1 linguist
['lɪŋgwɪst]n( specialist) językoznawca m, lingwista(-tka) m(f)she's a good linguist — ( speaks several languages) zna (obce) języki
* * *['liŋɡwist](a person who studies language and/or is good at languages.) językoznawca- linguistics -
2 fluent
['fluːənt]adjlinguist biegły; speech, writing płynnyhe's a fluent speaker/reader — płynnie mówi/czyta
he speaks fluent French, he's fluent in French — biegle mówi po francusku
* * *['fluənt]1) ((of a language etc) smoothly and skilfully spoken: He spoke fluent French.) płynny2) ((of a person) able to express oneself easily: He is fluent in English.) biegły•- fluency- fluently -
3 making
['meɪkɪŋ]n ( fig)* * *noun (the process of producing or forming something: glassmaking; ( also adjective) the road-making industry.) produkcja, budowa
См. также в других словарях:
Linguist — Lin guist (l[i^][ng] gw[i^]st), n. [L. lingua tongue, speech, language: cf. F. linguiste.] 1. A master of the use of language; a talker. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] I ll dispute with him; He s a rare linguist. J. Webster. [1913 Webster] 2. A person… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Linguist — Sf Sprachwissenschaftler , früher auch Sprachenkenner erw. fach. (16. Jh.) Neoklassische Bildung. Neoklassische Bildung zu l. lingua Zunge, Sprache . Abstraktum: Linguistik; Adjektiv: linguistisch. Ebenso nndl. linguïst, ne. linguist, nfrz.… … Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache
linguist — LINGUÍST, Ă s.m. şi f. v. lingvist. Trimis de cornel, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 LINGUÍST, Ă s.m. şi f. v. lingvist. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DN … Dicționar Român
Linguist — Linguist, Sprachforscher od. Sprechkundiger. Linguistik, so v.w. Sprachenkunde … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Linguist — (v. lat. lingua, »Sprache«), Sprachkundiger, Sprachforscher; Linguistik, Sprachwissenschaft … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Linguíst — (lat.), Sprachkenner, Sprachforscher; Linguístik, Sprachkunde, Sprachwissenschaft … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Linguist — (vom lat. lingua, Zunge, Sprache), Sprachkenner; L.ik, Sprachenkunde; l.isch, sprachwissenschaftlich … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
linguist — (n.) 1580s, a master of language, one who uses his tongue freely, a hybrid from L. lingua language, tongue (see LINGUAL (Cf. lingual)) + IST (Cf. ist). Meaning a student of language first attested 1640s … Etymology dictionary
linguist — ► NOUN 1) a person skilled in foreign languages. 2) a person who studies linguistics. ORIGIN from Latin lingua language … English terms dictionary
linguist — [liŋ′gwist] n. [< L lingua (see LANGUAGE) + IST1] 1. a specialist in linguistics: cf. PHILOLOGIST 2. loosely POLYGLOT (n. 1) … English World dictionary
linguist — [[t]lɪ̱ŋgwɪst[/t]] linguists 1) N COUNT A linguist is someone who is good at speaking or learning foreign languages. Her brother was an accomplished linguist. 2) N COUNT A linguist is someone who studies or teaches linguistics … English dictionary