1 location survey
- location survey
- n
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > location survey
2 location survey
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > location survey
3 location survey
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > location survey
4 (location) survey
Военный термин: изыскание -
5 location survey
1) Строительство: разбивочные работы2) Железнодорожный термин: изыскание3) Лесоводство: трассирование4) Нефть: разбивка трассы, трассировка5) Картография: съёмка по предварительным графическим данным, полученным в камеральных условиях, топографическая оценка местности6) Оружейное производство: определение положения точки на местности7) Макаров: топографическая привязка8) Золотодобыча: топографическое обеспечение -
6 location survey
7 location survey
8 location survey
9 location survey
• съемка по предварительным графическим данным, полученным в камеральных условиях -
10 location survey
11 location survey
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > location survey
12 location survey
13 railway location survey
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > railway location survey
14 railway location survey
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > railway location survey
15 railroad location survey
Техника: железнодорожные изысканияУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > railroad location survey
16 railway location survey
1) Военный термин: изыскание железных дорог2) Техника: железнодорожные изысканияУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > railway location survey
17 well location survey log
Нефть: диаграмма ГИСУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > well location survey log
18 survey
- survey
- nсъёмка ( топографическая)
- acid dip survey
- aerial visual survey
- aeromagnetic survey
- azimuthal survey
- bathymetric survey
- boundary survey
- caliper survey
- compass survey
- condition survey
- construction survey
- control survey
- electrical survey
- electronic survey
- engineering survey
- geologic survey
- geophysical survey
- gravity survey
- horizontal survey
- hydrographic survey
- infrared survey
- initial survey
- location survey
- magnetic survey
- photogrammetric survey
- plane-table survey
- population survey
- preliminary survey
- quantity survey
- reconnaissance survey
- reflection survey
- refraction survey
- resistivity survey
- rock mechanics survey
- route survey
- seismic survey
- social survey
- soil survey
- structural survey
- theodolite survey
- topographic survey
- traverse survey
- tunnel survey
- underground survey
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
19 survey
1) осмотр; обследование || осматривать; обследовать2) наблюдение || наблюдать3) съёмка || производить съёмку5) обзор || делать обзор6) радиационный контроль ( на АЭС)•-
aerial gamma survey
aerial snow survey
aerial survey
aeromagnetic survey
aeroradiometric survey
air pollution survey
airborne resistivity survey
airborne survey
aircraft survey
all-weather survey
azimuthal survey
bathymetric survey
biological survey
borehole survey
broadside survey
carbon-oxygen survey
conditioning survey
continuous directional survey
continuous velocity survey
dc conduction survey
dc resistivity survey
deep bottom surveys
deep bottom survey
detailed survey
dipmeter survey
dipole-dipole survey
directional survey
dual induction survey
echo-sounding survey
electrical survey
electromagnetic induction survey
electromagnetic survey
engineering survey
equipotential line survey
equipotential survey
eye survey
field survey
fixed-transmitter survey
flowmeter survey
free point survey
galvanic resistivity survey
gamma-radiation survey
geodetic survey
geological survey
geophysical survey
gravitational survey
gravity prospecting survey
gravitymeter survey
gravity survey
ground survey
groundwater survey
helicopter survey
horizontal-loop survey
hydrographical survey
induced polarization survey
induction survey
instrumental survey
integrated air-ground survey
landscape-tract snow survey
large-scale survey
laterolog survey
layout survey
line survey
magnetic prospecting survey
magnetic survey
magnetometer survey
magnetotelluric survey
marine survey
microlog survey
mine survey
multifrequency survey
ocean chlorophyl survey
parallel-line survey
photogeologic survey
pilot survey
plane-table survey
radar survey
radial survey
radiation exposure survey
radiation survey
radioactivity survey
railway location survey
reconnaissance survey
reflection survey
refraction survey
resistivity survey
river survey
rough survey
route survey
sanitary survey
satellite survey
sediment survey
seismic survey
self-potential survey
shallow survey
shallow-water survey
snow survey
soil survey
sounding survey
spinner survey
stadia survey
tacheometric survey
tandem survey
telluric current survey
telluric survey
temperature survey
theodolite survey
thermal survey
thermal-infrared survey
three-dimensional seismic survey
traffic survey
transit survey
triangulation survey
underground survey
underwater survey
uphole survey
vertical velocity survey
vertical-loop survey
wastewater survey
water survey
well log survey
well survey
well-velocity survey -
20 survey
1. изыскание; съёмка; разведка || производить съёмку или изыскание; разведывать2. обследование, инспектирование || обследовать, инспектировать
* * *
1. обозрение; обзор2. осмотр; наблюдение; обследование; исследование; контроль
* * *
1. съёмка (определение формы и положения структур; выяснение основных черт глубинного строения региона топографическими, геологическими или геофизическими методами)2. анкета, опрос, обследование
* * *
съёмка (определение формы и положения структур; выяснение основных черт глубинного строения региона топографическими, геологическими или геофизическими методами)
* * *
- United States Geological Survey* * *• 1) съемка; 2) каротаж• ГИС• ИГ• каротаж• контроль
См. также в других словарях:
Location based advertising — (LBA) Location based advertising (LBA) is a new form of marketing communication that uses location tracking technology in mobile networks to target consumers with location specific advertising on their mobile devices. As Bruner Kumar (2007)… … Wikipedia
survey — survey, social survey At first, a survey was any systematic collection of facts about a defined social group, and the term is still used in this way. The term survey is therefore not necessarily synonymous with ‘questionnaire survey’, since other … Dictionary of sociology
survey, social survey — At first, a survey was any systematic collection of facts about a defined social group, and the term is still used in this way. The term survey is therefore not necessarily synonymous with ‘questionnaire survey’, since other methods of data… … Dictionary of sociology
survey — [sər vā′; ] also, and for n. usually [, sʉr′vā΄] vt. [ME surveien < Anglo Fr surveier < OFr surveoir < sur (see SUR 1) + veoir < L videre, to see: see VISION] 1. to examine for some specific purpose; inspect or consider carefully;… … English World dictionary
survey — A precise physical determination of the location and boundaries of real property. Surveys are performed by qualified experts called surveyors. Survey findings are reflected in documents called surveys, survey reports, or certificates of survey.… … Financial and business terms
Location of European Union institutions — Institutional seats as fixed in … Wikipedia
Location of the Kamboja Kingdom — Kamboja was the name of an ancient country and the Indo Iranian warrior tribe settled therein. The country is listed as one of the sixteen Mahajanapadas or great nations in ancient Buddhist texts. The Kambojas are attested to have both Indian as… … Wikipedia
Survey methodology — Sociology … Wikipedia
survey — 01. A recent [survey] showed that most respondents favor freedom of choice in abortion. 02. My neighbor and I weren t sure where our properties ended exactly, so we had a [surveyor] come in to verify exactly where the border between the two… … Grammatical examples in English
Location of Offices Bureau — The Location of Offices Bureau was set up in April 1963 by the United Kingdom government as part of its policy of dispersing office jobs from the centre of London.Developers wishing to build new offices in London required permits from the Bureau … Wikipedia
Location View — Articleissues expand=March 2008 refimprove=March 2008 orphan=March 2008Infobox Software name = Location View caption = author = developer = released = 2006 06 22 latest release version = 4th generation latest release date = 2008 09 01 latest… … Wikipedia