1 legal holiday
офіційне свято, встановлене законом свято, встановлений законом святковий день; неробочий день, офіційний неприсутній (неробочий) день -
2 legal holiday
3 legal holiday
4 legal
1) законна дія2) законний, легальний; заснований на законі; заснований на загальному праві, який регулюється загальним правом; легітимний; правовий; правознавчий; правомірний; правосудний; судовий; узаконений; юридичний•legal and administrative machinery for family support — правові і адміністративні заходи підтримки сім'ї
legal gap in protection afforded — прогалина у правовому захисті, що надається
- legal abortionlegal power to correct legal errors — надане законом право виправляти юридичні ( або судові) помилки
- legal abuse
- legal access
- legal accountability
- legal acquisition
- legal act
- legal action
- legal activities
- legal activities activity
- legal acts
- legal address
- legal administration
- legal advertisement
- legal advice
- legal advice bureau
- legal advice center
- legal advice centre
- legal advice office
- legal adviser
- legal advisor
- legal age
- legal agency
- legal agent
- legal aid
- legal aid agency
- legal aid bureau
- legal aid office
- legal aid order
- legal alien
- legal analogy
- legal analysis
- legal approach
- legal area
- legal argument
- legal arrest
- legal aspect
- legal assets
- legal assignment
- legal assistance
- legal assistant
- legal assumption
- legal author
- legal autonomy
- legal awareness
- legal bar
- legal barrier
- legal basis
- legal bill
- legal body
- legal bond
- legal boundary
- legal burden
- legal business
- legal cadres
- legal calendar
- legal capacity
- legal capital
- legal career
- legal case
- legal category
- legal cause
- legal certainty
- legal challenge
- legal changes
- legal charge
- legal check
- legal cheque
- legal circumstance
- legal citation
- legal claim
- legal closing time
- legal code
- legal coercion
- legal committee
- legal competence
- legal complexity
- legal concept
- legal condition
- legal confinement
- legal conflict
- legal conscience
- legal consequence
- legal consequences
- legal consideration
- legal construction
- legal consultation
- legal context
- legal continuity
- legal control
- legal controversy
- legal conviction
- legal-correctional process
- legal costs
- legal councilor
- legal councillor
- legal counsel
- legal counseling
- legal counselor
- legal counsellor
- legal crackdown
- legal crime
- legal culture
- legal currency
- legal custody
- legal custom
- legal decision
- legal deduction
- legal defect
- legal defence
- legal defense
- legal deficiency
- legal definition
- legal delinquency
- legal delivery
- legal demand
- legal deontology
- legal department
- legal dependence
- legal deposit copy
- legal deposit library
- legal descent
- legal details
- legal detention
- legal device
- legal difference
- legal disability
- legal disadvantage
- legal discretion
- legal discrimination
- legal dispute
- legal doctrine
- legal document
- legal documentation
- legal drinking
- legal drinking age
- legal drinking limit
- legal drug
- legal duty
- legal duty
- legal eagle
- legal eavesdropping
- legal education
- legal effect
- legal effectiveness
- legal efficacy
- legal enforcement
- legal enforcement of law
- legal enforcement procedure
- legal entity under public law
- legal entity
- legal environment
- legal equality
- legal equality of the sexes
- legal error
- legal essence
- legal estate
- legal ethics
- legal evaluation
- legal evidence
- legal excuse
- legal execution
- legal executive
- legal exemption
- legal expenses
- legal expenses insurance
- legal experience
- legal expert
- legal expertise
- legal explanation
- legal exposition
- legal fact
- legal father
- legal fees
- legal fetishism
- legal fiction
- legal field
- legal fight
- legal force
- legal form
- legal formality
- legal formula
- legal formulation
- legal foundation
- legal foundations
- legal frame
- legal framework
- legal framing
- legal fraud
- legal function
- legal gambler
- legal gambling
- legal gap
- legal glossator
- legal government
- legal ground
- legal groundwork
- legal guarantee
- legal guarantees
- legal guardian
- legal guilt
- legal hearing
- legal historian
- legal history
- legal holder
- legal holiday
- legal home
- legal humanism
- legal hypothesis
- legal identity
- legal immigration
- legal immunity
- legal implementation
- legal implication
- legal implications
- legal impossibility
