1 lens element
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > lens element
2 lens element
3 lens element
1) Морской термин: линза, входящая в оптическую систему2) Техника: линза3) Картография: компонент объектива -
4 lens element
5 lens element
линза, входящая в оптическую систему -
6 element
2) (гальванический) элемент, первичный источник тока•-
flip-flop pneumatic logic element
off delay timer pneumatic logic element
on delay timer pneumatic logic element
acid-forming element
acoustic element
active element
actuating element
adaptive element
adding element
addition element
age-hardening element
alkaline elements
alkaline-earth elements
alloying element
analog element
analog memory element
AND element
annular fuel element
array element
austenite promoting element
ball-type element
bare fuel element
bearing element
bending element
bidirectional filter element
bimorph element
binary element
bistable element
bonded fuel element
boundary element
breeder fuel element
breeder element
C element
capacitance element
capacitor element
center-tapped element
chemical element
circuit element
cleanable filter element
coarse filter element
code element
commutation element
comparison element
compression element
computing element
conditioning element
conducting element
conductive plastic element
contacting element
control element
coolant maintenance element
coupling element
crack tip element
crystal element
current-responsive element
daisywheel typing element
damping element
data element
decision element
delay element
detectable element
detecting element
digital element
discrete element
display element
dissipative element
distorting element
distributed-constant element
distributed element
drafting element
driven element
driving element
dummy element
dummy filter element
dynamic element
electric heating element
electrical element
electroluminescence element
electronic element
element of length
element of matrix
element of surface of revolution
enclosing program element
end-fed element
end-fire element
engine wear elements
equally spaced elements
equivalence element
errorprone element
exclusive OR element
executive element
expansion element
expendable filter element
factory-made element
fed element
feed element
felt element
ferrite promoting element
fertile fuel element
filler element
film registration element
filter element
final control element
finite element
finned fuel element
flexural element
fluid element
friction element
fuel element
fuse element
glass-forming element
golf-ball typing element
graphite-carbon cloth friction element
hardening element
heat-absorbing element
heater element
heat-exchange element
heating element
heat-protection element
higher-order element
hollow fuel element
hook-up element
IC element
identity element
image element
impurity element
inclusive OR element
indicator element
inside-out flow filter element
instantaneous element
interacting jet element
interstitial element
isoparametric element
knitting elements
L element
lamp sealed element
lens element
light-sensitive element
lineal element
list element
logical element
logic element
long-exposure fuel element
loop-forming elements
lossless element
lossy element
low-boiling element
lumped-constant element
lumped element
M element
magnet filter element
magnetic element
magnox fuel element
majority decision element
majority element
master element
matrix element
measuring element
memory element
memory pneumatic logic element
metal edge filter element
metal screen filter element
modular filter element
motor element
movable genetic element
movable operating element
moving element
NAND element
negation element
nondimensioned element
nondissipative element
nonequivalent element
nonlinear element
nonradiating element
NOR element
NOT element
NOT-AND element
NOTOR element
omnidirectional element
optical logic element
OR element
outside-in flow filter element
paper element
parasitic element
passive element
Peltier element
photographic element
picture element
piezoelectric ceramic element
piezoelectric crystal element
piezoelectric load measuring element
plain filter element
pleated filter element
plug-in element
poison element
precast element
prefabricated element
prestressed element
primary air cleaner element
primary element
prismatic fuel element
processing element
program element
pump barret element
pump element
pure fluid element
radiating element
rare earth elements
rectifying element
reference element
reinforcing element
residual element
resistance element
resistive element
resistor element
resolution element
ribbon fuel element
rod-type fuel element
rubbing element
safety element
scanning element
scene element
screening filter element
sealing element
secondary air cleaner element
self-cleaning filter element
semiconductor element
sensing element
signal element
simplex element
single element
solar collector element
solid finite element
solute hardener element
springing element
stabilizing element
standard element
static element
stiffening element
storage element
strain-sensing element
structural element
switching element
synthetic fiber filter element
tape-guiding element
target element
tensile element
thermal element
thermally sensitive element
thermoelectric element
thermostatic element
thorium-base fuel element
threshold element
throwaway filter element
time element
timing element
torsional element
trace element
tracer elements
transfer elements
transitional element
tread element
trimming element
tubular electric heating element
tubular fuel element
tuning element
two stage filter element
two-terminal element
typing element
unbonded fuel element
undriven element
uranium-base fuel element
water absorption filter element
wound-wire filter element
woven screen filter element -
7 lens
1) линза
2) антенна-линза
3) линзовый
4) объектив
5) окуляр
6) лупа
7) чечевица
– accessory lens
– achromatic lens
– acoustic lens
– adapter lens
– anamorphotic lens
– antenna lens
– apochromat lens
