1 licensed
adjective ((of a shop, hotel etc) legally allowed to sell alcohol to customers: a licensed grocer.) konzessioniert* * *li·censed[ˈlaɪsən(t)st]adj inv1. (with official approval) lizenziert, zugelassen\licensed pilot zugelassener Pilot/zugelassene Pilotina \licensed restaurant ein Restaurant nt mit Schankerlaubnis* * *['laIsənst]adjhe's a licensed pilot — er hat einen Pilotenschein
2)(= selling alcohol)
licensed bar/premises — Lokal nt mit Schankerlaubnisfully licensed — mit voller Schankkonzession or -erlaubnis
I used to be in the licensed trade —
licensed victualler — Lebensmittelhändler mit einer Konzession für den Verkauf von Alkohol
he won't stay at a hotel unless it's licensed — er übernachtet nur in Hotels mit Alkoholausschank
* * *licensed [ˈlaısənst] adjlicensed house ( oder premises pl) Br Lokal n mit Schankkonzession; → academic.ru/55544/pilot">pilot A 1, victual(l)er2. Lizenz…:licensed construction Lizenzbau m* * *adj.lizensiert adj. -
2 pilot
1. noun 2. adjectivePilot[programm, -studie, -projekt usw.]3. transitive verb1) (Aeronaut.) fliegen2) (Naut.; also fig.): (guide) lotsen* * *1. noun1) (a person who flies an aeroplane: The pilot and crew were all killed in the air crash.) der/die Pilot(in)2) (a person who directs a ship in and out of a harbour, river, or coastal waters.) der/die Lotse(in)2. adjective(experimental: a pilot scheme (= one done on a small scale, eg to solve certain problems before a larger, more expensive project is started).) Versuchs-...3. verb(to guide as a pilot: He piloted the ship/plane.) lotsen- academic.ru/117905/pilot-light">pilot-light* * *pi·lot[ˈpaɪlət]I. n2. TV Pilotfilm fII. vt1. AVIAT, NAUTto \pilot an aircraft ein Flugzeug fliegento \pilot a ship ein Schiff lotsen▪ to \pilot sth etw durchbringento \pilot a bill through Parliament einen Gesetzesentwurf durch das Parlament bringen3. (test)the test was \piloted in schools eine erste Testreihe wurde an Schulen durchgeführtto \pilot a project ein Pilotprojekt durchführenIII. adj usu attr, inv Pilot-\pilot study Pilotstudie fa \pilot test ein erster Test* * *['paɪlət]1. npilot's licence — Flugschein m, Flugzeugführererlaubnis f (form)
3) (= pilot light) Zündflamme f5) (TV)2. vtplane führen, fliegen; ship lotsen; (fig) führen, leiten* * *pilot [ˈpaılət]A s1. SCHIFF Lotse m, Lotsin f:licensed pilot seeamtlich befähigter Lotse2. FLUG Pilot(in):a) Flugzeugführer(in)b) Ballonführer(in):pilot instructor Fluglehrer(in);3. a) Führer(in), Leiter(in) (beide auch fig)b) Berater(in):drop the pilot den Berater in die Wüste schicken4. BAHN US Schienenräumer m5. TECHa) Betätigungselement n, Kraftglied nb) Führungszapfen m7. a) RADIO, TV Pilotsendung fb) TV Pilotfilm mB v/tpilot through durchlotsen (a. fig);pilot a bill through Congress einen Gesetzentwurf durch den Kongress bringen2. FLUG steuern, lenken, fliegenC adj1. Versuchs…, Probe…:pilot experiment Vorversuch m;pilot model Versuchsmodell n;pilot scheme Versuchs-, Pilotprojekt n;pilot study Pilot-, Leitstudie f2. Hilfs…:3. TECH Steuer…, Kontroll…, Leit…* * *1. noun 2. adjectivePilot[programm, -studie, -projekt usw.]3. transitive verb1) (Aeronaut.) fliegen2) (Naut.; also fig.): (guide) lotsen* * *(film) n.Pilotfilm m. n.Haupt Häupter n.Lotse -n m.Pilot -en m. -
3 licensed
1) ( with official approval) lizensiert, zugelassen;\licensed pilot zugelassener Pilot/zugelassene Pilotina \licensed restaurant ein Restaurant nt mit Schankerlaubnis
См. также в других словарях:
Pilot licensing in Canada — is governed by Transport Canada in accordance with the Aeronautics Act and the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs). A person may operate an aircraft or act as a flight crew member only with a licence issued by Transport Canada. Personnel… … Wikipedia
pilot — Synonyms and related words: Gyropilot, aegis, aerialist, aeronaut, aeroplaner, aeroplanist, agent, air pilot, airman, airplanist, arm guard, astronaut, auto, automatic pilot, aviator, backstop, barnstorm, barnstormer, be responsible for,… … Moby Thesaurus
Pilot licensing and certification — Pilot licensing or certification refers to permits to fly aircraft that are issued by the National Aviation Authority (NAA) in each country, establishing that the holder has met a specific set of knowledge and experience requirements. This… … Wikipedia
Pilot — Pi lot, n. [F. pilote, prob. from D. peillood plummet, sounding lead; peilen, pegelen, to sound, measure (fr. D. & G. peil, pegel, a sort of measure, water mark) + lood lead, akin to E. lead. The pilot, then, is the lead man, i. e., he who throws … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pilot balloon — Pilot Pi lot, n. [F. pilote, prob. from D. peillood plummet, sounding lead; peilen, pegelen, to sound, measure (fr. D. & G. peil, pegel, a sort of measure, water mark) + lood lead, akin to E. lead. The pilot, then, is the lead man, i. e., he who… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pilot bird — Pilot Pi lot, n. [F. pilote, prob. from D. peillood plummet, sounding lead; peilen, pegelen, to sound, measure (fr. D. & G. peil, pegel, a sort of measure, water mark) + lood lead, akin to E. lead. The pilot, then, is the lead man, i. e., he who… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pilot boat — Pilot Pi lot, n. [F. pilote, prob. from D. peillood plummet, sounding lead; peilen, pegelen, to sound, measure (fr. D. & G. peil, pegel, a sort of measure, water mark) + lood lead, akin to E. lead. The pilot, then, is the lead man, i. e., he who… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pilot bread — Pilot Pi lot, n. [F. pilote, prob. from D. peillood plummet, sounding lead; peilen, pegelen, to sound, measure (fr. D. & G. peil, pegel, a sort of measure, water mark) + lood lead, akin to E. lead. The pilot, then, is the lead man, i. e., he who… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pilot cloth — Pilot Pi lot, n. [F. pilote, prob. from D. peillood plummet, sounding lead; peilen, pegelen, to sound, measure (fr. D. & G. peil, pegel, a sort of measure, water mark) + lood lead, akin to E. lead. The pilot, then, is the lead man, i. e., he who… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pilot engine — Pilot Pi lot, n. [F. pilote, prob. from D. peillood plummet, sounding lead; peilen, pegelen, to sound, measure (fr. D. & G. peil, pegel, a sort of measure, water mark) + lood lead, akin to E. lead. The pilot, then, is the lead man, i. e., he who… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pilot film — Pilot Pi lot, n. [F. pilote, prob. from D. peillood plummet, sounding lead; peilen, pegelen, to sound, measure (fr. D. & G. peil, pegel, a sort of measure, water mark) + lood lead, akin to E. lead. The pilot, then, is the lead man, i. e., he who… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English