1 line-probe algorithm
2 line-probe algorithm
English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > line-probe algorithm
3 line-probe algorithm
алгоритм пробных связей (при трассировке соединений)Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > line-probe algorithm
4 line-probe algorithm
1) Вычислительная техника: алгоритм пробных связей (при трассировке соединений)2) Макаров: алгоритм линейного зондирования (в САПР) -
5 line-probe algorithm
English-Russian electronics dictionary > line-probe algorithm
6 line-probe algorithm
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > line-probe algorithm
7 line-probe algorithm
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > line-probe algorithm
8 line-probe algorithm
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > line-probe algorithm
9 line-probe algorithm
English-Russian information technology > line-probe algorithm
10 algorithm
1) алгоритм2) правило; процедура; метод•- adaptive algorithm
- Agarval-Cooley algorithm
- aim algorithm
- annealing algorithm
- asymmetric encryption algorithm
- autoregressive algorithm
- backoff algorithm
- back propagation of error algorithm
- batch algorithm
- Bellman-Ford algorithm
- best cost path algorithm
- bisection algorithm
- branch and bound algorithm - CART algorithm
- channel algorithm
- channel routing algorithm
- Cholesky algorithm
- classification and regression tree algorithm
- clustering algorithm
- Cochran-Orcutt algorithm
- compression algorithm
- conjugate directions algorithm
- conjugate gradients algorithm
- constructive algorithm
- contour following algorithm
- control algorithm
- convolution algorithm
- Cooley-Tuckey algorithm
- cryptographic algorithm
- deflation compression algorithm
- differential synthesis algorithm
- Diffie-Hellman algorithm
- digital signal processing algorithm
- digital signature algorithm
- Dijkstra algorithm
- distance vector algorithm
- DSP algorithm
- dynamic programming algorithm
- edge-tracking algorithm
- evolutionary algorithm
- exact embedding algorithm
- expansion algorithm
- fast algorithm
- fast convolution Agarval-Cooley algorithm
- fixed-weight algorithm
- Ford-Fulkerson algorithm
- fundamental algorithm
- fuzzy algorithm
- general algorithm - greedy algorithm
- Gummel's algorithm
- hashing algorithm
- heuristic algorithm
- ID3 algorithm
- identification algorithm
- initialization algorithm
- integer algorithm - iterative dichotomizer 3 algorithm
- k-means algorithm
- learning algorithm
- least frequently used algorithm
- least recently used algorithm
- Lee-Moore algorithm
- Lee algorithm
- Lee-type algorithm
- Lempel-Ziv algorithm
- Lempel-Ziv-Welch algorithm
- Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm
- LFU algorithm
- line-probe algorithm
- link state algorithm
- LU decomposition algorithm
- LZ algorithm
- LZW algorithm
- MacQueen's k-means algorithm
- McCulloch-Pitts algorithm
- memetic algorithm - min-cut algorithm - nested algorithm
- numerical algorithm
- Oja iterative algorithm
- on-line algorithm
- optimization algorithm
- ordering algorithm
- painter's algorithm
- parallel algorithm
- pattern classification algorithm
- pattern recognition algorithm
- pel-recursive estimation algorithm
- placement algorithm
- planning algorithm
- polynomial algorithm
- predictive algorithm
- preemptive algorithm
- Prim algorithm
- production rule based algorithm
- pruning algorithm
- pseudo least recently used algorithm
- quantum search algorithm
- quick-union algorithm
- quick-union algorithm with path compression
- Q-R-algorithm
- radix sorting algorithm
- randomized algorithm
- rank algorithm
- Read-Solomon cyclic redundancy compression algorithm
- recognition algorithm
- recurrent algorithm
- recursive algorithm
- resilient propagation algorithm - routing algorithm
- Rprop algorithm
- RSA algorithm
- scheduling algorithm
- search algorithm
- search network algorithm - self-organizing algorithm
