1 lift-off point
English-Ukrainian dictionary of aviation terms > lift-off point
2 point
n1) точка, пункт3) момент часу•- aerodrome reference point - AFTN entry-exit points - agreed reporting point - aiming point - aircraft fire point - approach noise measurement point - approach reference noise measurement point - break-even point - break-in point - break-off point - burble point - burn point - change-over point - changeover point - check point - contact point - control transfer point - correct point - departure point - early warning point - entry-exit points - equal time point - final approach point - fire point - flash point - flight reference point - flight way point - flyover noise measurement point - focal point - fuel servicing point - holding point - intended landing point - joining point - landing point - last departure point - lateral noise measurement point - leaving point - lift-off point - missed approach point - MLS datum point - noise measurement point - point of arrival - point of departure - point of destination - point of no return - power point - probe point - refuelling point - reporting point - sideline noise measurement point - significant point - stagnation point - take-off noise measurement point - takeoff point - transfer initiation point - transfer od control point - VOR aerodrome check point - yield point -
3 technique
1) метод, спосіб (див. т-ж арproach, method) 2) технологія (див. т-ж technology) - alloying technique
- annular sawing technique
- assembly technique
- automatic layout technique
- automatic test generation technique
- BIMOS technique
- bond etchback technique
- boron etch stop technique
- bump-metallization technique
- CAD technique
- GDI technique
- chip floorplan technique
- chip processing technique
- circuit technique
- CMOS technique
- cold-crucible technique
- cold-processing technique
- collector-diffusion isolation technique
- commutating auto-zeroing technique
- computerized design technique
- CVD technique
- decomposition technique
- definition technique
- development advanced rate technique
- diffused planar technique
- diffusion technique
- double-diffusion technique
- dry processing technique
- electrochemical passivation technique
- electron-beam technique
- electroplating technique
- etch-and-refill technique
- etchback technique
- etch-stop technique
- evaporation technique
- fabrication technique
- film technique
- flip-chip technique
- floating crucible technique
- folding technique
- four-point probe technique
- growth technique
- implant-isolation technique
- incremental time technique
- integrated technique
- interconnection technique
- internal trace technique
- ion-implantation technique
- isolation technique
- laser selective photoionisation technique
- laser-trimming technique
- lifting technique
- lift-off technique
- light-scattering technique
- liquid encapsulation Czochralski technique
- liquid-phase epitaxy technique
- liquid epitaxy technique
- lithographic technique
- masked diffusion technique
- masking technique
- mask-making technique
- masterslice technique
- mesa-fabrication technique
- Minimod technique
- mixed-level technique
- mixed-mode technique
- modified horizontal Bridgman technique
- modified Bridgman technique
- molecular-beam epitaxy technique
- monolithic technique
- mounting technique
- multichip assembly technique
- multiwire technique
- native охide technique
- node tearing technique
- n-type doping technique
- open-tube diffusion technique
- open-tube technique
- optical alignment technique
- oxide masking technique
- oxygen-plasma охidation technique
- packaging technique
- peripheral sawing technique
- photolithographic technique
- photomasking technique
- photomechanical technique
- photoresist lift-off technique
- piecewise linear modeling technique
- planar-epitaxial technique
- plasma-охidation technique
- plasma-spraying technique
- p-n junction isolation technique
- positive photoresist masking technique
- probe technique
- processing technique
- production technique
- production soldering technique
- reduction technique
- resist technique
- SBC technique
- scaling technique
- screen-printing technique
- screen-stencil technique
- self-aligned double-diffusion technique
- serial-writing technique
- shallow V-groove technique
- shrinking technique
- silk-screeningtechnique
- silk-screentechnique
- single-layer interconnection technique
- single-level interconnection technique
- sinking technique
- slice technique
- solder reflow technique
- solute-diffusion technique
- SOS isolation technique
- sparse matrix technique
- staged-diffusion technique
- staining technique
- stencil technique
- step-and-repeat reduction technique
- tape-carrier technique
- test technique
- thermal wave technique
- trench-etch technique
- tri-mask technique
- trimming technique
- two-layer resist technique
- two-phase technique
- two-step technique
- vapor-oxidation technique
- vapor-phase epitaxial technique
- V-ATC technique
- wet technique
- wire-bonding technique
- wire-wrapping technique
- wire-wrap technique
- wiring technique
- 1:1 photomasking techniqueEnglish-Ukrainian dictionary of microelectronics > technique
4 tariff
