Перевод: с русского на все языки

со всех языков на русский

little sister

  • 1 Anti Little- Sister Association

    Jocular: ALSA

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Anti Little- Sister Association

  • 2 Little Big Sister

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Little Big Sister

  • 3 маленькая сестра

    Новый русско-английский словарь > маленькая сестра

  • 4 сестренка

    Новый русско-английский словарь > сестренка

  • 5 пенис

    1) General subject: (половой) cock, penis
    2) Biology: phallus
    3) Colloquial: wand, gentleman's sausage
    4) Australian slang: old teller
    5) Euphemism: Uncle Sam
    6) Jargon: peen (short for penis), choad, braun
    7) Invective: bicho, jang, middle leg, piccolo (при оральном половом акте), pinga, tool, wag (обычно маленького мальчика), wang, ying-yang, Johnson, arm, cock, jing-jang, joy knob, joy-stick, pecker, pencil, peter, pole, prick, pud, pudding (особенно используемый при мастурбации), rod, whang, yang
    8) Taboo: Anglican length, Athenaeum, Cyclops, Fagan, Irish root, Jezebel, John, John Thomas, Little Willie, Long Dong Silver, Mister Tom, Mr Jones, Mr. Happy, Mr. Sausage, Oscar, Perce, Percy, Randy Rupert, Rumple Foreskin, Rupert, Spam javelin, Spurt Reynolds (игра слов на spurt и имени актера Burt Reynolds), Wolver, Zab (из арабского), ace poker, almond, arbor vitae, baby-maker, bacon bazooka, bald-headed hermit, banana, bat, baton, bazooka, bean, bean-tosser, beard-jammer, beaver cleaver, bed flute (см. pink oboe; особ. как объект орального секса), bell-rope, best leg of three, big bamboo, big daddy, bingey, bit of hard (см. hard-on), bit of snug, blade, blow stick, blowtorch, blue veined steak, bog bamboo, bolt, bone phone, bowel trowel, boy, boymeat, bozak, brush, business, button worker (см. button), cannon, captain, chanticleer, cheesepipe (см. cheese), cheesy wheelbarrow, chopper, chum, clam ram, cock-opener, cocklet, copper stick, corey, corker, corn beef cudgel, cory, crab ladder, crack-haunter, cracksman, crank, cranny-hunter, cream-stick, crimson crowbar, cuckoo, cucumber, custard cannon (см. lamb cannon, mutton musket), dagger, dang, dangle, dangler, dearest member, derrick, dick, diddle, dildo, ding dong, dingle-dangle, dinosaur, dipstick, dirk, dolly, dong, donger, doob, doodle (обыч. у ребенка), doover, dork, driving post, drumstick, dummy, (от еврейского 80+90, означающего буквы pay и tzadik, являющиеся эвфемизмом слова putz q.v.) eighty-ninety, eleventh finger, enob, eye opener, fallos, fanny battering ram, fanny rat, ferret (см. exercise the ferret), fiddle-bow (см. fiddle), fishing-rod, flapjack, flapper, fleshy fugelhorn, flip-flap, flute, fool-maker, fornicating engine, fornicator, four-eleven-forty-four (4-11-44), (4-9-3-11, по номерам букв в алфавите) four-nine-three-eleven, fuck stick, fuckstick, gap-stopper, gardener, generating tool, gibbon gristle, giggle-stick, girl-catcher, girlometer, goo gun, goober, goose's neck, gooser, gravy-giver, grinding tool, gristle, guided muscle (см. meat seeking pissile), gully raker, gun, gut-stick, hair-divider, ham howitzer, hambone, hammer, hampton (см. Hampton Wick), handstaff, hang down, hanging johnny (особ. у импотента или мужчины, зараженного венерическим заболеванием), happy lamp, hermit, hickey, hicky, high pressure vein cane, hissing Sid, holy iron, holy poker, honker, hood, hoop