1 lily pad
s.hoja del lirio de agua, hoja flotante del lirio de agua, hojas de nenúfar. -
2 pad
1. pæd noun1) (a soft, cushion-like object made of or filled with a soft material, used to prevent damage by knocking, rubbing etc: She knelt on a pad to clean the floor.) almohadilla2) (sheets of paper fixed together: a writing-pad.) taco, bloc3) (a platform from which rockets are sent off: a launching-pad.) plataforma
2. verb(to put a pad in or on (for protection, to make big enough etc): The shoes were too big so she padded them with cottonwool.) almohadillar, acolchar- padding- pad out
II pæd past tense, past participle - padded; verb(to walk softly: The dog padded along the road.)pad1 n blocpad2 vb acolchartr[pæd]1 andar sin hacer ruido————————tr[pæd]1 (cushioning) almohadilla, cojinete nombre masculino2 (inkpad) tampón nombre masculino3 (of paper) taco, bloc nombre masculino4 (of animal) almohadilla5 (platform) plataforma1 (chair etc) acolchar, rellenar, guatear; (garment) poner hombreras a\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLknee pad rodilleralaunch pad plataforma de lanzamientopad of cotton algodón nombre masculinosanitary pad compresashin pad espinilla1) fill, stuff: rellenar, acolchar (una silla, una pared)2) : meter paja en, rellenarto pad a speech: rellenar un discursopad n1) cushion: almohadilla fa shoulder pad: una hombrera2) tablet: bloc m (de papel)4)ink pad : tampón m5)launching pad : plataforma f (de lanzamiento)n.• bloc de notas s.m.n.• almohadilla s.f.• bloc de papel s.m.• rodete s.m.• tampón s.m.v.• acolchar v.• andar sin hacer ruido v.• emborrar v.• rellenar v.pad* (Home)n.• jato* s.m.pæd
1) ( cushioning) almohadilla fshoulder pads — hombreras fpl
knee pads — rodilleras fpl
2) ( of paper) bloc m3) ( launch pad) plataforma f de lanzamiento
- dd- transitive verb1)a) ( line) \<\<seat/panel\>\> acolchar, enguatar (Esp)b) padded past p < jacket> acolchado, enguatado (Esp); < bra> con relleno; < envelope> acolchadopadded cell — celda f de aislamiento
vi andar*, caminar ( con paso suave)
I [pæd]1. N2) (=shoulder pad) hombrera f ; (=knee pad) rodillera f ; (=elbow pad) codera f ; (=shin pad) espinillera f3) (=note pad, writing pad) bloc(k) m, cuaderno m ; (=blotting pad) secafirmas m5) [of animal's foot] almohadilla f2. VT1) [+ shoulders etc] acolchonar, poner hombreras a; [+ armour] enguatar2) (=stuff) rellenar; (fig) [+ book, speech etc] meter paja en3.VIto pad about — andar or (esp LAm) caminar sin hacer ruido
- pad out
* [pæd]N (=home) casa f ; (=flat) piso m, departamento m (LAm); (=room) agujero ** m, habitación f* * *[pæd]
1) ( cushioning) almohadilla fshoulder pads — hombreras fpl
knee pads — rodilleras fpl
2) ( of paper) bloc m3) ( launch pad) plataforma f de lanzamiento
- dd- transitive verb1)a) ( line) \<\<seat/panel\>\> acolchar, enguatar (Esp)b) padded past p < jacket> acolchado, enguatado (Esp); < bra> con relleno; < envelope> acolchadopadded cell — celda f de aislamiento
vi andar*, caminar ( con paso suave) -
3 lily
'liliplural - lilies; noun(a type of tall plant grown from a bulb, with white or coloured flowers.) lirio, azucenalily n azucenatr['lɪlɪ]1 lirio, azucena\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLcalla lily calalily of the valley muguete nombre masculino1) : lirio m, azucena f2)lily of the valley : lirio m de los valles, muguete mn.• azucena s.f.• lirio s.m.• lis s.m.'lɪli['lɪlɪ]to paint o gild the lily — rizar* el rizo
1.N lirio m, azucena flily of the valley — muguete m, lirio m de los valles
2.CPD* * *['lɪli]to paint o gild the lily — rizar* el rizo
См. также в других словарях:
Lily pad — Lily Lil y (l[i^]l [y^]), n.; pl. {Lilies} (l[i^]l [i^]z). [AS. lilie, L. lilium, Gr. lei rion. Cf. {Flower de luce}.] 1. (Bot.) A plant and flower of the genus {Lilium}, endogenous bulbous plants, having a regular perianth of six colored pieces … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
lily pad — lily ,pad noun count the large round leaf of a WATER LILY that floats on water … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
lily pad — ► NOUN ▪ a leaf of a water lily … English terms dictionary
lily pad — ☆ lily pad n. one of the large, flat, floating leaves of the waterlily … English World dictionary
lily pad — noun floating leaves of a water lily • Hypernyms: ↑pad • Part Holonyms: ↑water lily * * * noun, pl ⋯ pads [count] : a large, floating leaf of a plant (called a water lily) that grows in the water of a pond or pool * * * ˈlily pad f17 [lily pad … Useful english dictionary
lily pad — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms lily pad : singular lily pad plural lily pads the large round leaf of a water lily that floats on water … English dictionary
Lily pad network — is series of wireless access points spread over a large area, each connected to a different network and owned by different enterprises and people, providing hotspots where wireless clients can connect to the Internet without regard for the… … Wikipedia
lily-pad begonia — lotosinė begonija statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Begonijinių šeimos dekoratyvinis augalas (Begonia nelumbiifolia), paplitęs Meksikoje ir Pietų Amerikoje. atitikmenys: lot. Begonia nelumbiifolia angl. lily pad begonia šaltinis Valstybinės… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
lily pad — lil′y pad n. pln the large, floating leaf of a water lily • Etymology: 1805–15, amer … From formal English to slang
lily pad — noun Date: 1814 a floating leaf of a water lily … New Collegiate Dictionary
lily pad — the large, floating leaf of a water lily. [1805 15, Amer.] * * * … Universalium