(trf)1. n под. тариф; мито; a тарифний; митний; 2. прейскурант; 3. тарифний збірник1. вид непрямого податку (indirect tax), який накладається на імпортовані або часом на експортовані товари чи послуги; ♦ тарифи стягуються з метою захисту національної економіки від закордонної конкуренції, таким способом забезпечуючи, напр., зайнятість (employment²) (захисний тариф (protective tariff)) або збільшення доходів (revenue) як джерела фінансування державних видатків тощо; 2. довідник ставок, у якому визначаються ціни на різні види товарів і послуг; 3. опубліковані норми із зазначенням тарифних ставок і класифікації вантажів═════════■═════════ad valorem tariff тариф від заявленої ціни; agency tariff агентський тариф; agricultural tariff митний тариф на сільськогосподарські продукти; all-in tariff універсальний тариф • єдиний тариф; alternative tariff альтернативний тариф; autonomous tariff автономний тариф; basic tariff основний тариф; basing tariff твердий тариф • прейскурант твердих тарифних ставок; blanket tariff єдиний тариф; bulk tariff оптовий тариф; cargo tariff вантажний тариф; class tariff прейскурант класних тарифів; commercial tariff комерційний тариф; compound tariff змішаний тариф; consolidated tariff загальний тариф; conventional tariff конвенційний тариф • договірне мито; customs tariff митний тариф; differential tariff диференційний тариф • диференційне мито; discriminatory tariff дискримінаційний тариф; discriminatory customs tariff дискримінаційний митний тариф; double tariff подвійний тариф; double-column tariff двоколонний тариф; double-rate tariff подвійна тарифна ставка; export tariff експортний тариф; flat-rate tariff простий тариф; flexible tariff гнучкий тариф; foreign tariff митний тариф іноземної держави; freight tariff прейскурант товарних тарифних ставок • вантажний тариф; general tariff простий тариф; goods tariff товарний тариф; government tariff державний тариф; graduated tariff прогресивний тариф • диференційний тариф • ступінчастий тариф; import tariff імпортний тариф; international tariff міжнародний тариф; invisible tariff невидимий тариф; joint tariff збірник (прейскурант) єдиних тарифів; maximum tariff максимальний тариф; mileage tariff прейскурант покілометрових тарифів; minimum tariff мінімальний тариф; mixed tariff змішаний тариф; multilinear tariff багатоколонний тариф • складний тариф; multiple tariff система множинних тарифів; nonprohibitive tariff незаборонний тариф; off-peak tariff мінімальні тарифні ставки; passenger tariff прейскурант пасажирських тарифних ставок; penalty tariff каральний тариф • каральні мита; peril-point tariff тариф «небезпечної точки» (коли обсяг імпорту загрожує конкурентоспроможності вітчизняних товарів); postal tariff поштовий тариф; preferential tariff (P. T.) пільговий тариф; prohibitive tariff заборонний тариф (при якому ціна імпортованого товару так підвищується, що робить його збут практично неможливим); protective tariff захисний тариф; reduced tariff пільговий тариф; retaliatory tariff каральний тариф; revenue tariff фіскальний тариф; seasonal tariff сезонний тариф; single tariff простий тариф; single-column tariff одноколонний тариф; single-schedule tariff одноколонний тариф; sliding-scale tariff ковзна шкала тарифних ставок; special tariff особливий тариф; specific tariff специфічний тариф • специфічне мито; state tariff державний тариф; statutory tariff встановлений законом тариф; step tariff ступінчастий тариф; three-tier tariff триярусний тариф; transit tariff транзитний тариф; transport tariff транспортний тариф; two-part tariff двокомпонентний тариф; unilinear tariff простий тариф • одноколонний тариф; zone tariff зональний тариф═════════□═════════according to the tariff відповідно до прейскуранта; as per tariff за тарифом; tariff agreement тарифна угода; tariff barrier тарифний бар'єр; tariff ceiling максимальне мито • гранична висота тарифу; tariff concession митна пільга; tariff for carriage тариф на перевезення; tariff for single consignments тариф дрібних відправлень; tariff for tare carriage тарний тариф • тариф для перевезення порожньої тари; tariff for the trasit of goods тариф на транзитні товари; tariff group тарифна група; tariff heading вид тарифу; tariff number позиція в митному тарифі; tariff preference пільговий тариф; tariff protection тарифний захист; tariff quota тарифна квота; tariff rate тарифна ставка; tariff reduction зниження тарифу; tariff regulations тарифні правила; tariff union митний союз; tariff wall тарифна перешкода • тарифний бар'єр; tariff war митна війна; tariff zone тарифна зона • тарифний пояс; to abolish a tariff скасовувати/скасувати тариф; to adapt a tariff змінювати/змінити тариф; to apply a tariff застосовувати/застосувати тариф; to change a tariff змінювати/змінити тариф; to decrease a tariff знижувати/знизити тариф; to impose a tariff накладати/накласти тариф; to increase a tariff збільшувати/збільшити тариф; to lift a tariff піднімати/підняти тариф; to pay a tariff оплачувати/оплатити тариф; to raise a tariff збільшувати/збільшити тариф; to reduce a tariff знижувати/знизити тариф; to terminate all tariff preferences скасовувати/скасувати всі тарифні пільгиtariff ‡ tax (393) -
5 system
n1) система; комплекс2) установка; пристрій•- acceleration warning system - accessory power system - active beacon collision avoidance system - aerodynamic roll system - airborne collision avoidance system - airborne early warning system - airborne lightweight optical tracking system - airborne prospecting system - airborne television system - airborne warning and control system - aircraft electrical system - aircraft integrated data system - aircraft intercommunication system - aircraft system - airdrop system - air-ground data link system - airlocking system - air transport system - airway system - alarm signal system - alarm system - alarm warning system - altitude alerting system - anti-icing system - antiskid system - approach lighting system - area forecast system - associated aircraft system - automated data interchange system - automatic direction finder system - automatic flight control system - autonomous life support system - autopilot system - aviation safety reporting system - avionics system - backpack life support system - balloon-tracking system - canard foil system - co-axial