1 light receiver
Автомобильный термин: приёмник света -
2 light receiver
3 light receiver
приемник светаEnglish-Russian dictionary of technical terms > light receiver
4 receiver
5 light detector-accumulator
solar receiver, light detector-accumulatorСПА, солнечный приемник-аккумулятор; светоприемник-аккумуляторEnglish-Russian dictionary of program "Mir-Shuttle" > light detector-accumulator
6 solar receiver
solar receiver, light detector-accumulatorСПА, солнечный приемник-аккумулятор; светоприемник-аккумуляторEnglish-Russian dictionary of program "Mir-Shuttle" > solar receiver
7 system
система; комплекс; средство; способ; метод; сеть (напр. дорог) ;aiming-navigation system (analog, digital) — прицельно-навигационная система (аналоговая, цифровая)
air observation, acquisition and fire control system — (бортовая) система воздушной разведки, засечки целей и управления огнем
air support aircraft ECM (equipment) system — (бортовая) система РЭП для самолетов авиационной поддержки
airborne (ground) target acquisition and illumination laser system — ав. бортовая лазерная система обнаружения и подсветки (наземных) целей
airborne (ground) targeting and laser designator system — ав. бортовая лазерная система обнаружения и целеуказания (наземных целей)
airborne laser illumination, ranging and tracking system — ав. бортовая система лазерной подсветки, определения дальности и сопровождения цели
artillery (nuclear) delivery system — артиллерийская система доставки (ядерного) боеприпаса (к цели)
C2 system — система оперативного управления; система руководства и управления
C3 system — система руководства, управления и связи; система оперативного управления и связи
channel and message switching (automatic) communications system — АСС с коммутацией каналов и сообщений
country-fair type rotation system (of instruction) — метод одновременного обучения [опроса] нескольких учебных групп (переходящих от одного объекта изучения к другому)
dual-capable (conventional/nuclear) weapon delivery system — система доставки (обычного или ядерного) боеприпаса к цели
electromagnetic emitters identification, location and suppression system — система обнаружения, опознавания и подавления источников электромагнитных излучений [излучающих РЭС]
field antimissile (missile) system — полевой [войсковой] ПРК
fire-on-the-move (air defense) gun system — подвижный зенитный артиллерийский комплекс для стрельбы в движении [на ходу]
fluidic (missile) control system — ркт. гидравлическая [струйная] система управления полетом
forward (area) air defense system — система ПВО передового района; ЗРК для войсковой ПВО передового района
graduated (availability) operational readiness system — Бр. система поэтапной боевой готовности (частей и соединений)
high-resolution satellite IR detection, tracking and targeting system — спутниковая система с ИК аппаратурой высокой разрешающей способности для обнаружения, сопровождения целей и наведения средств поражения
ICBM (alarm and) early warning satellite system — спутниковая система обнаружения пусков МБР и раннего предупреждения (средств ПРО)
information storage, tracking and retrieval system — система накопления, хранения и поиска информации
instantaneous grenade launcher (armored vehicle) smoke system — гранатомет (БМ) для быстрой постановки дымовой завесы
Precision Location [Locator] (and) Strike system — высокоточная система обеспечения обнаружения и поражения целей; высокоточный разведывательно-ударный комплекс
rapid deceleration (parachute) delivery system — парашютная система выброски грузов с быстрым торможением
real time, high-resolution reconnaissance satellite system — спутниковая разведывательная система с высокой разрешающей способностью аппаратуры и передачей информации в реальном масштабе времени
received signal-oriented (output) jamming signal power-adjusting ECM system — система РЭП с автоматическим регулированием уровня помех в зависимости от мощности принимаемого сигнала
sea-based nuclear (weapon) delivery system — система морского базирования доставки ядерного боеприпаса к цели
small surface-to-air ship self-defense (missile) system — ЗРК ближнего действия для самообороны корабля
Status Control, Alerting and Reporting system — система оповещения, контроля и уточнения состояния [боевой готовности] сил и средств
surface missile (weapon) system — наземный [корабельный] РК
target acquisition, rapid designation and precise aiming system — комплекс аппаратуры обнаружения цели, быстрого целеуказания и точного прицеливания
— ABM defense system— antimissile missile system— central weapon system— countersurprise military system— laser surveying system— tank weapon system— vertical launching system— weapons system -
8 pipe
1. труба, трубка; трубопровод || оборудовать системой трубопроводов; пускать по трубам; транспортировать по трубопроводу2. геол. сужение рудного тела— air pipe— dip pipe— gas pipe— run pipe— tee pipe— T-pipe— U-pipe
* * *
1. труба; трубка2. трубопровод || подавать по трубопроводу, перекачивать по трубопроводу; транспортировать по трубопроводу3. оборудовать системой трубопроводов; пускать по трубамair-lift flanged drill pipe — водоподъёмная труба с фланцевым соединением для бурения с обратновсасывающей промывкой (ствола скважины)
drill pipe of double length — свеча из двух бурильных труб, двухтрубка
to break down drill pipes — развинчивать свечи бурильных труб на однотрубки;
to bring pipes into perfect alignment — точно сцентрировать трубы (перед сваркой);
to line pipes up end-to-end — укладывать трубы в нитку;
to stab drill pipe — производить наращивание бурильной колонны;
to stack drill pipes in the derrick — расставлять бурильные трубы в вышке;
to take a strain on pipe — натягивать колонну труб;
to tong the pipes — свинчивать трубы ключами;
to work pipes up and down — расхаживать колонну труб;
— gas pipe— run pipe— tee pipe— T-pipe— U-pipe— Y-pipe
* * *
труба; трубопровод
* * *
1) труба; трубка2) трубопровод || подавать по трубопроводу, перекачивать по трубопроводу; транспортировать по трубопроводу3) оборудовать системой трубопроводов; пускать по трубам•to add a length of drill pipe — наращивать бурильную колонну;
pipe becoming stuck — прихват бурильных труб в скважине;
to break drilling pipes down — раскреплять бурильные трубы;
to break out drilling pipes — раскреплять бурильные трубы;
to discard pipes — отбраковывать трубы;
to lay down pipes — отбраковывать трубы;
to line pipes up — центрировать трубы для сварки;
to line pipes up end-to-end — укладывать трубы в нитку;
to pick up the pipe — 1) затаскивать трубы ( на вышку) 2) давать небольшую натяжку ( инструмента) 3) подхватывать (/i]);
to rack a pipe — устанавливать (/i]) бурильную трубу ();