- legal incapacity
- legal incident
- legal income
- legal incompetence
- legal information
- legal injury
- legal innovation
- legal innovation
- legal innovations
- legal insanity
- legal institution
- legal instruction
- legal instrument
- legal intent
- legal interest
- legal interest rate
- legal interpretation
- legal investigation
- legal investigator
- legal irregularity
- legal issue
- legal journal
- legal judge
- legal judgement
- legal judgment
- legal jurisdiction
- legal justice
- legal justification
- legal killer
- legal killing
- legal knowledge
- legal language
- legal liability
- legal lien
- legal limit
- legal limitation
- legal literature
- legal loophole
- legal lynching
- legal malice
- legal malpractice
- legal manufacture
- legal marriage
- legal matter
- legal maxim
- legal means
- legal means of social control
- legal measure
- legal mechanism
- legal medicine
- legal methodology
- legal minimum age of marriage
- legal minimum wage rate
- legal minimum wage rates
- legal minor
- legal monopoly
- legal monument
- legal mortgage
- legal mother
- legal name
- legal nationality
- legal negligence
- legal nihilism
- legal nomenclature
- legal norm
- legal notice
- legal notification
- legal notion
- legal object
- legal objection
- legal objective
- legal obligation
- legal observation method
- legal observer
- legal obstruction
- legal office
- legal office
- legal officer
- legal official
- legal operation
- legal opinion
- legal order
- legal organization
- legal owner
- legal parlance
- legal papers
- legal participation
- legal perjury
- legal permissibility
- legal permission
- legal person
- legal personality
- legal phenomenon
- legal philosopher
- legal philosophy
- legal picketing
- legal platform
- legal play
- legal point
- legal point of view
- legal policy
- legal portion
- legal position
- legal positivism
- legal positivist
- legal possession
- legal power
- legal practice
- legal practitician
- legal practitioner
- legal precept
- legal predecessor
- legal prerequisite
- legal presumption
- legal presumption of death
- legal principle
- legal privilege
- legal problem
- legal procedure
- legal procedure publicity
- legal procedures
- legal proceeding
- legal proceedings
- legal process
- legal profession
- legal profession member
- legal professional
- legal professional privilege
- legal prohibition
- legal proposition
- legal propriety
- legal prosecution
- legal protectee
- legal protection
- legal protection of software
- legal provision
- legal psychiatry
- legal purism
- legal purist
- legal qualification
- legal question
- legal rationale
- legal realism
- legal reality
- legal reasoning
- legal recognition
- legal recourse
- legal redress
- legal reference
- legal reform
- legal reformer
- legal regime
- legal regulation
- legal rehabilitation
- legal rehabilitation
- legal relations
- legal relationship
- legal relationships
- legal relative
- legal relativism
- legal relevance
- legal relief
- legal remedy
- legal representation
- legal representative
- legal reputation
- legal requirement
- legal reservation
- legal reserve
- legal residence
- legal resolution
- legal restraint
- legal restriction
- legal right-enforcing
- legal right
- legal rights
- legal risk
- legal rule
- legal safeguard
- legal safety
- legal sanction
- legal scholar
- legal science
- legal scientist
- legal search
- legal secretary
- legal security
- legal self-help
- legal sense
- legal sentence
- legal sentencing
- legal separation
- legal service
- legal services
- legal significance
- legal source
- legal specialist
- legal speech
- legal sphere
- legal spokesman
- legal spouse
- legal staff
- legal standard
- legal state
- legal statement
- legal statistics
- legal status
- legal status of a person
- legal step
- legal storage period
- legal strike
- legal structure
- legal studies
- legal subbranch
- legal sub-branch
- legal subject
- legal subjectivity
- legal submission
- legal subrogation
- legal succession
- legal successor
- legal suit
- legal system
- legal tapping
- legal technicality
- legal technician
- legal technique
- legal techniques
- legal tender
- legal tender note
- legal term
- legal termination
- legal termination of marriage
- legal territory
- legal test
- legal text
- legal theorist
- legal theory
- legal thinker
- legal thinking
- legal thought
- legal title
- legal tool
- legal topic
- legal tradition
- legal training
- legal transaction