stretcher, hootchee, horn, horse, hot dog, hot rod, ice cream machine, inch, incher, instrument, jack, jack in the box, jammy, jerking iron, jigger, jiggling bore, jimmy, jing-jang (см. jang), jock, joint, jojo, jones, junior (обычно мужчина называет так свой собственный), key, kidney-scraper, kirp (перевертыш от prick q.v.), knob, knock, knocker, labia lard, ladies' delight, ladies' lollipop, lamb cannon, lamp of life, lance, langer, langolee, large lad, leather-stretcher, leg, lemon, length (см. yardage), lingam (из санскрита), lipstick (по аналогии с тем, как помада появляется из тюбика), little Davy, little brother (см. little sister), little finger, little friend, live rabbit, live sausage (см. sausage), liver tickler (см. lung disturber), living flute, lizard, lollipop, long John (об. большого размера), love muscle, love sausage, love torpedo, lucky Pierre, lullaby, luncheon truncheon, lung-disturber (см. kidney-wiper), mac, mack, mad mick, maggot, magic wand (особ. эрегированный), main cable, man Thomas, man-root, manhood, marrowbone, matrimonial peacemaker, meat, meat flute, meat seeking pissile, meat whistle, member, mickey, middle finger, milkman, mole, mouse, mouth-muscle, mulligan, mutton dagger (см. meat), mutton musket (см. lamb cannon), needle, nightstick, nimrod, nippy, nob, noodle, old Adam, old blind Bob, old fella, old horney, old man, old root, one eyed zipper fish, one-eyed milkman, one-eyed trouser-snake, one-holed flute, organ, pax-wax, peacemaker, pecnoster, pee-pee, peeny, peewee, peg, pen, pendulum (см. dingle dangle), perch, pestle (см. mortar), pickle, piece, pike staff, pile-driver, pillock, pin, pink Darth Vader (по имени одного из героев "Звездных войн" в каске специфической формы), pink cigar (особ. как объект фелляции), pink oboe (см. blue veined trumpet), pintle, pipe, pirate of men's pants, piss-maker, pisser, pisslit, pistol, piston, pizzle, plonker, plunger, pocket rocket, pointer, poker, poo pipe pirate, pood, poontanger, pork prescription, pork sword, porridge gun, power, pricklet, pride and joy, private property, prong, pulse, pump, pump action mottgun, pump-handle, pup, purple pearler, putter, putz, quim-stake, quim-wedge, rammer, ranger, rat, raw meat, reamer, rector of the females, red cap, red-hot poker, rhythm stick, rising main, roger, rolling pin, roly-poly, rooster, root, rotoplooker (произносится ro-to-ploo-ka), salami, sausage, schlong, schmuck, screwdriver (см. screw), sexing piece, shaft, she, shit-disturber, shlong, shotgun, silent flute, skin boat, skin flute, skinflute (особ. как объект орального секса), sky-scraper, slug, snack (особ. как объект фелляции), snake, snorker, sperm worm, spindle, spout, staff, stalk, stem, stern-post, stick, sting, stormy dick, strap, strap-on, string, sucker, sugar-stick, swack, sweet meat, swipe, tadger, tail, tail-end, tail-pike, tallywag, tallywhacker, that thing, thing, thingumbob, third leg, tickler, timothy, tinkler, todger, tommy, tonge, tonk, toot meat, tosh, tossle, touch-trap, trouser snake, trouser trout, trumpet (см. blue veined trumpet, pink oboe), truncheon, tube, tummy banana, turkey neck, umbrella, unemployed, veiny bang stick, wab, weapon, wedge, wee-poh, whacker, whammer, whistle, wick, wiener, wigga-wagga, willie, willy, winkie, winkle, wire, wong, wriggling pole, yard, yosh, yutz, zipperfish, zubrick, zucchini, Baby spanner

