1 ♦ linguistic
♦ linguistic /ˈlɪŋgwɪstɪk/a.linguistico; glottologico: linguistic atlas, atlante linguisticolinguistically avv. -
2 linguistic
3 linguistic lin·guis·tic adj
[lɪŋ'ɡwɪstɪk] -
4 diversity
[daɪ'vɜːsətɪ]nome diversità f.* * *noun (variety.) diversità* * *diversity /daɪˈvɜ:sətɪ/n.1 [u] eterogeneità; varietà: cultural [religious, linguistic] diversity, eterogeneità culturale [religiosa, linguistica]; plant [species, habitat] diversity, la varietà delle piante [delle specie, degli habitat]* * *[daɪ'vɜːsətɪ]nome diversità f. -
5 linguist
['lɪŋgwɪst]1) ling. linguista m. e f.* * *['liŋɡwist](a person who studies language and/or is good at languages.) linguista- linguistics* * *linguist /ˈlɪŋgwɪst/n.1 linguista; glottologo3 studente di lingue.* * *['lɪŋgwɪst]1) ling. linguista m. e f. -
6 linguistically
7 ♦ research
♦ research /rɪˈsɜ:tʃ/n. [uc]1 [u] ricerca, ricerche; studio: current research into transplants, le attuali ricerche sui trapianti; scientific [linguistic] research, ricerca scientifica [linguistica]; Recent research shows that church attendance has declined over the past two decades, degli studi recenti hanno mostrato che la frequentazione delle chiese è calata negli ultimi vent'anni; research work, ( lavoro di) ricerca; to be engaged in research work, essere impegnato in ricerche (o in un lavoro di ricerca); a piece of research, una ricerca; to do research, fare il ricercatore; to carry out research into st., condurre ricerche su qc.● (econ., org. az.) research and development (abbr. R&D), ricerca e sviluppo □ research assistant, assistente ( di ricerca) □ research fellow, ricercatore universitario □ research fellowship, posto di ricercatore universitario □ research paper, ricerca ( scritta) □ (naut.) research ship, nave oceanografica □ research worker, ricercatore.NOTA D'USO: - research o search?- (to) research /rɪˈsɜ:tʃ/A v. i.B v. t.fare ricerche su, investigare ( un argomento): Scientists have been researching these phenomena for years, gli scienziati hanno condotto ricerche su questi fenomeni per anni; This paper has been researched and written by a group of experts, questo documento è stato scritto da un gruppo di esperti sulla base delle loro richerche NOTA D'USO: - research o search?-researchern.ricercatore, ricercatrice. -
8 attainment at·tain·ment
[ə'teɪnmənt]n frm(of ambition) realizzazione f, (of position, happiness) raggiungimento, (achievement) risultato ottenutoattainments — (accomplishments) cognizioni fpl (acquisite)
linguistic attainments — abilità fpl linguistiche
9 unit **** n
['juːnɪt]1) (gen) Elec, Math, Mil unità f invmonetary/linguistic unit — unità monetaria/linguistica
production unit — reparto m produzione inv
research unit — (personnel) équipe f inv, (building) sede f di ricerca
См. также в других словарях:
linguistic — LINGUÍSTIC, Ă s.f., adj. v. lingvistic. Trimis de cornel, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 LINGUÍSTIC, Ă adj. v. lingvistic. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DN … Dicționar Român
linguistic — (adj.) 1856, from Fr. linguistique (1833); see LINGUIST (Cf. linguist) + IC (Cf. ic). The use of linguistic to mean of or pertaining to language or languages is hardly justifiable etymologically, according to OED, but has arisen because lingual… … Etymology dictionary
Linguistic — Lin*guis tic (l[i^][ng]*gw[i^]s t[i^]k), Linguistical Lin*guis tic*al (l[i^][ng]*gw[i^]s t[i^]*kal), a. [Cf. F. linguistique.] Of or pertaining to language; relating to linguistics, or to the affinities of languages. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Linguistic — may mean: *pertaining to language **specifically, pertaining to natural language * pertaining to the field of Linguistics … Wikipedia
linguistic — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ relating to language or linguistics. DERIVATIVES linguistically adverb … English terms dictionary
linguistic — [liŋ gwis′tik] adj. 1. of language 2. of linguistics linguistically adv … English World dictionary
linguistic — [[t]lɪŋgwɪ̱stɪks[/t]] linguistics 1) ADJ: usu ADJ n Linguistic abilities or ideas relate to language or linguistics. ...linguistic skills. ...linguistic theory. Derived words: linguistically [[t]lɪŋgwɪ̱stɪkli[/t]] ADV usu ADV adj/ ed Somalia is… … English dictionary
linguistic — linguistically, adv. /ling gwis tik/, adj. 1. of or belonging to language: linguistic change. 2. of or pertaining to linguistics. [1830 40; LINGUIST + IC] * * * … Universalium
linguistic — adjective /lɪŋˈɡwɪstɪk/ a) Of or relating to language. The message is that we need language features that deal with schematic and linguistic discrepancies. b) Of or relating to linguistics … Wiktionary
linguistic — adj. Linguistic is used with these nouns: ↑ability, ↑analysis, ↑anthropology, ↑background, ↑competence, ↑complexity, ↑construction, ↑development, ↑diversity, ↑expression, ↑invention … Collocations dictionary
linguistic — lin|guis|tic W3 [lıŋˈgwıstık] adj related to language, words, or linguistics ▪ a child s linguistic development >linguistically [ kli] adv … Dictionary of contemporary English