Cape Breton.) næs; forbjerg; kap
    * * *
    I [keip] noun
    (a long, loose, sleeveless outer garment hanging from the shoulders and fastening at the neck: a waterproof cycling cape.) kappe
    II [keip] noun
    (a headland sticking out into the sea: The fishing-boat rounded the cape; Cape Breton.) næs; forbjerg; kap

    English-Danish dictionary > cape

  • 4 gondola

    1) (a long narrow boat used on the canals of Venice.) gondol
    2) (a kind of safety cage for people who are working on the outside of a tall building to stand in.) gondol
    * * *
    1) (a long narrow boat used on the canals of Venice.) gondol
    2) (a kind of safety cage for people who are working on the outside of a tall building to stand in.) gondol

    English-Danish dictionary > gondola

  • 5 keel

    (the long supporting piece of a ship's frame that lies lengthwise along the bottom: The boat's keel stuck in the mud near the shore.) køl
    - be/keep on an even keel
    * * *
    (the long supporting piece of a ship's frame that lies lengthwise along the bottom: The boat's keel stuck in the mud near the shore.) køl
    - be/keep on an even keel

    English-Danish dictionary > keel

  • 6 oar

    (a long piece of wood with a flat end for rowing a boat.) åre
    * * *
    (a long piece of wood with a flat end for rowing a boat.) åre

    English-Danish dictionary > oar

  • 7 passage

    1) (a long narrow way through, eg a corridor through a building: There was a dark passage leading down to the river between tall buildings.) korridor; passage
    2) (a part of a piece of writing or music: That is my favourite passage from the Bible.) afsnit; passage
    3) ((usually of time) the act of passing: the passage of time.) gang
    4) (a journey by boat: He paid for his passage by working as a steward.) overfart
    * * *
    1) (a long narrow way through, eg a corridor through a building: There was a dark passage leading down to the river between tall buildings.) korridor; passage
    2) (a part of a piece of writing or music: That is my favourite passage from the Bible.) afsnit; passage
    3) ((usually of time) the act of passing: the passage of time.) gang
    4) (a journey by boat: He paid for his passage by working as a steward.) overfart

    English-Danish dictionary > passage

  • 8 pitch

    I 1. [pi ] verb
    1) (to set up (a tent or camp): They pitched their tent in the field.) rejse; sætte op
    2) (to throw: He pitched the stone into the river.) kaste
    3) (to (cause to) fall heavily: He pitched forward.) styrte; snuble
    4) ((of a ship) to rise and fall violently: The boat pitched up and down on the rough sea.) vippe; hugge
    5) (to set (a note or tune) at a particular level: He pitched the tune too high for my voice.) sætte i en tonehøjde
    2. noun
    1) (the field or ground for certain games: a cricket-pitch; a football pitch.) bane
    2) (the degree of highness or lowness of a musical note, voice etc.) tonehøjde
    3) (an extreme point or intensity: His anger reached such a pitch that he hit her.) grad
    4) (the part of a street etc where a street-seller or entertainer works: He has a pitch on the High Street.) sted; plads
    5) (the act of pitching or throwing or the distance something is pitched: That was a long pitch.) kast
    6) ((of a ship) the act of pitching.) vippen; huggen
    - pitcher
    - pitched battle
    - pitchfork
    II [pi ] noun
    (a thick black substance obtained from tar: as black as pitch.) beg
    - pitch-dark
    * * *
    I 1. [pi ] verb
    1) (to set up (a tent or camp): They pitched their tent in the field.) rejse; sætte op
    2) (to throw: He pitched the stone into the river.) kaste
    3) (to (cause to) fall heavily: He pitched forward.) styrte; snuble
    4) ((of a ship) to rise and fall violently: The boat pitched up and down on the rough sea.) vippe; hugge
    5) (to set (a note or tune) at a particular level: He pitched the tune too high for my voice.) sætte i en tonehøjde
    2. noun
    1) (the field or ground for certain games: a cricket-pitch; a football pitch.) bane
    2) (the degree of highness or lowness of a musical note, voice etc.) tonehøjde
    3) (an extreme point or intensity: His anger reached such a pitch that he hit her.) grad
    4) (the part of a street etc where a street-seller or entertainer works: He has a pitch on the High Street.) sted; plads
    5) (the act of pitching or throwing or the distance something is pitched: That was a long pitch.) kast
    6) ((of a ship) the act of pitching.) vippen; huggen
    - pitcher
    - pitched battle
    - pitchfork
    II [pi ] noun
    (a thick black substance obtained from tar: as black as pitch.) beg
    - pitch-dark