- legal treasury note
- legal treatise
- legal treatment
- legal trial
- legal ubiquity
- legal uncertainty
- legal unit
- legal usage
- legal vacuum
- legal validity
- legal venue
- legal view
- legal viewpoint
- legal violence
- legal volition
- legal voter
- legal waiver
- legal wife
- legal wiretap
- legal wiretapping
- legal wording
- legal work
- legal writer
- legal writing
- legal wrong
- legal year -
5 legal
adj1) юридичний, правовийlegal adviser (expert) — юрисконсульт; юридичний радник
L. Branch — військ. юридична служба
2) судовийto institute (to take) legal proceedings against smb. — розпочати судовий процес проти когось
3) законний; дозволений законом; легальний4) рел. оснований на Мойсеевому законі* * *I n; pl; ек.цінні папери, які за законом можуть бути придбані довірчими установамиII a1) юридичний, правовийlegal adviser /expert/ — юрисконсульт
legal obligation — правове зобов'язання; судовий
2) законний; дозволений законом; легальний3) peл. заснований на Мойсеєвому законіlegal beagle, legal eagle — aмep.; cл. юрист-пройдисвіт
6 holiday
1. n1) свято; день відпочинку; неробочий деньlegal holiday — амер. неслужбовий день
2) тж pl відпустка; канікули, вакації3) відпочинок, розвагаto make holiday — розважатися; святкувати
2. adjсвятковий; відпускний; канікулярнийholiday time (season) — а) час літніх відпусток; б) курортний (дачний) сезон
3. vпроводити відпустку (канікули), відпочивати* * *I n1) свято; день відпочинку; неробочий, неслужбовий день2) pl відпустка; канікули, вакації3) відпочинок, розвага4) мop. незафарбоване або недосмолене місцеII a1) святковий2) відпускний; канікулярнийIII vпроводити відпустку, канікули (осіб, на курорті) -
7 give
давати, надавати; дарувати; виносити ( рішення); накладати ( покарання тощо)give a written undertaking not to leave one's permanent place of residence — давати підписку про невиїзд
give a written undertaking of non-divulgence — (of investigation materials, etc.) давати підписку про нерозголошення ( матеріалів слідства тощо)
give aid and comfort to a criminal — надавати допомогу злочинцю, допомагати (сприяти) злочинцю
give an order to halt before firing — віддавати наказ зупинитися перед тим, як буде зроблено постріл
give an order "to shoot and kill" — віддавати наказ про відкриття вогню на знищення
- give a broad interpretationgive self-incriminating evidence — давати свідчення проти самого себе, свідчити проти себе
- give a caution
- give a child up for adoption
- give a clearance
- give a false name
- give a guidance
- give a judgement
- give a judgment
- give a life sentence
- give a name
- give a reasoned opinion
- give a ruling
- give a sentence
- give a solid alibi
- give a tendentious appraisal
- give a term
- give a testimony
- give a ticket
- give a top-security clearance
- give a verdict
- give a wide interpretation
- give a written undertaking
- give access
- give advice
- give advice on legal matters
- give advisory opinion
- give aid
- give an engagement ring
- give an inside tip on the raid
- give an instruction
- give an opinion
- give authority
- give back
- give bail
- give birth
- give chase
- give chase to ones' automobile
- give color
- give confession
- give effect
- give equal rights
- give evidence
- give evidence under compulsion
- give false evidence
- give false testimony
- give forth
- give fresh evidence
- give further effect
- give ground
- give guidelines
- give guiding instructions
- give holiday without pay
- give in charge
- give in confidence
- give in evidence
- give in verdict
- give information to the police
- give instructions
- give jurisdiction
- give justification
- give latitude
- give law
- give law
- give laws
- give legal form
- give light weight
- give moral support
- give notice
- give offence
- give offense
- give official approval
- give one's fiat
- give one's name
- give one's name and address
- give one's surname and address
- give one's word
- give oneself out
- give oneself up
- give oneself up to the police
- give out
- give powers
- give preference
- give publicity
- give punishment
- give reasons
- give reasons for the decision
- give rise to a breach
- give rise to an action
- give sanction
- give sanctuary to hijackers
- give security
- give short measure
- give smb. his deserts
- give smb. her deserts
- give special consideration
- give testimony
- give the ballot
- give the benefit of the doubt
- give the court the discretion
- give the defendant a caution
