1 licensee
noun (a person to whom a licence (especially to keep a licensed hotel or public house) has been given.) bevillingshaver, lisenshaversubst. \/ˌlaɪs(ə)nˈsiː\/lisensinnehaver, person som innehar skjenkebevilling -
2 licence
(a (printed) form giving permission to do something (eg to keep a television set etc, drive a car, sell alcohol etc): a driving licence.) tillatelse, bevilling, -kort, -lisens- license- licensed
- licenseeavgift--------lisensIsubst. \/ˈlaɪs(ə)ns\/ eller license1) lisens, tillatelse, bevilling, løyve, kongebrev, lov, rett2) sertifikat3) ( alkoholservering) skjenkebevilling, skjenkerett, bevilling, løyve4) ( handel) handelsbrev, håndverksbrev, autorisasjon5) avgift• have you paid your car licence yet?6) ( våpen) bæretillatelse7) tøylesløshet, usedelighet, lettsindighet, lidderlighet8) handlefrihet, dispensasjon9) ( kunst) frihetdommeren hevdet at frifinnelsen var det samme som å rope «fritt frem» for voldtektlicence to print money ( overført) gullgruvemade under (a) licence laget på lisensmarry by licence forklaring: gifte seg etter å ha fått utstedt ekteskapslisenspoetic licence poetisk frihet, licentia poeticasubject to licence avhengig av bevilling\/tillatelseunder licence på lisensIIverb \/ˈlaɪs(ə)ns\/se ➢ license, 2
См. также в других словарях:
licensee — li·cens·ee /ˌlīs ən sē/ n: one to whom a license is given a patent licensee; specif: one (as a firefighter in the course of his or her duty) who is on the property of another by authority of law or by the consent or invitation of the possessor… … Law dictionary
licensee — li‧cen‧see [ˌlaɪsnˈsiː] noun [countable] LAW 1. someone who has official permission to do something, especially to sell alcohol: • The full licence enables the licensee to sell liquor for consumption either on or off the premises. 2. an… … Financial and business terms
Licensee — Li cen*see (l[imac] sen*s[=e] ), n. (Law) The person to whom a license is given. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
licensee — 1837, from LICENSE (Cf. license) + EE (Cf. ee) … Etymology dictionary
licensee — ► NOUN ▪ the holder of a licence, especially to sell alcoholic drinks … English terms dictionary
licensee — [lī΄sən sē′] n. a person to whom a license is granted … English World dictionary
Licensee — This article is about the common law concept of a licensee; see here for information on licenses A licensee is a term used in the law of torts to describe a person who is on the property of another, despite the fact that the property is not open… … Wikipedia
Licensee — An individual who is allowed to enter a piece of property by permission of the owner. For the purpose of this definition, there cannot be any kind of reciprocal profit motive between the licensee and the property owner. Someone who is allowed to… … Investment dictionary
licensee — [[t]la͟ɪs(ə)nsi͟ː[/t]] licensees 1) N COUNT A licensee is a person or organization that has been given a licence. [FORMAL] 2) N COUNT A licensee is someone who has been given a licence to sell alcoholic drinks, for example in a pub. [BRIT] … English dictionary
licensee — UK [ˌlaɪs(ə)nˈsiː] / US [ˌlaɪs(ə)nˈsɪ] noun [countable] Word forms licensee : singular licensee plural licensees someone who has a licence to do something, especially to sell alcoholic drinks … English dictionary
licensee — sub·licensee; … English syllables