– astigmatic lens
– back lens
– Bertrand lens
– biconcave lens
– biconvex lens
– bifocal lens
– bipotential lens
– catadioptric lens
– cathode lens
– center of lens
– cinematography lens
– coated lens
– collecting lens
– composite lens
– concave lens
– concave-convex lens
– concavo-convex lens
– condenser lens
– condensing lens
– contact lens
– converging lens
– convex lens
– convex-concave lens
– distortion-free lens
– diverging lens
– divided lens
– doublet lens
– drum lens
– electromagnetic lens
– electron lens
– equipotential lens
– fast lens
– field lens
– flat-concave lens
– flat-convex lens
– Fresnel lens
– front lens
– immersion lens
– lens aberration
– lens adapter
– lens antenna
– lens aperture
– lens barrel
– lens cap
– lens cement
– lens distortion
– lens hood
– lens is cloudy
– lens mount
– lens pyrometer
– lens space
– lens spectrometer
– long-focus lens
– low-speed lens
– meniscus lens
– narrow-angle lens
– normal lens
– objective lens
– ocular lens
– oil immersion lens
– overlay lens
– panoramic lens
– photographic lens
– projection lens
– quadrupole lens
– quartz lens
– saddle-field lens
– short-focus lens
– simple lens
– slit lens
– slow lens
– spectacle lens
– taking lens
– thick lens
– three-element lens
– ultrasonic lens
– varifocal lens
– welder's lens
– wide-angle lens
– wire lens
– zoom lens
Billet split lens — <phot.> билинза Бийе
correct a lens for aberration — исправлять линза на аберрацию
double convex lens — <opt.> линза двояковыпуклая
zoning of a lens antenna — < radio> выравнивание фазового фронта линзовой антенны
8 lens
1) линза || линзовый2) лупа; объектив; окуляр3) радио линзовая антенна4) геол. чечевица ( форма залегания пласта)•- rotationally symmetric lensto lens out — геол. выклиниваться
9 lens
линза@astronomical lens1.объектив телескопа 2.окуляр телескопа@auxilary lensдобавочная линза@back lensзадняя линза@Barlow lensлинза Барлоу@composite lensсложная линза@corrector lensкоррекционная линза@crystalline lensхрусталик глаза@Fabry lensлинза Фабри@fast lensсветосильный объектив@gravitational lensгравитационная линза@high-aperture lensсветосильный объектив@landscape lensширокоугольный объектив@long-focus lensдлиннофокусный объектив@meniscus lensменисковая линза@objective lensобъектив@ocular lensокуляр@Ross correcting lensкоррекционная линза Росса@two-element lensдвухлинзовый объектив@wide-angle lensширокоугольный объектив@ -
10 single-element lens
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > single-element lens
11 three-element
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > three-element
12 three-element
13 three-element lens
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > three-element lens
14 three-element lens
15 four-element lens
Техника: четырёхлинзовый объектив -
16 single-element lens
1) Картография: однолинзовый объектив2) Макаров: однолинзовый окуляр, простая линза -
17 three-element lens
1) Техника: трёхлинзовый объектив2) Макаров: трёхэлементная линза -
18 single-element lens
19 single-element lens
English-Russian cartography dictionary > single-element lens
20 three-element lens
См. также в других словарях:
Lens element — Линза … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Lens — can refer to: NOTOC In optics*Lens (optics), an optical element which converges or diverges light **Lens (anatomy), a part of the eye **Corrective lens for correction of human vision ***Contact lens, placed on the cornea of the eye **Photographic … Wikipedia
Lens mount — A lens mount is an interface mechanical and often also electrical between a photographic camera body and a lens. It is confined to cameras where the body allows interchangeable lenses, most usually the single lens reflex type or any movie camera… … Wikipedia
Lens (optics) — For other uses, see Lens. A lens. Lenses can be used to focus light. A lens is an optical device with perfect or approximate axial symmetry which tra … Wikipedia
lens cardinal element — kardinalusis lęšio elementas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. lens cardinal element vok. Grundelement der Linse, n; Kardinalelement der Linse, n rus. кардинальный элемент линзы, m pranc. élément cardinal de la lentille, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
élément cardinal de la lentille — kardinalusis lęšio elementas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. lens cardinal element vok. Grundelement der Linse, n; Kardinalelement der Linse, n rus. кардинальный элемент линзы, m pranc. élément cardinal de la lentille, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
element — 1. A substance composed of atoms of only one kind, i.e., of identical atomic (proton) number, that therefore cannot be decomposed into two or more elements and that can lose its chemical properties only by union with some other e. or by a nuclear … Medical dictionary
Achromatic lens — An achromatic lens or achromat is a lens that is designed to limit the effects of chromatic and spherical aberration. Achromatic lenses are corrected to bring two wavelengths (typically red and blue) into focus in the same plane.The most common… … Wikipedia
Canon EF 500mm lens — Infobox photographic lenses name = EF 500mm f4/L USM caption = From left to right : EF 28 300mm f/3.5 5.6L IS USM, 70 200 f/2.8L IS USM, 300mm f/2.8L IS USM, 500mm f/4L IS USM maker = Canon feat is = y feat usm = y feat sbf = feat macro = feat… … Wikipedia
Canon EF-S lens mount — The EF S lens mount is a derivative of the EF lens mount created for a subset of Canon digital single lens reflex cameras with APS C sized image sensors. Cameras supporting the EF S mount are backward compatible with the EF lens mount.The S in EF … Wikipedia
Photographic lens — A photographic lens (also known as objective lens or photographic objective) is an optical lens or assembly of lenses used in conjunction with a camera body and mechanism to make images of objects either on photographic film or on other media… … Wikipedia