to release stuck pipe — освобождать прихваченную трубу;
to roll out pipes — выкатывать трубы;
to run pipes into well — опускать трубы в скважину;
to stab drill pipe — производить наращивание бурильной колонны;
to stack drilling pipes in derrick — расставлять бурильные трубы в буровой вышке;
to string pipes — укладывать трубы в нитку;
to strip pipes — извлекать трубы ( из скважины) сквозь закрытый универсальный противовыбросовый превентор;
to tail a pipe — заносить конец трубы в нужное положение;
to take a strain on pipe — натягивать колонну труб;
to tong the pipes — свинчивать трубы ключами;
to work pipes up and down — расхаживать колонну труб;
to wrinkle a pipe — нарезать соединительную резьбу на трубе;
- admitting pipepipe with string — бракованная труба;
- air pipe
- air inlet pipe
- airlift pipe
- airlift flanged drill pipe
- aluminum drilling pipe
- anchor pipe
- angle pipe
- anterior upset pipe
- asbestos-cement pipe
- ascending pipe
- atmospheric pipe
- bare pipe
- bent pipe
- bifurcated pipe
- big-diameter pipe
- bitumen-coated pipe
- blank pipe
- blank-flanged pipe
- bleeder pipe
- blind pipe
- blow-down pipe
- blow-off pipe
- bottom pipe
- box-end of drill pipe
- box-to-box pipe
- branch pipe
- branched pipe
- buffer connection pipe
- bulged-in pipe
- buried pipe
- button-screen pipe
- bypass pipe
- cargo pipe
- case pipe
- casing pipe
- circular pipe
- coated steel penstock pipe
- cold-drain pipe
- collapsed pipe
- collar bound pipe
- compensating pipe
- conduct pipe
- conductor pipe
- connecting pipe
- connection pipe
- control pipe
- conventional pipes
- cuttings pick-up pipe
- delivery pipe
- diamond pipe
- diamond-drill pipe
- dip pipe
- discharge pipe
- distributing pipe
- double extraheavy pipe
- double extrastrong pipe
- double reverse circulation pipe
- double-wall screwed drill pipe
- drain pipe
- drill pipe
- drill pipe before welding
- drill pipe of double length
- drill pipe unloaded
- drill pipe with screwed-on tool joints
- drill pipe with weld-on tool joints
- drive pipe
- eduction pipe
- elbow pipe
- electric-welded pipe
- electrodrill without drill pipe
- exhaust pipe
- extension pipe
- external upset drill pipe
- extraheavy pipe
- extrastrong pipe
- extruded pipe
- feed pipe
- ferromagnetic pipe
- filling pipe
- fitting pipe
- flanged pipe
- flexible pipe
- flexible armoured pipe
- flow pipe
- flush-joint pipe
- flush-joint drive pipe
- force pipe
- free-flow pipe
- freezing pipe
- frozen pipe
- fuel pipe
- gas pipe
- gas-service pipe
- gas-supply pipe
- grooved conductor pipe
- grout pipe
- header pipe
- heavy-end pipe
- heavy-wall pipe
- heavy-weight drill pipe
- helical-welded pipe
- high-pressure pipe
- high-pressure air-outlet pipe
- high-strength pipe
- high-strength laminar pipe
- hose pipe
- hot-rolled pipe
- induction pipe
- inlet pipe
- intake pipe
- integral joint drilling pipe
- interior-upset pipe
- internal-external upset drill pipe
- internal-flush drill pipe
- internal-upset drill pipe
- jet pipe
- junction pipe
- laminar pipe
- lance pipe
- lap-welded pipe
- large-diameter pipe
- lay down the pipe
- lead pipe
- light weight drill pipe
- line pipe
- liquid stand pipe
- little pipe
- long stand pipe
- longitudinally welded pipe
- loop expansion pipe
- looping pipe
- lost pipe
- low-head pipe
- lubrication pipe
- macaroni pipe
- main pipe
- male pipe
- manifold pipe
- marine riser pipe
- metal pipe
- module pipe
- multilayer pipe
- new drill pipe
- nonupset pipe
- nozzle pipe
- oil discharge pipe
- oriented drill pipe
- outlet pipe
- outside-coupled pipe
- outside-upset pipe
- overflow pipe
- oversize pipe
- perforated pipe
- pin-to-box pipe
- plain end pipe
- pressure relief pipe
- pressure water pipe
- protective pipe
- pulling big? pipe
- rathole pipe
- receiver pipe
- recovered pipe
- reducing pipe
- relief pipe
- return pipe
- rifled pipe
- riser pipe
- rising pipe
- river pipe
- rolled pipe
- rotary-drill pipe
- rotatable drill pipe
- rubbered pipe
- run pipe
- rundown pipe
- screen pipe
- screened pipe
- screwed drill pipe
- seamless drill pipe
- service pipe
- shop-perforated pipe
- single pipe
- slim hole drill pipe
- slip-joint pipe
- slotted pipe
- socket pipe
- soil pipe
- somastic-coated pipe
- sounding pipe
- spiral-welded pipe
- spiraled-wall casing pipe
- split pipe
- stand pipe
- standard pipe
- steel pipe
- stove pipe
- stuck casing pipe
- stuck drilling pipe
- suction pipe
- supply pipe
- surface pipe
- swing pipe
- swivel pipe
- T-pipe
- tail pipe
- tank filling pipe
- tapered pipe
- tee pipe
- thawing pipe
- thick-walled pipe
- thin-walled pipe
- threaded pipe
- threaded dual wall pipe
- threaded line pipe
- three-way pipe
- thrust-bore pipe
- U-pipe
- ultrahigh-test line pipe
- undersize pipe
- unsupported pipe
- unthreaded pipe
- upset drill pipe
- used drill pipe
- wall-stuck pipe
- wash pipe
- washover pipe
- water pipe
- welded pipe
- weldless pipe
- worm pipe
- Y-pipe* * *• усадочная мет. раковина слитка -
1) Компьютерная техника: laser warning receiver2) Ботаника: Leaf Weight Ratio3) Военный термин: Lutheran World Relief, Inc, land war room, light water reactor, lightweight radar, приемник лазерного облучения (laser warning receiver)4) Техника: light-water reactor5) Университет: Laboratory Work Request6) Электроника: Line Width Reduction7) Деловая лексика: Local Wage Rate8) Ядерная физика: легководный реактор10) Ядерное оружие: Light-Water (moderated and cooled) Reactor (Легководный ядерный реактор)11) ООН: Lutheran World Relief12) Аэропорты: Leeuwarden, Netherlands -
10 system
1) система || системный3) вчт операционная система; программа-супервизор5) вчт большая программа6) метод; способ; алгоритм•system halted — "система остановлена" ( экранное сообщение об остановке компьютера при наличии серьёзной ошибки)
- CPsystem- H-system- h-system- hydrogen-air/lead battery hybrid system- Ksystem- Lsystem- L*a*b* system- master/slave computer system- p-system- y-system- Δ-system -
11 valve
1) клапан; вентиль2) задвижка; затвор4) кран5) мн. ч. вентильная арматура•to time the valves — регулировать газораспределение ( двигателя)-
2-axis hydraulic contouring valve
3-axis hydraulic contouring valve
3-position spring-centered selector valve
ac solenoid hydraulic directional valve
accumulator charging valve
accumulator unloading valve
adjustable valve
admission valve
ahead maneuvering valve
air control valve
air filler valve
air valve
air-gap armature hydraulic valve
air-operated valve
air-starting valve
air-steam relief valve
air-vent valve
alarm valve
aligned-grid valve
amplifier valve
angle valve
annular slide valve
antibackfire valve
antiicing shutoff valve
astern maneuvering valve