- semi-numerical algorithm
- sequential algorithm - shortest path algorithm
- sieving algorithm
- simulated annealing training algorithm
- simulation algorithm
- smoothing algorithm
- software algorithm
- spanning tree algorithm
- spline algorithm
- splitting algorithm
- stack algorithm
- statistical algorithm
- stochastic algorithm
- supervised training algorithm
- symmetric encryption algorithm
- time-wheel algorithm
- training algorithm
- universal algorithm
- unsupervised training algorithm
- van der Waerden algorithm
- variational algorithm
- vector distance algorithm
- Viterbi algorithm
- VLSI algorithm
- weighted quick-union algorithm
- working algorithm -
11 algorithm
1) алгоритм2) правило; процедура; метод•- Agarval-Cooley algorithm
- aim algorithm
- algorithm of doubtful convergence
- annealing algorithm
- asymmetric encryption algorithm
- autoregressive algorithm
- back propagation of error algorithm
- backoff algorithm
- batch algorithm
- Bellman-Ford algorithm
- best cost path algorithm
- bisection algorithm
- branch and bound algorithm
- British Telecom Lempel-Ziv algorithm
- BTLZ algorithm
- CART algorithm
- channel algorithm
- channel routing algorithm
- Cholesky algorithm
- classification and regression tree algorithm
- clustering algorithm
- Cochran-Orcutt algorithm
- compression algorithm
- conjugate directions algorithm
- conjugate gradients algorithm
- constructive algorithm
- contour following algorithm
- control algorithm
- convolution algorithm
- Cooley-Tuckey algorithm
- cryptographic algorithm
- deflation compression algorithm
- differential synthesis algorithm
- Diffie-Hellman algorithm
- digital signal processing algorithm
- digital signature algorithm
- Dijkstra algorithm
- distance vector algorithm
- DSP algorithm
- dynamic programming algorithm
- edge-tracking algorithm
- evolutionary algorithm
- exact embedding algorithm
- expansion algorithm
- fast algorithm
- fast convolution Agarval-Cooley algorithm
- fixed-weight algorithm
- Ford-Fulkerson algorithm
- fundamental algorithm
- fuzzy algorithm
- general algorithm
- genetic algorithm
- graph search algorithm
- greedy algorithm
- Gummel's algorithm
- hashing algorithm
- heuristic algorithm
- ID3 algorithm
- identification algorithm
- initialization algorithm
- integer algorithm
- international data encryption algorithm
- iterative algorithm
- iterative dichotomizer 3 algorithm
- k-means algorithm
- learning algorithm
- least frequently used algorithm
- least recently used algorithm
- Lee-algorithm
- Lee-Moore algorithm
- Lee-type algorithm
- Lempel-Ziv algorithm
- Lempel-Ziv-Welch algorithm
- Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm
- LFU algorithm
- line-probe algorithm
- link state algorithm
- LU decomposition algorithm
- LZ algorithm
- LZW algorithm
- MacQueen's k-means algorithm
- McCulloch-Pitts algorithm
- memetic algorithm
- message authentication algorithm
- metaheuristic algorithm
- min-cut algorithm
- modified Gram-Schmidt algorithm
- Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm
- nested algorithm
- numerical algorithm
- Oja iterative algorithm
- on-line algorithm
- optimization algorithm
- ordering algorithm
- painter's algorithm
- parallel algorithm
- pattern classification algorithm
- pattern recognition algorithm
- pel-recursive estimation algorithm
- placement algorithm
- planning algorithm
- polynomial algorithm
- predictive algorithm
- preemptive algorithm
- Prim algorithm
- production rule based algorithm
- pruning algorithm
- pseudo least recently used algorithm
- Q-R-algorithm
- quantum search algorithm
- quick-union algorithm with path compression
- quick-union algorithm
- radix sorting algorithm
- randomized algorithm
- rank algorithm
- Read-Solomon cyclic redundancy compression algorithm
- recognition algorithm
- recurrent algorithm
- recursive algorithm
- resilient propagation algorithm
- Rivest-Shamir-Adleman algorithm
- robust algorithm
- routing algorithm
