1 ужасно
1) General subject: almighty, appallingly, as anything, as they make 'em, as they make them, awful, awfully, bally, bitter, damned, deadly, deuced, deucedly, devilishly, dreadful, dreadfully, frightfully, ghastly, grievously, horrible, horribly, monstrously, not half, not half bad, parlous, shocking, terrible, terribly, terrifically, tragically, wretchedly, in the worst way, blatantly, as all hell (усилительное слово)2) Colloquial: beastly, devilish, like anything, like mad, whopping, horrendously (используется в качестве интенсификатора)4) American: like sixty5) Jargon: fierce6) Emotional: atrociously, clinking, confoundedly, damnably, desperate, disgustingly, fearfully, hideously, lamentably, miserably7) Makarov: as hell, like devils, like the devil, tremendously8) Emotional: ferociously, half, bitterly (холодно и т.п.)9) Phraseological unit: in an ugly way (prepositional phrase, e.g. He was dressed in an ugly way = terribly) -
2 чрезвычайно
1) General subject: amain, appallingly, as anything, as can be, as they make 'em, as they make them, awfully, beyond measure, billy oh, capitally, dreadfully, eminently, enormously, ever so, exceedingly, extraordinarily, extremely, ghastly, grossly, highly, in a great (large) measure, in the extreme, intensely, largely, like sixty, mightily, mighty, mortal, most, only too, out of measure, particularly, passing, plaguy, plenty, rattling, ripping, sevenfold, severely, sore, spanking, surpassingly, the worst kind, to the world, up to the nines, utterly, immensely, vastly, hugely, to a fault, as they come, massively, too, outstandingly2) Colloquial: almighty, anxiously, confoundedly, deadly, jolly, like anything, like mad, uncommon, with a vengeance (that was luck with a vengeance! - нам чертовски повезло!)5) Obsolete: woundily6) Jocular: muchly7) Mathematics: especially, unusually, very8) Australian slang: bloody9) Scottish language: unco10) Jargon: all-fired, sticking, something awful, corking, gosh-awful, something, stinking11) Emotional: billy, crazy, damnably, thundering, tremendously12) American English: worst kind13) Makarov: above measure, in a great measure, in a large measure, no end, overwhelmingly, tremendous -
3 не слышать ног под собой
не слышать (не чуять, не чувствовать) ног под собой1) (очень быстро (идти, бежать и т. п.)) run like anything; fly alongЯ летел домой, не чувствуя ног под собою. (М. Салтыков-Щедрин, Современная идиллия) — I was running home like anything.
2) (очень устать, утомиться) be dead-beat; be ran off one's feet; be ready to drop- Что, устала вчера? - спросил Орлов у жены. - Просто страсть как! - живо ответила Матрёна. - Ног под собой не слышу, головонька кружится, слов не понимаю, того и гляди пластом лягу. (М. Горький, Супруги Орловы) — 'Did you get tired yesterday?' Grigory asked his wife. 'Just awful,' she replied vivaciously. 'I thought my feet would drop off and I was so dizzy I couldn't understand a thing they said to me.'
3) (быть в приподнятом, восторженном настроении) walk (tread) on air; be transported with joy- Там Любишкина нарядили, как на службу!.. Во всём новом домой шёл, шаровары на нём праздничные. Как журавель выступал, небось ног под собой не чуял. (М. Шолохов, Поднятая целина) — 'They've dressed Lubishkin up there fit for the army!., went home all in new things. You should see his trousers! Strutted along like a crane, must have thought he was treading on air.'
