1 стремительно
1) General subject: dash, headily, in (at) full pelt, like a shot, like fun, like hell, like the wind, neck and crop, on the wings of the wind, post, precipitately, slap-bang, slapdash, souse, sweepingly, thick and fast, torrentially, wham bam, with (at, in) a powder, by leaps and bounds, overnight (The labour force contracts overnignt - Рабочая сила стремительно сокращается), apace, rapidly, cheekily2) Colloquial: like mad, like sixty, like anything3) American: wham-bam4) History: post paper5) Music: rapidamente6) Jargon: flat out, like old boots7) Makarov: at full pelt, headlong, in full pelt, like a ton of bricks, off like a shot -
2 стремительно
3 изо всех сил
1) General subject: ( at) full fling, all out, all-out, amain, at full tilt, billy oh, flat out, for all one is worth, for dear life, full tilt, full-blast, full-pelt, galley west, hammer and tongs, horse and foot, like blazes, like grim death, like the devil, tooth and nail (to fight tooth and nail - бороться не на жизнь, а на смерть; to go at it tooth and nail - энергично браться за что-либо), with a mighty heave, with all ones might, with might and main, with a vengeance, over the top2) Colloquial: flat-out, full out, like mad, like anything3) American: galley-west4) Obsolete: beat the cats, to5) Jargon: bust a cut, like old boots6) Emotional: billy7) Set phrase: (бежать, мчаться, пр.) as fast as one's legs can carry one, (трудиться, стараться, пр.) for all one is worth, (трудиться, стараться, пр.) for dear life, (трудиться, стараться, пр.) with might and main8) Makarov: by main force, by main strength, for all it is worth, one's head off, with all( one's) force -
4 изо всех сил
5 энергично
1) General subject: aggressively, arduously, busily, hammer and tongs, hard, like a brick, like fun, roundly, sprightly, stoutly, strenuously, thriftily, toughly, with a will, with energy, zip, lustily3) Sports: briskly4) Engineering: vigorously5) Mathematics: energetically6) Diplomatic term: strongly7) Music: energico8) Jargon: full of hops, full of prunes, full on beans, put a jerk in it, like old boots9) Makarov: like a brick bricks, like bricks -
6 чертовски
1) General subject: all fired, all-fired, as they make 'em, as they make them, clinking, cursed, cursedly, curst, deucedly, devilish, devilishly, doggedly, fucking, hell of a..., plaguy, with a vengeance2) Colloquial: damnably, dashed, like Fury, thumping, freaking (freaking awesome - чертовски здорово)3) Dialect: woundy4) American: blamed5) Rude: bloody6) Jargon: like old boots, (F*cking) effin7) Emotional: confoundedly, damn, damned, deuced, dogged, fiendishly, infernally8) Makarov: as hell, like devils, like the devil9) Emotional: cruel -
7 вовсю
1) General subject: aloud, with all one's might, up to the hilt2) Colloquial: with a vengeance (the rain came down with a vengeance - дождь полил, как из ведра)3) Literal: in full blast4) Jargon: like old boots, galley-west5) Makarov: to the utmost -
8 здорово
1) General subject: about right, awfully, dandy, good man, great (восклицание одобрения, иронии, неодобрения), hello, hi, jeez, jolly, not half (so, too) bad, precious, properly, well done, wicked, bully, cheerio, holla, hot dog, whee, wow, magnificently (высокая оценка чего либо), that's good, pimping2) Colloquial: a bit of all right, bang, famously, hollow, royally, with a vengeance, good-oh, howdy3) School: rippingly -
9 энергично
10 иметь силу
1. hold goodиметь силу; оставаться в силе; действовать — to hold good
здорово, чертовски; вовсю; изо всех сил — like old boots
иметь силу, оставаться в силе — to stand good
2. hold true3. hold -
11 иметь силу
1. be validвсе; что в моих силах — my level best
остается в силе — remain valid (refl.)