- RProp algorithm
- RSA algorithm
- scheduling algorithm
- search algorithm
- search network algorithm
- secure hash algorithm
- selective-trace algorithm
- self-organizing algorithm
- semi-numerical algorithm
- sequential algorithm
- sequential leader clustering algorithm
- serial algorithm
- shortest path algorithm
- sieving algorithm
- simulated annealing training algorithm
- simulation algorithm
- smoothing algorithm
- software algorithm
- spanning tree algorithm
- spline algorithm
- splitting algorithm
- stack algorithm
- statistical algorithm
- stochastic algorithm
- supervised training algorithm
- symmetric encryption algorithm
- time-wheel algorithm
- training algorithm
- universal algorithm
- unsupervised training algorithm
- van der Waerden algorithm
- variational algorithm
- vector distance algorithm
- Viterbi algorithm
- VLSI algorithm
- weighted quick-union algorithm
- working algorithmThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > algorithm
12 algorithm
- ad hoc algorithm
- adaptive algorithm
- aim algorithm
- algorithm for path connections
- automatic assessment algorithm
- back-propagation algorithm
- banker's algorithm
- best-route algorithm
- bicomponent algorithm
- bipartitioning algorithm
- bisection algorithm
- branch-bound algorithm
- branching algorithm
- cascading algorithm
- chain algorithm
- channel router algorithm
- coarse-to-fine algorithm
- column sweep algorithm
- combinatorial algorithm
- computational algorithm
- computing algorithm
- conservative algorithm
- control algorithm
- convergent algorithm
- curve-fitting algorithm
- cutting-plane algorithm
- D-algorithm
- decision algorithm
- decoding algorithm
- demand-paging algorithm
- deterministic algorithm
- digit-by-digit algorithm
- divide-and-conquer algorithm
- double-sweep algorithm
- draphics algorithm
- drawing algorithm
- DSP algorithm
- dual algorithm
- durable algorithm
- earliest-deadline-first algorithm
- edge-based algorithm
- event-scheduling algorithm
- exchange algorithm
- fault-handling algorithm
- fine-to-coarse algorithm
- fixed-stealing algorithm
- fixed-step-size algorithm
- flow-synthesis algorithm
- forward-looking algorithm
- generalized algorithm
- genetic algorithm
- Goto algorithm
- graph algorithm
- graph traversal algorithm
- greedy algorithm
- grid expansion algorithm
- hardware algorithm
- heuristic algorithm
- Hightower algorithm
- incorrect algorithm
- inference-based algorithm
- inferencing algorithm
- instruction issue algorithm
- integer algorithm
- integrated query optimization algorithm
- iteration algorithm
- iterative algorithm
- layout algorithm
- layout copmaction algorithm
- leaky bucket algorithm
- learning algorithm
- least frequently used algorithm
- least recently used algorithm
- Lee-expansion algorithm
- Lee-type algorithm
- levelization algorithm
- linear expansion algorithm
- line-placing algorithm
- line-probe algorithm
- logical algorithm
- mathematically based algorithm
- mathematically intensive algorithm
- maximum matching algorithm
- mesh algorithm - minimum path-length algorithm
- modeling algorithm
- multikey algorithm
- multipass algorithm
- nested algorithm
- network algorithm
- normal algorithm
- no-wait algorithm
- operative algorithm
- optimal assignment algorithm
- optimal cutting algorithm
- ordering algorithm
- page-replacement algorithm
- paging algorithm
- parallel algorithm
- partitioning algorithm
- path-tracing algorithm
- pipeline algorithm
- pitch algorithm
- placement algorithm
- prediction algorithm
- primal-dual algorithm
- primary algorithm
- problem algorithm
- procrastination algorithm
- public-key algorithm
- quorum-based algorithm
- random search algorithm
- recognition algorithm
- recursive algorithm
- relaxation algorithm
- replicate algorithm
- robust algorithm
- round-robin algorithm
- routing algorithm
- scanline algorithm
- scheduling algorithm
- sequential algorithm
- shortest path algorithm