- give the exclusive right
- give the floor
- give the force of an Act
- give the force of an law
- give the higher rank
- give the next rank
- give the requisite testimony
- give the right of abode
- give the vote
- give time
- give title
- give to the public
- give to the world
- give up
- give up a claim
- give up a right
- give up firearms
- give up guns
- give validity
- give wide discretion
- give witness
- give wound -
8 grant
1) дозвіл; дарування; дарча; дарчий акт; дотація, субсидія; відчуження; документ про відчуження майна; одноразова грошова виплата; передача прав(а) власності; видача ( чогось); надання ( чогось)2) дозволяти; дарувати; відчужувати; надавати (ліцензію, право тощо); давати (дозвіл, дотацію тощо); передавати ( право власності)•grant a compensation award to an injured worker — надавати компенсаційну виплату ушкодженому працівнику
grant divorce at the request of either party — дозволяти розлучення на прохання будь-якої з двох сторін
- grant a benefitgrant immunity from prosecution in return for testifying for the state — надавати імунітет ( від судового переслідування) в обмін на свідчення на користь обвинувачення ( або держави)
- grant a guarantee
- grant a lease
- grant a leave
- grant a leave of the court
- grant a licence
- grant a license
- grant a motion
- grant a patent
- grant a permission
- grant a permit
- grant a petition
- grant a policy
- grant a power
- grant a relief
- grant a request
- grant a respite
- grant a stay of execution
- grant a tales
- grant a visa
- grant a title
- grant amnesty
- grant an appeal
- grant an application
- grant an exemption
- grant asylum
- grant audit
- grant authority
- grant-back clause
- grant bail
- grant charter
- grant citizenship
- grant concession
- grant demands
- grant discharge
- grant divorce
- grant dominion status
- grant emergency powers
- grant emoluments
- grant exemption from a tax
- grant exemption from taxation
- grant exterritoriality
- grant extraterritorial rights
- grant from government
- grant from the Crown
- grant funds
- grant holiday without pay
- grant immunity
- grant-in-aid
- grant landing rights
- grant leave
- grant legal aid
- grant of authority
- grant of benefit
- grant of dignity
- grant of immunity
- grant of nationality
- grant of pardon
- grant of patent
- grant of parole
- grant of permission
- grant of power of attorney
- grant of probate
- grant of probation
- grant of recognition
- grant of representation
- grant of separation
- grant of time off
- grant of title of honor
- grant of title of honour
- grant pardon
- grant Parliamentary sanction
- grant parole
- grant permission
- grant permit
- grant political asylum
- grant political autonomy
- grant power
- grant powers
- grant preference unilaterally
- grant privilege
- grant probate
- grant protection
- grant rehearing
- grant relief
- grant relief of waiver
- grant sanction
- grant self-government
- grant state independence
- grant surety
- grant the power of attorney
- grant the refugee status
- grant the request for retrial -
9 national
1) підданий (ім.), громадянин; вітчизна; військова повинність2) національний, державний; федеральний, загальнодержавний; внутрішньодержавний, вітчизняний; народний•National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect — Національний центр з питань жорстокого поводження з дітьми та недогляду за дітьми ( США)
National Crime Information Center — = National Crime Information Centre Національний центр інформації про злочини ( США)
National Crime Information Centre — = National Crime Information Center
national search for wanted file — картотека осіб, які перебувають у розшуку, оголошеному в масштабах країни
national security classification — засекречування відомостей, що стосуються державної безпеки
- national accountsNational Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children — Національне товариство попередження жорстокого поводження з дітьми
- national administration
- national agency
- national agreement
- national airspace
- national anthem
- national archives
- national arrest warrant
- National Assembly
- national assistance
- national authority
- national autonomy
- National Bankruptcy Act
- National Bank Act
- national bank
- National Bank of Ukraine
- national board
- national border
- national borders
- national boundary
- national boundaries
- national budget
- national census
- national committee
- national consensus
- national consciousness
- national constitution