atmospheric steam dump valve
automatic changeover valve
auxiliary loop isolation valve
auxiliary valve
back pressure valve
back valve
backfire bypass valve
backflush valve
back-seating valve
backwash valve
baffle valve
balanced needle valve
balanced valve
balanced-disk valve
balanced-gate valve
ball and scat valve
ball seating action valve
ball shear action valve
ball valve
ball-operated pneumatic valve
beam-power valve
bin slide valve
blade-control valve
bleeder valve
bleed valve
block valve
blowing valve
blowoff valve
blowout valve
bottom discharge valve
bottom dump valve
bottom-hole valve
brake application valve
brake cylinder release valve
brake hydraulic valve
brake transmission valve
brake valve
breathing valve
bulkhead valve
bullet valve
butterfly valve
bypass proportional valve
bypass valve
cam-operated pneumatic valve
cargo oil valve
cargo valve
cartridge-type valve
casing fill-up valve
casing float valve
casing pressure operated gas lift valve
cement float valve
centrifugal reducing valve
changeover valve
charging valve
check valve
chimney slide valve
chimney valve
choke valve
Christmas-tree gate valve
Christmas-tree valve
combined stop and emergency valve
common slide valve
compartment valve
compensation valve
compression valve
compressor bleed valve
conditioned air emergency valve
conductor's valve
cone valve
control valve
converter valve
coolant flow-control valve
cooler bypass valve
copying valve
counterbalance valve
crankcase valve
crankcase ventilation valve
crossfeed valve
crude oil valve
cryogenic gate valve
cutoff valve
cutout valve
cylinder-operated pneumatic valve
cylindrical valve
damper valve
dc solenoid hydraulic directional valve
deceleration flow control valve
deceleration valve
deck drain valve
decompression pressure control valve
delivery valve
depress valve
detent-controlled valve
diaphragm seating action valve
diaphragm valve
differential lock valve
differential pressure control valve
differential relief valve
direct-acting valve
direct-admission valve
direction selector valve
directional control valve
directly operated valve
discharge valve
disk valve
distributing valve
distribution valve
diverter valve
double air-piloted valve
double-acting valve
double-check valve
double-seat valve
double-solenoid valve
drain valve
dual block gate valve
dual block valve
dump valve
duplex valve
duplicator valve
eduction valve
ejection valve
electric valve
electric-to-air valve
electrohydraulic servo valve
electromagnetic valve
electronic valve
emergency closing valve
emergency valve
emergency-braking valve
en-bloc directional control hydraulic valve
engine start valve
engineer's brake valve
equalizing tester valve
equalizing valve
escape valve
evaporator refrigerant valve
exhaust brake valve
exhaust valve
exit-juice valve
expansion valve
explosive valve
extraction valve
feeding valve
feed valve
feedwater valve
fill valve
five-port control valve
five-port valve
fixed flow control valve
fixed-dispersion cone valve
flap valve
flapper action valve
flapper valve
flat gate valve
flat valve
flat-scat fuel valve
Fleming valve
float valve
float-controlled gate valve
float-controlled valve
flooding valve
flood valve
flow control valve
flow directing valve
flow dividing valve
flow metering valve
flow restrictor valve
flow safety valve
flow summarizing valve
flow-regulating valve
fluid check valve
flushing and boost valve
follow valve
follower-ring gate valve
foot valve
foot-operated pneumatic valve
force motor valve
forcing valve
four/three-way hydraulic directional control valve
four-port control valve
four-port valve
four-way directional control valve
four-way valve
free-discharge valve
fuel shutoff valve
fuel supply valve
fuel valve
fuel-lock valve
fume valve
gas charging valve
gas cylinder valve
gas lift starting valve
gas lift valve
gas reversing valve
gate valve
geared valve
globe valve
guard valve
guard's valve
gulp valve
hand-operated valve
heat control valve
high-head regulating valve
high-pressure gate valve
high-pressure relief valve
holding valve
hollow-jet valve
hydraulic copying valve
hydraulic pressure gage selector valve
hydraulic valve
inclined valve
indirect-action valve
induction valve
injection valve
injector valve
inlet valve
in-line air valve
intake valve
intercept valve
interior differential needle valve
intermediate-plate type valve
internal check valve
inverted valve
ionic valve
isolation valve
jet action valve
jet-pipe valve
jettison valve
kelly safety valve
king valve
kingston valve
leak valve
lever safety valve
light valve
liquid-crystal valve
load dividing pressure control valve
lock emptying valve
lock filling valve
lock valve
low-cracking check valve
magnetic valve
main feedwater control valve
main loop isolation valve
main penstock valve
main pipeline gate valve
main pipeline valve
main steam stop valve
main tester valve
make-up valve
maneuvering valve
manifold air valve
manifold valve
manual valve
masked inlet valve
master control gate valve
master gate valve
master valve
measuring valve
membrane valve
mercury arc valve
mercury valve
metering valve
mixer valve
mod-logic pneumatic valve
modular hydraulic valves
modular-type control valve
modulating valve
moisture drain valve
motor-operated valve
multiple station isolator valve
multiple valve
multiway valve
mushroom valve
needle seating action valve
needle valve
neutralizer valve
new fuel entry valve
nonreturn valve
nozzle control valve
nozzle valve
oil drain valve
oil-controlled valve
oil-overflow valve
oil-pressure relief valve
oil-pressure valve
one-port control valve
one-port valve
one-stage valve
one-way control valve
one-way valve
on-off valve
open center valve
orchard valve
outboard valve
outlet valve
overflow valve
overlapped valve
overload valve
overrun valve
overspeed valve
palm button operated pneumatic valve
penstock valve
pet valve
pig scraper launching valve
pig launching valve
pig scraper receiver valve
pig receiver valve
pilot overspeed valve
pilot valve
pilot-actuated valve
pilot-controlled valve
pilot-operated check valve
pilot-operated valve
pipe valve
pipeline valves
piston valve
piston-operated spool valve
plug seating action valve
plug shear action valve
plug valve
pneumatic control valve
pneumatic time delay valve
pneumatic valve
poppet valve
poppet-operated pneumatic valve
power valve
pressure control valve
pressure reducing valve
pressure regulating valve
pressure sequenced valve
pressure valve
pressure-vacuum vent valve
pressure vent valve
pressure-and-vacuum valve
pressure-compensated flow control valve
pressure-compensated valve
pressure-limiting valve
pressure-operated pneumatic valve
pressure-relief valve
pressurizer isolation valve