- shrinking algorithm
- simplex algorithm
- simulated annealing algorithm
- software algorithm
- spanning tree algorithm
- speech generation algorithm
- speed-enhancing algorithm
- square rooting algorithm
- steepest ascent algorithm
- systolic algorithm
- testing algorithm
- text-to-speech algorithm
- threshold decoding algorithm
- timetable scheduling algorithm
- trace back algorithm
- translation algorithm
- transportation algorithm
- tree-search algorithm
- two-dimensional placement algorithm
- two-list algorithm
- type-inferencing algorithm
- unconstrained minimization algorithm
- universal algorithm
- variable-stealing algorithm
- Vintr algorithm
- VLSI algorithm
- write-back algorithmEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > algorithm
13 algorithm
n спец. алгоритм -
14 algorithm
15 ad hoc algorithm
16 aim algorithm
17 best-route algorithm
18 cutting-plane algorithm
19 double-sweep algorithm
20 draphics algorithm
графический алгоритм; алгоритм машинной графики
См. также в других словарях:
Routing (electronic design automation) — Routing is a crucial step in the design of integrated circuits. It builds on a preceding step, called placement, which determines the location of each active element of an IC. Routing is then the process of addingall wires needed to properly… … Wikipedia
Echo cancellation — The term echo cancellation is used in telephony to describe the process of removing echo from a voice communication in order to improve voice quality on a telephone call. In addition to improving subjective quality, this process increases the… … Wikipedia
Mathematics and Physical Sciences — ▪ 2003 Introduction Mathematics Mathematics in 2002 was marked by two discoveries in number theory. The first may have practical implications; the second satisfied a 150 year old curiosity. Computer scientist Manindra Agrawal of the… … Universalium
Список терминов, относящихся к алгоритмам и структурам данных — Это служебный список статей, созданный для координации работ по развитию темы. Данное предупреждение не устанавливается на информационные списки и глоссарии … Википедия
Список терминов — Список терминов, относящихся к алгоритмам и структурам данных Это сл … Википедия
Hash table — Not to be confused with Hash list or Hash tree. Unordered map redirects here. For the proposed C++ class, see unordered map (C++). Hash Table Type unsorted dictionary Invented 1953 Time complexity in big O notation Average Worst case Space … Wikipedia
List of terms relating to algorithms and data structures — The [http://www.nist.gov/dads/ NIST Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures] is a reference work maintained by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology. It defines a large number of terms relating to algorithms and data… … Wikipedia
Accessible surface area — Illustration of the solvent accessible surface in comparison to the van der Waals surface. The van der Waals surface as given by the atomic radii is shown in red. The accessible surface is drawn with dashed lines and is created by tracing the… … Wikipedia
Cardiac output — (Q or or CO ) is the volume of blood being pumped by the heart, in particular by a left or right ventricle in the time interval of one minute. CO may be measured in many ways, for example dm3/min (1 dm3 equals 1000 cm3 or 1 litre). Q is… … Wikipedia
Automated Tissue Image Systems — (ATIS) are computer controlled automatic test equipment (ATE) systems classified as medical device and used as pathology laboratory tools (tissue based cancer diagnostics) to characterize a stained tissue sample embedded on a bar coded glass… … Wikipedia
Search for extraterrestrial intelligence — The search for extraterrestrial intelligence is sometimes abbreviated as SETI. For other uses, see SETI (disambiguation). Screen shot of the screensaver for SETI@home, a distributed computing project in which volunteers donate idle computer power … Wikipedia