    English-Danish dictionary > pitch

  • 9 seesaw

    ['si:so:] 1. noun
    (a long flat piece of wood, metal etc, balanced on a central support so that one end of it goes up as the other goes down: The boy fell off the seesaw in the park.) vippe
    2. verb
    (to move up and down like a seesaw: The boat seesawed on the crest of the wave.) vippe
    * * *
    ['si:so:] 1. noun
    (a long flat piece of wood, metal etc, balanced on a central support so that one end of it goes up as the other goes down: The boy fell off the seesaw in the park.) vippe
    2. verb
    (to move up and down like a seesaw: The boat seesawed on the crest of the wave.) vippe

    English-Danish dictionary > seesaw

  • 10 spear

    [spiə] 1. noun
    (a type of long-handled weapon, usually with an iron or steel point on the end: He was armed with a spear and a round shield.) spyd
    2. verb
    (to pierce or kill with a spear: He went out in a boat and speared some fish.) spidde
    3. verb
    (to lead (a movement, an attack etc).) gå i spidsen for
    * * *
    [spiə] 1. noun
    (a type of long-handled weapon, usually with an iron or steel point on the end: He was armed with a spear and a round shield.) spyd
    2. verb
    (to pierce or kill with a spear: He went out in a boat and speared some fish.) spidde
    3. verb
    (to lead (a movement, an attack etc).) gå i spidsen for

    English-Danish dictionary > spear

  • 11 trough

    1) (a long, low, open container for animals' food or water: a drinking-trough for the cattle.) trug
    2) (a low part between two waves (in the sea etc): The boat went down into a trough.) bølgedal
    3) (an area of low pressure in the atmosphere, usually causing rain.) lavtryksområde
    * * *
    1) (a long, low, open container for animals' food or water: a drinking-trough for the cattle.) trug
    2) (a low part between two waves (in the sea etc): The boat went down into a trough.) bølgedal
    3) (an area of low pressure in the atmosphere, usually causing rain.) lavtryksområde

    English-Danish dictionary > trough

См. также в других словарях:

  • long|boat — «LNG BOHT, LONG », noun. the largest and strongest boat carried by a sailing ship …   Useful english dictionary

  • Long boat rescue — In surf lifesaving, long boats, called surf boats, while no longer used for rescues, remain one of the most popular events at surf lifesaving carnivals. The boats weigh between 180 and 250 kilograms and are crewed by four rowers and a… …   Wikipedia

  • long-boat — …   Useful english dictionary

  • long — {{11}}long (adj.) that extends considerably from end to end, O.E. lang long, from P.Gmc. *langgaz (Cf. O.Fris., O.S. lang, O.H.G., Ger. lang, O.N. langr, M.Du. lanc, Du. lang, Goth. laggs long ), perhaps from PIE *dlonghos (Cf. L. longus …   Etymology dictionary

  • Boat building — Boat building, one of the oldest branches of engineering, is concerned with constructing the hulls of boats and, for sailboats, the masts, spars and rigging.Parts* Bow the front and generally sharp end of the hull. It is designed to reduce the… …   Wikipedia

  • Long Island Sound — is an estuary of the Atlantic Ocean and various rivers in the United States that lies between the coast of Connecticut to the north and Long Island, New York to the south. The mouth of the Connecticut River at Old Saybrook, Connecticut empties… …   Wikipedia

  • Boat people — is a term that usually refers to illegal immigrants or asylum seekers who emigrate en masse in boats that are sometimes old and crudely made rendering them unseaworthy and unsafe. The term came into common use during the late 1970s with the mass… …   Wikipedia

  • Boat — (b[=o]t), n. [OE. boot, bat, AS. b[=a]t; akin to Icel. b[=a]tr, Sw. b[*a]t, Dan. baad, D. & G. boot. Cf. {Bateau}.] [1913 Webster] 1. A small open vessel, or water craft, usually moved by cars or paddles, but often by a sail. [1913 Webster] Note …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Boat hook — Boat Boat (b[=o]t), n. [OE. boot, bat, AS. b[=a]t; akin to Icel. b[=a]tr, Sw. b[*a]t, Dan. baad, D. & G. boot. Cf. {Bateau}.] [1913 Webster] 1. A small open vessel, or water craft, usually moved by cars or paddles, but often by a sail. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Boat rope — Boat Boat (b[=o]t), n. [OE. boot, bat, AS. b[=a]t; akin to Icel. b[=a]tr, Sw. b[*a]t, Dan. baad, D. & G. boot. Cf. {Bateau}.] [1913 Webster] 1. A small open vessel, or water craft, usually moved by cars or paddles, but often by a sail. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Boat-billed Heron — Conservation status Le …   Wikipedia

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