1 lirio de los valles
• lily of the valley -
2 lirio del valle
• lily of the valley -
3 muguete
• lily of the valley -
4 lirio de los valles
5 lirio
m.1 iris.2 blue whiting, Micromesistius poutassou.* * *1 lily\lirio de agua calla lilylirio tigrado tiger lily* * *noun m.1) iris2) lily* * *SM iris* * *masculino iris* * *= lily, stargazer lily.Ex. Cobbe was the primary target of John Ruskin's well-known fulmination against women who meddle with theology in his book 'Sesame and Lilies'.Ex. A stargazer lily is a beautiful flower that provides a splash of vibrant color to any garden.* * *masculino iris* * *= lily, stargazer lily.Ex: Cobbe was the primary target of John Ruskin's well-known fulmination against women who meddle with theology in his book 'Sesame and Lilies'.
Ex: A stargazer lily is a beautiful flower that provides a splash of vibrant color to any garden.* * *irisCompuestos:Madonna lilycalla lily, arum lilylily of the valleytiger lily* * *
lirio sustantivo masculino
lirio m Bot iris
' lirio' also found in these entries:
- lily
- lily-of-the-valley
* * *lirio nmirislirio africano African lily;lirio de agua yellow flag o iris;lirio azul bearded lily;lirio naranja tiger lily;lirio de los valles lily of the valley* * *m BOT lily* * *lirio nm1) : iris2)lirio de los valles muguete: lily of the valley* * * -
6 muguete
7 floripondio
m.1 magnolia, tree of great beauty, with very large white fragrant flowers.2 floripondium, smooth-stalked brugmansia. (Botany)3 gaudy flower used as ornament, gaudy flower.* * *1 peyorativo (flor grande) great big gaudy flower2 (adorno exagerado) heavy ornamentation* * *SM1) pey big flower2) (Literat) rhetorical flourish, extravagant figure3) LAm * (=hombre) pansy *, poof ***, fag (EEUU) **4) And (Bot) lily of the valley* * *AmL floripón masculino (fam)* * *AmL floripón masculino (fam)* * *A ( fam)(adorno): se plantificó un floripondio en la cabeza she plonked a great flowery thing on her head ( colloq)B ( Bot) datura* * *
floripondio m fam pey gaudy decorative flower: tenía un gran floripondio cosido al hombro del vestido, she had a gaudy decorative flower sewn on her sleeve
* * *floripondio nm2. [arbusto] datura* * *m despflowery monstrosity
См. также в других словарях:
Lily of the valley — Lily Lil y (l[i^]l [y^]), n.; pl. {Lilies} (l[i^]l [i^]z). [AS. lilie, L. lilium, Gr. lei rion. Cf. {Flower de luce}.] 1. (Bot.) A plant and flower of the genus {Lilium}, endogenous bulbous plants, having a regular perianth of six colored pieces … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Lily of the Valley — «Lily of the Valley» Canción de Queen Álbum Sheer Heart Attack Publicación 1974 Gra … Wikipedia Español
lily of the valley — lily of the val·ley lil ē əv thə val ē n, pl lil·ies of the valley 1) an erect low growing perennial herb of the genus Convallaria (C. majalis) that has two large oblong lanceolate leaves and a raceme of fragrant nodding bell shaped white flowers … Medical dictionary
lily of the valley — n. pl. lilies of the valley [transl. of LL(Ec) lilium convallium in S. of Sol. 2:1 (Vulg)] a perennial plant (Convallaria majalis) of the lily family, that grows in the shade and has a single pair of basal, oblong leaves and a single leafless… … English World dictionary
lily of the valley — ► NOUN ▪ a plant of the lily family, with broad leaves and small white bell shaped flowers … English terms dictionary
lily of the valley — n a plant with several small white bell shaped flowers … Dictionary of contemporary English
lily of the valley — noun count a plant with small white flowers that are shaped like bells and have a pleasant smell … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Lily of the Valley — For other uses, see Lily of the Valley (disambiguation). Convallaria majalis Scientific classification … Wikipedia
lily of the valley — pl. lilies of the valley. a plant, Convallaria majalis, having an elongated cluster of small, drooping, bell shaped, fragrant white flowers. [1555 65] * * * Fragrant perennial herb and sole species (Convallaria majalis) of the genus Convallaria… … Universalium
lily of the valley — noun low growing perennial plant having usually two large oblong lanceolate leaves and a raceme of small fragrant nodding bell shaped flowers followed by scarlet berries • Syn: ↑May lily, ↑Convallaria majalis • Hypernyms: ↑liliaceous plant •… … Useful english dictionary
lily of the valley — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms lily of the valley : singular lily of the valley plural lily of the valleys or lilies of the valley a plant with small white flowers that are shaped like bells and have a pleasant smell … English dictionary