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > пенис

  • 6 на волос

    НА ВОЛОС; НА ВОЛОСОК both obs
    [PrepP; these forms only]
    1. [adv or modif; often preceded by хоть]
    (even) a little:
    - [in limited contexts](even) by a hairbreadth (a hairs-breadth etc).
         ♦ "...Захочу ли я хоть на волос стеснять твою жизнь, твои привычки?" (Тургенев 2). "...Would I want to interfere, even in the slightest way, with your life, with your habits?" (2d).
         ♦...Штольц не мог уловить у ней на лице и в словах... даже искры чувства, которое хоть бы на волос выходило за границы тёплой, сердечной, но обыкновенной дружбы (Гончаров 1)....Stolz was unable to detect in her face or her words...a spark of feeling which by a hairbreadth exceeded the limits of warm, affectionate, but ordinary friendship (1b).
    2. [adv (intensif); used with negated verbs]
    not at all:
    - [in limited contexts] not by (so much as) a hairbreadth.
    [PrepP; these forms only; subj-compl with copula (subj: usu. human or collect; prep obj: usu. от смерти, от гибели etc; usu. used with past verbs]
    one is very close (to death, ruin etc) (if used with a past-form verb, refers to danger or trouble that one has managed to avoid):
    - X был на волосок от Y-a X was within a hairbreadth (a hairsbreadth etc, an inch, a whisker) of Y;
    - X was on the verge (of Y).
         ♦ Ужасной была поездка в Москву по вызову Ярославского. Вот когда я была на волосок от самоубийства! (Гинзбург 1). The journey back to Moscow at Yaroslavsky's summons was terrible. I was within a hair's breadth of suicide (1a).
         ♦...Из парадного вынесли Ольгу, покрытую, как покойница, клеймёной больничной простынёй, и... Лёва, враз забыв обо всём, судорожно потянулся к сестре: "Олюшка, как же это ты?"...Но [врач] взял актёра за пуговицу плаша: "Вам, милый, не следует здесь находиться. Вы сами на волосок от этого. Максимум покоя, минимум - эмоций" (Максимов 3)....They carried Olga out of the main door, covered with a stenciled hospital sheet, as though she were dead....Lyova became oblivious of everything else and drifted after his sister, shaking convulsively. "Olga, little sister, what is happening to you?"...[The doctor] took hold of the actor by a button on his raincoat. "You shouldn't be here, my dear man. You're on the verge yourself. Maximum of quiet, minimum of excitement..." (3a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > на волос

  • 7 на волосок

    НА ВОЛОС; НА ВОЛОСОК both obs
    [PrepP; these forms only]
    1. [adv or modif; often preceded by хоть]
    (even) a little:
    - [in limited contexts](even) by a hairbreadth (a hairs-breadth etc).
         ♦ "...Захочу ли я хоть на волос стеснять твою жизнь, твои привычки?" (Тургенев 2). "...Would I want to interfere, even in the slightest way, with your life, with your habits?" (2d).
         ♦...Штольц не мог уловить у ней на лице и в словах... даже искры чувства, которое хоть бы на волос выходило за границы тёплой, сердечной, но обыкновенной дружбы (Гончаров 1)....Stolz was unable to detect in her face or her words...a spark of feeling which by a hairbreadth exceeded the limits of warm, affectionate, but ordinary friendship (1b).
    2. [adv (intensif); used with negated verbs]
    not at all:
    - [in limited contexts] not by (so much as) a hairbreadth.
    [PrepP; these forms only; subj-compl with copula (subj: usu. human or collect; prep obj: usu. от смерти, от гибели etc; usu. used with past verbs]
    one is very close (to death, ruin etc) (if used with a past-form verb, refers to danger or trouble that one has managed to avoid):
    - X был на волосок от Y-a X was within a hairbreadth (a hairsbreadth etc, an inch, a whisker) of Y;
    - X was on the verge (of Y).
         ♦ Ужасной была поездка в Москву по вызову Ярославского. Вот когда я была на волосок от самоубийства! (Гинзбург 1). The journey back to Moscow at Yaroslavsky's summons was terrible. I was within a hair's breadth of suicide (1a).
         ♦...Из парадного вынесли Ольгу, покрытую, как покойница, клеймёной больничной простынёй, и... Лёва, враз забыв обо всём, судорожно потянулся к сестре: "Олюшка, как же это ты?"...Но [врач] взял актёра за пуговицу плаша: "Вам, милый, не следует здесь находиться. Вы сами на волосок от этого. Максимум покоя, минимум - эмоций" (Максимов 3)....They carried Olga out of the main door, covered with a stenciled hospital sheet, as though she were dead....Lyova became oblivious of everything else and drifted after his sister, shaking convulsively. "Olga, little sister, what is happening to you?"...[The doctor] took hold of the actor by a button on his raincoat. "You shouldn't be here, my dear man. You're on the verge yourself. Maximum of quiet, minimum of excitement..." (3a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > на волосок

