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См. также в других словарях:

  • -lim — lim·ni·on; …   English syllables

  • lim — lim·nite; lim·no·bi·um; lim·noc·ni·da; lim·nod·ri·lus; lim·no·graph; lim·no·log·i·cal; lim·nol·o·gist; lim·nol·o·gy; lim·no·pi·the·cus; lim·no·plankton; lim·nor·chis; lim·no·ria; lim·nos·ce·lis; lim·o·nene; lim·o·nin; lim·ou·sine; lim·pa;… …   English syllables

  • Lim — steht für die Abkürzung für Limes in der Mathematik Lim (Vietnam), Stadt des Lim Festes Lim (Fluss), Fluss in Montenegro, Albanien, Serbien und Bosnien und Herzegowina in der Luftfahrt die polnischen Nachbauten und Weiterentwicklungen von MiG… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Lim — or LIM refers to:* Laboratory Institute of Merchandising, a college in New York City * A symbol for the limit (mathematics) operator * Lim (musical instrument) * Lim (name), a variation of Im (Korean name) or Lin (surname) * Linear induction… …   Wikipedia

  • lim. — lim. 〈Abk. für engl.〉 limited * * * lim., Lim. = ↑ limited. * * * lim., Lim. = limited …   Universal-Lexikon

  • lim — lȉm m <N mn lìmovi, G lìmōvā> DEFINICIJA tanka ploča kovine [čelični lim; pocinčani lim; valoviti lim] ETIMOLOGIJA srvnjem. līm …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • lim|y — lim|y1 «LY ma>eh», adjective, lim|i|er, lim|i|est. 1. of or containing lime; resembling lime. 2. smeared with birdlime. Also, limey …   Useful english dictionary

  • lim — 〈Math.; Abk. für lat.〉 Limes * * * lim = Limes. * * * LIM,   EMS. * * * lim = ↑Limes (2) …   Universal-Lexikon

  • lim´it|ed|ly — lim|it|ed «LIHM uh tihd», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. a) kept within limits; restricted: »a limited space, a limited number of seats, limited resources. SYNONYM(S): circumscribed, confined. b) Figurative. lacking understanding or imagination: »He… …   Useful english dictionary

  • lim|it|ed — «LIHM uh tihd», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. a) kept within limits; restricted: »a limited space, a limited number of seats, limited resources. SYNONYM(S): circumscribed, confined. b) Figurative. lacking understanding or imagination: »He is quite… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Lim — (l[i^]m), n. [See {Limb}.] A limb. [Obs.] Chaucer. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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