2. hold goodиметь силу; оставаться в силе; действовать — to hold good
здорово, чертовски; вовсю; изо всех сил — like old boots
иметь силу, оставаться в силе — to stand good
Бизнес, юриспруденция. Русско-английский словарь > иметь силу
12 задирать нос
задирать (драть, поднимать) носпрост., неодобр.turn up (cock) one's nose; stick one's nose up; poke one's nose up in the air; go about with one's nose in the air; cf. put on airs; be on the high horse; get on (get up on, mount, ride) the high horse; be on the high ropes; play the peacock; put on dog (frills, style); be highbrow; set up one's comb; thrust the chin into the neck; walk on stilts; do the grand; pile (put) on lugs; put on side; get too big for one's bootsСтаруха вдруг с небывалой горячностью вмешалась в наш разговор: - Чего ты фордыбачишься, дурочка! Тебе дело говорят, а ты нос дерёшь. Точно умнее тебя и на свете-то нет никого. (А. Куприн, Олеся) — The old woman suddenly burst into our conversation with unusual heat. 'Stop being a fool, will you? You should listen when he speaks sense to you instead of sticking up your nose. Think there is nobody on earth cleverer than you?'
- Вы совершенно правы, Владимир Николаевич. Давно надо моряков к рукам прибрать, а то слишком уж задирать стали носы, - с жаром проговорила Вера Алексеевна. (А. Степанов, Порт-Артур) — 'You are quite right, Vladimir Nikolayevich!' Vera Alexeyevna agreed with some warmth. 'It's high time those naval men were taken in hand. They're getting too big for their boots.'
- А она задрала нос, упрямится, срывает теперь всю тренировку. (Л. Кассиль, Ход белой королевы) — 'As to Natasha, she's turned up her nose at everything, and she's smashing all my training plans.'
Сыграли спектакль. Успех был феерическим, нас приглашали в другие школы, и я ходил задравши нос. (Б. Васильев, Летят мои кони...) — We produced it. Its success was phenomenal, we were invited to act it in other schools and I went about with my nose in the air.
- А ты, Любочка, ты-то! На порог меня не пустила. Ладно... И чего это ты передо мной-то нос задрала? (В. Белов, Всё впереди) — 'And what about you, Liuba darling? You won't even let me in. That's all right, but why should you be so snooty, poking your nose up in the air like that?'
13 годиться
1) (на вн.; для рд.; в им. мн.; быть пригодным для какой-то цели) be fit (for), be suited (to / for), do (for); (о человеке тж.) be fitted / suited (for)э́та бума́га годи́тся то́лько на обёртку — this paper is only fit [will only do] for a wrapper
э́та бума́га (никуда́) не годи́тся — this paper won't do (at all), this paper is no good (for anything)
э́та оде́жда не годи́тся для тропи́ческого кли́мата — these clothes aren't suited to the tropical climate
он не годи́тся в учителя́ — he is not cut out to be a teacher, he is not suited to being a teacher
он не годи́тся для э́той рабо́ты — he is not the man for this job
2) (кому́-л; быть полезным) suit (d), be good (for), do (for)э́та маши́на мне годи́тся — this car will suit me [will be good for me]
э́ти боти́нки ему́ не годя́тся — these boots are no good for him
3) безл. с отриц. (+ инф.; нельзя, не следует) it does not do (+ to inf), one should not (+ inf)так поступа́ть не годи́тся — one can't do that, you mustn't behave like that
4) (кому́-л в им. мн.; о сравнении по возрасту) be old [young] enough to be smb's (+ term of relation)я тебе́ в отцы́ гожу́сь — I am old enough to be your father
он ей в сыновья́ годи́тся — he is young enough to be her son
••годи́тся! в знач. частицы прост. — all right!, okay!, it suits me!; that's it!
э́то никуда́ не годи́тся!, куда́ э́то годи́тся? разг. — that won't do at all!, that's no good at all!
См. также в других словарях:
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