  • 8 половой член

    1) General subject: cock
    2) Medicine: coles, penis, phallus, priapus, tentum
    4) Australian slang: old teller
    6) Jargon: meat puppet, restless dragon (Дословно - неустающий дракон. Примечание - кто-то сильно льстит сам себе.), (ср. "пуденциал" в романе "Кысь" Т.Толстой) endowment, private, peen, braun, bulge, hilt
    7) Taboo: Anglican length (особ. большого размера), Athenaeum, Cyclops, Irish root, Jezebel, John, John Thomas, Johnson, Little Willie (особ. маленького мальчика), Perce, Percy, Randy Rupert, Rupert, Wolver, almond, arbor vitae (от лат. "древо жизни"), arm, baby-maker, bacon bazooka, bald-headed hermit, banana, bat, bean, bean-tosser, beard-jammer, beaver cleaver, beaver leaver, beef, beef bayonet, bell-rope, best leg of three, bicho (из испанского), big bamboo, big daddy, bingey, bit of hard (см. hard-on; эрегированный), bit of snug, blow stick, blowtorch, bog bamboo, business, button worker (см. button), captain, chanticleer, cheesy wheelbarrow, chopper, cock (особ. эрегированный), cock-opener, copper stick, corey, corn beef cudgel, crack-haunter, cracksman, crank, cranny-hunter, cream-stick, cuckoo, cucumber, dang, dearest member, derrick, dick, diddle, dik, dildo, dingle-dangle, dink, dipstick, dirk, dolly, dong, doob, dork, drumstick, dummy, eighty-ninety, enob (перевертыш от bone q.v), eye opener, fallos, fiddle-bow (см. fiddle), fishing-rod, flip-flap, flute, fool-maker, fornicating engine, fornicator, four-nine-three-eleven, fuckmeat, fuckpole, fuckstick, gap-stopper, gardener, generating tool, giggle-stick, girl-catcher, girlometer, goose's neck, gooser, gravy-giver, grinding tool, gristle, gully raker, gun, gut-stick, hair-divider, hambone, hammer, handstaff, hang down, hermit, holy iron (игра слов на hole q.v.), holy poker (игра слов на hole, poker и poke somebody), honker, hootchee, horn (особ. эрегированный), hot dog, instrument, jack, jack in the box, jak, jang, jerking iron, jigger, jiggling bore, jing-jang (см. jang), joint, jones, joy knob, joy-stick, key, kidney-scraper, knock, knocker, ladies' delight, ladies' lollipop, lamp of life, lance, langolee, leather-stretcher, little Davy, little brother (см. little sister), little finger, live rabbit, live sausage (см. sausage), living flute, lollipop, lullaby, lung-disturber (см. kidney-wiper), man Thomas, man-root, marrowbone, matrimonial peacemaker, meat, meaty flesh, member, (лат.) membrum virile, mickey, middle finger, mole, mouse, mutton dagger (см. meat), needle, nimrod, nippy, old Adam, old blind Bob, old horney, old man, old root, one-eyed milkman, one-holed flute, organ, pax-wax, pecker (в Великобритании обозначает нос), pecnoster (игра слов на pecker и pater noster), pee-pee, peg, pen, pencil, pendulum (см. dingle dangle), pestle (см. mortar), peter, pickle, piece, pike staff, pile-driver, pin, pinga (из испанского), pintle, piss-maker, pisser, pistol, piston, pizzle (обыч. животного), plonker, pointer, poker, pole, poontanger, pork sword, power, private property, pudding (особ. в связи с мастурбацией), pulse, pump, pump-handle, putz, quim-stake, quim-wedge, rammer, ranger, raw meat, reamer, rector, rector of the females, red cap, red-hot poker, rod, roger, rolling pin, roly-poly, rooster, root, sausage, schlong (из идиш), schmuck, sexing piece, shaft, she, shit-disturber, shotgun, silent flute, sky-scraper, snorker, spindle, spout, staff, stem, stern-post, stick, sting, sucker, sugar-stick, sweet meat, tadger, tail, tail-end, tail-pike, tallywag, tallywhacker, thing, thingumbob, tickler, timothy (особ. у ребенка), todger, tommy, tonge, tool, tosh, tossle, touch-trap, trouser trout, truncheon, tube, turkey neck, wag (особ. ребенка), wang, wanger, weapon, wee-poh, weiner, whammer, whang, whanger, whistle (особ. у ребенка), wiener (особ. в расслабленном состоянии), wigga-wagga, willie (особ. детский), winkie, winkle, wire, wriggling pole, yang (от китайского ying-yang инь и ян), yutz, zubrick (из арабского), zucchini, lunch box, ramrod
    8) Scuba diving: crotch

