Перевод: с английского на венгерский

с венгерского на английский


  • 41 monk

    szerzetes, barát
    * * *
    (a member of a male religious group, who lives in a monastery, away from the rest of society.) szerzetes, barát

    English-Hungarian dictionary > monk

  • 42 mother

    mama, fű, anya, szülőanya, anya-, marihuána to mother: szülöttjének vállal vkit, anyáskodik
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (a female parent, especially human: John's mother lives in Manchester; ( also adjective) The mother bird feeds her young.) anya
    2) ((often with capital: also Mother Superior) the female leader of a group of nuns.) fejedelemasszony
    2. verb
    (to care for as a mother does; to protect (sometimes too much): His wife tries to mother him.) anyáskodik (vki felett)
    - motherless
    - motherly
    - motherliness
    - mother-country
    - motherland
    - mother-in-law
    - mother-of-pearl
    - mother-tongue

    English-Hungarian dictionary > mother

  • 43 neighbour

    felebarát, szomszéd to neighbour: szomszédja vminek, szomszédos vmivel
    * * *
    (a person who lives near oneself: my next-door neighbour.)
    - neighbourhood watch
    - neighbouring
    - neighbourly

    English-Hungarian dictionary > neighbour

  • 44 neighbourhood

    szomszédság, szomszédok
    * * *
    1) (a district or area, especially in a town or city: a poor neighbourhood.) környék
    2) (a district or area surrounding a particular place: He lives somewhere in the neighbourhood of the station.) szomszédság

    English-Hungarian dictionary > neighbourhood

  • 45 newt

    tarajos gőte
    * * *
    (a type of small animal which lives on land and in water.) tarajos gőte

    English-Hungarian dictionary > newt

  • 46 opossum

    * * *
    ((also possum) a furry animal with a long tail and a pouch for carrying its young which lives in trees; it is found especially in Australia, New Zealand and America.) oposszum

    English-Hungarian dictionary > opossum

  • 47 opposite

    szemben levő
    * * *
    ['opəzit] 1. adjective
    1) (being on the other side of: on the opposite side of town.) szemben levő
    2) (completely different: The two men walked off in opposite directions.) ellentétes, ellenkező
    2. preposition, adverb
    (on the opposite side of (something) in relation to something else: He lives in the house opposite (mine).) szemben
    3. noun
    (something that is completely different: Hate is the opposite of love.) ellentét

    English-Hungarian dictionary > opposite

  • 48 over

    felüli, felső, szerte, szaporítás (kötésben), át to over: átugrik vmin, legyűr, átjut vmin
    * * *
    ['əuvə] 1. preposition
    1) (higher than; above in position, number, authority etc: Hang that picture over the fireplace; He's over 90 years old.) fölött; fölé
    2) (from one side to another, on or above the top of; on the other side of: He jumped over the gate; She fell over the cat; My friend lives over the street.) (vmin) át
    3) (covering: He put his handkerchief over his face.) fölé, rá
    4) (across: You find people like him all over the world.) keresztül, szerte
    5) (about: a quarrel over money.) -ról, -ről
    6) (by means of: He spoke to her over the telephone.) (vmin) keresztül
    7) (during: Over the years, she grew to hate her husband.) alatt
    8) (while having etc: He fell asleep over his dinner.) alatt
    2. adverb
    1) (higher, moving etc above: The plane flew over about an hour ago.)
    2) (used to show movement, change of position: He rolled over on his back; He turned over the page.)
    3) (across: He went over and spoke to them.)
    4) (downwards: He fell over.)
    5) (higher in number etc: for people aged twenty and over.)
    6) (remaining: There are two cakes for each of us, and two over.)
    7) (through from beginning to end, carefully: Read it over; Talk it over between you.)
    3. adjective
    (finished: The affair is over now.) följebb
    4. noun
    ((in cricket) a certain number of balls bowled from one end of the wicket: He bowled thirty overs in the match.) sorozat
    5. as part of a word
    1) (too (much), as in overdo.) túl
    2) (in a higher position, as in overhead.) felső
    3) (covering, as in overcoat.) felső
    4) (down from an upright position, as in overturn.) fel-
    5) (completely, as in overcome.) felül
    - over all
    - over and done with

    English-Hungarian dictionary > over

  • 49 panda

    ((often giant panda) a large black and white bear-like animal of the raccoon family, which lives in the mountains of China.) panda

    English-Hungarian dictionary > panda

  • 50 parasite

    parazitaelem, parazita, élősködő, élősdi
    * * *
    (an animal or plant that lives on another animal or plant without giving anything in return: Fleas are parasites; He is a parasite on society.) parazita

    English-Hungarian dictionary > parasite

  • 51 parsonage

    paplak, plébánia
    * * *
    noun (the house in which the parson of a parish lives.) parókia

    English-Hungarian dictionary > parsonage

  • 52 peasant

    * * *
    (a person who lives and works on the land, especially in a poor, primitive or underdeveloped area: Many peasants died during the drought; ( also adjective) a peasant farmer.) paraszt

    English-Hungarian dictionary > peasant

  • 53 pension

    penzió, nyugdíj, panzió to pension: nyugdíjban részesít vkit
    * * *
    (a sum of money paid regularly to a widow, a person who has retired from work, a soldier who has been seriously injured in a war etc: He lives on his pension; a retirement pension.) nyugdíj
    - pension off