Русско-английский фразеологический словарь > не слышать ног под собой
4 стремительно
1) General subject: dash, headily, in (at) full pelt, like a shot, like fun, like hell, like the wind, neck and crop, on the wings of the wind, post, precipitately, slap-bang, slapdash, souse, sweepingly, thick and fast, torrentially, wham bam, with (at, in) a powder, by leaps and bounds, overnight (The labour force contracts overnignt - Рабочая сила стремительно сокращается), apace, rapidly, cheekily2) Colloquial: like mad, like sixty, like anything3) American: wham-bam4) History: post paper5) Music: rapidamente6) Jargon: flat out, like old boots7) Makarov: at full pelt, headlong, in full pelt, like a ton of bricks, off like a shot -
5 вовсю
нрч простto the utmost; with might and main; in full swing; like anything collрабо́та шла вовсю́ — the work was in full swing
мы вовсю́ стара́лись помо́чь — we did our utmost/best to help
он бежа́л вовсю́ — he ran with might and main, he ran like anything
6 изо всех сил
1) General subject: ( at) full fling, all out, all-out, amain, at full tilt, billy oh, flat out, for all one is worth, for dear life, full tilt, full-blast, full-pelt, galley west, hammer and tongs, horse and foot, like blazes, like grim death, like the devil, tooth and nail (to fight tooth and nail - бороться не на жизнь, а на смерть; to go at it tooth and nail - энергично браться за что-либо), with a mighty heave, with all ones might, with might and main, with a vengeance, over the top2) Colloquial: flat-out, full out, like mad, like anything3) American: galley-west4) Obsolete: beat the cats, to5) Jargon: bust a cut, like old boots6) Emotional: billy7) Set phrase: (бежать, мчаться, пр.) as fast as one's legs can carry one, (трудиться, стараться, пр.) for all one is worth, (трудиться, стараться, пр.) for dear life, (трудиться, стараться, пр.) with might and main8) Makarov: by main force, by main strength, for all it is worth, one's head off, with all( one's) force -
7 сильно
1) General subject: aloud, amain, anxiously, badly, billy oh, bitterly, bump, deeply, eager, fast, fiercely, good and, greatly, hard, heartily, heavily, heavy, heygh, high, highly, huffle, in no short order, in spades, intensely, largely, like billy-ho, like billy-o, like fury, like hell, loud (пахнуть), lustily, mightily, not half, shrewdly, sound, strong, strongly, sturdily, tellingly, to (smb.) into a fever of joy (кого-л.), vehemently, very much, wicked, far behind (контекстуальный перевод на русский язык), acutely, passing, violently2) Colloquial: like mad, royally, like anything3) American: good and hard4) Obsolete: sore5) Mathematics: a great deal6) Australian slang: doggone7) Jargon: avidly (в этом смысле используется о желании (хотеть чего то avidly - очень сильно, просто жуть как сильно)), big time (Используется как усилитель. Например: He really owes her big time. - Он сильно ей задолжал), hell-west-and-crooked8) Oil: tightly9) Emotional: billy10) Simple: almightily, powerful, something11) Patents: a good deal12) Makarov: deep, forcibly, powerfully, rudely, severely, sharp, very, vigorously -
8 очень
1) General subject: a fat lot (тж. ирон.), anxiously, assai, awful, awfully, badly, bitter (употребляется для усиления прилагательного; it was bitter cold - было жутко холодно), curiously, dearly, deeply, downright, enormously, ever so, exceedingly, extremely, full, greatly, heartily, highly, hugely, intensely, jolly, much (I am much obliged to you - я вам очень благодарен), not half, only too, parlous, particularly, passing, plaguy, plenty, precious, pretty much, quite, rattling, real, right, sevenfold, shocking, sorely, spanking, super, thumping, to a fault, too, unco, uncommon, vera, very much, very much (часто с p. p.), very old, well, whopping, a great deal (I travelled (worked) a great deal last summer.), canny (as in "it is canny big"), pretty (usually like in such cases: "pretty much", "pretty good"), vanishingly (vanishingly unlikely - so very unlikely, that the chance has vanished almost completely), seriously (использ. для усиления значения, напр., seriously rich), inordinately, very2) Colloquial: a lot (I like it a lot я это очень/ сильно люблю), bang, ever such, fat lot (обыкн. ирон. мало), good and, it is a thousand pities, like anything, mightily, mighty, miles, mortal, properly, to a degree, vastly, horrendously3) Dialect: gallows4) American: hellova, helluva (hell of a)5) Jocular: muchly6) Mathematics: closely7) Australian slang: doggone8) Rude: bloody9) Scottish language: gey10) Textile: vy11) Jargon: corking, gosh-awful, hell-west-and-crooked, some, loads (I miss you loads), big time (Используется как усилитель. Пример: She's into dancing big time (= likes dancing a lot). — Она очень увлекается танцами), mucho, cracking, dirty, heaps, stone12) Emotional: confoundedly, damnably, desperate, infernally, miserably, slashing, thundering, tremendously13) Simple: almightily, powerful14) Makarov: deep, exceptionally, immensely, in a great measure, in a large measure, most, overwhelmingly, profound, tremendous15) Emotional: as can be, bitterly, cruel, frightfully, (обыкн. с отрицанием) half, really, roaring, terrible, terribly16) Taboo: as a bastard (употребляется для усиления), as hell (употребляется для усиления), bally (употребляется для усиления), bloody (употребляется для усиления), damnably (употребляется для усиления прилагательных), dead, (в знач. наречия) fucking, (в знач. наречия) fucky, hellishly, kinda, like hell -
9 во всю ивановскую
разг.1) (очень громко (кричать, орать и т. п.)) ( generally intensive with the verbs to shout, to yell, to snore, etc.) at the top of one's voice; cf. to beat the hand- Пришёл дьякон пьяный-препьяный, и орёт во всю ивановскую: - Близко не подходи, изобью! (Ф. Решетников, Ставленник) — 'The deacon came drunk as an owl and shouted at the top of his voice: 'Off you go! I'll give it to you!'
- Спи, спи, Максимка! Завтра рано вставать!.. Матрос перекрестил маленького негра и скоро уже храпел во всю ивановскую. (К. Станюкович, Максимка) — 'Now go to sleep, Maximka! We have to get up early tomorrow!..' The sailor made the sign of the cross over the sleeping child and very soon he himself was snoring his head off.
2) (очень быстро (гнать, валять и т. п.)) as fast as one can; cf. ride hell for leather; double quick timeКовалёв сел в дрожки и только покрикивал извозчику: "Валяй во всю ивановскую!" (Н. Гоголь, Нос) — Kovalyov climbed into a droshky and sat there shouting at the cabbie: 'Double quick time, now!'
3) (вовсю, в полную силу (делать что-либо)) do smth. for all one is worth; do one's utmost (damnedest); cf. like anything; like hell; like billy-o; like beansДнём валит снег, а ночью во всю ивановскую светит луна, роскошная, изумительная луна. (А. Чехов, Письмо А. С. Суворину, 22 ноября 1892) — Snow is falling by day, while at night the moon is shining its utmost, a gorgeous amazing moon.
Русско-английский фразеологический словарь > во всю ивановскую
10 сломя голову
1) General subject: at a breakneck pace, at a breakneck speed, at breakneck pace, at breakneck speed, by leaps and bounds, flat, flat out, full tilt, headlong, hell for leather, lickety split, like anything, pell-mell, pellmell, posthaste, slap bang, slap-bang, for all one is worth, for dear life, at full lick, at a dead run, fit to bust2) Colloquial: flat-out, hell-for-leather, lickety-split3) Poetical language: amain4) Set phrase: (бежать, мчаться, скакать, пр.) at breakneck speed, (бежать, мчаться, скакать, пр.) like mad5) Makarov: like blue murder -
11 изо всей мочи
General subject: all you know how, at the top of ( one's) lungs, like anything, like the devil, with might and main, for all one is worth -
12 льёт как из ведра
1) General subject: it is pouring, it is pouring cats and dogs, it is pouring with rain, it is raining pitchfork, (дождь) it is showering, it's teeming with rain, (дождь) the rain is coming down in sheets, the rain is pouring, it's raining like anything, rain buckets, it rains fit to drown a duck, it is raining cats and dogs2) American: it rains pitchforks3) Makarov: it is showering, it's raining like hell -
13 бросаться со всех ног
rush (run) like anything (like blazes); rush (run, set out, make off, etc.) at full (top) speed; run as fast as one can; run at the double; run as fast as one's legs will carry oneСофия.