pressurizing cabin valve
priming valve
priority valve
production gate valve
production valve
proportional control hydraulic valve
proportional pressure control valve
proportioning valve
pump discharge valve
purge valve
push-button operated pneumatic valve
push-button valve
quarter-turn valve
quick exhaust air valve
rebound valve
rectifier valve
reducing valve
reed-type valve
reed valve
re-entry valve
register valve
regulating valve
relay valve
release valve
relief valve
replenishing valve
restrictor valve
retaining valve
retardation valve
retarder valve
retrievable valve
return valve
reverse Tainter valve
reverse valve
reversible flow metering valve
revolving valve
ride control valve
roller-operated pneumatic valve
rolling lift valve
rotary directional hydraulic valve
rotary disk operated pneumatic valve
rotary valve
safety valve
sampling valve
sand valve
scour valve
screw-down valve
screw valve
scupper valve
sea-suction valve
seating action valve
seat valve
selection valve
selector directional control valve
selector valve
self-sealing hydraulic valve
sequence valve
shaft valve
shear action valve
shrouded valve
shutoff gate valve
shutoff valve
singe-seat valve
single solenoid valve
single-acting valve
single-stage valve
sleeve valve
slide valve
sliding plate shear action valve
sluice valve
snap-in valve
snort valve
sodium-filled exhaust valve
solar panel valve
solenoid valve
solenoid-operated hydraulic valve
sphere valve
spherical valve
sphincter valve
spool operated pneumatic valve
spool valve
spray valve
spring centering directional control hydraulic valve
spring centralized air valve
spring offset valve
spring operated valve
spring-loaded valve
standing valve
start valve
steam dump valve
steam valve
steering-damping control valve
stop valve
straight flow valve
straight-through valve
suction valve
supply valve
surface-controlled gas lift valve
surge damping valve
swing disk seating action valve
swing-check valve
tank manifold valves
tank valves
tank-pipeline valve
tapered-seat valve
taper-seat valve
telescopic valve
telltale valve
thermionic valve
thermostatic expansion valve
thermostatic valve
three-port control valve
three-port valve
throttle valve
throttling direction control valve
thyristor valve
tidal valve
tilting disk check valve
time delay valve
toggle valve
tractor breakaway valve
transmission spark control valve
traveling valve
treadle-operated pneumatic valve
trip tester valve
tube valve
tubing pressure operated gas lift valve
tubing safety valve
turbine inlet valve
turbine shutoff valve
twinned-regenerator valve
two/two-way hydraulic valve
two-port control valve
two-port valve
two-position pneumatic valve
two-stage valve
two-way control valve
two-way valve
uncoupling valve
underlapped valve
unloading valve
vacuum valve
vapor valve
variable load valve
variable valve
vent valve
ventilation valve
venting valve
washout valve
water valve
water-gate valve
waveguide valve
wedge gate valve
wedge valve
wedge-action valve
wet armature hydraulic valve
whistle valve
zero-lapped valve -
12 AMR
1) Медицина: analytical measurement range2) Военный термин: Army Management Review, Auxiliary Machinery Room, advanced material request, advanced material requirements, advanced modular radar, air maintenance requirements, aircraft maintenance and repair, automatic map reader, automatic message routing3) Техника: acceptable malfunction rate, advanced missile receiver, airborne magnetic recorder, amplitude modulation receiver, automatic message registering4) Математика: adaptive mesh refinement (сокр.)5) Автомобильный термин: Antisotropic Magneto Resistance (Non-contact sensors for measuring rotational speed and angle.)6) Телекоммуникации: Adaptive Multi-Rate (speech coder) (адаптивный многоскоростной (кодер речи))7) Сокращение: Airborne Microwave Refractometer, Anti-Materiel Rifle, Atlantic Missile Range, Automitrailleuse de Reconnaissance (Light armoured reconnaissance vehicle (France)), advance material request8) Университет: Alumni Memorial Residences9) Физиология: Active Metabolic Rate10) Электроника: Adaptive Multi Rate11) Вычислительная техника: Audio MODEM Riser (slot, Intel)13) Иммунология: Adaptive Mesh Refinement14) Фирменный знак: American Medical Rescue15) Деловая лексика: Advanced Market Research16) Сетевые технологии: Average Message Rate, automatic message recording, автоматическая запись сообщений, автоматическая регистрация сообщений17) ЕБРР: annual monitoring report18) Автоматика: adaptive-model-reference19) Расширение файла: Audio Modem Riser20) Электротехника: automatic meter reading21) NYSE. AMR Corporation of Delaware -
13 filter
1) фильтр•- ac filter
- ac line filter
- ac supply filter
- active filter
- adaptive comb filter
- adaptive transversal filter
- add-noise filter
- agile filter
- all-pole filter
- analog filter
- analyzer filter
- antenna filter
- antialiasing filter
- balanced filter
- band filter
- band rejection filter
- bandpass filter
- band-stop filter
- beacon filter
- binary filter
- biquartic filter
- branching filter
- bridge filter
- broadband filter
- Butterworth filter
- capacitor-input filter
- carrier-transfer filter
- cavity filter
- ceramic filter
- channel filter
- character filter
- Chebyshev filter
- choke filter
- chroma filter
- coaxial filter
- color filter
- comb filter
- compensating filter
- composite filter
- composite-wave filter
- concentrated selection filter
- concentrated selectivity filter
- connecting filter
- constant-bandwidth filter
- constant-current filter
- constant-k filter
- convolution filter
- crystal filter
- crystal-lattice filter
- cutoff filter
- dc filter
- dichroic filter
- digital filter
- directional filter
- discontinuous filter
- discrete filter
- discrimination filter
- disc-wire filter
- dissipationless filter
- duplex filter
- electrical filter
- electromagnetic interference filter
- electromechanical filter
- equiripple filter
- exciter postselector filter
- Fabry-Perot filter
- ferrite resonator filter
- final filter
- FIR-filter
- fixed filter
- fixed-frequency filter
- four-loop band filter
- frequency filter
- generating filter
- glare filter
- harmonic filter
- high-frequency filter
- high-pass filter
- high-quality ceramic filter
- Hilbert filter
- hum-eliminating filter
- ideal LF-filter
- ideal low pass filter
- IF filter
- inductive filter
- inductive-capacitive filter
- inductive-resistive filter
- infrared filter
- in-line filter
- input filter
- integral filter
- interference filter
- intermediate frequency filter
- interpolation filter
- interstage filter
- isolating filter
- Kalman filter
- Kauer filter
- Kolmogorov-Winner filter
- lattice filter
- LC-filter
