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  • 1

    1 changed by Tolkien from hrá, prep. "on behalf of", followed by dative: rá men or contracted rámen "for us, on our behalf" VT43:27, 28, 33. As these examples indicate, independent dative pronouns may be but do not have to be directly suffixed to rá. Nouns would presumably not be suffixed like this, e.g. *rá Eldan "for an Elf, on behalf of an Elf". 2 noun "lion", stem \#ráv- as in the pl. rávi RAW. Compare rau. 3 noun "arm" LT2:335, there spelt râ; probably obsoleted by \# 2 and \# 1 above. In Tolkien's later Quenya, "arm" is ranco

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) >

  • 2 taurelasselindon

    "like leaves of forests" MC:213, 220; this is a "Qenya" similative form: taure-lasseli-ndon "forest-leaves-like"

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > taurelasselindon

  • 3 ta

    1 pron. "that, it" TA; compare antaróuta/u "he gave it" FS; see anta-. The forms tar/tara/tanna “thither”, talo/tó “thence” and tás/tassë “there” are originally inflected forms of this pronoun: *”to that”, *”from that” and *”in that” place, respectively. Compare “there” as one gloss of ta see \#4. 2 adv. “so, like that, also”, e.g. ta mára “so good” VT49:12 3 pron. "they, them", an "impersonal" 3rd person pl. stem, referring "only to 'abstracts' or to things such as inanimates not by the Eldar regarded as persons" VT43:20, cf. ta as an inanimate Common Eldarin plural pronoun, VT49:52. Compare te, q.v. The word ta occurring in some versions of Tolkien's Quenya Lord's Prayer may exemplify this use of ta as an "impersonal" plural pronoun: emmë avatyarir uta/u "we forgive uthem/u" VT43:8, 9; this refers to trespasses, not the trespassers. However, since Tolkien also wanted ta to mean “that” see \#1 above, he may seem to be somewhat dissatisfied with ta “they, them”, introducing variant forms like tai VT49:32 to free up ta as a sg. pronoun. In one document, tai was in turn altered to te VT49:33, which could suggest that the distinction between animate and inanimate “they, them” was abandoned and the form te q.v. could be used for both. In some documents, Tolkien seems to use tar as the plural form VT49:56 mentions this as an uncertain reading in a source where the word was struck out; compare ótar under ó-. 4 conj., said to be a reducted form of tá “then”, used “before each new item in a series or list”; “if as often in English the equivalent of and was omitted, and placed only before a final item e.g. ‘Tom, Dick, and Harriet’, this would in Quenya represent a discontinuity, and what followed after ta would be an addition of something overlooked or less important”. PE17:70 Hence the use of arta ar ta, “and ta” for “et cetera”; in older language ta ta or just ta. 5 adv. “there” VT49:33; this may be an Elvish root or “element” rather than a Quenya word; see tanomë; see however also tar, tara, tanna under ta \#1.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > ta

  • 4 an-

    2 intensive or superlative prefix carrying the idea of "very" or "most", seen in ancalima "most bright" cf. calima "bright", antara "very high, very lofty" and \#anyára *"very old" or *"oldest" the latter form occurring in the so-called Elaine inscription VT49:40, there with the dative ending -n. Assimilated to am- before p-, as in amparca "k" "very dry", and to al-, ar-, as- before words in l-, r-, s- though Tolkien seems to indicate that before words in l- derived from earlier d, the original quality of the consonant would be preserved so that forms in and- rather than all- would result. See also un-. Letters:279, VT45:5, 36 Regarding the form of the superlative prefix before certain consonants, another, partially discrepant system was also set down in the Etymologies and first published in VT45:36. The prefix was to appear as um- or un- before labialized consonants like p-, qu-, v- the consonant v preserving its ancient pronunciation b- following the prefix, thus producing a word in umb-, as in- technically iñ- before c- and g- the latter presumably referring to words that originally had initial g-, later lost in Quenya but evidently preserved following this prefix, and as an- otherwise. However, this system would contradict the canonical example ancalima, which would have been *incalima if Tolkien had maintained this idea. – In a post-LotR source, the basic form of the prefix is given as am- instead see am- \#2. In this late conception, the prefix still appears as an- before most consonants, but as ama- before r, l, and the form an- is used even before s- whether original or from þ, not the assimilated variant as- described above. General principles would suggest that the form am- should also appear before y- so the form \#anyára probably presupposes an- rather than am- as the basic form of the prefix, Tolkien revisiting the earlier concept in the Elaine inscription. PE17:92 3 prefix "re" in antúlien, q.v. LotR-style Quenya shows en- instead.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > an-

