1 latter
latter ['ladəʀ] <-en> Gelächter n, Lachen n;have latteren på sin side die Lacher auf seiner Seite haben;slå en latter op (laut) auflachen;være ved at dø af latter fam fig sich halb totlachen;gøre sig til latter sich lächerlich machen -
2 latter
sg - látterenсмех м* * *laugh, laughter, mirth* * *(en) laughter ( fx we heard loud laughter from the next room);( enkelt udbrud, måde at le på) laugh ( fx 'No,' he said with a laugh; he has a sneering laugh);[ slå en høj latter op] burst into a loud laugh;[ jeg havde latteren på min side] I had the laugh on my side; the laugh was on the other chap(s) (el. on him etc);[ være til latter] be a laughing-stock;[ være til latter for] be the laughing-stock of. -
3 latter
4 latter
5 latter fk
laugh -
6 latter
nounrire mxxxrire m -
7 latter
სიცილი -
8 latter
сміх -
9 at latter
to laugh -
10 sidstnævnte
latter [last-mentioned] -
11 sidst
last, up-to-the-minute* * *adj last,( om tid: som netop er gået) last, past ( fx hour, year);(adv) last;(conj) when... last ( fx when I was there last);[ forskellige forb:][ den sidste] the last,( sidstnævnte af to) the latter;[ den fjerde sidste] the last but three;[ det sidste] the last (thing) ( fx that was the last thing I should do; the last I heard of him);[ har du hørt hans sidste?] have you heard his latest?[ sidst men ikke mindst] last (but) not least;[ hvornår så du ham sidst?] when did you see him last? (el. last see him?);[ sidst jeg så ham] when I saw him last (el. last saw him);[ med sb:][ de sidste 14 dage] the last (el. this) fortnight,(am) the last two weeks;[ de to sidste dage] the last two days;[ de sidste dages hellige] the Latter-Day Saints;[ sidste halvdel af] the latter half of;[ til sidste mand] to the last man;[ sidste mode] the latest fashion;[ sidste måned] last month;[ i den sidste tid] recently,F of late,( især i negative og spørgende sætninger) lately ( fx have you seen him lately?);[ hans sidste time] his last hour;[ sidste år] last year;[ i de sidste år] in recent years; during (el. in) the last (el. past) few years;[ i de sidste ti år] during (el. in) the last ten years, for ten years past;[ med præp:][ sidst i juli] late in July;[ sidst i tyverne (, trediverne etc)]( om alder) in his (, her) late twenties (, thirties etc),( om årstal) in the late twenties (, thirties etc);[ sidst på måneden] at the end of the month;[ sidst på sommeren] late in the summer, in late summer;[ siden sidst], se I. siden;[ til sidst]( til slut) finally, at the end ( fx at the end they played thenational anthem);...);( efter en lang udvikling) in the end ( fx in the end he gave up), finally,( langt om længe) at long last, at length,( til syvende og sidst, F) eventually ( fx he hesitated for a long time, but eventually he decided to try);(se også først);[ til det sidste] to the last ( fx faithful to the last), to the end;[ kæmpe til det sidste] fight to a finish. -
12 dette
см. denne* * ** * *pron this;( sidstnævnte) he (, she),F the latter ( fx when Mary Tudor had married King Philip, he (, F: the latter) succeeded in...),( om ting) it ( fx when he tried the door he found that it wasclosed);[den 5. dennes] the 5th of this (el. the present) month.{}pron this;(se også denne). -
13 sidstnævnte
14 briste
vb (-de el. brast, bristet) burst, break,( pludseligt, med et smæld) snap ( fx the rope snapped);( slå fejl) fail;[ det må briste eller bære] it is neck or nothing, it's kill or cure;[ få hans hjerte til at briste] break his heart;[ håbet brast] hope faded (, F: was shattered);[ få hans tålmodighed til at briste] exhaust his patience, try his patience to breaking point;[ knopperne er ved at briste] the buds are bursting;[ briste i gråd] burst into tears;[ briste i latter] burst out laughing, burst into laughter;[ bristende øjne] dying eyes;[ brustne øjne] glazed eyes. -
15 drukne
1. 1, vtутопи́ть2. 1, viутону́ть* * *deluge, drown* * *vb(en, noget) drown ( fx kittens; one's sorrows (in drink));( uden objekt) be drowned, drown;[ han druknede] he (was) drowned;[ han er ved at drukne] he is drowning;[ han er ved at drukne i arbejde] he is snowed under with work;[ den drukner ej, som hænges skal] if your are born to be hanged, then you'll never be drowned;[ han var våd som en druknet mus] he was as wet as a drowned rat;[ talen druknede i latter] the speech was drowned in laughter;[ drukne i mængden] be lost in the crowd;[ kampen druknede i regn] the match was washed out;[ førstehjælp til drukne(n)de] first aid for the drowning. -
16 eksplodere
blow up, explode, go off* * *vb explode, blow up;( om noget oppumpet) burst;[ eksplodere af raseri] explode with rage,T blow one's top;[ ved at eksplodere af latter] ready to burst with laughter. -
17 genstand
sg - génstanden, pl - génstandeпредме́т м* * *butt, subject, target, thing* * *(en -e)( ting) object, thing;(mål for følelse etc) object ( fx of hatred, of love, of pity, of studies);(gram. = objekt) (direct) object;( som drikkes) drink;[ den elskede genstand] his (, her) beloved; the object of his (, her) affections;[ genstand for latter] laughing-stock;[ blive genstand for mistanke] come under suspicion, be suspected;[ han var ikke genstand for megen opmærksomhed] he did not receive much attention. -
18 grin
sg - grinet, pl - grinнасме́шка жgǿre grin med nóget — подшу́чивать над чем-л.