- light filter
- line filter
- line-matched filter
- loop filter
- lossy filter
- low-current filter
- low-cut filter
- low-frequency filter
- low-pass filter
- low-Q filter
- LR-filter
- L-shaped high-frequency filter
- magnetic filter
- magnetostrictive filter
- mains filter
- matched filter
- median filter
- metal-insert filter
- microwave filter
- mini-loss filter
- mode filter
- monolithic filter
- mosaic filter
- MPX filter
- multiplex filter
- narrow-band filter
- narrow-cut filter
- network filter
- n-link dynamic comb filter
- n-link low-frequency filter
- n-loop band filter
- noise filter
- nonideal LF-filter
- nonrecursive filter
- notch filter
- n-range filter
- n-section low-frequency filter
- octave-band filter
- optical filter
- output filter
- passive filter
- pi filter
- piezoelectric filter
- piezo-mechanical filter
- pilot filter
- plural-cavity filter
- polarizing filter
- power line filter
- prewhitening filter
- quartz-crystal filter
- quasi-optimal filter
- radio-frequency filter
- RC-filter
- receiver IF filter
- receiver preselector filter
- reception filter
- rectifier filter
- recursive filter
- reflective filter
- rejector filter
- ripple filter
- roofing filter
- sandwich filter
- SAW filter
- security filter
- selective filter
- self-tuning combined filter
- semipassive filter
- separation filter
- sideband filter
- signal summing filter
- single-zone filter
- smoothing filter
- speech filter
- spike filter
- stagger-tuned filter
- strip filter
- suboctave filter
- subsonic filter
- surface-acoustic-wave filter
- synthesizer filter
- through filter
- tone filter
- transmitter filter
- transversal filter
- tunable filter
- two-range filter
- ultrasonic filter
- U-shaped filter
- variable filter
- variable-coefficient filter
- vestigial sideband filter
- volume-acoustic-wave filter
- wave filter
- waveguide filter
- wedge filter
- whitening filter
- wide-band filter
- zero-memory filter
- zonal filterEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > filter
14 sensitivity
- amplifier sensitivity
- audio-power sensitivity
- average sensitivity
- blue sensitivity
- calling current sensitivity
- camera sensitivity
- chromatic sensitivity
- close-talking sensitivity
- color sensitivity
- contrast sensitivity
- current sensitivity
- deflection sensitivity
- difference sensitivity
- dynamic sensitivity
- error sensitivity
- frequency-dependent sensitivity
- frequency-modulated receiver deviation sensitivity
- gain sensitivity
- gain-restricted sensitivity
- green sensitivity
- heat sensitivity
- IF sensitivity
- illumination sensitivity
- instrument sensitivity
- integrated sensitivity
- inverse sensitivity
- light sensitivity
- magnetic sensitivity
- multisignal sensitivity
- noise-limited sensitivity
- orthotelephone sensitivity
- oscillograph sensitivity
- pager sensitivity
- pattern sensitivity
- peak sensitivity
- photocell sensitivity
- polarized sensitivity
- pressure sensitivity
- quieting sensitivity
- radiographic sensitivity
- random sensitivity
- real sensitivity
- receiver sensitivity
- red sensitivity
- reduced sensitivity
- relative sensitivity
- single-signal sensitivity
- spatial sensitivity
- spectral sensitivity
- static sensitivity
- tape sensitivity
- telephone sensitivity
- threshold sensitivity
- time-dependent sensitivity
- total sensitivity
- transducer sensitivity
- tuning sensitivity
- usable sensitivity
- voltage sensitivity
- write-in sensitivityEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > sensitivity
15 head
3) верхняя часть; верхний элемент (конструкции, аппарата)4) передняя часть ( конструкции)5) головная часть (напр. тоннеля, слитка)6) штрек7) мн. ч. руда, поступающая на обогатительную фабрику8) метал. прибыль9) замочный камень ( свода печи)10) дека ( сотрясательного стола)13) пробка ( разливочного ковша)14) гидр. головное сооружение15) оголовок (напр. контрфорса)16) верхний бьеф17) высота столба ( жидкости); напор18) высота (сооружения, конструкции) в свету19) насадок; патрубок20) насадка; сопло22) дно, днище (бочки, барабана); верхнее днище ( резервуара)23) мн. ч. головная фракция, головной погон24) продвижение25) направление26) интервал ( на транспорте)27) англ. крыша ( автомобиля)29) крышка цилиндра ( поршневого насоса)30) мор. носовая часть, нос31) барабан (напр. якорного шпиля)35) ригель; верхний брус ( рамы)37) вчт. первый элемент списка38) вчт. дескриптор40) рекордер42) кипа (напр. джута, пеньки)43) пищ. сливки45) швейн. верхняя подушка ( гладильного пресса)46) заголовок, "шапка"; рубрика•to barb bolt head — заёршивать головку болта;to expand rivet head — раздавать головку заклёпки;head of culvert — оголовок водопропускной трубыhead of delta — вершина дельты рекиhead of dock — голова докаhead of pile — наголовник сваи-
accumulator-type felling head
adiabatic head
adjustable boring head
air-floating head
airspeed head
anamorphic head
angular head
antifoam still head
aquifer pressure head
aquifer head
armature head
arrow head
assembling head
attachment head
audio head
auger-drill head
automatic arc-welding head
available head
axe head
ball-and-socket head
band head
banner head
barrel head
beetle head
binding head
blow head
blowpipe head
boiler head
bolt head
boom head
boring head
boring-and-facing head
brake head
breakwater head
buffer head
bull head
bumped head
buoyancy head
cable distribution head
cable head
camera head
capstan head
carding head
casing head
cassette head
casting head
cementing head
cementing plug dropping head
chain saw felling head
chimney head
chipping head
chord head
circulating head
cistern head
closing head
closure head
cluster head
color head
color-light signal head
column head
combination head
compensation head
condenser head
conductor head
cone head
confidence head
connecting rod head
connection head
contour-facing head
conveyor drive head
core receiver retrieving head
countersunk head
coupler head
coupling head
cross head
cross milling and drilling head
cross-feed head
cross-flow head
crusher head
crystal-oriented HPF video head
C-type spot-welding head
cue head
culvert head
cup head
cushion head
cutter head
cutting head
cylinder head
dado head
dead head
deaerator head
debranching head
detecting head
diamond head
die head
differential head
discard head
discharge head
dished head
distributor head
dividing head
door head
double head
double-gap erase head
drafting head
drawing head
draw head
drilling head
drill head
drilling-boring head
dual grinding head
dummy head
dust head
dynamic head
dynamic tracking head
electrode wheel head
electrooptic head
elevation head
engraving head
enlarger head
erase head
exhaust head
extruder head
facing head
feeder head