  • 5 wendë

    noun "maid" GWEN, wendë vendë "maiden" WEN/WENED, VT45:16, VT47:17. Sana wendë “that maiden” PE16:96 cf. 90. According to VT47:17, this word for "maiden" is "applied to all stages up to the fully adult until marriage".Early "Qenya" also had wendi "maid, girl" LT1:271; this may look like a plural form in Tolkien’s later Quenya. On the other hand, VT48:18 lists a word wendi "young or small woman, girl". It is unclear whether this is Quenya or a Common Eldarin form, but probably the former: PE17:191 displays the word for “maiden” as wendē, so the Quenya stem form is probably *wende- rather than wendi-, the stem-form that would result from Common Eldarin *wendi. In his Quenya translation of the Sub Tuum Praesidium, Tolkien used Wendë/Vendë to translate "virgin" with reference to the Virgin Mary. Here the plural genitive Wenderon appears in the phrase Wendë mi Wenderon "Virgin of Virgins"; we might have expected *Wendion instead VT44:18.If the pl. form of wendë is *wender rather than wendi, as the gen.pl. wenderon suggests, this may be to avoid confusion with the sg. wendi “girl”.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > wendë

  • 6 sina

    demonstrative "this" following its noun in our sole example: vanda sina "this oath". CO, VT49:18; in the latter source, sina is called an adjective. This word would, like Sindarin hen, be derived from primitive ¤sĭnā VT49:34. Cf. sin \#1.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > sina

  • 7 sin

    1 a word either meaning "thus" adverb or "this" as an independent word in the sentence, not modifying another word like sina does. Attested in the sentence sin quentë Quendingoldo Elendilenna, either *"this Pengolodh said to Elendil" or "thus spoke Pengolodh to Elendil" PM:401. Patrick Wynne argues that sin is an adverb “thus” derived from the stem si- “this by me” VT49:18 2 adv., a form of sí "now" q.v. often occurring before vowels; also sín SI. However, sí itself q.v. may also appear before a vowel.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > sin

  • 8 nelquëa

    cardinal "thirteen" ? VT48:21. This looks like an odd form next to other cardinals that simply end in -quë like lepenquë, enenquë, otoquë = 15, 16, 17, and the form "nelekwe" also listed may indicate another Quenya form nelequë q.v. or *nelquë but because of the uncertainties, yunquentë may be preferred as the word for 13. By another theory, nelquëa is the ordinal "thirteenth", corresponding to the cardinal *nelequë.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > nelquëa

  • 9 -ndon

    case-ending for “similative”: wilwarindon “like a butterfly” see wilwarin, laurendon “like gold” PE17:58 In the post-LotR period Tolkien decided to abandon this ending, apparently because it was to similar to the agental suffix -ndo PE17:58, and it does not appear in the Plotz decension.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > -ndon

  • 10 a-

    1 prefix occurring in the word Atalante, said to denote "complete". Probably just a prefixed stemvowel; cf. a root like ANÁR, said to be derived from NAR. TALÁT 2 a prefix occurring in the Markirya poem Tolkien first used na-, then changed it. It may be prefixed to verbal stems following a noun that is the object of sense-verbs like "see" and "hear" when the verb it is prefixed to describes what happens to this noun, as in man cenuva lumbor ahosta? changed from na-hosta, "who shall see the clouds gather?" hosta = "gather".

