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  • 1 life-and-death

    adj. (исто и life-or-death) од животно значење, пресуден, решавачки; a life-anddeath struggle борба на живот и смрт

    English-Macedonian dictionary > life-and-death

См. также в других словарях:

  • life-and-death — life′ and death′ also life or death adj. involving possible loss of life; mortal; crucially important: a life and death struggle[/ex] • Etymology: 1680–90 …   From formal English to slang

  • life-and-death — /luyf euhn deth /, adj. ending with the death or possible death of one of the participants; crucially important: The cobra was engaged in a life and death struggle with the mongoose. Also, life or death. [1680 90] * * * …   Universalium

  • life-and-death — adjective vitally important a life and death struggle • Syn: ↑life or death • Similar to: ↑crucial, ↑important …   Useful english dictionary

  • Life and death — is a fundamental concept in the game of Go, where the status of a distinct group of stones is determined as either being alive , and may remain on the board, or dead, where the group will be lost as captured . The basic idea can be simply but… …   Wikipedia

  • life-and-death — adj. Life and death is used with these nouns: ↑decision, ↑situation, ↑struggle …   Collocations dictionary

  • life-or-death — adjective vitally important a life and death struggle • Syn: ↑life and death • Similar to: ↑crucial, ↑important …   Useful english dictionary

  • Life and Fate — infobox Book | name = Life and Fate title orig = translator = author = Vasily Grossman illustrator = cover artist = country = U.S.S.R. language = Russian series = genre = publisher = release date = media type = pages = isbn = preceded by =… …   Wikipedia

  • Life and work of Ludwig van Beethoven — This is a detailed account of the life and work of Ludwig van Beethoven. For more on this composer, see the main article Ludwig van Beethoven for his family see Van Beethoven Family. Role of Musical Biography It is common for listeners to… …   Wikipedia

  • life — n. (pl. lives) 1 the condition which distinguishes active animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, functional activity, and continual change preceding death. 2 a living things and their activity (insect life;… …   Useful english dictionary

  • struggle — I n. 1) to carry on, put up, wage a struggle 2) a bitter, desperate, fierce, frantic, violent; ceaseless, unending, unrelenting; internecine; life and death struggle 3) the class struggle 4) a struggle against, with; for (a struggle against… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • Death and the King's Horseman — Written by Wole Soyinka Characters Elesin Olunde Iyaloja Simon Pilkings Jane Pilkings Amusa Date premiered March 1, 1975 (1975 03 01) …   Wikipedia

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