felling head
ferrite head
ferrostatic head
fillister head
filter head
fishing head
fixed head
flared column head
flex-hone head
floating head
fluid panning head
flying head
friction head
gage head
gear head
gear-shaping cutter head
gipsy head
graduated head
grapple head
gravity head
grinding head
gross head
gyroscopic head
hammer head
harvesting head
hexagon head
hex head
hexagon turret head
homing head
hopper head
hose coupling head
hydraulic pressure head
hydraulic head
impact head
indexing head
index head
injection head
integrated head
interchangeable head
interchangeable horizontal spindle head
ion gage head
irrigation head
jet head
joist head
kinetic head
knitting head
knurling head
laser head
latch bumper head
laying head
leader head
leak detector head
lever gun welding head
light signal head
liquid head
liquid-dividing head
live head
loading head
lost head
machining head
magnetic head
main rotor head
marking head
mechanical recording head
milling head
modified boring head
molder head
movable head
moving head
multidrill head
multiple drill head
multiple head
multiple sensor head
multiple-arc head
multiple-tree accumulating head
multispindle head
multistem felling head
multivertical spindle head
mushroom head
nail head
NC indexing head
NC/TP head
net positive suction head
nigger head
nozzle loss head
operating head
optical scanning head
pan-and-tilt head
panoramic head
parallel movement gripper head
pelletizing head
pickup head
picture head
pier head
pilot head
pipeline head
piston head
piston motor head
pit head
Pitot-static head
Pitot head
pivoting drafting head
placement head
planning head
playback head
plotting head
plunge milling head
potential head
pouring head
power head
preread head
press head
pressure head
priming head
printing head
probe head
profiling head
protractor head
pulling head
punch head
pusher-beam head
pyranometer head
quill-type head
rail head
rail-wing head
rainwater head
ram head
randomly selected head
reactor vessel head
read head
read-write head
record head
recording head
recording/playback head
refacing head
remote head
removable cylinder head
replay head
reservoir head
resurfaced cylinder head
RF head
right-angle head
river head
rivet head
roller head
rope-type head
rosser head
rotary head
round head
rudder head
running head
safety head
scanning head
screw-cutting head
seal-priming head
seam-welding head
search head
seepage head
self-cleaning head
self-powered welding head
self-powered head
sensing head
set head
shake head
shear mixing head
shear-and-grapple head
shearing head
sheeting head
sink head
sinker head
sleeve head
sleeve milling head
sliding head
slipper head
slotted head
sluice head
solid head
solid-state laser head
sound head
spear-point head
spike head
spindle head
spindle-type rotary head
splash head
split head
splitter head
static head
steering head
stem head
stitcher head
stitching head
stock head
stopper head
suction head
supply head
surcharge head
swivel work head
takeout head
tank head
tapered head
tappet head
tapping head
temperature head
tension head
test head
testing machine head
thermal head
thin-film head
thread-cutting head
thread-rolling head
tight head
time-code head
tool head
torch head
tracing head
tractor head
traveling head
trigger probe head
tripod head
trolley head
tubing head
turret head
U-flow head
unit-type head
universal boring head
universal milling head
upper head
valve head
valveless distillation column head
vapor-dividing head
velocity head
video erasing head
video head
video rotary heads
warping head
water head
well head
window head
write head -
16 product
1. продукт; изделие2. результат3. матем. произведение4. хим. продукт реакции
* * *
изделие; продукт; продукция
* * *
продукт; результат; произведение (машем.),
* * *
результат; произведение
* * *
1) продукт2) изделие•- black product
- bottom product
- cocking products
- cut black product
- dark-oil product
- end product
- heavy-oil product
- light-end product
- light-oil product
- neutralized product
- off-test product
- oil product
- overhead product
- petroleum product
- short-boiling-range product
- source-receiver product
- straight petroleum product
- termination product
- white product* * *• материал• продукт -
17 characteristic
а) графическое, табличное или аналитическое представление функциональных зависимостей, описывающих работу компонента, прибора, устройства или системыг) показатель; признак (статистических объектов из выбранной совокупности)2) закон; зависимость3) характерный; типичный•- aging characteristics
- alternating-charge characteristic
- amplitude-frequency characteristic
- anode characteristic
- anode-to-cathode voltage-current characteristic
- attenuation characteristic
- Bessel filter characteristic
- breakdown characteristic
- breakdown transfer characteristic
- Butterworth filter characteristic
- camera spectral characteristic
- camera taking characteristic
- capacitor-voltage characteristic
- cardioid radiation characteristic
- cathode-ray tube control characteristic
- Chebyshev filter characteristic
- closed-circuit characteristic
- collector characteristic
- common-base collector characteristic
- common-base emitter characteristic
- common-base input characteristic
- common-base output characteristic
- common-emitter base characteristic
- common-emitter collector characteristic
- common-emitter input characteristic
- common-emitter output characteristic
- common-mode characteristics
- companding characteristic
- compounding characteristic
- constant-current characteristic
- control characteristic
- counting-rate versus voltage characteristic
- current-illumination characteristic
- current-voltage characteristic
- cutoff current characteristic
- decay characteristic
- diode characteristic
- direct-current characteristic
- directional characteristic
- drain characteristic
- drain-current characteristic
- drooping characteristic
- double-humped characteristic
- dynamic characteristic
- electrode characteristic
- electron-tube dynamic characteristic
- electron-tube static characteristic
- electrooptical characteristic
- emission characteristic
- emitter characteristic
- emitter I-V characteristic
- envelope delay characteristic
- exposure-development characteristic
- falling characteristic
- figure-of-eight polar characteristic
- flat characteristic
- forward-bias characteristic
- frequency-response characteristic
- fuse characteristic
- fuse time-current characteristic
- gain characteristic
- gain-frequency characteristic
- gain-phase characteristic
- gain-transfer characteristic
- gamma characteristic
- gas-tube control characteristic
- grid characteristic
- grid-drive characteristic
- grid-plate characteristic