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > половой член

  • 9 В-240

    НА ВОЛОСОК (НА ВОЛОСКЕ, НА ВОЛОС obs) от чего PrepP these forms only subj-compl with copula ( subj: usu. human or collect prep obj: usu. от смерти, от гибели etc) usu. used with past verbs) one is very close (to death, ruin etc) (if used with a past-form verb, refers to danger or trouble that one has managed to avoid)
    X был на волосок от Y-a - X was within a hairbreadth (a hairsbreadth etc, an inch, a whisker) of Y
    X was a hairbreadth away (from Y) X escaped Y by a hairbreadth (by the skin of X% teeth) X was on the verge (of Y).
    Ужасной была поездка в Москву по вызову Ярославского. Вот когда я была на волосок от самоубийства! (Гинзбург 1). The journey back to Moscow at Yaroslavsky's summons was terrible. I was within a hair's breadth of suicide (1a).
    ...Из парадного вынесли Ольгу, покрытую, как покойница, клеймёной больничной простынёй, и... Лёва, враз забыв обо всём, судорожно потянулся к сестре: «Олюшка, как же это ты?»...Но (врач) взял актёра за пуговицу плаща: «Вам, милый, не следует здесь находиться. Вы сами на волосок от этого. Максимум покоя, минимум - эмоций» (Максимов 3)....They carried Olga out of the main door, covered with a stenciled hospital sheet, as though she were dead....Lyova became oblivious of everything else and drifted after his sister, shaking convulsively. "Olga, little sister, what is happening to you?"...(The doctor) took hold of the actor by a button on his raincoat. uYou shouldn't be here, my dear man. You're on the verge yourself. Maximum of quiet, minimum of excitement..." (3a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > В-240

  • 10 на волоске

    [PrepP; these forms only; subj-compl with copula (subj: usu. human or collect; prep obj: usu. от смерти, от гибели etc; usu. used with past verbs]
    one is very close (to death, ruin etc) (if used with a past-form verb, refers to danger or trouble that one has managed to avoid):
    - X был на волосок от Y-a X was within a hairbreadth (a hairsbreadth etc, an inch, a whisker) of Y;
    - X was on the verge (of Y).
         ♦ Ужасной была поездка в Москву по вызову Ярославского. Вот когда я была на волосок от самоубийства! (Гинзбург 1). The journey back to Moscow at Yaroslavsky's summons was terrible. I was within a hair's breadth of suicide (1a).
         ♦...Из парадного вынесли Ольгу, покрытую, как покойница, клеймёной больничной простынёй, и... Лёва, враз забыв обо всём, судорожно потянулся к сестре: "Олюшка, как же это ты?"...Но [врач] взял актёра за пуговицу плаша: "Вам, милый, не следует здесь находиться. Вы сами на волосок от этого. Максимум покоя, минимум - эмоций" (Максимов 3)....They carried Olga out of the main door, covered with a stenciled hospital sheet, as though she were dead....Lyova became oblivious of everything else and drifted after his sister, shaking convulsively. "Olga, little sister, what is happening to you?"...[The doctor] took hold of the actor by a button on his raincoat. "You shouldn't be here, my dear man. You're on the verge yourself. Maximum of quiet, minimum of excitement..." (3a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > на волоске