Вот в чём, однако, случай весь: / Как давиче вы с Лизой были здесь, / Перепугал меня ваш голос чрезвычайно, / И бросилась сюда я со всех ног. (А. Грибоедов, Горе от ума) — Sophia: That's what the chance consists of, clearly. / You shouted just outside! You frightened me severely; / So off I started running at the double!Сквозь метель Жулька увидела летящую птичку и со всех ног во все тяжкие бросилась за ней по насту. (М. Пришвин, Глаза земли) — In the midst of a snowstorm Zhulka once caught sight of a bird in flight and set out at full speed after it.
Русско-английский фразеологический словарь > бросаться со всех ног
14 ни на что не похоже
[ni na shto n'e pokhozhe] It doesn't look like anything. Very bad; unthinkable; unheard of; like nothing on earth; that won't do; that's no good at all.
Русские фразеологизмы в картинках (русско-английский словарь) > ни на что не похоже
15 он разнёс меня в пух и прах
General subject: he scored me like anythingУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > он разнёс меня в пух и прах
16 хотя он и бежал сломя голову, он опоздал на поезд
General subject: though he ran like anything, he missed the trainУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > хотя он и бежал сломя голову, он опоздал на поезд
17 Может, хотите еще чего-нибудь?
Русско-английский разговорник > Может, хотите еще чего-нибудь?
18 со всячинкой
прост.the good with the bad; this and that; there is a little of everything in smb.; smth.- Что это за человек - настороженно спросил Самгин. - Чёрт его знает, - задумчиво ответил Дронов и снова вспыхнул, заговорил торопливо: - Со всячинкой. Служит в министерстве внутренних дел, может быть в департаменте полиции, но - меньше всего похож на шпиона. (М. Горький, Жизнь Клима Самгина) — 'What kind of man is he?' asked Samghin, pricking up his ears. 'God knows,' answered Dronov, pensively. Then he flared up again and once more began to hurry along: There's a little of everything in him. He works at the Ministry of Internal Affairs - possibly in the Police Department. But he seems like anything but a spy.'
19 стремительный
1. break-neck2. sheer3. rush4. headlong5. like anything6. scurrilously7. impetuous; violent; rash8. heady9. precipitate10. rash11. sweeping12. vehementСинонимический ряд:1. шибко (прил.) бойко; быстро; быстротечно; проворно; прытко; резво; скоро; шибко2. скоро (проч.) быстро; во весь дух; во весь опор; живо; одним духом; одним махом; опрометью; проворно; резво; скоро; сломя голову; стремглав; ходко; шибкоАнтонимический ряд: -
20 все что угодно
что угодно, лишь бы не … — anything rather than …
Бизнес, юриспруденция. Русско-английский словарь > все что угодно
См. также в других словарях:
like anything — 1. Very much 2. With great vigour • • • Main Entry: ↑any * * * like anything spoken phrase very much When she stuck the needle in, it hurt like anything. Thesaurus: v … Useful english dictionary
like anything — {adv. phr.} To an extreme degree. * /He swore like anything when he found out that he hadn t been promoted./ … Dictionary of American idioms
like anything — {adv. phr.} To an extreme degree. * /He swore like anything when he found out that he hadn t been promoted./ … Dictionary of American idioms
like\ anything — adv. phr. To an extreme degree. He swore like anything when he found out that he hadn t been promoted … Словарь американских идиом
like anything — spoken very much When she stuck the needle in, it hurt like anything … English dictionary
like anything — Vigorously. Very much. Expression adding emph. ♣ I laughed like anything … A concise dictionary of English slang
like anything informal, — like anything informal, chiefly Brit. to a great degree. → like … English new terms dictionary
like anything — (Roget s IV) , , modif. Syn. very much, exceedingly, greatly; see much 1 , very … English dictionary for students
like — verb. I should like is normal in BrE and I would like in other varieties, although in practice the contracted form I d like is common, especially in speech. These forms are followed either by a to infinitive (I should like to come too) or by an… … Modern English usage
anything like with negative — at all like. → anything … English new terms dictionary
like — like1 [līk] adj. [ME lik, aphetic for ilik < OE gelic, similar, equal, lit., of the same form or shape, akin to Ger gleich < PGmc * galīka < * ga , prefix of uncert. meaning + * līka, body, (ON līk, Goth leik, OE lic): for IE base see… … English World dictionary