1 губоцветный
2 с носиком
3 врезанное соединение
Русско-английский политехнический словарь > врезанное соединение
4 шов внакрой
Русско-английский словарь по строительству и новым строительным технологиям > шов внакрой
5 губастое сито
Русско-английский сельскохозяйственный словарь > губастое сито
6 молчаливый
1) General subject: ( as) quiet as the grave, broody, close, close lipped, close mouthed, close tongued, close-lipped, close-mouthed, close-tongued, dumb, inarticulate, incommunicative, mum, mute, reticent, secret as the grave, silent, soundless, speechless, tacit, taciturn, tight lipped, tight-lipped, tongue-tied, tuneless, uncommunicative, wordless, quiet2) Poetical language: stilly3) Rare: conticent5) Psychology: quiescent6) Jargon: shut-pan7) leg.N.P. implied8) Makarov: as quiet as the grave, incommunicable, quiet as the grave -
7 толстогубый
General subject: blobber-lipped, thick lipped, thick-lipped -
8 губастый
9 толстогубый
10 выростогубый гладконос
Biology: groove-lipped bat (Chalinolobus), lobe-lipped bat (Chalinolobus)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > выростогубый гладконос
11 губастый
General subject: thick lipped, thick-lipped -
12 загнутый
1) General subject: hamose, incurvate (внутрь), incurved (внутрь), intorted, turn up, turn-up, curvy (о ресницах)4) Rare: reflexive5) Construction: bent off6) Railway term: lipped8) Mechanics: turned down -
13 замкнутый
1) General subject: aloof, asocial, at make, buttoned up, cliquey, cliquish, close, close lipped, close mouthed, close-lipped, close-mouthed, enclosed, exclusive, inaccessible, ingrown, inhibited, insular, lane, lone, morose, offish, reserved, retired, saturnine, secluded, secret, secretive, self-contained, shut in, shut-in, spaceless, sullen, unsociable, withdrawn (человек), introspective (в себе), dour, bottled up, reticent2) Engineering: closed-loop (о системе), locked3) Chemistry: selfcontained5) Metallurgy: live (о контакте)6) Psychology: avoidant (о человеке)7) Electronics: closed8) Oil: closed (о залежи)9) Business: closed-circuit10) Drilling: inland (о бассейне)11) Network technologies: shorted12) Automation: closed-loop (напр. о цепи)13) General subject: continuous (об электрической цепи)14) Aviation medicine: seclusive15) Makarov: antisocial, close-ended, closed-form, complete, endless, indrawn, made (об электрической цепи), round, unbending -
14 однолезвийная пластина
1) Mechanics: one-lipped bit2) Automation: (режущая) one-lipped bitУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > однолезвийная пластина
15 с розовыми губами
General subject: rose lipped, rose-lipped -
16 с такими-то губами
General subject: lipped (-lipped, как компонент сложных)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > с такими-то губами
17 сдержанный
1) General subject: brittle, button down, button-down, buttoned down, buttoned up, chary, chaste, checked, close, close lipped, close mouthed, close tongued, close-lipped, close-mouthed, close-tongued, collected, composed, contained, continent, continent (в словах, поступках), decent, demure, discreet, distant, dry, forbearing, frozen, guarded, inaccessible, incommunicative, inhibited, insular, low key, low profile, low-key, low-profile (о позиции, поведении), measured (о речи), mim, moderate, modest, prudent, qualified, quiet, repressed, reserved, restrained, reticent, retiring, sedate, self composed, self contained, self restrained, self-composed, self-contained, self-restrained, sober minded, sober-minded, sobersided (слишком), stand off, stand offish, stand-off, stand-offish, strange, suppressed, tempered, tight (в обращении), unaffectionate, unbroken (об обещании и т. п.), undemonstrative, unenthusiastic (о приеме), unexpansive, unsociable, muted (lacking enthusiasm), understated (о вещах, напр. an understated suit - подчеркнуто скромный, но элегантный костюм), minimalistic, bottled up, curt, cold-minded2) American: preppy3) Diplomatic term: soft4) Psychology: self-collected5) Business: dominated7) Makarov: frosted, incommunicable, indrawn, lean (о стиле, слоге), temperate, unbending, undemonstrative (о человеке, чувствах и т.п.)8) Idiomatic expression: as cool as cucumber -
18 скрытный
1) General subject: buttoned up, cagey, close, dormant, reserved, reticent, retired, secret, secretive, tight lipped, tight-lipped, clandestine, bottled up, segregative, insular, (о человеке) private2) Psychology: implicit4) Mechanic engineering: countersunk, countersunking5) Makarov: blind, transparent6) Scuba diving: latent -
19 тонкогубый
General subject: thin lipped, thin-lipped -
20 хранить молчание
1) General subject: be quiet, be speechless, be tight-lipped (напр. Yukos officials were tight-lipped about the details of their gas contract), keep silence, keep silent, maintain silence, remain dumb, remain speechless, to be quiet, to be speechless2) Colloquial: button up one's mouth3) Jargon: ice4) Business: remain silent5) Makarov: preserve silence
См. также в других словарях:
Lipped — (l[i^]pt), a. 1. Having a lip or lips; having a raised or rounded edge resembling the lip; often used in composition; as, thick lipped, thin lipped, etc. [1913 Webster] 2. (Bot.) Labiate. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
-lipped — «lihpt», adjective. 1. having a lip or lips. 2. Botany. labiate. lipped, combining form. having lips: »Thin lipped = having thin lips … Useful english dictionary
lipped — [lipt] adj. 1. having a lip or lips: often used in compounds [tight lipped] 2. having a spoutlike projection in the rim: said of a pitcher, cup, etc. 3. LABIATE … English World dictionary
lipped — adjective having a lip or lips (Freq. 1) a lipped bowl a virgin purest lipped John Keats • Ant: ↑lipless • Similar to: ↑bilabiate, ↑two lipped, ↑labiate, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
-lipped — [[t] lɪ̱pt[/t]] COMB in ADJ GRADED lipped combines with adjectives to form other adjectives which describe the sort of lips that someone has. → See also tight lipped A thin lipped smile spread over the captain s face. ...his full lipped mouth … English dictionary
Lipped — Lip Lip, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Lipped} (l[i^]pt); p. pr. & vb. n. {Lipping} ( p[i^]ng).] 1. To touch with the lips; to put the lips to; hence, to kiss. [1913 Webster] The bubble on the wine which breaks Before you lip the glass. Praed. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
lipped — adjective Date: 14th century having a lip or lips especially of a specified kind or number often used in combination < tight lipped > … New Collegiate Dictionary
lipped — adjective a) Having a raised lip. We met a yellow lipped woman. b) (in combination) Having some specific type of lip … Wiktionary
lipped — lip ► NOUN 1) either of the two fleshy parts forming the edges of the mouth opening. 2) the edge of a hollow container or an opening. 3) informal impudent talk. 4) another term for LABIUM(Cf. ↑labium). ► VERB ▪ (of water) lap a … English terms dictionary
lipped — /lipt/, adj. 1. having lips or a lip. 2. Bot. labiate. [1350 1400; ME; see LIP, ED3] * * * … Universalium
lipped — adj. having lips, having a certain type or kind of lips; labiate (Botany) … English contemporary dictionary