1 lily of the valley
lily of the valley [ˏlɪlɪəvðəˊvælɪ] nла́ндыш -
2 lily-of-the-valley
lily-of-the-valley ландыш майский, Convallaria majalisEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > lily-of-the-valley
3 lily-of-the-valley
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > lily-of-the-valley
4 lily-of-the-valley
n бот. ландыш -
5 lily of the valley
ландыш [этим. лат. lilium convallium]Between the two bronze busts she had placed a bowl of lilies of the valley. (J. Galsworthy, ‘The Patrician’, part II, ch. XI) — Между бронзовыми бюстами Эсхила и Данте она поставила вазочку с ландышами.
6 lily of the valley
лaндыш [этим. лaт.]Between two bronze busts she had placed a bowl of lilies of the valley (J. Galsworthy) -
7 lily of the valley
ˈlɪlɪəvðəˈvælɪ ландыш ландышБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > lily of the valley
8 lily-of-the-valley
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > lily-of-the-valley
9 lily of the valley
1) Общая лексика: ландыш, ландыш (а не лилия долины)2) Медицина: ландыш майский Соп -
10 lily-of-the-valley
1) Общая лексика: ландыш (Convallaria majalis)2) Биология: ландыш майский, ландыш майский (Convallaria majalis)3) Ботаника: ландыш майский (Covallaria majalis)4) Лесоводство: (Convallaria majalis L.) ландыш5) Парфюмерия: запах ландыша, нота ландыша -
11 lily of the valley
<05> ландыш (а не лилия долины) -
12 lily of the valley
[`lɪlɪəvðə`vælɪ]ландышАнгло-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > lily of the valley
13 lily of the valley
мед.фраз. майский ландыш -
14 lily-of-the-valley
15 lily of the valley
16 lily-of-the-valley
17 lily-of-the-valley
18 lily-of-the-valley
English-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary > lily-of-the-valley
19 lily of the valley
20 lily of the valley
[ˌlɪlɪəvðə'vælɪ]сущ.; бот.
См. также в других словарях:
Lily of the valley — Lily Lil y (l[i^]l [y^]), n.; pl. {Lilies} (l[i^]l [i^]z). [AS. lilie, L. lilium, Gr. lei rion. Cf. {Flower de luce}.] 1. (Bot.) A plant and flower of the genus {Lilium}, endogenous bulbous plants, having a regular perianth of six colored pieces … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Lily of the Valley — «Lily of the Valley» Canción de Queen Álbum Sheer Heart Attack Publicación 1974 Gra … Wikipedia Español
lily of the valley — lily of the val·ley lil ē əv thə val ē n, pl lil·ies of the valley 1) an erect low growing perennial herb of the genus Convallaria (C. majalis) that has two large oblong lanceolate leaves and a raceme of fragrant nodding bell shaped white flowers … Medical dictionary
lily of the valley — n. pl. lilies of the valley [transl. of LL(Ec) lilium convallium in S. of Sol. 2:1 (Vulg)] a perennial plant (Convallaria majalis) of the lily family, that grows in the shade and has a single pair of basal, oblong leaves and a single leafless… … English World dictionary
lily of the valley — ► NOUN ▪ a plant of the lily family, with broad leaves and small white bell shaped flowers … English terms dictionary
lily of the valley — n a plant with several small white bell shaped flowers … Dictionary of contemporary English
lily of the valley — noun count a plant with small white flowers that are shaped like bells and have a pleasant smell … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Lily of the Valley — For other uses, see Lily of the Valley (disambiguation). Convallaria majalis Scientific classification … Wikipedia
lily of the valley — pl. lilies of the valley. a plant, Convallaria majalis, having an elongated cluster of small, drooping, bell shaped, fragrant white flowers. [1555 65] * * * Fragrant perennial herb and sole species (Convallaria majalis) of the genus Convallaria… … Universalium
lily of the valley — noun low growing perennial plant having usually two large oblong lanceolate leaves and a raceme of small fragrant nodding bell shaped flowers followed by scarlet berries • Syn: ↑May lily, ↑Convallaria majalis • Hypernyms: ↑liliaceous plant •… … Useful english dictionary
lily of the valley — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms lily of the valley : singular lily of the valley plural lily of the valleys or lilies of the valley a plant with small white flowers that are shaped like bells and have a pleasant smell … English dictionary