- group-delay characteristic
- halftone facsimile characteristic
- hearing characteristics
- heart-shaped characteristic
- hysteresis characteristic
- impedance characteristic
- impedance-frequency characteristic
- intrinsic characteristic
- life characteristics
- light characteristic
- light-transfer characteristic
- linear characteristic
- load characteristic
- load angle characteristic
- luminous characteristic
- luminous-resistance characteristic
- magnetization transfer characteristic
- mean-charge characteristic
- memory operating characteristic
- modulation transfer characteristic
- mutual characteristic
- no-load characteristic
- nonlinear characteristic
- open-circuit characteristic
- operational characteristic
- overload characteristic
- performance characteristic
- persistence characteristic
- phase characteristic
- phase-frequency characteristic
- photoemissive characteristics
- phototube characteristic
- pickup spectral characteristic
- plate characteristic
- plateau characteristic
- processing characteristics
- pulse response characteristic
- punch-through characteristic
- qualitative characteristic
- quantitative characteristic
- quantization characteristic
- quantum efficiency characteristic
- radiant-power characteristic
- receiver operating characteristic
- record characteristic
- recording characteristic
- record/reproduce characteristic
- rectifying characteristic
- relative spectral-sensitivity characteristic
- reproduce characteristic
- reproducing characteristic
- resonance characteristic
- response characteristic
- reverse-bias characteristic
- reversible-capacitance characteristic
- saturation characteristic
- secondary-emission characteristic
- short-circuit characteristic
- sine-wave response characteristic
- small-signal characteristic
- spectral characteristic
- spectral-sensitivity characteristic
- speed regulation characteristic
- square-wave response characteristic
- static characteristic
- steady-state characteristic
- switching characteristic
- tape transfer characteristic
- terminal characteristic
- thyratron control characteristic
- time-current characteristic
- Townsend characteristic
- transfer characteristic
- transferred-charge characteristic
- transrectification characteristic
- tube characteristic
- voltage-capacitance characteristic
- voltage regulation characteristic
- volt-ampere characteristic
- wavelength characteristic
- zero power-factor characteristic -
18 holography
б) процесс записи, получения или формирования голограмм- additive holography
- bistatic holography
- black-and-white holography
- color holography
- computer-generated holography
- correlation holography
- difference holography
- digital holography
- electronic holography
- Fourier holography
- Fraunhofer holography
- frequency swept holography
- Fresnel holography
- Gabor holography
- infrared holography
- in-line holography
- interferometric holography
- inverted reference-beam holography
- laser holography
- lensless holography
- light holography
- long-range holography
- long-wave holography
- magnetic holography
- magnetooptic holography
- microscopic holography
- microwave holography
- moving-target holography
- multicolor holography
- multiple-exposed holography
- non-real-time holography
- off-axis holography
- on-axis holography
- optical holography
- panoramic holography
- phase holography
- phase-object holography
- polarization holography
- pulse holography
- pulsed-laser holography
- reflection holography
- RF holography
- scanned holography
- scanned-beam holography
- scanned-receiver holography
- seismic holography
- simple flash holography
- single-beam holography
- space-invariant holography
- subfringe interferometric holography
- subtractive holography
- temporal reference holography
- thermoplastic holography
- three-dimensional holography
- two-beam holography
- two-dimensional holography
- ultrasonic holography
- ultraviolet holography
- volume holography
- weak-signal-enhancement holography
- white-light holography
- wide-angle holography
- X-ray holography -
19 characteristic
а) графическое, табличное или аналитическое представление функциональных зависимостей, описывающих работу компонента, прибора, устройства или системыг) показатель; признак (статистических объектов из выбранной совокупности)2) закон; зависимость3) характерный; типичный•- aging characteristics
- alternating-charge characteristic
- amplitude-frequency characteristic
- anode characteristic
- anode-to-cathode voltage-current characteristic
- attenuation characteristic
- Bessel filter characteristic
- breakdown characteristic
- breakdown transfer characteristic
- Butterworth filter characteristic
- camera spectral characteristic
- camera taking characteristic
- capacitor-voltage characteristic
- cardioid radiation characteristic
- cathode-ray tube control characteristic
- Chebyshev filter characteristic
- closed-circuit characteristic
- collector characteristic
- common-base collector characteristic
- common-base emitter characteristic
- common-base input characteristic
- common-base output characteristic
- common-emitter base characteristic
- common-emitter collector characteristic
- common-emitter input characteristic
- common-emitter output characteristic
- common-mode characteristics
- companding characteristic
- compounding characteristic
- constant-current characteristic
- control characteristic
- counting-rate versus voltage characteristic
- current-illumination characteristic
- current-voltage characteristic
- cutoff current characteristic
- decay characteristic
- diode characteristic
- direct-current characteristic
- directional characteristic
- double-humped characteristic
- drain characteristic
- drain-current characteristic
- drooping characteristic
- dynamic characteristic
- electrode characteristic
- electron-tube dynamic characteristic
- electron-tube static characteristic
- electrooptical characteristic
- emission characteristic
- emitter characteristic
- emitter I-V characteristic
- envelope delay characteristic
- exposure-development characteristic
- falling characteristic
- figure-of-eight polar characteristic
- flat characteristic
- forward-bias characteristic
- frequency-response characteristic
- fuse characteristic
- fuse time-current characteristic
- gain characteristic
- gain-frequency characteristic
- gain-phase characteristic
- gain-transfer characteristic
- gamma characteristic
- gas-tube control characteristic
- grid characteristic
- grid-drive characteristic
- grid-plate characteristic
- group-delay characteristic
- halftone facsimile characteristic
- hearing characteristics
- heart-shaped characteristic
