1 licensed
• lailliset oikeudet omaava* * *adjective ((of a shop, hotel etc) legally allowed to sell alcohol to customers: a licensed grocer.) anniskeluluvan/A-oikeudet omaava -
2 licensed premises
• anniskelupaikka -
3 licensed trade
• luvanvarainen elinkeino -
4 restaurant licensed to serve alcohol
• anniskeluravintolaEnglish-Finnish dictionary > restaurant licensed to serve alcohol
5 licence
• toimilupa• vapaus• erikoislupa• erioikeus• anniskeluoikeudet• anniskeluoikeus• vallattomuus• lisenssi• myöntää lupa• kurittomuus• käyttölupa• lupatodistus• lupakirja• lupa* * *(a (printed) form giving permission to do something (eg to keep a television set etc, drive a car, sell alcohol etc): a driving licence.) lupa, ajokortti- license- licensed
- licensee -
6 license
• oikeuttaafinance, business, economy• toimilupa• vapaus• valtuuttaa• lisensioidafinance, business, economy• lisensoidafinance, business, economy• lisenssi• myöntää lupa• myöntää lisenssi• laillistaa• lupa• lupakirja* * *verb (to give a licence to or permit: He is licensed to sell alcohol.) myöntää lupa -
7 licensee
• toimiluvanhaltija• lisenssinsaaja• lisenssinhaltija• lupakirjan haltija• luvanhaltija• luvansaaja* * *noun (a person to whom a licence (especially to keep a licensed hotel or public house) has been given.) anniskeluluvan haltija, A-oikeuksien haltija
См. также в других словарях:
Licensed — Li censed (l[imac] senst), a. Having a license; permitted or authorized by license; as, a licensed victualer; a licensed traffic. Syn: accredited, commissioned, licenced. [1913 Webster] {Licensed victualer}, one who has a license to keep an inn… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
licensed — index admissible, allowed, entitled, lawless, legitimate (rightful), licit, official, permissible … Law dictionary
licensed — license li‧cense [ˈlaɪsns] also licence verb [transitive] LAW 1. to give official permission for someone to do something or for an activity to take place: • The building contractors we hired were licensed by the Gener … Financial and business terms
licensed — [[t]la͟ɪs(ə)nst[/t]] 1) ADJ: oft ADJ to inf If you are licensed to do something, you have official permission from the government or from the authorities to do it. There were about 250 people on board, about 100 more than the ferry was licensed… … English dictionary
licensed — li|censed [ laısnst ] adjective 1. ) someone who is licensed has official permission to do something, for example to drive or to do a particular job: a licensed driver/physician/contractor/massage therapist 2. ) licensed products are products… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
licensed — UK [ˈlaɪs(ə)nst] / US adjective 1) a place that is licensed has official permission to sell alcoholic drinks The hotel has a restaurant and a licensed bar. 2) someone who is licensed has official permission to do something, for example to work in … English dictionary
licensed — li|censed also licenced BrE [ˈlaısənst] adj 1.) BrE having a licence to sell alcoholic drinks ▪ a licensed restaurant 2.) a car, gun etc that is licensed is one that someone has official permission to own or use 3.) having been given official… … Dictionary of contemporary English
licensed — also licenced adjective 1 BrE having a licence to sell alcoholic drinks: a licensed restaurant 2 a car, gun etc that is licensed is one that someone has official permission to own or use 3 having been given official permission to do a particular… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
licensed — [ˈlaɪs(ə)nst] adj 1) a place that is licensed has official permission to sell alcoholic drinks 2) someone who is licensed has official permission to do something, for example to work in a particular job 3) licensed products are products that… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
Licensed — License Li cense (l[imac] sens), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Licensed} (l[imac] senst); p. pr. & vb. n. {Licensing}.] To permit or authorize by license; to give license to; as, to license a man to preach. Milton. Shak. Syn: licence, certify. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
licensed — adj. Licensed is used with these nouns: ↑architect, ↑bar, ↑dealer, ↑distributor, ↑electrician, ↑establishment, ↑merchandise, ↑nurse, ↑physician, ↑physiotherapist, ↑pilot, ↑ … Collocations dictionary