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > a-

  • 11 onya

    noun *"my child", *"my son" not the normal word for "son", however cf. yondo – onya seems to be derived from the stem ONO "beget" This may be a shortened form of *onnanya see onna, like hinya "my child" q.v. is shortened from hinanya. It may be, then, that onya like hinya is only used in vocative. UT:174

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > onya

  • 12 ambar

    1 "a-mbar" noun "oikumenē Greek: the earth as the human habitation, Earth, world" MBAR, stem ambar- PE17:66, related to and associated with mar "home, dwelling" VT45:33; in VT46:13 the latter glosses are possibly also ascribed to the word ambar itself the wording is not clear. The form ambaren also listed in the Etymologies was presumably intended as the genitive singular at the time of writing in LotR-style Quenya it would rather be the dative singular; in the printed version in LR, the misreading "ambaron" appears see VT45:33. Ambar-metta noun "the end of the world" EO; spelt ambarmetta in VT44:36. The element \#umbar in Tarumbar "King of the World" q.v. would seem to be a variant of ambar, just like ambar \#2 "doom" also alternates with umbar see below. 2 noun "fate, doom" variant of umbar? in Turambar SA:amarth; stem ambart- PE17:66, instrumental ambartanen "by doom" Silm ch. 21, UT:138, PE17:66. The early "Qenya" lexicon has ambar "Fate", also amarto LT2:348 3 noun "”breast” chest, with stem in -s- or -r- QL:30. The form ambar, translated “in bosom”,occurs in MC:213 this is "Qenya". Note: if this word were to be adapted to LotR-style Quenya, we should probably have to read *ambas with stem ambar-; compare olos, olor- “dream” from a late source. However, the form ambos q.v. is less ambiguous and may be preferred.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > ambar

  • 13 anta-

    1 vb. "give" ANAsup1/sup, MC:215, 221, pa.t. antanë antanen “I gave”, VT49:14 or †ánë, perfect ánië PE17:147, cf. QL:31. According to VT49:14, Tolkien noted that anta- was sometimes often with an “ironic tone” to refer to missiles, so that antanen hatal sena “I gave him a spear as a present” was often used with the real sense of “I cast a spear at him”. Usually the recipient of the thing given is mentioned in the dative or allative case like sena in this example, but there is also a construction similar to English “present someone with something” in which the recipient is the object and the gift appears in the instrumental case: antanenyes parmanen, “I presented him with a book” PE17:91. – The verb occurs several times in FS: antalto"they gave"; strangely, no past tense marker seems to be present see -lto for the ending; antar a pl. verb translated "they gave", though in LotR-style Quenya it would rather be the present tense "give" pl.; antaróta "he gave it" anta-ró-ta "gave-he-it", another verb occurring in Fíriel's Song, once again with no past tense marker. Also antáva "will give", future tense of anta- "give"; read perhaps *antuva in LotR-style Quenya; similarly antaváro "he will give" LR:63 might later have appeared as *antuvas with the ending -s rather than “Qenya” -ro for “he”. Antalë imperative "give thou" VT43:17, sc. anta "give" + the element le "thou", but this was a form Tolkien abandoned. Apparently ana was at one point considered as another imperative “give”, but Tolkien rewrote the text in question VT44:13, and the normal patterns would suggest *á anta with an independent imperative particle.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > anta-

  • 14 ita

    adv. 2 “very, extremely” PE17:112. Like \#1 above, this element emerged as part of Tolkien’s efforts to explain the initial element of the name Idril Q Itaril, so it is questionable if \#1 and \#2 were ever meant to coexist in the “same” version of Quenya. 3 pron “that which” VT49:12, emended from tai \#1, q.v. The form ita is compounded from the relative pronoun i + the pronoun ta “that, it”.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > ita

