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См. также в других словарях:

  • Letter of Agency — A Letter of Agency is a document authorizing a telecommunications provider to act on your behalf. This is generally required in the United States when switching a telephone service provider while keeping the current telephone number or any other… …   Wikipedia

  • letter — let·ter n 1: a direct written statement addressed to an individual or organization; broadly: an official communication see also counterletter determination letter: a letter from an administrative agency (as the Internal Revenue Service) usu. in… …   Law dictionary

  • letter ruling — n: a ruling (as of a court or administrative agency) that is made in a letter (as an opinion or determination letter); also: determination letter at letter 1 Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • Letter (message) — The famous Einstein letter from Edward Teller and Leó Szilárd to US President Franklin Roosevelt suggesting an atomic bomb project. Click here for page 2. A letter is a written message from one party to another. The role of letters in… …   Wikipedia

  • Letter of credit — After a contract is concluded between buyer and seller, buyer s bank supplies a letter of credit to seller …   Wikipedia

  • Letter monopoly — The Letter monopoly (German: Briefmonopol) was enshrined in the German Postgesetz law, and until the end of 2005 it granted an exclusive license to the German post office, Deutsche Post, for the transport of letters and catalog deliveries of up… …   Wikipedia

  • no-action letter — Letter written by attorney for governmental agency (e.g. S.E.C.) to effect that, if facts are as represented in request for ruling, he will advise agency not to take action because the facts do not warrant prosecution …   Black's law dictionary

  • no-action letter — Letter written by attorney for governmental agency (e.g. S.E.C.) to effect that, if facts are as represented in request for ruling, he will advise agency not to take action because the facts do not warrant prosecution …   Black's law dictionary

  • National Asset Management Agency — Agency overview Formed Late 2009 Jurisdiction Ireland …   Wikipedia

  • Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency — overview Jurisdiction United Kingdom Minister responsible Mike Penning MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State executive …   Wikipedia

  • Defense Security Cooperation Agency — The Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA), as part of the United States Department of Defense (DoD), provides financial and technical assistance, transfer of defense matériel, training and services to allies, and promotes military to… …   Wikipedia

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