  • 11 седьмая вода на киселе

    ирон., пренебр.
    cousin seven (several) times removed; second cousin twice removed; forty-second cousin

    - Ей-богу, не знаю, Марья Александровна, как и чем я родня ему: кажется, седьмая вода, может быть, даже и не на киселе, а на чём-нибудь другом. (Ф. Достоевский, Дядюшкин сон) — 'I don't know, Marya Alexandrovna - I really don't know what relation I am to him. Seven times removed I think - and even then I'm not quite sure about it.'

    - "Милая сестрёнка"... А какая я ему сестрёнка, десятая вода на киселе... (В. Кондратьев, Женька) — 'Dear little sister'... But I'm no sister to him, a three or four times removed cousin...'

    Русско-английский фразеологический словарь > седьмая вода на киселе

  • 12 женские наружные половые органы

    1) General subject: pussy, pussycat
    2) Medicine: vulva
    4) Taboo: Aunt Maria, Marble Arch ("Мраморная арка" - один из входов в лондонский Гайд-парк сf. garden), Sir Berkley, attic, basket, doodle-sack, escutcheon, fanny, feminine gender, fleece, free-fishery, goat-milker, ha'penny, hairy oracle, hairy wheel, hotel, itcher, jam, jelly-bag, key-hole, knick-knack, lamp of love, lather-maker, little sister (см. little brother), lock (см. key), long eye, man-trap, manhole, milking pail, molly's hole, muff (особ. покрытые большим количеством лобковых волос), mustard-pot, needle-book, never-out, nick, nick-nack, old hat, old lady, old thing, omnibus, open C (игра слов на sea и "c" cunt), orchard, orifice, oven, oyster, parlor, pen, pigeon-hole, pin-case (см. pin), pintle-case, pipe, pisser, pit, pit-hole, poke-hole, pot, prannie, pranny, pump, pump-date, punce, purse, pussy-cat, quiff, quim-box, rasp, rattle-bollocks (pl), receipt of custom, receiving set, red ace (см. ace), rest-and-be-thankful, ring, road, rooster, rough-and-ready, saddle, salt-cellar, seed-plot, seminary (игра слов на semen q.v.), shake-bag, shell, skin-the-pizzle, slot, sluice, snatch-blatch, snippet, socket, sportman's gap, suck-and-swallow, sugar-basin, tail-box, tail-gap, teazle, temple of low men (игра слов на low men (антоним high men) и hymen), tickle-thomas, till, tirly-whirly, tit, tivvy, toby, touch hole, twam, valve, water-box, whelk, whim-wham

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > женские наружные половые органы

  • 13 она старалась утешить сестрёнку конфетой

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > она старалась утешить сестрёнку конфетой

  • 14 Ц-33

    ЗНАТЬ ЦЕНУ ДЕНЬГАМ (КОПЕЙКЕ coll) VP subj: human to be thrifty, economical ( usu. after having experienced need)
    X знает цену деньгам = X knows the value of money (of a ruble, of a dollar).
    Рано лишившись родителей, Антон работал по двенадцать часов в сутки, чтобы прокормить себя и сестренку, и хорошо знал цену деньгам. Anton lost his parents at a young age and worked twelve hours a day to feed himself and his little sister. He really knew the value of money.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Ц-33