rotor system - collision avoidance system - communication system - computerized system - conical coordinate system - control system - countermeasures system - digital avionic systems - dimmer system - docking guidance system - dual-channel system - dual flight control system - early warning system - economical space transportation system - electric flight control signalling system - electronic attack system - electronic support system - elevator control system - enhanced ground proximity warning system - enroute navigation systems - Entry Sensor System - exhaust system - exit sensor system - explosives detection system - extraterrestrial transportation system - facility performance category I instrument landing system - facility performance category II instrument landing system - facility performance category III instrument landing system - fail safe system - fail tolerant system - FBW system - flight control system - flight management system - FLIR system - fly-by-wire system - forward-looking infra-red system - fuel system - general purpose system - global positioning system - ground proximity warning system - guidance system - high lift control system - inertial navigation system - infrared search and tracking system - instrument landing system - integrated electronic warfare system - inorbit-on-demand space transportation system - jet engine starter system - landing navigation system - landing system - LEO-to-GEO transportation system - long-range position finding system - lubricating system - lubrication system - microwave landing system - multifunctional system - narrow gauge lighting system - navigation system - offensive fire-control system - oil system - orbital coordinate system - orbital transportation system - orbiting multibody system - oxygen system - pilot-controller system - planar coordinate system - point-defence weapon systems - position indicating system - power-operated control system - power-supply system - power system - precision approach category I lighting system - precision approach category II lighting system - precombustion chamber fuel system - pressure air system - pressure fueling system - pressure system - primary system - propeller deicing system - propulsion system - Q-feci system - Q-feel system - queueing system - radar airborne weather system - radar guidance system - radar identification system - radiation alarm system - radio command system - radio guidance system - radio navigation system - rapid response space transportation system TKJI - reporting system - safety management system - satellite communications system - satellite navigation system - satellite system - scanning beam system - SELCAL system - selective calling system - simple approach lighting system - solar system - space-based observing system - space-based transportation system - space environmental quality control system - space laser power system - space nuclear power system - space observing system - space transportation system - SPADE system - take-off monitoring system - thermal protection system - trainable system - training system - two-frequency glide path system - two-frequency localizer system - visual approach slope indicator system - visual docking guidance system - wing antiicing system - wing flap control system - wing slat system - wing spoiler system - world area forecast system
См. также в других словарях:
LIFT — vt: to put an end to: make no longer effective lift the stay Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. lift I … Law dictionary
Off-World Interceptor — Developer(s) Crystal Dynamics Publisher(s) Crystal Dynamics Platform(s) … Wikipedia
Off-roading — A Land Rover Defender 90 off roading Off roading is a term for driving a vehicle on unsurfaced roads or tracks, made of materials such as sand, gravel, riverbeds, mud, snow, rocks, and other natural terrain. Contents 1 … Wikipedia
Lift (force) — For other uses, see Lift. Boeing 747 8F landing A fluid flowing past the surface of a body exerts a surface force on it. Lift is the component of this force that is perpendicular to the … Wikipedia
lift — Synonyms and related words: Caelus, Great Leap Forward, Olympian heights, Sunday drive, a leg up, abstract, acculturate, acme, advance, advancement, aerial heights, aerosphere, aggrandize, aid, air, airing, ameliorate, amelioration, amend,… … Moby Thesaurus
Point Blanc — infobox Book | name = Point Blank title orig = translato = image caption = First edition cover author = Anthony Horowitz country = United Kingdom language = English series = Alex Rider series genre = Adventure, spy publisher = Walker Books… … Wikipedia
Roll-on/roll-off — (RORO or ro ro) ships are ferries designed to carry wheeled cargo such as automobiles, trucks, semi trailer trucks, trailers or railroad cars. This is in contrast to lo lo (lift on lift off) vessels which use a crane to load and unload cargo.RORO … Wikipedia
blast off — Synonyms and related words: A, alpha, altitude peak, automatic control, begin, beginning, blast away, burn, burnout, ceiling, commence, commencement, creation, cutting edge, dawn, descent, dive in, edge, end of burning, establishment, fall to,… … Moby Thesaurus
Cedar Point — This article is about the amusement park in Ohio. For other uses, see Cedar Point (disambiguation). Cedar Point Location Sandusky, Ohio, USA Coordinates … Wikipedia
Translational lift — is the extra lift created/received when a helicopter s forward speed increases from the hover. It should be noted that if there is a steady wind (above 10 knots) a helicopter in the hover may already be in translational lift.It is created when… … Wikipedia
Corkscrew (Cedar Point) — Corkscrew The final inversion on Corkscrew Location Cedar Point Coordinates … Wikipedia