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layout optimization

См. также в других словарях:

  • Discontinuity layout optimization — Failure mechanism of an embedded foundation (identified using DLO) Discontinuity layout optimization (DLO) is an engineering analysis procedure which can be used to directly establish the amount of load that can be carried by a solid or structure …   Wikipedia

  • Compiler optimization — is the process of tuning the output of a compiler to minimize or maximize some attributes of an executable computer program. The most common requirement is to minimize the time taken to execute a program; a less common one is to minimize the… …   Wikipedia

  • Loop optimization — In compiler theory, loop optimization plays an important role in improving cache performance, making effective use of parallel processing capabilities, and reducing overheads associated with executing loops. Most execution time of a scientific… …   Wikipedia

  • Optics Software for Layout and Optimization — (OSLO) is an optical design program originally developed at the University of Rochester in the 1970s. The first commercial version was produced in 1976 by Sinclair Optics. Since then, OSLO has been rewritten several times as computer technology… …   Wikipedia

  • Interprocedural optimization — (IPO) is a compiler technique used in computer programming to improve performance in programs containing many frequently used functions of small or medium length. IPO differs from other compiler optimization because it analyzes the entire… …   Wikipedia

  • Profile-guided optimization — (PGO)  техника оптимизации программы компилятором, нацеленная на увеличение производительности выполнения программы. В отличие от традиционных способов оптимизации, анализирующих исключительно исходные коды, PGO использует результаты… …   Википедия

  • Architectural design optimization — (ADO) is a subfield of engineering that uses optimization methods to study, aid, and solve architectural design problems, such as optimal floorplan layout design, optimal circulation paths between rooms, and similar …   Wikipedia

  • Shaft construction — concerns the building of vertical openings such as Raises and Shafts. Shafts are vertical openings used for supplying equipment, personnel, and support systems to the horizontal tunnel where the pipeline is installed. They can be temporary or… …   Wikipedia

  • DLO — can refer to: D Lo Brown, ring name of American professional wrestler Ace Conner Defence Logistics Organisation, a department of the Ministry of Defence that supplies the British Armed Forces Dead letter office, a department of the United States… …   Wikipedia

  • Harold and Inge Marcus Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering — The Harold and Inge Marcus Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering is the industrial engineering department at the Pennsylvania State University in State College, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. Founded in 1908, it is the oldest industrial… …   Wikipedia

  • Integrated circuit design — Layout view of a simple CMOS Operational Amplifier ( inputs are to the left and the compensation capacitor is to the right ). The metal layers are colored blue and green, the polysilicon is red and vias are crosses. Integrated circuit design, or… …   Wikipedia

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