  • 15 знать цену деньгам

    [VP; subj: human]
    to be thrifty, economical (usu. after having experienced need):
    - X знает цену деньгам X knows the value of money <of a ruble, of a dollar>.
         ♦ Рано лишившись родителей, Антон работал по двенадцать часов в сутки, чтобы прокормить себя и сестренку, и хорошо знал цену деньгам. Anton lost his parents at a young age and worked twelve hours a day to feed himself and his little sister. He really knew the value of money.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > знать цену деньгам

  • 16 знать цену копейке

    [VP; subj: human]
    to be thrifty, economical (usu. after having experienced need):
    - X знает цену деньгам X knows the value of money <of a ruble, of a dollar>.
         ♦ Рано лишившись родителей, Антон работал по двенадцать часов в сутки, чтобы прокормить себя и сестренку, и хорошо знал цену деньгам. Anton lost his parents at a young age and worked twelve hours a day to feed himself and his little sister. He really knew the value of money.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > знать цену копейке

  • 17 С-327

    СЛОВО ЗА СЛОВО coll Invar adv or indep. clause)
    1. \С-327 (разговориться, познакомиться, расспросить и т. п.) (to get to talking) in a gradual, natural manner, with each participant's remarks eliciting a response from the other
    (to get to know s.o., question s.o. etc) in a gradual, natural manner in the course of a conversation: (in past contexts) one word (thing) led to another as the conversation progressed (one got to know s.o. (asked s.o. sth. etc)) little by little (one got to talking with s.o. (convinced s.o. of sth. etc)).
    Да, так встретились (дед и запорожец). Слово за слово, долго ли до знакомства? Пошли калякать, калякать так, что дед совсем уже было позабыл про путь свой (Гоголь 5). So they (Grandad and a Dnieper Cossack) met. One word leads to another, it doesn't take long to make friends. They fell to chatting and chatting, so that Grandad quite forgot about his journey (5a).
    (Кашкина:) Как это вы вдруг... разговорились? (Шаманов (насмешливо):) Да так, очень просто. Я сделал ей комплимент, она... Да, вот так, слово за слово... (Вампилов 2). (К.:) How come you two suddenly started., talking9 (Sh. (Mockingly):) Oh, it was very simple I paid her a compliment, and she.... And then, one thing led to another (2b).
    .Слово за слово, (Пидорка) уговорила старуху идти с собою (Гоголь 5)....Little by little, she (Pidorka) persuaded the old hag to go home with her (5a). (626 J
    2. - (рассориться, разругаться и т. п.) | usu. used with pfv verbs) (to quarrel, have an argument with s.o. etc) with increasing intensity
    one word provoked another
    one hard (harsh) word brought another one thing led to another (the argument became more heated (one became more brash etc)) with every word.
    ...Ребров потерял равновесие. Слово за слово — и все, будто только того и ждали, закрутились в эту воронку (Трифонов 1). Не IRebrov) lost his self-control. One word provoked another, and this seemed to be all that was needed for the volcano to erupt (1a).
    «Разозлившись на то, что мать и сестра не хотят, по его наветам, со мною рассориться, он (Лужин), слово за слово, начал говорить им непростительные дерзости» (Достоевский 3). 'Angry that my mother and sister did not want to quarrel with me over his calumny, he (Luzhin) became more unpardonably rude to them with every word" (3c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > С-327