- hysteresis characteristic
- impedance characteristic
- impedance-frequency characteristic
- intrinsic characteristic
- life characteristics
- light characteristic
- light-transfer characteristic
- linear characteristic
- load angle characteristic
- load characteristic
- luminous characteristic
- luminous-resistance characteristic
- magnetization transfer characteristic
- mean-charge characteristic
- memory operating characteristic
- modulation transfer characteristic
- mutual characteristic
- no-load characteristic
- nonlinear characteristic
- open-circuit characteristic
- operational characteristic
- overload characteristic
- performance characteristic
- persistence characteristic
- phase characteristic
- phase-frequency characteristic
- photoemissive characteristics
- phototube characteristic
- pickup spectral characteristic
- plate characteristic
- plateau characteristic
- processing characteristics
- pulse response characteristic
- punch-through characteristic
- qualitative characteristic
- quantitative characteristic
- quantization characteristic
- quantum efficiency characteristic
- radiant-power characteristic
- receiver operating characteristic
- record characteristic
- record/reproduce characteristic
- recording characteristic
- rectifying characteristic
- relative spectral-sensitivity characteristic
- reproduce characteristic
- reproducing characteristic
- resonance characteristic
- response characteristic
- reverse-bias characteristic
- reversible-capacitance characteristic
- saturation characteristic
- secondary-emission characteristic
- short-circuit characteristic
- sine-wave response characteristic
- small-signal characteristic
- spectral characteristic
- spectral-sensitivity characteristic
- speed regulation characteristic
- square-wave response characteristic
- static characteristic
- steady-state characteristic
- switching characteristic
- tape transfer characteristic
- terminal characteristic
- thyratron control characteristic
- time-current characteristic
- Townsend characteristic
- transfer characteristic
- transferred-charge characteristic
- transrectification characteristic
- tube characteristic
- voltage regulation characteristic
- voltage-capacitance characteristic
- volt-ampere characteristic
- wavelength characteristic
- zero power-factor characteristicThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > characteristic
20 holography
б) процесс записи, получения или формирования голограмм•- additive holography
- bistatic holography
- black-and-white holography
- color holography
- computer-generated holography
- correlation holography
- difference holography
- digital holography
- electronic holography
- Fourier holography
- Fraunhofer holography
- frequency swept holography
- Fresnel holography
- Gabor holography
- infrared holography
- in-line holography
- interferometric holography
- inverted reference-beam holography
- laser holography
- lensless holography
- light holography
- long-range holography
- long-wave holography
- magnetic holography
- magnetooptic holography
- microscopic holography
- microwave holography
- moving-target holography
- multicolor holography
- multiple-exposed holography
- non-real-time holography
- off-axis holography
- on-axis holography
- optical holography
- panoramic holography
- phase holography
- phase-object holography
- polarization holography
- pulse holography
- pulsed-laser holography
- reflection holography
- RF holography
- scanned holography
- scanned-beam holography
- scanned-receiver holography
- seismic holography
- simple flash holography
- single-beam holography
- space-invariant holography
- subfringe interferometric holography
- subtractive holography
- temporal reference holography
- thermoplastic holography
- three-dimensional holography
- two-beam holography
- two-dimensional holography
- ultrasonic holography
- ultraviolet holography
- volume holography
- weak-signal-enhancement holography
- white-light holography
- wide-angle holography
- X-ray holographyThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > holography
См. также в других словарях:
Light Data Transmission — attempts to transfer information using visible light.The Visible Light Communications Consortium are proposing using light emitting diodes to turn ordinary household fixtures such as light bulbs, televisions, or even flashlights into data… … Wikipedia
Receiver (radio) — This article is about a radio receiver, for other uses see Radio (disambiguation). A radio receiver is an electronic circuit that receives its input from an antenna, uses electronic filters to separate a wanted radio signal from all other signals … Wikipedia
Wireless light switch — A wireless light switch is a light switch that commands a light or home appliance to turn itself off or on, instead of interrupting the power line going to the light fixture. There are different ways to communicate between the switch and the… … Wikipedia
Speed of light — The speed of light in the vacuum of free space is an important physical constant usually denoted by the letter c . [NIST and BIPM practice is to use c 0 for the speed of light in vacuum in accord with international standard ISO 31 5. See… … Wikipedia
Dreamcast light guns — The Dreamcast video game console had several light guns between the years of 2000 and 2003. The light gun will work with a CRT TV or a CRT VGA monitor in 640x480 mode. Contents 1 Dreamcast Gun 2 StarFire LightBlaster 3 Dream Blaster … Wikipedia
Wide receiver — A wide receiver is an offensive position in American and Canadian football. Only players in certain positions are eligible to catch a forward pass. The two players who begin play at the ends of the offensive line are eligible receivers, as are… … Wikipedia
The Light User Syndrome — Infobox Album | Name = The Light User Syndrome Type = Album Artist = The Fall Released = 10 June 1996 Recorded = ??? Genre = Rock Length = 59:30 Label = Jet Producer = Mike Bennett, Mark E. Smith Reviews = *Allmusic Rating|3|5… … Wikipedia
Traffic light — The traffic light, also known as traffic signal, stop light, traffic lamp, stop and go lights, robot or semaphore, is a signaling device positioned at a road intersection, pedestrian crossing, or other location. Its purpose is to indicate, using… … Wikipedia
Charles Johnson (wide receiver) — Charles Johnson Position(s) Wide receiver Jersey #(s) 81, 89 Born January 3, 1972 (1972 01 03) (age 39) San Bernardino, California Career informatio … Wikipedia
M249 light machine gun — Machine Gun, 5.56 mm, M249 M249 Para Type Squad automatic weapon/Light machine gun Place of … Wikipedia
New Burnett Heads Light — New Burnett Heads Light … Wikipedia