vǽre til grin — быть посме́шищем
* * ** * *(et -)( latter) laugh,( grimasse) grin;( sjov) fun;[ det er til at dø af grin over] it's a scream;[ de var ved at dø af grin over] they were killing themselves with laughter over;[ gøre grin med] make fun of,( ved at narre) take a rise out of,( satirisere) send up;[ til grin] ridiculous;[ det er helt til grin] it's a farce;[ gøre sig til grin] make a fool of oneself;[ gøre en til grin] make a fool of somebody;[ være til grin] be a laughing stock;T have egg on one's face;[ være til grin for] be the laughing stock of. -
19 halvkvalt
adj half-smothered, stifled;[ halvkvalt af latter] half stifled with laughter. -
20 hulke
См. также в других словарях:
latter — [ late ] v. tr. <conjug. : 1> • 1288; de latte ♦ Garnir de lattes. Latter un plafond. Latter à lattes jointives, à claire voie. ● latter verbe transitif Garnir quelque chose de lattes. latter v. tr. d1./d Garnir de lattes. d2./d Arg. Donner … Encyclopédie Universelle
Latter — Lat ter, a. [OE. later, l[ae]tter, compar. of lat late. See {Late}, and cf. {Later}.] 1. Later; more recent; coming or happening after something else; opposed to {former}; as, the former and latter rain. [1913 Webster] 2. Of two things, the one… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
latter — Latter. v. a. Garnir de lattes. Cette maison est couverte, le comble est mis, il ne reste plus qu à latter, il la faut latter … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
latter — ► ADJECTIVE 1) nearer to the end than to the beginning. 2) recent: in latter years. 3) (the latter) denoting the second or second mentioned of two people or things. ORIGIN Old English, «slower»; related to LATE(Cf. ↑lateness) … English terms dictionary
latter — [lat′ər] adj. [ME lattre < OE lættra, compar. of læt: it represents the orig. compar. form; LATER is a new formation] 1. alt. compar. of LATE 2. a) later; more recent b) nearer the end or close [the latter part of M … English World dictionary
latter — index before mentioned, subsequent Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
latter — (adj.) O.E. lætra slower, comparative of læt late (see LATE (Cf. late) (adj.)). Sense of second of two first recorded 1550s. The modern LATER (Cf. later) is a formation from mid 15c … Etymology dictionary
latter — [adj] latest, concluding closing, eventual, final, following, hindmost, lag, last, last mentioned, later, modern, rearmost, recent, second, terminal; concepts 585,799 Ant. earliest, former, preceding … New thesaurus
latter — former, latter 1. These two words are used individually or contrastively (as the former and the latter) to refer to the first and second respectively of two people or things previously mentioned; in this role they are used attributively (before a … Modern English usage
latter — 01. Whereas the former proposal is more costly, the [latter] one would take much more time. 02. Nervousness about Y2K computer problems grew considerably in the [latter] half of 1999. 03. My grandfather had always been very healthy, but his mind… … Grammatical examples in English
latter — lat|ter [ lætər ] function word *** Latter can be used in the following ways: as an adjective (only before a noun): the latter half of 1996 He considered his students either geniuses or idiots, and I fell into the latter category. as a pronoun… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English