- national contract
- national convention
- national council
- national court
- national currency
- national day
- national debt
- national defence matter
- national defense matter
- national defence information
- national defense information
- national democracy
- national democrat
- national democratic
- national-democratic
- national dignity
- national domain
- National Driver Register
- national drug-control policy
- national election
- national emblem
- national executive
- national feelings
- national fingerprint file
- national flag
- national flag desecration
- national form of government
- national frontier
- national guard
- national government
- national guardsman
- national health
- national heritage
- national holiday
- national income tax
- national insurance
- national insurance act
- national insurance law
- national Interpol bureau
- national intolerance
- national judicial system
- national jurisdiction
- national language
- national law
- national laws
- national legal system
- national legislation
- national level
- national liberation
- national-liberation
- national liberation war
- National Maximum Speed Limit
- national minority
- national monument
- national observer
- national origin of a work
- national origin
- national parliament
- national patriot
- national pension
- national property domain
- national police
- national policy
- national poll
- national power
- national problem
- national property
- national qualification
- national reconciliation
- national referendum
- national representative
- national republic
- national security
- national security act
- national security law
- national security adviser
- National Security Agency
- National Security Council
- national security offence
- national security offense
- national self-determination
- national servant
- national service
- national serviceman
- National Sheriffs' Association
- national system
- National Socialist Party
- national socialist
- national sovereignty
- national strife
- national strike
- national supremacy
- national tax
- national tax systems
- national taxation
- national taxes
- national ticket
- national tolerance
- national treatment
- national union
- national unity
- national values
- national waters
- national wealth
См. также в других словарях:
legal holiday — UK US noun [C] ► US an official public holiday when businesses are closed: »Monday was Emancipation Day, a legal holiday in the District of Columbia. → Compare BANK HOLIDAY(Cf. ↑bank holiday) ► LAW a day on which courts of law are closed: »The… … Financial and business terms
legal holiday — n AmE an official holiday on which most government offices and banks are closed British Equivalent: bank holiday … Dictionary of contemporary English
legal holiday — ☆ legal holiday n. a holiday set by statute, during which government and, usually, business affairs are suspended, schools and courts are closed, etc … English World dictionary
legal holiday — noun authorized by law and limiting work or official business (Freq. 2) • Syn: ↑national holiday, ↑public holiday • Hypernyms: ↑holiday • Hyponyms: ↑New Year s Day, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
legal holiday — A day declared a holiday by statute, the terms of which, such as provisions respecting the closing of banks, exchanges, public offices, etc., determine the nature of the business which can be legally transacted upon the day. A statutory… … Ballentine's law dictionary
legal holiday — noun Date: 1867 a holiday established by legal authority and marked by restrictions on work and transaction of official business … New Collegiate Dictionary
legal holiday — a public holiday established by law, during which certain work, government business, etc., is restricted. [1865 70, Amer.] * * * … Universalium
legal holiday — noun N. Amer. a statutory public holiday … English new terms dictionary
legal holiday — le′gal hol′iday n. a public holiday established by law, during which certain work, government business, etc., is restricted • Etymology: 1865–70 … From formal English to slang
legal holiday — /ˌli:g(ə)l hɒlɪdeɪ/ noun a day when banks and other businesses are closed … Dictionary of banking and finance
holiday — I noun celebration, day of festivities, day off, dies festus, feriae, festival, fete, furlough, gala, jubilee, leave, leisure, lull, recess, rest, time off, vacation associated concepts: general holiday, legal holiday II index furlough … Law dictionary