  • 15 íta

    noun "a flash" PM:363 adv. 2 “very, extremely” PE17:112. Like \#1 above, this element emerged as part of Tolkien’s efforts to explain the initial element of the name Idril Q Itaril, so it is questionable if \#1 and \#2 were ever meant to coexist in the “same” version of Quenya.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > íta

  • 16 -inqua

    adjectival ending, seen in alcarinqua "glorious" WJ:412 from alcar "glory". Etymologically, -inqua means "-full", like "glory-full" in this case. A variant *-unqua is implied in WJ:415 only referred to in archaic form -unkwā. “The forms using u were mainly applied to things heavy, clumsy, ugly or bad”, whereas -inqua in the same source derived from -inkwā is neutral.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > -inqua

  • 17 airë

    1 adj. "holy", \#Airefëa "the Holy Spirit" VT43:37, dative airefëan on the previous page, airetári or Airë Tári "holy queen" a title of Varda, PM:363, genitive aire-tário "holy-queen's" Nam, RGEO:67. However, according to PM:363, airë is the noun "sanctity", while aira is the adjective "holy". VT43:14 refers to an etymological note of "Sept.-Oct. 1957" where airë is said to be a noun "sanctity, holiness", and the adjective "holy" is given as airëa. However, the verb \#airita- "hallow" seems to be formed from an adjective airë, airi- "holy". Evidently airë can function as both adjective "holy" and noun "holiness"; if so airë as adj. could represent a primitive adjective *gaisi, whereas airë as noun may descend from*gaisē. The former but not the latter would have the stem airi- as observed in the derived verb \#airita-, and compounds like airetári rather than *airitári would seem to contain properly the noun "holiness". 2 noun "sea" the form airen is given, intended as a genitive singular when Tolkien wrote this; in LotR-style Quenya it would rather be a dative sg. AYAR/AIR; cf. airon 3 noun "eternity" EY, VT45:13

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > airë

  • 18 laurë

    noun "gold", but of golden light and colour, not of the metal: “golden light” according to PE17:61 a poetic word. Nai laurë lantuva parmastanna lúmissen tengwiesto “may a golden light fall on your book at the times of your reading” VT49:47. In Etym defined as "light of the golden Tree Laurelin, gold", not properly used of the metal gold LÁWAR/GLÁWAR, GLAW-R, VT27:20, 27, PE17:159. In early "Qenya", however, laurë was defined as "the mystic name of gold" LT1:255, 258 or simply "gold" LT1:248, 268. In Laurelin and Laurefindil, q.v., Laurenandë "Gold-valley" = Lórien the land, not the Vala UT:253 and laurinquë name of a tree, possibly *"Gold-full one" UT:168. Laurendon “like gold” or “in gold fashion” but after citing this form, Tolkien decided to abandon the similative ending -ndon, PE17:58.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > laurë

  • 19 tinwë

    noun "spark" gloss misquoted as "sparkle" in the Etymologies as printed in LR, see VT46:19, also "star"; pl. tinwi "sparks", properly used of the star-imagines on Nur-menel q.v.. Cf. nillë. TIN, MR:388 In early "Qenya", tinwë was simply glossed "star" LT1:269, cf. MC:214. In one late source, the meaning of tinwë is given as "spark", and it is said that this word like Sindarin gil was used of the stars of heaven "in place of the older and more elevated el, elen- stem" VT42:11.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > tinwë

  • 20 ruc-

    1 "k" vb. "feel fear or horror" 1st pers. aorist rucin "I feel fear or horror"; the verb is said to be constructed with "from" sc. the ablative case, or prepositions like ho or va? of the object feared. WJ:415 Hence e.g. *rucin i ulundollo or, *rucin ho/va i ulundo for "I fear the monster"? 2 vb. "fly to", in the phrase ortírielyanna rucimmë, "to thy patronage we fly" VT44:7. If this is really the same verb as ruc- \#1 above, it would indicate that ruc- combined with the allative case implies flying in horror to some refuge denoted by the allative noun.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > ruc-

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