    English-Hungarian dictionary > pension

  • 54 press

    nyomás, fehérneműs szekrény, sajtó, tolongás, prés to press: átölel, vasal, présel, tolong, erőszakkal besoroz
    * * *
    [pres] 1. verb
    1) (to use a pushing motion (against): Press the bell twice!; The children pressed close to their mother.) (meg)nyom
    2) (to squeeze; to flatten: The grapes are pressed to extract the juice.) (ki)présel
    3) (to urge or hurry: He pressed her to enter the competition.) rábír, sürget
    4) (to insist on: The printers are pressing their claim for higher pay.) sürget, követel
    5) (to iron: Your trousers need to be pressed.) (ki)vasal
    2. noun
    1) (an act of pressing: He gave her hand a press; You had better give your shirt a press.) nyomás; vasalás
    2) ((also printing-press) a printing machine.) nyomdagép
    3) (newspapers in general: It was reported in the press; ( also adjective) a press photographer.) sajtó
    4) (the people who work on newspapers and magazines; journalists: The press is/are always interested in the private lives of famous people.) sajtó
    5) (a device or machine for pressing: a wine-press; a flower-press.) prés
    - press conference
    - press-cutting
    - be hard pressed
    - be pressed for
    - press for
    - press forward/on

    English-Hungarian dictionary > press

  • 55 private

    zártkörű, egyéni, magánterület, különjárat, magán-
    * * *
    1. adjective
    1) (of, for, or belonging to, one person or group, not to the general public: The headmaster lives in a private apartment in the school; in my private (=personal) opinion; This information is to be kept strictly private; You shouldn't listen to private conversations.) magán-
    2) (having no public or official position or rank: It is your duty as a private citizen to report this matter to the police.) magánember
    2. noun
    (in the army, an ordinary soldier, not an officer.) közkatona
    - privately
    - private enterprise
    - private means
    - in private

    English-Hungarian dictionary > private

  • 56 recluse

    remetenő, félrevonultan élő ember, elszigetelt
    * * *
    (a person who lives alone and avoids other people.) remete

    English-Hungarian dictionary > recluse

  • 57 resident

    helybeli, állandó lakos, bennlakó, helytartó
    * * *
    ['rezidənt] 1. noun
    (a person who lives or has his home in a particular place: a resident of Edinburgh.) lakos
    2. adjective
    1) (living or having one's home in a place: He is now resident abroad.) tartózkodik vhol
    2) (living, having to live, or requiring a person to live, in the place where he works: a resident caretaker.) bennlakó
    - residence
    - residency
    - residential
    - residence hall
    - in residence
    - take up residence

    English-Hungarian dictionary > resident

  • 58 scrutiny

    részletekbe menő vizsgálat, alapos megvizsgálás
    * * *
    (careful, detailed examination or inspection: Famous people live their lives under continuous public scrutiny.) alapos megvizsgálás
    - scrutinise

    English-Hungarian dictionary > scrutiny

  • 59 servitude

    szolgalom, szolgaság
    * * *
    (the state of being a slave: Their lives were spent in servitude.) (rab)szolgaság

    English-Hungarian dictionary > servitude

  • 60 solitude

    magány, egyedüllét
    * * *
    noun (the state of being alone: He likes solitude; He lives in solitude.) egyedüllét

    English-Hungarian dictionary > solitude

См. также в других словарях:

  • LIVES — pl. of LIFE. * * * I. plural of life present third singular of live II. ˈlivz North variant of lief * * * /luyvz/, n. pl. of life. * * * lives …   Useful english dictionary

  • lives — /laɪvz / (say luyvz) plural noun plural of life …  

  • nine lives — noun durability; near immunity to damage He was badly hurt many times but seems to have nine lives …   Wiktionary

  • Parallel Lives — noun a collection of biographies of famous pairs of Greeks and Romans written by Plutarch; used by Shakespeare in writing some of his plays • Instance Hypernyms: ↑biography, ↑life, ↑life story, ↑life history …   Useful english dictionary

  • Proper noun — Proper name and common noun redirect here. For the philosophy of language concept, see Proper name (philosophy). For the counterpart to scientific names for species, see Common name. A proper noun or proper name is a noun representing a unique… …   Wikipedia

  • love life — noun sexual activities (often including sexual intercourse) between two people his lovemaking disgusted her he hadn t had any love in months he has a very complicated love life • Syn: ↑sexual love, ↑lovemaking, ↑making love, ↑love …   Useful english dictionary

  • mountain man — noun a man who lives on the frontier • Syn: ↑frontiersman, ↑backwoodsman • Hypernyms: ↑pioneer • Instance Hyponyms: ↑Boone, ↑Daniel Boone, ↑Carson, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • wharf rat — noun 1. someone who lives near wharves and lives by pilfering from ships or warehouses • Hypernyms: ↑sneak thief, ↑pilferer, ↑snitcher 2. brown rat that infests wharves • Hypernyms: ↑brown rat, ↑Norway rat, ↑Rattus …   Useful english dictionary

  • life — noun 1 living things ADJECTIVE ▪ intelligent ▪ Is there intelligent life on other planets? ▪ animal, bird, human, insect, plant …   Collocations dictionary

  • brave new world — noun Usage: sometimes capitalized B&N&W Etymology: from the dystopian novel Brave New World (1932) by Aldous Huxley died 1963 English novelist : a future world, situation, or development ; also : a recent development or recently changed situation …   Useful english dictionary

  • dust mite — noun : any of various mites (especially family Pyroglyphidae) implicated in human allergic reactions to dust ; especially : either of two widely distributed mites of the genus Dermatophagoides (D. farinae and D. pteronyssinus) * * * dust mite UK… …   Useful english dictionary

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