  • 18 слово за слово

    [Invar; adv or indep. clause]
    1. слово за слово (разговориться, познакомиться, расспросить и т. п.) (to get to talking) in a gradual, natural manner, with each participant's remarks eliciting a response from the other; (to get to know s.o., question s.o. etc) in a gradual, natural manner in the course of a conversation:
    - [in past contexts] one word (thing) led to another;
    - as the conversation progressed (one got to know s.o. <asked s.o. sth. etc >);
    - little by little (one got to talking with s.o. <convinced s.o. of sth. etc>).
         ♦ Да, так встретились [дед и запорожец]. Слово за слово, долго ли до знакомства? Пошли калякать, калякать так, что дед совсем уже было позабыл про путь свой (Гоголь 5). So they [Grandad and a Dnieper Cossack] met. One word leads to another, it doesn't take long to make friends. They fell to chatting and chatting, so that Grandad quite forgot about his journey (5a).
         ♦ [Кашкина:] Как это вы вдруг... разговорились? [Шаманов (насмешливо):) Да так, очень просто. Я сделал ей комплимент, она... Да, вот так, слово за слово... (Вампилов 2). [К.:] How come you two suddenly started., talking? [Sh. (Mockingly):] Oh, it was very simple I paid her a compliment, and she.... And then, one thing led to another (2b).
         ♦...Слово за слово, [Пидорка] уговорила старуху идти с собою (Гоголь 5)....Little by little, she [Pidorka] persuaded the old hag to go home with her (5a).
    2. слово за слово (рассориться, разругаться и т. п.) [usu. used with pfv verbs]
    (to quarrel, have an argument with s.o. etc) with increasing intensity:
    - (the argument became more heated <one became more brash etc>) with every word.
         ♦...Ребров потерял равновесие. Слово за слово - и все, будто только того и ждали, закрутились в эту воронку (Трифонов 1). Не [Rebrov] lost his self-control. One word provoked another, and this seemed to be all that was needed for the volcano to erupt (1a).
         ♦ "Разозлившись на то, что мать и сестра не хотят, по его наветам, со мною рассориться, он [Лужин], слово за слово, начал говорить им непростительные дерзости" (Достоевский 3). "Angry that my mother and sister did not want to quarrel with me over his calumny, he [Luzhin] became more unpardonably rude to them with every word" (3c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > слово за слово

  • 19 К-30

    ТЁРТЫЙ КАЛАЧ coll, occas. disapprov NP more often sing often subj-compl with copula, usu. nom (subj: human fixed WO
    a person who has experienced a lot, is worldly-wise and very difficult to deceive
    X - тертый калач = X wasn't born yesterday
    X has been around X has been around the block X knows his way around (about) (in limited contexts) X is no-bodyfc fool X is an old hand (pro, stager).
    «Что за чудесная женщина Анна Сергеевна», - воскликнул Аркадий... «Да... но чудо - не она, а её сестра». - «Как? эта смугленькая?» - «Да, эта смугленькая. Это вот свежо, и нетронуто, и пугливо, и молчаливо, и всё, что хочешь... Из этой ещё что вздумаешь, то и сделаешь а та - тёртый калач» (Тургенев 2). "What a wonderful woman Anna Sergeyevna is," exclaimed Arkady...."Yes....But the miracle's not her but her sister." "What? That little brown creature?" "Yes, that little brown creature. There you have something fresh and untouched and wild and silent and—anything you like.... You could still make anything you like out of her, but the elder-she already knows her way about" (2e).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > К-30

  • 20 тертый калач

    ТЕРТЫЙ КАЛАЧ coll, occas. disapprov
    [NP; more often sing; often subj-compl with copula, usu. nom (subj: human); fixed WO]
    a person who has experienced a lot, is worldly-wise and very difficult to deceive:
    - X - тертый калач X wasn't born yesterday;
    - [in limited contexts] X is nobody's fool;
    - X is an old hand <pro, stager>.
         ♦ "Что за чудесная женщина Анна Сергеевна", - воскликнул Аркадий... " Да... но чудо - не она, а её сестра". - " Как? эта смугленькая?" - "Да, эта смугленькая. Это вот свежо, и нетронуто, и пугливо, и молчаливо, и всё, что хочешь... Из этой ещё что вздумаешь, то и сделаешь; а та - тёртый калач" (Тургенев 2). "What a wonderful woman Anna Sergeyevna is," exclaimed Arkady...."Yes....But the miracle's not her but her sister." "What? That little brown creature?" "Yes, that little brown creature. There you have something fresh and untouched and wild and silent and - anything you like.... You could still make anything you like out of her; but the elder-she already knows her way about" (2e).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > тертый калач

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