41 tamarin, white-lipped
1. LAT Saguinus labiatus E. Geoffroy2. RUS краснобрюхий тамарин m3. ENG red-bellied (white-lipped) tamarin, white-lipped [red-chested, moustached] tamarin4. DEU Rotbauch-Tamarin m5. FRA tamarin m labiéDICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > tamarin, white-lipped
42 thick-lipped
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > thick-lipped
43 tight-lipped
ˈtaɪtˈlɪpt прил. молчаливый молчаливый;
скрытный - * assistant неболтливый помощник tight-lipped молчаливыйБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > tight-lipped
44 white-lipped
ˈwaɪtˈlɪpt прил. с побелевшими (от страха) губами a белогубый, бледногубый;
~ with fright с побелевшими от страха губами white-lipped с побелевшими (от страха) губамиБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > white-lipped
45 blobber-lipped
blobber-lipped adj. толстогубый -
46 tight-lipped
tight-lipped [ˏtaɪtˊlɪpt] aскры́тный, молчали́вый -
47 white-lipped
white-lipped [ˏwaɪtˊlɪpt] aс побеле́вшими (от стра́ха) губа́ми -
48 be tight-lipped
Общая лексика: хранить молчание (напр. Yukos officials were tight-lipped about the details of their gas contract) -
49 fringe-lipped mullet
см. thick-lipped mullet 2)English-russian biological dictionary > fringe-lipped mullet
50 lobe-lipped bat
51 tight-lipped
52 tight-lipped
53 blobber-lipped
54 thick-lipped
55 cobra, black-lipped
1. LAT Naja melanoleuca Hallowell2. RUS чёрно-белая кобра f3. ENG black-lipped [black-and-white, forest] cobra4. DEU Schwarzweiße Hutschlange f [Kobra f]5. FRA cobra m de forêt [noir et blanc]Ареал обитания: АфрикаDICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > cobra, black-lipped
56 frog, disk-toed white-lipped
2. RUS белогубая лягушка f3. ENG disk-toed white-lipped frog4. DEU Silberlippenfrosch m5. FRA grenouille f à levres blanchesАреал обитания: АфрикаDICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > frog, disk-toed white-lipped
57 frogs, white-lipped
1. LAT Leptodactylus Fitzinger2. RUS свистуны pl3. ENG white-lipped [nest-building] frogs4. DEU (Echte) Pfeiffrösche pl, Ladenbläser pl, Südfrösche pl5. FRA —Ареал обитания: Северная Америка, Центральная Америка, острова Карибского бассейна, Южная АмерикаDICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > frogs, white-lipped
58 krait, sea blue-lipped
1. LAT Laticauda laticaudata (Linnaeus)2. RUS кольчатый плоскохвост m, обыкновенный морской крайт m3. ENG black-banded sea krait, blue-lipped sea krait, common sea krait4. DEU Zeilen-Seeschlange f, Gewöhnlicher Plattschwanz m5. FRA serpent m à queue plateАреал обитания: Индийский океан, Тихий океанDICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > krait, sea blue-lipped
59 krait, yellow-lipped sea
1. LAT Laticauda colubrina (Schnçider)2. RUS жёлтогубый плоскохвост m, ужевидный морской крайт m3. ENG yellow-lipped [Schneider's, banded] sea krait, amphibious sea snake4. DEU Nattern-Plattschwanz m5. FRA —Ареал обитания: Индийский океан, Тихий океанDICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > krait, yellow-lipped sea
60 python, white-lipped
2. RUS белогубый питон m3. ENG white-lipped [d'Albert's, purple brown] python4. DEU Weißlippenpython m5. FRA python m de la Nouvelle-GuinéeАреал обитания: Новая Гвинея, АвстралияDICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > python, white-lipped
См. также в других словарях:
Lipped — (l[i^]pt), a. 1. Having a lip or lips; having a raised or rounded edge resembling the lip; often used in composition; as, thick lipped, thin lipped, etc. [1913 Webster] 2. (Bot.) Labiate. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
-lipped — «lihpt», adjective. 1. having a lip or lips. 2. Botany. labiate. lipped, combining form. having lips: »Thin lipped = having thin lips … Useful english dictionary
lipped — [lipt] adj. 1. having a lip or lips: often used in compounds [tight lipped] 2. having a spoutlike projection in the rim: said of a pitcher, cup, etc. 3. LABIATE … English World dictionary
lipped — adjective having a lip or lips (Freq. 1) a lipped bowl a virgin purest lipped John Keats • Ant: ↑lipless • Similar to: ↑bilabiate, ↑two lipped, ↑labiate, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
-lipped — [[t] lɪ̱pt[/t]] COMB in ADJ GRADED lipped combines with adjectives to form other adjectives which describe the sort of lips that someone has. → See also tight lipped A thin lipped smile spread over the captain s face. ...his full lipped mouth … English dictionary
Lipped — Lip Lip, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Lipped} (l[i^]pt); p. pr. & vb. n. {Lipping} ( p[i^]ng).] 1. To touch with the lips; to put the lips to; hence, to kiss. [1913 Webster] The bubble on the wine which breaks Before you lip the glass. Praed. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
lipped — adjective Date: 14th century having a lip or lips especially of a specified kind or number often used in combination < tight lipped > … New Collegiate Dictionary
lipped — adjective a) Having a raised lip. We met a yellow lipped woman. b) (in combination) Having some specific type of lip … Wiktionary
lipped — lip ► NOUN 1) either of the two fleshy parts forming the edges of the mouth opening. 2) the edge of a hollow container or an opening. 3) informal impudent talk. 4) another term for LABIUM(Cf. ↑labium). ► VERB ▪ (of water) lap a … English terms dictionary
lipped — /lipt/, adj. 1. having lips or a lip. 2. Bot. labiate. [1350 1400; ME; see LIP, ED3] * * * … Universalium
lipped — adj. having lips, having a certain type or kind of lips; labiate (Botany) … English contemporary dictionary